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Curves International

Curves International review: The overall attitude stunk! 44

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12:00 am EDT
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I joined Curves for Women in March of 2005. Upon sign up, I asked them about cancellation of the one year membership, and the assured me, that with a doctors note, you can cancel your membership with just a charge of one months payment - fine, I joined! In November of 2005, I became pregnant and did not wish to continue with my memebership for fear of losing the pregnancy. My dues were not due until the 7th of the month - well on the evening of the 6th, my husband dropped off in person the dr. note, yet they still deducted my dues b/c they said they did the banking, etc the night before! Then, about a month later, I unfortunatly miscarried. I didn't feel the need to tell the gym my personal business, so I left it at that (since my husband and I were planning on trying for another baby). So in May, I receive a letter saying my membership will be taken off hold and I dues will resume being taken out on may 15th (I receieved the letter on May 5th or so). I immediatly called the following day and the manager was not in, I left a message and she called back the following day. I explained to her the situation (miscarriage b/c she would know anyway b/c my sister attends that gym and everyone knows everyones business). I also told her that if I was still pregnant, I would not be anle to work out at 6 month pregnant! She says she will look into what she can do - fast forward to June of this year (2006) and she calls and says I never called her back (she was supposed to call me back). She says the same thing - I will be charged a $89 fee for cancelling - I said fine cancel it then but I HAD a dr. note - she then says the only dr. note that allows to to cancel a membership is when it states you can never work out again! I told her i was never told this upon joining! Then I again told her it made no sense b/c if I was still pregnant, I would be 8 months now - and she tells me "well we have an 8 month pregnant woman working out now" - I dont care, i tell her - i think that woman is crazy then! I told her i can't come back b/c the hours stink and i have no one to watch my girls - she says bring them in - i told her i tried that once and got an attitude from an employee. Finally i told her i would come in sept when the girls start pre-k and she said she would call me back and let me know if i could hold it that long! if i am coming back - i am going for the 2 or 3 months left on the contract and then i will never, ever renew again. On a side note, the hrs. stunk, i never felt i had privacy there - i felt the employees would discuss private stuff they knew about you with other members (i heard it myself while working out there) and the overall attitude stunk - plus i dont think it was a good workout - 3 different employees showed me 3 different ways to work out on one machine!

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Sherry Papworth
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Jul 09, 2007 11:40 am EDT

Curves stinks. I join a month and a half ago. I decided that LA Fitness was a better fit for me, so I called Curves to cancel.

They informed me that I signed a one year contract. I said that I understood that but what about canceling early and paying a penalty fee. They said no, that I have to pay $39 for the next 10 months ! I do not like the Curves environment and it took me longer than 3 days to figure that out. (3 days is their time frame they give you do cancel). The work out is not much a work out. There is one lady there that comes in everyday wearing street clothes and she does the circuit not wearing any shoes! And another lady joined that always wears skirts! Sure they're long and it's probably a requirement of her religion or something, but I find it very unsettling to have this lady using the equipment wearing a skirt!

hannah briggs
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Aug 23, 2007 8:21 am EDT

I totally agree! Now, they have moved out of our town, and i wonder how many others have been left-without? I never liked curves from day one. But joined because of a friend and, there was always the owner in there--a man. Staring at us---he was far from friendly too. They bugged u, to come in, or to donate food. Yeah, they probably kept it! Yet in some places-like main for instance, i was told that u can only go to curves a couple times a week! Then read on here, that u had to make an appt? Wtf!? I want to know, why money cannot be refunded! Notes from the dr? EVERY MONTH? That is bull. I say a class action suit be held against curves. First it's $300- then a ''fee'' for joining---duh, part of the $300? Then we had to bring in huge bags of food? Every time, it was something else they were trying to sell and i thought the avon lady was bad? At least they give samples, lol... my friend became very ill and couldn't go. She should be entitled to that money because she stopped going!

Samantha D
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Sep 11, 2007 7:41 pm EDT

I recently went to a curves gym to see if it was the gym for me.

Surprised and slightly outraged at the environment.
The gym appeared to be set up in a day care. With cloud, and star stickers all over the place. I actually asked if a daycare shared their space suring off hours...They looked offended that I'd ask such a thing.

I understand the demographic target they are shooting for, but come on!
When it came time to decide if I'd join or not the staff became a little pushy, and were less open about answering tougher questions.

When asked the biggest questions about their qualifications and training; I was starred at like a deer caught in headlights.
Only to learn NONE of the staff are qualified trainers, in fitness and/or how the body works. None of the staff had first aid training as far as the sale person knew.
They are only able to take your measurements, monitor heart rates and how you use their equipment.

They are trained on THEIR equipment by cd's provided to them through their head office; and do a "training review" once a month, again by cd.
How accurate that information is? I don't know, but that is what the sales pitch was.

Needless to say, I would strongly suggest against joining this gym.

Warm regards,

Coquitlam, B.C. Canada

Bernice Sanders
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Sep 22, 2007 10:42 am EDT

Cruves for my was nothing but a waist of energer and gas. I feel though, there should be much better trainers , that part is awful. I also left curves due to very personal reason,they did very little for me, my starting weight was 165lbs. one month later curves scales reported my weight as 180lbs. that was a joke.
I've never weighed that much in my life. They lie to keep women coming back. The same day my doctor's scale showed that I weighed only 165 still. They put it on losing muscle, well whatever! I paid my dues faithfully for one year, which is what my contract stated we must do if we decide not to cancell early. After one year they continued to take money out of my bank account. I called our local curver here in Alabama and was told that i had to write a letter of concellation . You can rest forsure that only letter I write will be to my local Better Business Bureau and lawyer.Eating healthy and dieting I lost no weight the in 4 months when i was there.

Bernice Sanders
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Sep 22, 2007 10:50 am EDT

Cruves for my was nothing but a waist of energy and gas. I feel though, there should be much better trainers , that part is awful. I also left curves due to very personal reason,they did very little for me, my starting weight was 165lbs. one month later curves scales reported my weight as 180lbs. that was a joke.
I've never weighed that much in my life. They lie to keep women coming back. The same day my doctor's scale showed that I weighed only 165 still. They put it on losing muscle, well whatever! I paid my dues faithfully for one year, which is what my contract stated we must do if we decide to cancel early. After one year Curves continued to take money out of my bank account. I called our local curver here in Alabama and was told that i had to write a letter of concellation . You can rest forsure that only letter I write will be to my local Better Business Bureau and lawyer after I stop payment with my bank .Eating healthy and dieting I lost no weight the 4 months when i was there.

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Sep 25, 2007 3:54 pm EDT

I had the same experiences as all of you. The trainers all showed me something different with the same machines. They all measured different. And they had no real health knowledge. I found the circuit not to be challenging and quite boring.

After going for 6 months my hours at work changed and I was not able to go anymore because of there horrible hours. I tried to cancel and was told that it would be to expensive and that I would have to pay the membership fee that was waived in the beginning and also have to pay out the rest of my contract which termed in August. I agreed to pay until august. When August came I was told that since I had a month free when I joined I had to pay out all of August and term in September. When Septmeber came I was told that my contract stipulates that I must pay 1 full year before I can cancel which would be September. I am so disgusted with this gym. These contracts are so ridiculous. NEVER,NEVER, NEVER again will I be fooled by curves.

Jennie Politis
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Nov 01, 2007 4:28 pm EDT

I wish to express my extreme concern and disappointment as a result of recent dealings with a Curves staff member at the Bundoora Curves.

I made an appointment to start training at Curves along with my daughter. My daughter plays soccer and was wishing to increase her fitness prior to the season starting and I was also interested in toning up and increasing my fitness.

We visited the centre on Monday 29th October and were booked with Hazel for our assessment. Hazel completed my assessment and then went on to do my daughters assessment.

After weighing and measuring my daughter, Hazel commented to her “you’re carrying a bit of weight aren’t you, a bit too much junk food maybe?” My daughter is 16 years old, is 165cms tall and weighs 54kg! I could not believe the inappropriateness and insensitivity of this comment, expressed my concern to Hazel and left immediately without joining up as planned.

I have referred to the CSIRO Nutrition website and my daughter’s weight is quite acceptable for her height (in fact she is 1kg below the lower limit for her height – certainly not carrying a bit of weight!).

Fortunately my daughter has a healthy body image and was able to disregard this comment, but what if a similar comment is made to another young woman in the future who does not have a health body image? – these are the sorts of comments that encourages low self esteem, promotes poor body image and even lead to eating disorders. I feel that Hazel has been extremely irresponsible in the comments she made and also the attitude she made them with.

I certainly do not wish to deal with such ridiculous attitudes but felt that your organization should be aware of what your staff members are saying to potential members. As an organization which is presumably promoting good health and positive body image to a female market I would hope that these sorts of comments would not be made – particularly to young women.

It is a shame that this encounter has been so negative – we will not be returning to Curves in Bundoora and instead will look at other options where the attitudes are more in keeping with our health and fitness goals. I have also advised my friends and colleagues of this particular encounter so unfortunately Hazel’s comments have discouraged future possible members from joining.

I hope that as result of this feedback, staff members at your facility can be more aware of the potential effects their comments can have on people and that they are in a role where understanding, support and sensitivity are required – not socially irresponsible remarks!

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Mar 20, 2008 12:04 pm EDT

I also joined curves september 2007. I just dont have the time to go there. I realy am not that inpressed with them. I can not wait till my 1 year is up I might try and give them another chance. But I will never do that again.

Kimberly J Craig-Priebe
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Mar 21, 2008 3:19 pm EDT

I joined Curves in Feb. 2006 and initially things were ok. The only thing I did not care for was the hours they were open.. perhaps I should say the many hours they were NOT open. (My work schedule was 12-hour days, 7am-7pm) I only got to utilize my membership twice a week since they were not open on Sunday. In June of 2007 I was in a major car accident while working. (we were hit head-on by a car that crossed-over) I didn’t work for 2 months. When I did try to return to work, I was unable to keep up with the kind of physical labor I used to do. (for 2 years I had taken care of man who was quadriplegic) Sadly, he passed away as a result of this accident, so consequently, my job ended. I continued with the Curves membership, thinking I should go back, but after some time it was apparent that I would not be able to keep up. I had gotten married in Sept. 2006 and my husband and I had been talking about finding a gym and starting a family membership. We also thought that it would be beneficial for me to get some one-on-one help for the specific problems I had been experiencing after the wreck. Finally, in December 2007 I called and spoke with the lady that answered about canceling my membership. (it’s a small-town Curves, everyone knows everyone, but for the life of me I cannot remember her name) I told her I was in a car accident & she suggested that I get a doctors note and they could suspend my membership for a time AND perhaps go back to when I had the accident & apply those payments to the future when I get released from the doctor. I said no because I had gotten married and we were thinking about a family membership somewhere. She said it would take at least 2 weeks to stop the automatic payments from my bank account, so I knew it would be January before things stopped. I should of known and I needed to give them a written notice, but I didn’t think of it. (hindsight says: I should of had my cancellation notice notarized and then hand delivered by the US Postal Service via Certified mail for Ms. Blackwell’s signature!) I admitted to the lady on the phone that since the car wreck, I had not been so on-top of things. She seemed sympathetic. She took my name and # and said she would have Sandy Blackwell call me. No one called. In January the payment came out of my bank account again. When I called Curves in mid-Jan to ask about it, I talked to the same lady. NOW she didn’t know anything about it, but said that they could stop my bank withdrawals, but at some point they would need a written notice for their records because all of that is up to corporate office and they really have NO control over future withdrawals. (now wasn’t she just saying one thing and then saying another?) Then she said that if I ended my membership early, she I would have to pay a penalty or pay the contract for the full 1-year and then she mentioned again that I should bring in a doctors notice so they could suspend services until I was better. I told her I had been a member for almost 2 years & that I was not under any kind of contract with CURVES anymore. She said “Oh! Well then..” (like THAT made all the difference!) she said she would remind Sandy about this again and have her call me, but she never did, and again, silly me, I thought things were handled. February came around and no monthly withdrawal! (they ALWAYS came out around the 8th) However, I did have my husband drop off a written notice (he walked in & handed it to the lady behind the desk) end of February and guess what? They took out a payment THE VERY SAME DAY and I didn’t notice it until they took out another March 14th! (I am not working right now, only my husband, so I rarely use this bank account) Both withdrawals caused my bank account to be overdrawn, however I did not notice the first one as I had put money in the next day. CURVES did not even use the regular “check “ method they had been using the past 2 years! (I could click on that payment & actually see the “debit-check”) The March 14th charge was just some long number—from Curves. So I called & finally spoke to Sandy Blackwell. (Manager? Owner? Her business card does not say) She said that they have NO control over when these charges come out! Well obviously SOMEONE does as SOMEONE changed the payment-debit-check-withdrawal (whatever!) date from what used to be the beginning of the month to the end of the month! (from Feb 8th to Feb 29th and AGAIN on March 8th to March 14th!) Then Ms. Blackwell said, “You know, we got your letter of cancellation here and we were just looking at it.. you know none of us even know when it got here! YOU did not date it! So “we” can’t really know when to charge you!” (she sounded like she was trying to be funny & sarcastic at the same time!) So I said, “So you just continued to take the money out? Even though your withdrawals have over-drafted me twice? My husband handed that to you end of Feb. and you took out the money the very same day!” She said, “Well, it takes at least 2 weeks to stop the automatic-withdrawals.” (we ALL know this is a crock, especially as my hometown bank is about 1/8th of a mile from our local CURVES) TRUTH BE KNOWN: I BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE KNOWN SINCE MY VERY FIRST CALL IN DECEMBER THAT I WANTED THESE PAYMENTS STOPPED, BUT, THEY JUST DON’T GIVE A HOOT! For all they know, I could have been crippled after my car accident. I told Ms. Blackwell that I had been in a car wreck (she knew- made some kind of moaning sound!) and I was not working and did not have the money for the withdrawals, much less the overdraft fees and she said, very condescendingly, “Yeah I know” Then she tried to sound like she was doing me some great favor and said, “I will give you back your last payment on March 14th.” I asked if she would refund my overdraft charges! NO answer! It’s been 3 days since I spoke to her & they have not put one thing back in my account! Ms. Blackwell must be a terribly disorganized businesswoman as that letter of cancellation had been there over 2 weeks and when I called she acted like she had just NOW, AT THAT VERY MOMENT saw it! I also feel like she flat-out lied about how “she has no control over when payments come out..” She obviously does because a payment was withheld on Feb. 8th, and then I guess SOMEONE made a decision to take a payment on Feb. 29th! She KNEW FULLY WELL that I wanted them stopped! Even after my husband hand-delivered the cancellation letter, the withdrawal came out again March 14th!?!? She absolutely positively knew then, but did not care and probably would not of changed a thing if I had not called her on it! I will admit, I should have been more on top of things in the beginning, because now I have truly learned the hard way that CURVES is just like too many other cut-throat businesses whose 1st and foremost concern is for the almighty dollar and not at all about the women they claim to care about so much!

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Mar 27, 2008 4:02 pm EDT

This is regarding the manager of Curves in Omak, Washington. I quit Curves- and Kris (the manager), called me in the late evening and asked me to tell her why I quit. Great. She should know... I was polite. She eventually interrupted w/how great Curves is/stat's- etc. I added that charging people to drink filtered water was another reason on top of the short work out routine, not wanting 30 seconds on each thing, and don't like facing a little circle of women. Anyway- she began yelling at me! Not talking. I called her back and stooped to the same dumb level, saying- "Never call me at my home, never yell at me, I am going to tell everyone in this puny town about you, and by the way- you are all FAT!". I hadn't spoken to anyone like that since I was a kid. Anyway- I hate Curves, it is a pathetic workout, the commercialism stinks, and the atmosphere reminds me of gerbils in a cage. The 3 day thing sucks- as I signed up on Saturday and my partner- who is disabled- needed pain med's for a torn rotator cuff on Monday.

caren falgout
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Apr 22, 2008 11:00 am EDT

I joined Curves March of 2006, I was very excited because this was the first time I belonged to a gym. I was able to join without having to pay a sign up fee because they were having a food drive promotion. So basically, I brought in a big bag of can foods and they waived the fee. I signed a One Year Contract and honored it. I went 5 days a week in the mornings and loved it. Unfortunately, due to work schedule and my childrens activities, I chose not to renew my contract.

Two weeks before my year was up I explained to the employees I would not renew. They were disappointed and tried to talk me into staying. I laughed and said thank you but I have made up my mind.

Finally, the two weeks were up. I said my goodbyes and thanked everyone. I wish I could say this was the end of it. It has been two years since I worked out with Curves and completed my One Year Contract. The other day I received a phone call from a very nice lady from Curves informing me they were still deducting from my checking account- even though my file had been sent to archives.

I never noticed the $37.00 fee coming out.

I spoke with the owner of Curves which was extremly rude. She explained to me that Curves did not except verbal cancellations only hand written. I told her that her employees had not told me this when I left. She rudely informed me that they did not have to tell me that - because it clearly stated it on the contract.

I asked to see a copy of the contract and she was correct. It did say that.

I feel very manipulated and seriously taken advantage of- this was once a happy and memorable experience- but now it has turned into a very expensive lesson.

$37.00 over a two year period is $888.00 I am not a wealthy person so this money is a huge loss for me and my family.

I have become a much better book keeper from this and hope that I have helped someone by telling my story.

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May 28, 2008 6:32 pm EDT

I was a member also and i have just quit and called my bank to make a stop payment for any future payment for curves. Cuves is a joke and a total waist of time. i went there for a month and got bored with it right away. i also felt like i was in a daycare because on certain days they wanted us to play games like tossing balls into a basket or hula hops... like seriously if i wanted to play games i'd go play with my nephews.

disappointed and disgusted with curves and the false hope it gives women.

mona stiles
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Jul 11, 2008 7:58 pm EDT

My membership expires soon and I need to know if I can cancel online?

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Jul 16, 2008 5:11 am EDT

When I joined Curves I was so excited that there was finally a gym for women and I knew I would not have to walk in the building to find body builders working out beside me, I was very comfortable. When I signed the contract, which was my first mistake, there was so much confusion, since I started out with one employee dealing with me and then passing me off to another employee when someone else walked in. Because of that the contract was not fully explained to me and I was not aware of the 30 day cancellation policy. Unfortunately I ended up going through a personal crisis in my life, lost my job, ended up moving away. I called the Curves that I attended and spoke with the manager. I asked to cancel my membership, she indicated that I had to finish my year. I understood. I called her back a few months later and told her to cancel my membership. I assumed this was done until I started checking my bank account. Curves had taken from me $500 over and above the 12 months. I called the manager again on June 19, 2008, and she is no longer working there. I spoke with the new manager and very rudely she told me to bad. I ended up hanging up on her. I immediately hand wrote a cancellation letter stating effective immediately and faxed it through to her. I figured this would be the end. However, on July 16th I checked my bank account and they have taken out another month's payment. I am looking for the phone number for the head office in Canada. This is an outrageous way to do business and to think that I used to promote Curves. Now I discourage people from going knowing that Curves will only rip a person off. Apparently money is the only factor that Curves is concerned with, when they are supposed to be promoting health and wellness not stress and dissatisfaction.

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Jul 29, 2008 12:33 pm EDT

I joined Curves Civic Center in Fremont, CA. I signed the one year contract. According to the contract a written letter after the contract expires releases one from the month to month charges. I wrote the letter after my contract expired and lol, they continued to charge me for 4 more months. When I called the manager to complain about the UNAUTHORIZED charges, I was told that even though I had sent a letter cancelling, my membership was still in force. I then sent a complaint to the BBB. What a waste of time that was. I then called my credit card company and cancelled my card. Curves is not a service oriented business. I wanted a credit for the UNAUTHORIZED charges. It looks like I'll have to go through my credit card company. The BBB doesn't have any clout.

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Aug 13, 2008 9:47 pm EDT

I have also had a negative experience with Curves. After going regularly for several months I found myself needing more; I joined to get me going and I got going faster than I exepected. My sister had joined Gold's Gym so I went along with her for a free bring a friend type thing. I found out I could get a student membership there for the same amount I was paying at Curves, and at Gold's Gym I got things like cardio dance and yoga, along with weight machines and treadmills. I signed up with Gold's, went for a couple weeks and called Curves to find out if I had any options for cancelling (thinking it would be like other service contracts and I would be able to cancel for a fee). Upon stating who I was I was asked where I was, and why I wasn't at Curves working out. One point here that was brought up in another comment. The manager is a rather large woman and most of the times I saw her walking into Curves she had a fastfood bag in her hands. Despite what the restaurants may want us to think they do not offer healthy meals. After I told her I was at home and about to leave for work she told me I couldn't cancel. When I got home for worked I checked online to see if anyone knew anything about a cancellation fee. I have found many hits on forums of an up to $50 fee for cancelling the year contract. The matter is currently (hopefully) being worked out through the corporate office. If I cannot cancel I will not be going back because of the attitude I have been shown in this matter. I do not suggest anyone join Curves.

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Aug 28, 2008 8:07 pm EDT

If someone signs a contract, it should be honored. On the contract it states that you would need to pay a fee for getting out of it early. There are pre pay options where you don't have to have it automatically draft.

Curves is an AWESOME workout. I don't care about other gyms having "classes." I am a busy woman who needs to do what she needs to do in as compact of a time frame as possible. Curves has been an extreme help to me and I am in such a healthy place, I would never leave. I combine outside activities like kayaking to keep active on down time, but my workout is Curves, true blue.

Also, if someone is drafting your account, it is not a CURVES International issue. They are independantly owned and are run so. I check my bank account weekly sometimes daily due to human error and have caught mistakes from major companies, credit cards and restaurants...why demonize that small business owner for something that is widespread?

Every workout is nto for everyone. Some people love to work out and do not mind spending more time at the gym, but for someone who has belonged to both a large gym and Curves, I know where I belong.

(also, every employee HAS to have their first aid/CPR and now defibrelator.)

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Aug 31, 2008 7:18 am EDT

Different strokes for different folks but Curves just isn't for me. The first time i visited curves it seemed to be a warm and friendly environment and up until that point I had heard nothing but good things about the place. As I began to work out there more, the less I enjoyed it.

The employess weren't friendly at all. I simply asked the lady for a vistor's pass and she began yelling at me "YOU'RE NOT A MEMBER..BLAH BLAH BLAH!" And calmy I said "Mam, I've been a member since day one" So she reluctantly gave me the pass.

My friend was participating in a study she simply asked the employee to initial her card and the lady threw it at her. I was outraged. As someone said before I was shown several different ways how to use the equipment, which was very frustrating because then I started to feel like I wasn't getting the most that I could out of the workout.

After talking with the owner and making a complaint she believed I was only angry about how to use the equipment and didn't understand that her employee was rude and disrespectful. They constantly point and talk amongst themselves or other people who've been coming there for a long time.

Due to their disorginization, rudeness, and lack of helpfulness I quit Curves. I am going to honor the contract for the 11 months that I signed up for but I refuse to ever go to another curves in my life. I only owe $340 I will write them a letter to tell them to immediately stop drafting my account. I was better off doing this weight loss thing on my own.

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Aug 31, 2008 10:23 pm EDT

You should be so lucky as to sublease from a Curves owner! She has broken the statements of our sublease by attempting to offer the same services I offer in my business which you HAVE to be STATE licensed for! We agreed in writing and NOTORIZED it that we would not interfer or inhibit or represent the others business. WE agreed that we would maintain and abide by all local state federal and regulations for our respective businesses. By offering the services I offer, which I am licensed to offer and she is not, she has broken a state law and is being investigated! Why? Because her attempting to offer these services without a license and if I know about it and do not report her means the state can take my license and close me down! She doesnt care! It all about greed!

She also breaks her franchise agreement with the Curves corporation by offering insurance services at her location, soliciting the members and tried to solicite me! She has a tanning business and is operating a boutique! All of this within the confines of her space. All of which are against her franchise agreement! I understand she is under investigation by curves for this. I have no hope that they will make any attempt to make her abide by common decent behavioral standards! They dont care! Its all about Money!

We are both in the same building sharing a main enterance and restroom. She even expects me to supply ALL the toilet paper when I am AWAY from my business which I have to be for periodical training. When I am not there my clients are not there. So why should I have to supply HER members with toilet paper? She constantly harrasses me with notes and demands that have nothing to do with the sublease. I have even had to retain an attorney!

Pitiful part is, she claims to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN. She claimed to be my FRIEND and yet she is all about the MONEY. Her level of greed and hypocrisy is beyond belief. I wonder what her minister would think of her if he knew how greedy she is. Her attitude and treatment of people extends well beyond me. She treats her members like cash cows. I feel sorry for them. If they only knew how she feels about and talks about them. And attempting to hold a poor little old 80+ yr old to a contract after her doctor told her she was not well enough to do that sort of exercise too?!? Oh yeah, its all about the MONEY! GREED! MONEY! It makes their circuits go round!

And THIS is how you are supposed to provide a service for others? It sure isnt the way I was brought up! She and honor and common decency are as far apart as east from west!

Sheila Snowball
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Sep 12, 2008 1:27 pm EDT

Well I'm a little heartened by the fact that I join the many women who are enraged by the treatment of CURVES. I felt like I was the "BIGGEST LOSER" ! I joined in 2005 because, although I have a very physical job, I needed to strengthen different parts of my body. I only visited 4 times and realized that the workout was very bad for my back. I learned that I have degenrate disc desease in my lower back and could not possibly continue. I told them this and gave them a note and figured at the end of the year that would be that! I did not read the fine print on the contract and because I put the whole idea of CURVES behind me I didn't see the money coming out (they made sure to take it out on different days of the month so it would be less recognizable, extremely slimy.) I did NOT receive ONE phone call telling me that they were continuing to reap $40.00 out of my account every month for TWO YEARS! NOT one phone call. Human decency does not prevail with these theives. Although it feels better to share my story, I still feel bad for the others that are going to fall into the same trap! Most of us being middle aged and older, CURVES should be very ashamed. Is this going to go anywhere? Is there something that can be done about this? Please tell me something is going to be done! Help other to avoid this CURVE BALL they are so obviously throwing at us?

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Sep 30, 2008 9:24 pm EDT

Curves really sucks why?

1. I joined when I was 18 and I lived on my own I was limited income even though I explained this to them my dues were 52.78 a month!

2. Every Time I walked in to door I felt preasured to buy something.. The Manager ended up preasuring me into buying curves smart witch I never used as it was dumb and I had no idea what I was doing.

3. As per discussed above everybody was talking about some bodys buisness.

4. Every Time I walked into the club I felt out of place the same crappy music from like way back when was blaring and the ladies just sat at their desk and yapped on the phone!

I joined curves weighing 252 Pounds when I left curves I had gained and was a whopping 287.9 with body fatt index of 49.8 on my 19th birthday I woke up and couldnt even breathe properly and trust me in my town in Ontario the hospital has a bad rep so I never went. I missed alot of school because I was really sick from gaining weight even though I should of been having help loosing it and they never seemed to care.

This Summer I couldnt even ride my bike it was way to damn pain ful.. I spent the whole summer walking to the point I thought I was going to collaspe and making some Rapid Changes to my diet.. This month I joined my local community center for half the price of curves and they told me that I was 263.4 and 45.6% body fat.. In other words the sales pitch when I tried to leave curves "YOU CANT LOOSE WEIGHT UNLESS YOUR A MEMBER OF THIS CLUB OR ANY CURVES CLUB ITS IMPOSSIABLE" was bull crap and I lost it on my own and I am starting to get my life back in order... PLEASE DO NOT GET A MEMBERSHIP WITH CURVES

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Nov 15, 2008 3:05 pm EST

I've was a member of Curves for three years. During that time the owner and several of the employees would push different programs. The owner never seemed to be able to take "no" for an answer. There was always some reason why her way of doing things was better and that I had to do whatever program they were doing. One time they were raising money for something or other. They were $200 short of their goal. Two of us were working out that day. An employee came up and said that if each of us donated $100 we would make the goal. We both said no thanks. She stood in front of us as we were working out and started chanting "$100, $100, come on ladies, $100 you can do it!" Until I told her sure, but the check will bounce and my child will go hungry. That shut her up finally. A friend of mine canceled her membership after two months and was told "If you cancel, you will be fat forever" She walked out and never looked back. The owners husband would come in anytime he wanted and would do weighs and measures on the women. One time the owner cracked a whip at us to get us to work faster. When I later told her it was demeaning for her to do that she said that she needed to get another one for her other clubs. When I didn't want to sign up for Curves Smart (Curves Dumb is what I call it) she kept pressuring me and pressuring me, and even put a card in the machine I was working out on to try to get me to see how great it was. It made my knees feel like they were going to blow out.

The last straw was this last Thursday the 6th of November when they were trying to pressure me to sign up for their "Nothing to Lose" promotion. I said no thanks and that I wasn't interested. On Monday the employee informed me that she had signed me up anyway. As I was working out she pranced over to the wall and put up a piece of paper with my name on it saying I was signed up. On my next time around I tore it off the wall and threw it out. After talking to other members across the country, I decided that I was going to cancel my membership. The next day I walked in to cancel. The employee was working out and greeted me with "Hi brat" I told her to get off the board and that we needed to talk and that I was canceling my membership NOW. She came over and said "I wondered if I had pushed you too far yesterday." I said yes and to cancel me NOW. She tried to explain herself a few more times. I just continued pointing to the file cabinet and said "NOW!" Finally she listened and threw a piece of paper down and said I could file a complaint if I wanted to. I said I was not interested in getting her in trouble but I would not be treated that way by anyone. She said I would have to write a letter saying I wanted to cancel and then come back with a manager present to sign off on my canceling. I said fine, but make it when my husband can come too so they won't argue with me. She made an appointment for 4pm and then began to cry and said that she did everything she could to make me participate and be part of the team and that I wouldn't do any of it. I said that I had told her I wasn't interested in being in the "Nothing to Lose" thing and that she should have listened. Before I left I tried to let her know that another member who was also being pressured might react the same way if she did the same thing to her. She blew it off and said the other member is an individual and can think for herself. I told her again, I was just trying to prevent the same thing from happening to her again and then left.

The next day we showed up at 4pm to find no manager there. The manager didn't show up till 4:30. I got her to sign the paper, showed her a letter from my bank with a fraud alert number that I can call if they try to take money out next week. She assured me that they will not be taking any money out next week.

We'll see but I'm not holding my breath.

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Apr 08, 2009 1:22 am EDT

Wow, I'm saddened to hear all of your individual complaints regarding CURVES. I, for one, have found it nothing but a joy. Sure, there are some days that are worse than others, but the overall experience has been good.

I joined in the Spring of 2006 under the no service fee plan in March, with a bag of food. This is a promotion that they offer every year, and it really helped my budget at that time.

Since then, I have lost 68 lbs and I don't know how many inches. I feel healthier, I can walk farther, my grandkids don't wear me out as fast, and I'm not always huffing and puffing like I used to. On the medical side, I my Dr. has ok'ed me not using the highblood pressure medicine anymore, my artrhitis is better, and my cholesterol levels have decreased. My Dr. was amazed at the bloodpressure improvement, quite frankly.

In my experience with the CURVES equipment, there were a few of the machines that I had difficulty using at the very beginning, but over time, as I became more fit, they became easier. I had peaked with my wieghtloss about a year ago, and then the CURVES where I workout got the CURVESMART equipment attached to all ofthe machines. I found that I had become lazy in my OWN workouts. The machines are hydraulic resistance, and the effort you PUT INTO the workout determines the RESULTS that you get. The CurveSmart made me work harder, and my weight loss increased.

My Circuit Trainers are great. None of them are certified trainers, but they all know the equipment, the proper form and functions, and the owner IS certified as a trainer. AND, he's a man. He doesn't ogle the women when they're in the club. He is professional, knows his business, and can explain why you need to use the machines in certain ways. He's always correcting improper techniques, but not in a mean or rude way. With the CurveSmart you get to see how your muscles have been worked, and the owner can explain why you don't seem to be getting the results you think you should be, and he offers suggestions on how to improve your workout the next time you're working out.

I've never had a problem with money being taken improperly. I went on medical hold one time, for 2 months, shortly after I joined. They accepted my Dr.s note without any complaints. The staff called me several times, to see if I was ready to come back. I'm sure they were wanting to know if they could begin drafting my money again, too, but they seemed to be genuinely interested in my medical situation. When I came back, they reactivated my account quickly and easily. I never was drafted for the time I was on medical hold, and they didn't tell me that they would extend my contract or anything. I have a friend, and she purchased the whole year up front, and when she went on medical hold for 3 months, they just extended her contract for 3 more months. I thought this was not only ethical, but fair also.

I've been a member long enough to recognize those members that just don't really want to be in there. I think those people are just looking for an excuse to quit. I talked to the owner about what he does when people stop coming in before their contracts are up, and he said that if someone doesn't come in for a week, they call them and try to encourage them to workout. When they don't come in for 2 weeks, they call them and then send a postcard to them, again trying to encourage them to come back. Some people respond, but others don't. He said that sometimes they find out that people have medical problems, and he said that he explains the medical hold policy to them, and many then bring in Dr.s notes to be placed on hold.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my membership at Curves. I go at least 3 times a week, like they tell you to do, and sometimes 4 or 5 times.

For those who have had a problem with Curves, I strongly encourage you to go back and give it another chance. If it was the staff or owner at one Curves that was the problem, then try another. Remember, these are franchises, and they're still businesses, but they give back to their communities in so many ways.

Mom of 4, BC
Surrey, CA
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Jun 07, 2009 7:50 pm EDT

I joined just slightly a month ago and so far am not too impressed. I arrived promptly on time at my first appointment and was completely ignored by the person who was on the phone. I think she was the owner too as she is the one who is always there. 10 minutes passed by and she got up and left and didn't even see me standing at the desk. She returned with the trainer and saw my purse on the ground. She picked it up and I said, "Hello." "Oh! - we didn't even see you standing there!" No kidding. Great way to greet a new potential client. I like giving people the benefit of the doubt, so I went ahead and went thru the procedure, the 3 appointments, and signed up. The goal settng procedure is for their benefit, not for the patron's. This facility is only a few minutes walk from my home and I do want to lose some weight and get back into shape, although I wish I had done a bit more research now. Yes, I do work out when I am there - I am probably the only who breaks into a serious sweat and reaches the heart training zone because I don't yap away. I cannot stand that component of Curves - I don't want to hear about other womens' dogs, cats, kids or recipes. Many patrons are either elderly or obese (not just overweight) and hardly do anything and it is a social session for them. Many of them wear street clothes, jeans, sandals, and the like - so obviously they aren't working out seriously. Different trainers have given me different ways to use the machines and I have been scolded by an obese trainer, (there are several at this facility.) I also have issues when an obese trainer tells me, "I am doing a good job." I really don't need that kind of patronization. I am a fraction of her weight even after pushing out 4 kids in 6 years. Hours at the facility vary hugely - closed by noon on Saturday - what's up with that? Closed Sunday and closed early Friday. People have commented that I appear more defined (I've worked out 4x times a week for 3 weeks), so maybe there is a benefit to the machines. I have also heard that Curves is a good start, but you have to incorporate much more serious training to get truly fit. Saying that, there are some inspiring women there who look great and are the role models. I will give it a go, but will most likely not renew - not unless I see an improvement in the services.

Port Huron, US
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Jul 03, 2009 8:53 am EDT

If you are unhappy, there is a website: Let them know the staff is a problem. My Curves is wonderful (in Michigan). As long as I move fast on the machines, I feel great afterwards. The hours and staff attitude are mainly controlled by the owner. I think some care and some are just trying to make $$$. I say do whatever works for you!

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Aug 08, 2009 7:04 am EDT

I am a proud trainer at Curves and i was really shocked from what i read in this website.

Every club has different owner and management so for sure everybody has different experience in each club.

I love Curves 'cause aside from having salary, i am losing weight too and stay healthy! I get great benifit form the machines and because of that i am sharing my experience to our cute and friendly members.

In our club, you cannot start working if you don't pass the training and CPR training. We have lots of happy members and us and lots of proud biggest losers!

It's really great to be at CURVES!

Ottawa, CA
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Aug 25, 2009 4:51 pm EDT

I just tried to Cancel (Ottawa, Canada) and was told I must go into the location where I joined and give them one month's written notice plus a $10. fee for every month since I joined with a $50 max

It's such a rip off. Don't join if you are thinking of it, get a pair of sneakers, a dog or a treadmill and some little hand and / or ankle weights.

They are not trained in any way, just kids of the street looking for a minimum wage job, who have no clue about kinesiology or fitness and don't give a damn either. No one helped me at all after the first enrollment day. I hurt both arms because I was apprently not shown how to use the equipment correctly. What a scam!

Ottawa, CA
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Aug 25, 2009 4:56 pm EDT

I also tried to cancel after hurting my arms badly on their equipment. It took me many months to ease the pain and my arms are still swollen. They require a 30 day written notice and $10. fee for every month I was enrolled, with a $50 max.

There was one day or 'orientation' (the day they signed me up.) These kids have no clue about kinesiology or fitness and don't give a damn either. They are there only for the minimum wage job. So I was probably using the equipment improperly.

I tried to cancel today after being told I could cancel at any time and was smacked with the above 'rules'. I am not amused.

Get a dog, a treadmill, some hand weights and DON'T GO THERE! It was a terrible waste of money.

monica vinciguerra
Takoma Park, US
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Aug 28, 2009 2:36 pm EDT

My 72 year old mother joined Curves in Laurel, Maryland. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after she had been a member for 13 months. She believed she had cancelled her membership with a phone call and that her automatic checking withdrawal payments were ended. Well she fought the cancer for 18 months and lost her battle in May 2009. My father couldn't understand what a $29.99 charge was on his checking statement in June and questioned the bank...Well what do you know..good ole Curves for 18 months had been receiving that payment. When I called, the manager informed me that her staff was, "very thorough" and there was "nothing in my mother's file indicating her request for cancellation!" OH and she was sorry for my loss! I am searching for other ways to get my Dad a refund of the monies they owe him but it has been difficult to get direction as to who and where. If you are foolish enogh to join a Curves Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT allow them near your checking or credit dard accounts!

Jim R
Bristol, US
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Oct 17, 2009 9:01 am EDT

Sounds like you can use a great inexpensive diet plan that is sensible, healthy, won't starve you and burns the fat away. Try checking out The wife and I lost a combined weight of over 300 pounds in less that 9 months using their top diet pick for 2009. Neither of us have ever been this skinny since high school.

Karen Joyce Chaya Fradle Kleinman Bell
Riverside, US
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Feb 05, 2010 10:43 am EST

I am handicapped and made an appointment to see what CURVES is all about. When I went for the appointment, and for the WHOLE FREE WEEK, at least TWO people helped me onto the machines, made sure I could use them, and then helped me off the machines. The very NEXT DAY AFTER SIGNING the contract, the help ENDED. They turned their backs on me, said things like "Get it yourself" and "Do it yourself" and ignored me while I stood there like someone invisible. Even when I approached them, they acted as if I was not there. One person working said, "Oh, you're finished? GREAT!" and didn't even help me stretch. Even if she thought I was finished, she knew I needed to do the stretching by the poster instead of the stretching apparatus. I was TOTALLY humiliated and felt so very, very ashamed of being disabled.

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Feb 10, 2010 2:19 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We have Curves in Moose Jaw, Sask. The owner is trying to sell Curves in Moose Jaw
and he has 4 machines maybe more that is not working. These have been broken for quite a while. We pay good money monthly and the machines should be working to proformace. As this may cause injury as they are so jerky and it is hard to use. I had been a menber when it frist open for quite a few years. Then I had to quite for medical reasons and I had joined last spring again. The quality of the machines were not being looked after as they were before. If a machine needed to be repaired it was looked after in a very short time. The membership seems to be down as it is not as busy as when I had went before.

I have been told that there is a new gym coming into town and it is the same as Curves with machines and will only 18 dollars per month. This is going to make it even tuffer for Curves as the members will go some where else because of the machines. We are going to get in to shape and to get injuries because of the lack of maintaince.

gizzie miles
drifting, US
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Mar 14, 2010 2:58 pm EDT

Some of the women writing these complaints should really learn how to spell. Or maybe they just do not understand the english language? Curves, like many fitness places has it's ups and downs. I have never belonged to any organization (other than church) where the women come together to help a friend in need. The women belonging to the Curves I belonged to ALL pitched in to help, with meals and anything else needed, when a well loved staff member was diagnosed with breast cancer. Three nights a week we all pitched in and supplied her family with a full course meal. What other gym would ever do something like that. Unfortunately not all businesses are always on the up and up. If I felt I was being drafted, or billed, by any business without just cause I would inform the bank and have the drafts stopped. How hard is that! Plus you signed a one year contract, NOT A TWO, and it is illegal for them to continue drafting on a contract that has not been re-signed. All of you people with complaints call the CURVES INTERNATIONAL HOT LINE. ALSO, TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE COMMERCIAL THEY HAD WITH THE LADY FROM WEIGHT WATCHERS! NO SELF RESPECTING HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD MAKE IT A COMPETITION. WEIGHT WATCHERS NEED TO EXERCISE AS WELL AS EXERCISE. Whatever happened to people, and businesses, working together!

Sydney Metro Area, AU
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Sep 06, 2010 9:47 pm EDT

I joined for 1 year at curves did my one year. I have been telling curves I was ending my 1 year for 5 weeks but at no time did they say you had to fill in a form to cancel a one year membership.After one year they took out another payment and say to me to bad we are not going to return your money.After talking to my credit union I had to cancel my account to stop curves from taking any more money.I warn you do not join curves. Grace from curves Penshurst Sydney Australia

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Sep 15, 2010 2:55 pm EDT

Is it a coincidence that you are all trying to get your money back? It is more likely that you just got lazy and didn't want to return and wanted your money refunded for no reason other than that.

Hamptead, US
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Sep 22, 2010 7:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please specify your locations for the benefit of gym shoppers and realize that all Curves are independently operated and our locations in Hampstead, NC and Surf City, NC go above and beyond the call of duty.
Wishing you all the best.
ERS of Hampstead

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Dec 21, 2010 5:00 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm with most everyone here. I joined Curves and went two times. I understand that I was obligated to finance them for one year, but I called and tried to cancel anyway. I called seven different times, always assured that either the manager or the owner would contact me. I was never contacted. With three months left of my membership, my credit card was renewed and I finally received a call wanting to know what my new credit card number was. I told them that since I had called without any sort of response in the past 9 months, that I would not share that information with them and that I would like to cancel my membership. Well somehow they got my new credit card number and it has been four months since my membership should have expired...and I am still being charged! DOUBLE! I just saw this on my bank statements and rest assured, I will be contacting the BBB, the city of Sanger, CA and have already written a nasty letter to the Curves headquarters. I am appalled at the lack of service and obvious lack of consumer satisfaction...not to mention the crime of theft. What they are doing is unacceptable.

Upset Curves member
Petersburg, US
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Feb 01, 2011 1:02 pm EST

My Curves is constantly closing for no good reason. It closes when the school closes. It will be the only business in town that closes. It canbe bright and sunny, but if the school closes because of a forecast or it is blowing out in the country it closes. Several women complain but our owner ignores complaints. She lives only a few blocks away and can walk to keep her business open. Her daughter is over 16 so doesn't need her at home. When she closes, it costs us money, she still gets her money, but we lose out.

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May 09, 2011 4:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please check out the running of Curves, in Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland.
It needs to be checked promptly.

M O'Kopniak
Markham, CA
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May 31, 2011 8:34 pm EDT

I too had joined Curves with a coworker - we are in Markham Ontario, Canada. This was around 2004. It was a great atmosphere, the trainers were eager to work with you and help out. There were great moral boosting games and tips.
I stopped attending and about 4 months later one of the trainers called me at home to see if everything was okay. I told her that I was pregnant with twins and would not be able to return. She informed me that they would put my membership on hold.

Since then the gym had been bought by someone else - she phoned me about every 6 months to enquire about me returning to workout - I told her I had twins and it wasn't easy for me to get out. When the children started nursery school I decided to return to Curves. Under this 'new' management it was run down and not as exciting to go and workout.

I informed her that I would not be able to attend from the middle of June and through the summer as the children were home and I couldn't get away except, possibly on Saturday mornings, and she didn't open until 9am - which didn't work either. She said fine and still deducted my fees for both months. She said that she required one month of fees for withdrawing. I said fine then consider the July fees my withdrawal, she issued me a refund for August.

She called me in mid September, to ask if I would be returning as they are starting Zumba and it is exciting... Reluctantly I did return - I would like to lose some weight and inches - it was working for me this time. Also, the Zumba lessons were suppose to be included - she was charging for members to attend. My twins are now in school 1/2 day and I wasn't able to attend the times the lessons were offered. So now we have some people doing the workout with Zumba and some not - this totally messed up the timing for the workout, because now the people who were doing the regular Curves workout were going around faster than the Zumba people as they were using the machines for 1 minute and Zumba for 1 minute!

On March 8th I informed her that I would not be able to attend for a while, she said that she couldn't stop my March payment as it was coming out on the 12th, when I checked the account my payments came out on the 20th of each month. She proceeded to withdraw the money. I let that one go then I checked again, she took the money out again in April. At that time I gave her an envelop with a letter expressing my disappointment and that I would not be returning along with my Curves card. She gave me a cheque on the Friday, for the amount of the two months, and asked that I not cash it as she had to transfer money (this is a business account!) I should have suspected something right away. She then sent me an email on the Sunday night at home saying that she had put a stop payment on the cheque and according to Curves she only owed me for 1 month since I have withdrawn my membership. I sent her back a message that she had taken her month in July and if she wished to do her business like that I would definitely not be returning. She mailed me a cheque a week later for the 1 month.

Now, what has spurred me to write on this site is that I have just checked the account again and guess what, the money has once again been withdrawn! I called her and she sounded very stupid in her, "oh, I don't know how come they took out the money, I did tell Curves you withdrew". Needless to say I don't believe a word she says.
Ladies, I wish you all the best and please remember that even if it's in writing - always keep track. I will NEVER sign on and give them my banking information again - this gym or any other.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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