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Cyprus IVF Centre

Cyprus IVF Centre review: Aka team Miracle 28

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10:05 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I write as the victim of theft from Cyprus IVF Centre aka Team Miracle formerly Dogus IVF Centre / Umit Inak / Julie Hodson In August 2015 I sent thousands of Euros to the personal account of Umit Inak for IVF treatment at the Cyprus IVF Center. I sent the payment in two installments but was told that only one installment was received. Whilst in hospital (and still attached to a drip) I was forced to provide my credit card information because they insisted that the second installment had not been received. After being discharged they emailed to confirm that the second installment had actually been received; but rather than refund me – they kept both the 'missing' wire transfer and the amount they charged to my credit card which has amounted to thousands of Euros. Clearly, the fact that the Cyprus IVF Center / Umit Inak / Julie Hodson only accept funds via wire to a personal account is a tax evasion tactic on the part of Umit Inak and Juile Hodson. Worse, however, is that after 21 days, and emails initially suggesting that my money would be returned - I have received nothing. Their scam is both slick and quick; particularly since IVF is such an emotional and invasive process. I wrote about my experiences on the FertilityFriend forum (MFCC user name), but my posts about the theft were deleted by the administrators. Since this happened, other members have emailed me to confirm that in fact all negative commentary about Cyprus IVF Centre aka Team Miracle formerly Dogus IVF Centre / Umit Inak / Julie Hodson seems to be removed from the site. This gives threads give a deceptively positive impression of what is – in reality - a shady organization. This is why, for instance, those with horrible experiences have been forced to write elsewhere: As well as being a victim of theft (which we are currently trying to recover through our credit card's fraud department); I would caution any prospective clients to take their success rates (and anything written in the forums) very lightly. I met 8 couples whilst there (stayed at Oscars), and all had BFNs. Some of those who I had met had actually returned after previously cycles to transfer eggs or stimulate again, and said that those they they met previously had BFNs too. I was seduced by their claims of transferring 4 embryos, but really there is no oversight, and their success rate is totally unknown (and anecdotally low). Prior to booking, I had been warned of their terrible communication and slick talk which I thought I could grin and bear in the hopes of getting pregnant (im in my 20s with no fertility issues as a single mother by choice). However, now I have realised that there are far more serious issues (Theft! Fraud!) – which are removed from well known forums. Buyer beware!


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Nemanja Ilic
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Oct 05, 2016 11:11 pm EDT

Team Miracle is very bad, they put a lot of money into their marketing, this is the reason they were kicked out of Dogus IVF center and now they are working with another clinic in North Cyprus
We posted that we stopped working with them but they kept the domain name so we were forced to make our own official website

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Jun 06, 2017 9:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This news really worries me as we were all set to go to TM!

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Oct 22, 2021 9:44 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi did you got to dr. Ferdevis ? How was your experience with them as we are all set to go there too amd I’ve just read these reviews

ivf centre of con
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Oct 24, 2021 9:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of IK@123

Good thing you have read these reviews before going to Cyprus. This means you’re aware of some of their tricks. We were totally blind to them, we figured it out by the 2nd time they extended our stay and sold us meds at exorbitant prices.
Remember these people have no healthcare experience, they were in marketing. So basically a sales man touts you out to a Dr for treatment. All they see is $$$

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Oct 24, 2021 2:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

But what about your treatment? Was it successful?

Paris, FR
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Dec 26, 2021 7:11 pm EST
Replying to comment of IK@123

Dr firdeve is a fraud. She knows only to give extra medicines and nothing else . Her tram is always looking for the money, they sell medicines, they sell blood tests and results we never get back

Paris, FR
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Dec 26, 2021 7:12 pm EST

Yes please do not go to cyprus for ivf, specially Miracle IVF by dr firdeve

ivf centre of con
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Dec 27, 2021 3:19 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of IK@123

No. Worst of it is that I ended up with OHSS

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Jun 06, 2017 9:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have just come across this and it is rather disturbing as we are all set to be going to TM!

Janine Curll
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Aug 13, 2018 5:06 am EDT

did you go with TM in the end?

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Sep 10, 2018 7:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They ("Team Miracle") are truly a nasty set of people. They post in multiple forums under different names. I had heard that they had been shut down but clearly they have rebranded. God help anyone unfortunate enough to be under their "care". There are quite a few private Facebook groups where they are discussed but of course everyone gets scared by their threats of lawsuits and deletes the posts when their bully boy surfaces. The funny thing is, it's only defamation if it is untrue.. I'd love to see them in court. They should be banned from "practising medicine" and likely would be in the regulated Eu or UK.

I didn't read this review before I went (wish I had). There are so many more terrible experiences with them;topic=295819.0?thememode=mobile;?thememode=mobile

And then fake ones like this pop up:

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Sep 10, 2018 7:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So obvious that the fertility zone is totally fake. Utterly helpful poster (!) fantastic experience (!) then never to be heard of again. YUCK!

Robert Barnesi
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Oct 03, 2018 4:00 am EDT

What about the Kolan British Hospital IVF program which hosts the Team Miracle in their hospital? How is their program?

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Nov 28, 2018 11:28 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I would not recommend Team Miracle. They are tricksters and I doubt people really get pregnant there. They are taking your money for your dream and squandering it. Totally unprofessional and blaise more interested in how they look rather than medicine.
Worst decision of my life to go there and if you come across this and you have a chance to escape them even if you are set to go..even of it means another month waiting...I urge you to take this warning and escape from them don't want it from them. They are abusing the word Miracle and God will deal with them for it.

h harrington
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Apr 24, 2019 1:10 pm EDT

Having been unfortunate enough to have tried Team Miracle i would agree with the comments above. Terrible communication from the outset unless they are contacting you for money.
Before our second cycle they advised they were no longer working with Dr Firdevs and if we wanted to still use Team Miracle (they still had 2 of our frozen embryos) and the Kolan Hospital it would have to be Dr Zehra only to carry out implantation. We decided on this option and there was no more discussion about it. On arrival to the hospital we were eventually met by Hakan. Went down for the procedure only to find Dr Firdevs was carrying out the treatment. No explanation or apology. when raised with Hakan he was unaware and would discuss with Julie. Still never had an explaination from them as to why this happened. On second occasion they added medication to our bill which was not discussed before hand and just told us they think it would increase our chances of success but of course we dont have to have it if we don;t want it.

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Aug 23, 2019 10:24 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am also reporting Miracle IVF aka Team Miracle. Stay away from This clinic. All they want from you is money and to sell you as much medicines as possible. You never get an actual price for any medicines and you never get any receipt! This money goes straight to the pocket of the hospital I suppose. You will not get pregnant there and guess what, they don’t even care

ivf centre of con
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Aug 20, 2021 4:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That was exactly what happened to us. We were too polite to request receipt or even demand a certain level of accountability. In the end we realised they were a con. Umit Inak was a marketer, they should have been a warning bell

Paris, FR
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Dec 26, 2021 7:02 pm EST

Yes I have also experienced it, they sell medicines and they do not even care. Unnecessary medicines just to show u up a false pregnancy test and thats it.
Never go to Miracle IVF north cyprus

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Aug 23, 2019 10:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Miracle IVF staff is trained to rip patients off. They force you to pay for medicines and all other things just before the embryo transfer. How are you suppose to conceive and relax before embryo transfer when the staff boms you with bills and forces you to pay for this and that but you never know why you are supposed to purchase these things? They don’t even explain you the IVF process and this leads into a terrible negative outcome. I am devastated and I wish somebody would check up their clinic and put them into court! They also charge a ridiculous extra 3% charge on top if you pay with a credit card but they don’t tell you about it! I am still recovering from a shock and I am praying that these people go to jail. I cant believe what these people do to vounarable women like myself

Toni Emmerson
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Sep 02, 2019 1:08 pm EDT

Miracle IVF and Team Miracle are not one in the same. Please be aware of this. TM no longer with Dr Firdevs, as she wanted to do things differently. Dr Firdevs clinic is honest, the coordinators will tell you everything in advance

Kansas, US
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Jun 09, 2024 6:33 pm EDT

How do you have an abundance of Caucasian donors? How are women who have no eggs collected offered donor eggs the same day?

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Sep 26, 2019 6:56 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Horrible place, over charge you and do not give you the time of day. If only we could sue them for all our pain and suffering and money back.

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Mar 31, 2020 7:16 pm EDT

Back in 2015 (see image from that time posted on a forum) I tried to warn people about the underhand behaviour of this practice whilst I still lived in North Cyprus but nobody would listen to me and my post was trolled and I was banned. There is a group on Facebook called North Cyprus Rogues Scammers Con Artists exposed, that is a closed group and anyone interested to find out just how low people will go in that unregulated country should join. I was never a client of theirs, but having gone through IVF myself 19 years ago (my son is now 18), and with a background in media and investigative reporting, my discoveries re "Team Miracle" were truly astounding!

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Nicola Huthwaite
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Jan 06, 2021 4:38 am EST

Dr Firdevs is a fraud. After having an treatment here just before Christmas all i recieved was a neglected treatment to get quick money from me. This was my first IVF treatment i have done so i was all very new to this, they took advantage of this and never took my blood tests or any scans before taking the IVF medication or arriving to Cyprus, now after speaking to IVF clinics in the U.K, USA & other Cyprus clinics this was a shock to them as this one of the first things to do with a client. This then resulted in OHSS (Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) which is actually highly dangerous. After arriving back to the UK earlier than expected due to high hormone levels, which was due to over given medication (which Dr F even admitted to!) all i got was a TEXT MESSAGE saying 'None of your 10 embryos made it' That's it, no explanation on what happened, just a heartless whatsapp message from the co-ordinator. I was heartbroken, and truly felt like they had their money and couldn't care less. This is when i took advice from other professional IVF clinics and was told that they did the treatment incorrectly and very dangerously! I wish i read their google reviews before going out there, i see there are others that have also been mistreated by Dr Firdevs. PLEASE DO NOT TRUST HER OR HER TEAM.

Paris, FR
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Dec 26, 2021 7:05 pm EST

Same here, I wish I could know about doctor Firdeve earlier. She mistreated me very badly. So many medications without even a single blood test.

ivf centre of con
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Aug 20, 2021 4:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Do not go to Team Miracle, avoid! They are con men. We saw so many red flags before we flew out but we were just so desperate.
The shameful thing is that they capitalise on your desperation. Asking me if I felt bloated, if I was taking baby aspirin…as if pregnancy was a done deal. only to be told you’re old, that’s why your eggs are not growing fast enough! Where is the miracle!
They just keep giving you stuff you don’t need and charging you for it. They even wanted to freeze our sperm! We had said we didn’t want any freezing done earlier. I’m very sure that ten good follicles would yield at least 2-3 embryos but they wanted more than enough so they could bill us for freezing them.
When we realised that they take no responsibility for the false hope they pile on you and the lies they tell we knew the game was up. Believe them and get ready to be disappointed. I only wish they were compelled to produce the statistics of the true success rate and not those lies on their Facebook page where the negative comments are wiped out and accounts blocked.

Paris, FR
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Dec 26, 2021 6:59 pm EST

Yes miracle IVF is a fraud. They just look for money and nothing else

ivf centre of con
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Oct 24, 2021 3:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


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Aka team Miracle
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