David Ousley of David Ousley's Tree Service in Texarkana, Texas zip code 75501. Very unhinged person, very disreputable and I would be VERY wary of doing ANY business with him! For one, he was supposed to stop working allegedly due to an automobile accident that rendered him permanently disabled, and he has reported this to agencies as such. An automobile tort case was decided based on his permanent injury and inability to work, which he ascribed to the accident (and not mentioning a previous stroke, that he had) which for a while, he refused to even mow a lawn, to "prove" his disability. However, a review left July 5th 2024 for his business suggests one of two things: 1 he is back working or 2. he had someone leave a review for some reason!
Second: I rented a home from him for a year. It seemed OK in the beginning, but things got VERY weird when I discovered packages not being received and suspicious of an orange extension cord from his friend's camper that suddenly appeared one day, to my electrical pole. I inquired about these things between December 2023 through about March 2024. When I made mention USPS and Bowie-Cass electric would conduct investigations, the landlords proceeded to let me know that they were displeased. The orange extension cord disappeared and they made allegations that Jeff (last name redacted) was the cause of my missing packages, and that I would be unlikely to ever get them back because HE (David) and the neighbor (Jeff) had some sort of falling out. I repeatedly asked him and wife for the # and they would never provide it and I didn't know anyone so I went door to door and ALL neighbors swore they did NOT have any packages. I put two and two together after he wrote a false "damages" letter to me addressing the names that are not known to others nor no one could spell without having seen the name, and were ONLY for packages, that he DID get them. What he did with them, I have no clue. I even asked his wife Krystal ,who also threw Jeff under the bus. Still, not giving me Jeff's contact information or property address. I found it but that person says no packages and I have NO beef with that person so I have no reason to believe he (Jeff) lied.
Then other weird occurrences began. We felt we were being watched! It seemed no matter what we did, David and Krystal would just sort of know. Now, mind you, they wanted to increase rent on me no notice, and with everything turning awkward I decided to move. I gave them PROPER notice, and thought everything would be pretty straightforward from there. However, it was not and because I didn't ever rent before, I wasn't entirely sure of what to expect so I researched statutes and saw they were supposed to give me 30 days notice to increase rent (but it was less than a week!) and they are to return my deposit. I was NEVER late on rent not even by a day! Never noisy or dirty or any trouble. So no reason for the events that I will describe below.
I had movers for May 22, 2024 help me move out. During the move out, when I left and ONLY when I left to go get pizza for them, did he poke his head in the door trying to get someone to give my home address. He also began taking pictures and videotaping the movers and our things, so the movers naturally thought maybe I loaded something that was theirs, and felt uncomfortable. They reported to me what happened. I was like "what? super sketch" but didn't think much more about it bc we were moving! On May 24, my kid graduates and the lady landlord (Krystal, Mr Ousley's wife) came over to congratulate her and complain about her husband. I thought we were cool so I left it alone. After all, I was moving. I didn't want to hear about her husband.
Then, on May 29 2024 after 9pm the male landlord (David Ousley) broke into the home knowing I was not there (I was dealing with an emergency at the new home) AND (1. emergencies and lease specified entry is all that would be allowable and neither applied). He then tried sneaking into and then barging into my teenage daughter's bedroom! When she reacted negatively to him, he began threatening her and told her he had been watching us on his "little cameras" and she told him to leave her bedroom, he was creepy and that she would call the cops. She repeats over and over, and he is now yelling and coming toward her, "red in the face" according to her, "like he was on something" according to her, and was going to do something. Furthermore, she was also simply watching Tik Tok in her air bed so not completely dressed. The lady (Krystal) calls me telling me my daughter might call me to tell on me, but what she didn't know is not only did my daughter already make the call, but cops were on the way AND they were on speaker phone so my a/c man who was working hard for me that night, heard it ALL. She said she had no idea what happened, why her husband went into the house let alone my kid's bedroom and that she is "just the property manager" and didn't know anything. She later (to the cops, right after myself and they arrive) tells the cops some other crazy story! Like what? So she knows nothing and suddenly had some story ready to go!
When the cops came, I even tried to get them to get him to come out and speak to us and the man coward would not.
I did not feel comfortable staying but still cleaned and kept the property in excellent shape, then had a sheriff come and give them their keys a couple days later.
This man then tried to bully other contractors to write estimates up and force them to try to say things that aren't true- but forgot I verify EVERYTHING. He did not provide the proper list of deductions, and the salutation included minor child (not on the list) and other parties NOT a part of the list, as well as made-up "damages" that weren't even specified. Because I have PROOF nothing he says was true. He didn't want to do a walk-through (now we know why) but I took pictures and video, and have pictures throughout the year of my kid and cat showing how I kept the place normally. So, anyway, now those contractors won't lie for him like he wants.
I have pressed criminal charges for the breaking and entering and that is pending, and will be SUING for deposit back In civil court. Meanwhile, he went around town telling folks I don't even know but somehow, I meet and they share: he knows I do 'drugs' bc he was in my cabinets. (False, but I don't doubt he tried going thru my cabinets). He is going to harm me and find me.
Everything I say here I can prove and will have opportunity to do upon the investigation. I only say this to say all this: When working with a business like this, do you want this to be YOUR little girl? Your family? If he feels you do him wrong, he will try to get revenge. This is why he is retaliating against me and mine. I believe that his integrity with 1. trying to defraud an umbrella policy (automobile tort, Arkansas) 2. Walking in on someone's kid after breaking and entering 3. Other issues (not stated, you can look it all up) that this is NOT the type of person I could trust around my home! And you shouldn't. Maybe he USED to do good work, but he sure can't be trusted now. And remember, he's allegedly permanently disabled and not supposed to work at ALL! I could write a lot more, but trying to keep this short as possible. I WOULD AVOID MR. DAVID OUSLEY AT ALL COSTS, INCLUDING BUSINESS, for your own well-being and safety., as well as contracts do not mean anything to him. Thanks
Claimed loss: 1000 plus resitution
Desired outcome: He is held accountable and pays back what he owes and restitution and the state holds him accountable for his illegal actions
Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified David Ousley’s Tree Service representatives only. If you are affiliated with David Ousley’s Tree Service, please claim your business to access these details.
UPDATE: Went to court where David Ousley and Krystal Ousley (Russell) LIED several times under oath like the fools they are! Sickening! Judge wanted us to appeal to a higher court due to the nature of these actions and the doctrine of “reasonable doubt” so we would have to gather additional evidence that wasn’t up for review which I have!. Fine, except, we missed deadline due to hospitalization (I can prove if needed with hospital dates and my work disability claim approval!) They did NOT get to go forward with defamation suit, and in fact, judge told them to take the case elsewhere as she would not even LOOK at it! She took my daughter’s testimony, and told them “If this is true, SHAME on you” which was satisfying in it of itself., since they LIED about the entire scenario and said neither of them SPOKE to my kid upon breaking and entering. Shameful! They also falsified receipts and had companies backdating things to try to get me to owe them lol What.ever’ I could tell the judge didn’t believe their 3 stories in one about the “heard repeated knocking” to “heard a cat” to “someone was stealing their ac unit outside” (their lawyer told them to listen, bc they were sticking their feet in their lying mouths!) If someone is breaking in, why did they call NO agency? LOL nothing made any sense!’ Lying usually means you need a good memory! Additionally: . Judge wouldn’t grant them their alleged damages and even their lawyer wanted them to BE QUIET when they said (and I will quote) “We called the company and had them backdate the paperwork when she sued us, otherwise we would just let this go (referring to alleged mold in a laundry room ,that we found out occurred well after we moved (duh) and actually from another problem altogether, not to do with us! Like DUH! I am a claims expert and can tell a “bad connection to a washer vs a pipe behind a wall leaking. Mold in Texas can grow within days! Common knowledge and the fact they tried to par damages by committing fraud and having others doneo as well? Showed us Texarkana is a [censored]hole! BUT ALL the companies were willing to give me a LOT of information so they better not try anything else!) While we didn’t win everything we hoped and couldn’t appeal in time, they sure didn’t get away with what they thought they would even with a lawyer! Now I have a benefit through work (where they tried to get me fired haha plus I have the recorded call someone forwarded to me where they were making threats) that gives me free legal services. I still won MOST of our case. Too bad we couldn’t meet the appeal deadlines but that is OK! What goes around comes around. We since, have moved from the state of Texas to the east coast and couldn’t he happier! Even if we have to worry about snow. Those MFs kept trying to lie, defraud, and get our new address to a place we bought and chose to rent out. Do what you will with this info: Just make sure you keep your CHILDREN hidden!