I watched the Crepe Erase commercial and then decided to order. The cost as shown on the tv commercial was $49.95. During the call to order, I was told that to cancel a "membership", which is news to me (I heard nothing about a "membership" on the tv commercial), call back within 30 days. I called back a couple of days later after receiving the product to cancel, and was told that I have a balance of $105.00 because "You were sent a 90 day supply". This is deceitful and wrong. Nothing was ever mentioned on the commercial about a certain cost for a certain amount of the product. The commercial even stated that the $49.95 cost is a $143.00 savings.
"Ari" also told me that my credit card will be charged in two consecutive months for the supposed balance of $105.00. What is the deal here with Crepe Erase? I am being scammed and I really do not like it. Do not charge my credit card against my wishes, and fraudulently. This is not right.
Desired outcome: Do not charge my credit card for any more payments. Do not steal from me as a well known company. It's shameful that you all resort to this type of nonsense.
My advise to you is to be sure you know how much you will be charged for this product. After the first shipment which is the trial. shipment @ $80.58. If you decide to keep it $106.57 X2 is what you will pay for that second shipment. So $213.15 total. you are billed in 2 installments for that kit. They will allow you to return that second shipment and you have 60 days to return it. I took a 20% discount, keep the second shipment and pay $76.57 in 2 installments. As I explained to them I am having health issues and just didnt want to deal with the hassle. So we live and learn.