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CB Online Scams Review of Deka Records
Deka Records

Deka Records review: Beware Internet Record Label Scam 121

Author of the review
10:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Independent musicians around the Internet are being contacted by an individual named Joe Gentile from a so-called record label called Deka Records. Here is a copy of the eMail he is sending to vulnerable artists:

Hello, my name is Joe Gentile from Deka Records. I would be interested in
releasing your music on our label. Are you the person I should contact? My
assistant found you on If so please email me back so I can
send you information pertaining to possibly signing you with Deka Records. I
would like to send this to you in email. Once I receive your email I will
then forward you a preliminary contract.

We are a small label but do have charting artist. Please see Trinity Lane on
our website.

This is not a scam, spam email or a bot of any kind. I am from Deka Records
we are a small indie label and we have been open for about a year. We do
have a few artist on the label doing very well, selling records throughout
the world.

I thank you in advance, and
I look forward to hearing from you!

Joe Gentile
Deka Records
A&R Executive

After you contact him, he pitches the con on you. You pay him $1000 and he will distribute your music on the Internet. If you sell 200 CDs, then he will give back your original $1000 investment. Since most of these artists are unknowns, they will never make their money back! Like me!

I know, I was ripped off by this scam. We live in the Phoenix area and tried to track down his office. There is no office! The address he gives out is a strip mall with various businesses like a hardware store. It’s a paid mail box location! No office of a record label!

He claims his label will make a $15, 000 investment into your music to promote it in the real world and make you a big star, after you send him the $1000! But he never provides this information!

His website has tons of unknown artists he has scammed money out of them! Many have complained but get nowhere! We have complained to the BBB and consulting with an attorney, since I was under 18 years old when I signed his contract. He didn’t even care I was 17 at the time, he just wanted my money and promised me stardom!

Update by Conned Musician
Apr 08, 2010 10:14 am EDT

Harry, I read your response to the "Headbanger" and I disagree. Did Deka Records put you up to posting these messages? Your facts are incorrect, more opinion than anything. Actually, the BBB in Arizona had 2 complaints against Deka... it's right on their website? SO you are attacking "Mr.Headbanger" for stating his opinion and truth?. I am an Entertainment Attorney. Thanks for posting your personal link. Who is your attorney? I'd love to call him or her and share your pubic postings. Defamation of Character is serious. Deka is clearly guilty of unethical practices. Maybe you had a better experience with them, but many others have not. This message board allows those who have been done wrong, to share their experiences. Not to be attacked by individuals defending the entity in question.

Update by Conned Musician
Apr 08, 2010 10:26 am EDT

P.S. I represent the girl in question. After her parents shared this posting, I was given the login information. A Class-Action suit is being prepared. For those of you who have been taken advantage of by Deka Records please post your information as an investigation is taking place.

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Mobile, US
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Sep 18, 2010 4:36 pm EDT

I Give two smashed flies about your gay [censored] music. Why! what I paid bothering you! I'll spend 200.00 to have you beat up by a girl. You are so stupid and dumb until, you are contridicting yourself and don't even realize it! And you right, Im a Gorrilla, ready to rip the indusrty apart! You can never be on my level, because you have no balls. But Getting reamed by Joe has really made you weaker than what you already was! Yen, Dollar? Who really cares, Get Money and stop being a hater. You trying to defend yourself but you are making yourself look even more stupid! Forget opinions and what people think. It means nothing to me. But If you keep running your trap, you prone to loose all your teeth in the process.. SEE ME? GANG MEMBER? (MIKE EPPS) Broker than my Harry [censored] mom! lol!

Mobile, US
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Sep 18, 2010 4:42 pm EDT

aparatus (and Im uneducated) Dudet get real and stop bieng a [censor] sucker! Lol!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 18, 2010 5:52 pm EDT

Yeah you sure are a fake Yen Made Crap. I did not ask you, if you like my music. Don't try to skip away from the subject. What I do now, has crap to do with Deka. Would you mind, reading the same posted message? Gosh. I have not ask you [censor]. Then trying to be smart with throwing numbers around. You sure do read between the lines. is o.k. an imbecile like you, we can expect any major errors! Is o.k., go ahead and play out side and get ye oreo cookie! Yes, you read my message real well! I am proud of a no good somebody like you, Looser!

(aparatus (and Im uneducated) Dudet get real and stop bieng a [censor] sucker! Lol!)

At least you read that one real good! Big Boy, now get ye lemonade and play in the bushes!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 18, 2010 5:58 pm EDT

Poor thing, is this a threat? Or a compliment? You are way off of the subject I wrote in the comment section. Here you are talking about the birds and the bees! I don't defend anyone, I talk facts my man, but your empty headed chamber up there can not catch the message I simply wrote. So you decide to go way off and talk about loosing my teeth and have no balls? Nothing to do with the subject. One thing right... I have no balls, I have a set of Lima that accepted? MasterCard or VISA?

I Give two smashed flies about your gay [censored] music. Why! what I paid bothering you! I'll spend 200.00 to have you beat up by a girl. You are so stupid and dumb until, you are contridicting yourself and don't even realize it! And you right, Im a Gorrilla, ready to rip the indusrty apart! You can never be on my level, because you have no balls. But Getting reamed by Joe has really made you weaker than what you already was! Yen, Dollar? Who really cares, Get Money and stop being a hater. You trying to defend yourself but you are making yourself look even more stupid! Forget opinions and what people think. It means nothing to me. But If you keep running your trap, you prone to loose all your teeth in the process.. SEE ME? GANG MEMBER? (MIKE EPPS) Broker than my Harry [censored] mom! lol!

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Mobile, US
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Sep 18, 2010 6:26 pm EDT

Cash Biiitch! Off the subject or not you are still a lame [censored] punk, with no talant! And where you going with that old [censored] BEATUP CAMARO? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Finally no comment! Your car speaks for itself!

One thing right... I have no balls, I have a set of Lima that accepted? MasterCard or VISA? Cash Biiiaaatttccchhhh! And you definitely don't have to o.k. me about you not having balls! sO THAT WOULD MAKE YOU A DIKE HUH! lmfao!
Man just leave it alone. You can't speak to me ever again! Go play with Joe!

Mobile, US
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Sep 18, 2010 6:40 pm EDT

On The Real Tip, Deka Records Is A FREAKING JOKE! If Joe Gentile contacts you, laugh in his hard [censored], and tell him that he owes alot of people! Don't get side-tracked by these clowns, because they are working with him and they are just as shady as he is. Trinity Lane, Deka prize artist, is not even affilliated with this lame [censored] label. Do not take advice from Harry Broker than Broke, cuz he or she is confused. Lost in a world of Broke, uneduacted trailer trash! I love the fact that he or she defends a nothing label like Deka, and has no track record to validate her success with the label. Only that his album is posted on their page! Are you serious? Dumb I tell ya, Just Dumb!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 18, 2010 6:55 pm EDT

You are so Yen Track. Yeah I have a beat up Camaro, cause I work undercover for K-mart, if you don't mind? No, unfortunate, I am not a [censored], cause I have no Fishing License! I don't wana speak to you. I am wrting, Clumpo-Matic. I don't want to talk to an over gang member tuity-fruit gang of Mobile-Alabama. No way, Jose. I wanna talk to your manager. No, i am not serious, just shopping K-Mart. Nah, anymore dumb questions, Mate? Seems like, there is no track to walk on anymore. No, you are not a gorilla, I am sorry. You are an Urango-Tang on the beach...Son of a Beach, my Man. Lucky hot-dog you are. No, I have no track record either cause I don't run on a track at all. Only shop K-Mart! Have a nice Easter and enjoy paying your car payments with high car insurance you can't afford. Or does dope money covers that for ye?...

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Mobile, US
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Sep 21, 2010 10:28 am EDT

Condos paid for with no car payment! "in Biggie's voice"! Don't sell drugs, never been my thing. Don't drink and I definitely don't have time to swing from tree's like a monkey, which is a racist comment, by the way. Your thought process is slow like your car. Your words are simple like your music. And last but not least, running the track is another way I introduced you to making real money other than dealing with a fake like Joe Gentile! See if you can figure that one out. "Bring Daddy his money! L7 weennniiieeee!
P.s. K-mart is a cool store.

Mobile, US
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Sep 21, 2010 10:52 am EDT

I just read this complaint board today. Harry Broker you are building one big smoke screen! Your association with Deka Records puts you into the position to protect your interests. Therefore it is easy to read between your B.S.

I just read on a separate message board where Deka Records had several complaints against it with the Better Business Bureau. You also didn't explain why they took advantage of that teenage girl or why Deka has a bogus address! The complaints are posted all over the web about these guys. Deka is bad news!

You seem to be working with them, so standing up for them is your choice. But I would not associate myself with a label who works in such a shady manner! What happens when that girl's family takes Deka to court, will you defend them then in court then?

As a musician I have seen a lot of fake label scams. Joe Gentile's is one of the worst. What the girl posted above is almost exactly what was sent to me a while back. I did my homework first and in NO WAY POSSIBLE was I going to give up $1000 for some unknown label with a bogus mailing address!

Deka Records is a FRAUD!

Im not the only one! Harry Broker shut up and get out of the game!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 21, 2010 8:43 pm EDT

You are really an uneducated individual, gang member, big time dope dealer and trying to play the cool guy and teach every one a lesson on this forum, cause you were a cry baby with Deka. So every one has to pay for your silly pity downer, you assume to have experienced a bad lesson with them. I don't work for them. I work for Crystal Clear Production in partnership with Tunecore. Crystal Clear is totally 100% ME. You wanna tell me Mr. Epps, that you join a street-gang in Mobile, Alabama and preach the gospel with a gun hidden in your shirt. @9 K Golden neckles, teeth and diamond filled wrist watches? Read your own previous entry. You are contradicting yourself, drive a new suv, gas hawk, high insurance and high car payment. And you pay that from your dishwasher salary? Come on... Junk King Pin, Mr. Eppps. Just admit, you are a gang leader, and by biding boring time, you assume, let me play with this complaint forum? You are the scam Mr. Epps. Since birth, you scam anyone for their last penny if you can. (Yes, In The Name Of God!), [You fool even your neighbor's dog!] Look in the mirror and check your resume out, sonny. You totally stink, fake and involved with devious undertakings. Then you come up here and teach everyone the gospel in how bad Deka is? Sorry, no one falls in your Holy Trinity Dope, Inc. Have a nice Easter!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 21, 2010 8:56 pm EDT

Yen Tracks,

One more thing! Did you finally found out, that Harry was not a [censored] or woman after all? Seems you are a very confused individual? You must have searched me on Google, huh? I am proud of you. K-Mart will give ye a tootsie roll! Well, was it really not Harry or was it Mary, or who knows, Harriet? Shows you how people read your notes and will shake their heads in unbelievable way you just figuring out what sex I belong to? Male or female?... Hmmmm, is very confusing, huh?

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Mobile, US
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Sep 22, 2010 7:48 pm EDT

I don't need your pity! I'm not in the business of teaching and I speak only the real! Deka Records is a joke! Period! No questions, explanations, non of that crap! Personally chick, or dude whatever the hell you are, I can give two smashed flies about your sex! I don't do gangs either! That was a quote from a movie, evidently a movie that you have not seen! You are lame in every aspect of the word. I also, don't do dishes. I am a self made successor! My business has been open to the public for 12 years strong! For you to mock my God, and accuse me of being a false profit, shows that you have a ways to go! You are defending Deka, because you are still looking for your first pay out! Mine has already been cashed with interest. You are jealous that I can ride good, eat good and spend well and you can not. Staying with your moms, driving an old beat up camaro, and gay. Man you F UP! I WOULD HATE ME TOO! My changing my style of music was my personal choice! I have kids that are impressionalbe, and they are more important to me than any amount of money! You judging me as if you have a heaven or hell to put me in! In that case you would be the hipocrit, and the non-believer. Just continue dealing with a fake label like Deka, because you are a fake and a fraud just like them. I am free, paid and happy to be in my situation and not yours!
P.S. This is my Sunday ride! lol! Hi Hater!

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Mobile, US
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Sep 22, 2010 8:26 pm EDT

Hi! Hater!

Pickled Green Gators, See me now or see me later
It really don't matter, You gone always be a fu**ing Hater!
Shut the F*** up! And go get me a drink and
play the bartender biiaaatch, you know what I drink
Im absolutely juiced, Im leaning on that Green
Im peeling on a Grand, Im ball'in with my team
Shot calling with that green, Im banging on the trax
Im going to make a figure lean
Make a figure bounce, I make a figure bob!
Im serving it on the block like its MuthaFu**ing Hard!
$10 a pop, biatch come and get yo fix!
IM ON ALL DAY, I got a couple of bricks
Its all in my mix, I got to keep it coming
I keep the the tweeters tweeting, I keep the woofers drumming
I've got them 15 thumping

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 23, 2010 2:55 pm EDT

Tell you what crack-head. If you can't see the difference between a man and a woman., you must be high on bleach and ammonia. Whatever you do, is your business. Just don't try to preach us with your dirty street habits. You do what you feel like cooking, soon you end up behind bars. And Please, Don't use the name God? He is on a lunch break! No, I am not jealous. My path of life happen not to be materialistic. One day, we all have to leave this planet again. My plan is to help people, not putting people down, like you do. Not noticing you stink like rotten skunk, please keep your comments to yourself, and run your street gang instead! Have a great Christmas, Sonny!

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Sep 23, 2010 3:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Greetings To You Our Good Friends and All: Radio Disc Jocks, Sound System Operators, Selectors & Promoters World Wide.

These are the new 7STAR GENERAL L.A. LEWIS hit songs now available for FREE downloading only for this month such as, GO HARD KING, TRILLIONAIRE, OLD DOGG RUSH ME, PROVIDER and INNA WHITE also STAGE SHOW PERFORMANCE at the SETTLEMENT on July 9 2010, just check it out the new promotion. You can send them to your friends, "Go Hard King" was written and performed by Horace Stephenson Lewis. "Go Hard King" is produced byTreveno "Quick Mix" Williams ."Trillionaire" "Old dogg Rush Me" "Provider" and "Inna White" is also written and performed by Horace Stephenson Lewis otherwise known as L.A.Lewis and his produced by Rothschild 7 Records Label . Thank you for your support, more promotional songs are in the attachment in high quality format for you to burn on your CD's or MP3 player.

Please note these tunes are for promotional use only and are not for sale, anyone caught selling without the authorization of Rothschild 7 Records or Pyramid 3 Production will be arrested and charged.

Please note the video for "Trillionaire" and "Old Dogg Rush Me" will be sent to you very soon in high quality format. For now you can go to these youtube links to see these pre-release videos. On behalf of myself and everyone from Pyramid 3 Productions and Rothschild 7 Records Label, we thank you for your now and futuristic support.

To book the 7Star General L.A. Lewis for a concert or to make a guest appearance at a function or simply to do a dubplate or a jingle or voice on any new rhythm that you may have or to endorse your brand or any other matters please contact Pyramid 3 Productions at [protected] / [protected]/ [protected].

Email us at or Our mailing is 7a Leas Flat Kingston 19, Jamaica West Indies.

Here are the links to the new track:





(5)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

P.S.: Once you get this email, do send us a confirmation.

Kind Regards

Rothschild 7 Records

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 23, 2010 7:34 pm EDT

You see, Deka is all of a sudden not the subject here, Yen Track. Your stupidity is what the subject is. Read your own notes, wannabe doper...and please smoke some more crack, with your fly swat comments! Read your dumb comments again. It is not Deka having the problem...nooooo, it is Yen Track Dumb Idiot, having a serious mental problem and preach like the Angel Of Light, with a hidden semi-automatic underneath his shirt! Fool someone else, sorry pity Deka Victim! Poor thing. You really have a personal problem. Move on with your life little red riding hood, and stop crying about Deka, and do something right, with your life, instead!

Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 9:52 am EDT

Sorry Aquaboogie, don't have the time to research you. Ya see, I help people, and not want to help people. See the difference? Every COMMERCIAL SHOW I HAVE EVER DONE, HAS BEEN SPONSERED BY "The American AIDS association. I will not perform unless they are included in the contribution. Twice a year, I help donate 2500 hundred pairs of name branded shoes to the children in my community. I have donated thousands to charities. You think you are smart with your semi racist comments. But you don't fool me. For that matter, you really have the foul aroma coming from your spirit. I will scream JESUS, My Lord, and Savior for as long as my heart pumps. I don't sell drugs, I don't do drugs, and I definely don't do gangs. As-A-Matter-of-Fact, I don't book clubs, I drink occassionally, and I have never cheated on my beautiful wife. Rewind your reading history, and notice, who really jumps the subject. Forreal forreal, I REALLY COULD CARELESS ABOUT YOU OR DEKA. But to just know that they are cons, and are conning people daily bothers me. You are defending them so that makes you apart of the scam, so you are guilty as well. Now I admit, I jumped the gun by attacking you and Ronnie Run in my first post and I apologize, but don't think for one moment that you are innocent! I am a MAN, 35 YEARS OF AGE! 3 CHILDREN, TWO DOGS AND PEAR TREE! I don't have time to research a local artist, that don't even record the kind of music I listen too.Your exploits, pages, songs, tour dates, co-websites, etc...or whatever, I have never visited a day in my life. For what? But I bet you checked my resume! lol! Man leave it alone! I quit and this will be my last post, concerning you. I PROMISE.

Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 9:58 am EDT

And oh yeah, the verse was about my production skills and my music. I have to break it DOWN for you WITE folks!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 24, 2010 10:59 am EDT

Your promise is broken, to add another note to it! Shows you what an unstable person you really are!

There is the problem number 2, I am not white either. Boy, you make judgement as you are GOD, then try to be Holy, that you spend time in building up your Crack Foundation. I did not ask you to research me, I did not even ask you to put your dumb comments here, and really I care less who you are, to be honest! Your judgement shows what type of a person you really are. Deka is just a cover to have you cry on this forum. No need to waste anymore useless words with no meaning behind it. Your life is plain useless, feel sorry for your spouse!...blah-blah-blah...

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Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 11:58 am EDT

Hold on wait a minute! I just had to get yall weak! check this out! This will solve all the issues. Man this CHICK keep running His mouth about a Gay lame label like Deka! This is Hilarious!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 24, 2010 4:38 pm EDT

Listen, you said no more posting, being Gay is also dicrimination. White boy, huh? And you had no time to investigate me? Stuff that all up where the sun don't shine, sonny. You stink, and I am selling my records like cookies. Anymore questions? You racist and discriminating, of something I am not. Happy married and 2 daughters. You stupid dumb [censor]! The more you post your stupid remarks, the more you loose your fans...keep on going dumb-[censor], the loss is on you... This forum is high rated on Google, and your fans will turn your back on you, I guarantee you that, with that fat mouth of yours and no action?... Don't give a swat [censor] about me, huh? Sorry creepy-freak. I am famous all over the world, and you ain't with your sorry looking Deka cry [censor]! Let me inform your fans, that you are a dope addicted faker and screw people as your hobby, if not your own family? Every dumb insert you place, the more you will look like an elephant's [censor], to your family and your friends and fans. Keep on going, idiot! I have no better title for you. A gang-banger wanna be... Is o.k. Thanks for posting my picture. Keep Looking there is more of me, to your stupid tasteless crack head. Everything you wrote already contradict in what you said, and what you did. You don't even believe in your own self. Feel sorry for your wife and kids. And your close family. I bet ye, you drove your poor parents in an asylum? Then you go after their money? Go for it! That is all you know how...bye now sorry idiot! Do your home work and google me more, with your swats [censor]!

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Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 7:07 pm EDT

I've just gained about a 1000 new fans off of this post.
Mr. Binh Duong in a pair of thongs. My fan base is fine, and actually one of your fans sent that crap too me, I ddidn't go looking for it! hahahahahahahaha!

Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 7:51 pm EDT

Mr. Binh Duong fruity thongs! What, huh, your music sell like cookies, hahahahahaha, pretty pink cookies in a pair of thongs. Look chick, I ll tell you what Ill leave you alone if you stop running your trap, but seeming you can't do that, we'll keep going and going, and no-one would win. The arguement is pleasure to me and it keeps me occupied while I travel to my next destination. $2, 700 SHOW TONIGHT! Whats on your schedule? NOTHING, MUD FIGHT NIGHT AT THE PEPPERMINT PATTIE? LOL!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 24, 2010 8:30 pm EDT

My schedule, Dumb-[censor] ape, is getting in touch with European Promoters for me to go on a major tour to open up for famous acts. My work project will be in the Netherlands and Germany to start, just for the record. ( ) And don't lie that one of my fans sent you re-cycled tampons for stuffing it up your nose!. You have no clue, who my fans are Urango-Tang! Your show is on the street selling dope and using it while you launder on the streets, with your cheap hot air out of your mouth and no action! There is were your money is with a long police rap sheet! Your pleasure? Saying that was the last message you posted? I really think, your brain needs a major overhaul! No need to cuss or type any harsh may run to Mammie for a diaper change! Nope wrong again. I am not Mr Bing on a fruity sling. I come from Europe, you Ding-Dong! If you wanna teach me a lesson, please do some home work first, you Doper from Floper! Seems like your mouth rattles more, but no brains upstairs in your empty head! Try to sniff more ammonia and bleach may see heaven on your way to hell! Just a kindly advice for you. Again, please do some home work first, O.K.? I don't wanna win, there is no reason to win this. Don't you know, we are already off the subject of Deka sorry pity record deal you had? Now is you and me being the subject. Am I getting it clear with your donkey brain? You lied and google me, but you are scared to tell me that. Fans of mine, don't contact a donkey apparatus like you. You are to dumb for their standards. Just be Googled me. Trying to play dumb! Jesus Christ, what a poor looser you are.
Poor thing, go cry again, and you get a lolly-pop.Have a great Bingo-Bongo Day, o.k.?
Ohhh, by the way, I don't were thongs, hairy APE! I rather go pure naked instead! Thongs itches too much! If you don't mind? If you need any help, I'll be glad to give you another hint or link? Oh, don't worry, everything is Googled all over the world, you should find more stories to build about me... But please, no fake ones, like you showed before. This time, get the real source, o.k.? Then I stop arguing with you. Again, I don't wanna win. Winning is for Big Time Loosers, like you. I just wanted to get the fact straight, that every time you type a statement about me, you are so darn wrong at all times. I give you this time to correct your [censor] mistakes. Is that better, Sonny? Try,,,,,,, and so on and son. Can you do that for me, Sonny? Then type something that makes sense. Then I'll tell you, o.k. you win! How about it, Lttle Red Riding Hood, deal?

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Mobile, US
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Sep 24, 2010 9:16 pm EDT

Chick, you are saying the same thing over and over. Is it because your voabulary is limited? You are a one tracked minded individual. Set on calling me an Ape. Is it because Im black? And why in the hell do I have to lie. You are lame, and so is your music. You are trying to reach where I am already located! I been to Germany, China, Japan, and even Africa. Dude you are Gay and I feel sorry for your wife, to have to deal with a punk like you. You look gay sound gay and representing a gay label. It is o.k. to be fruity, just don't come this way with that crap. Crack, lets see, hmmmm, oHHHH! IM BLACK! That's what it is huh. Every black man in america is on crack huh! Including Obama, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakaun, and many many many more. Im educated with street knowledge and book smarts. Top of my class. That's why you hating, because you hate to see another minority do better than you chop stick [censored]! Seeming my tax money, is money that you use to live on for seven years for free, in a hut of 24 people. Man look, grab these nuts while you humm your gay [censored] music in the crack of my [censored]. As I fart, and Blow half your face off. Go do some Karaoke or something and stop playing with grown folks! Lil china doll!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 24, 2010 11:51 pm EDT

Check your spelling, Dumb [censor] Hemorrhoid Trax. You're a minority, cause you want to be a sorry no good idiot minority as an excuse. Get a normal job, idiot! Instead of living from someone else's money!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 12:15 am EDT

Hey hairy Ape Jen Trax on the toilet! You are making this forum hitting the top of Google, with you intellectual diarrhea language!

harry broker Profile | - [ Vertaal deze pagina ]
harry broker Profile. harry broker. Member since Apr 6, 2010. Bowling Green, Kentucky · United States · Add to my Associates ... - Verenigde Staten - In cache

Copied from, The Netherlands. Just for you, "Stupid Hairy Ape On The Rocks"!

I am so proud of you, you Mongol/Imbecile!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 4:23 am EDT

Hey Yen Crap, are your songs being big time downloaded in Australia? And if so, can you prove it, like me?

Harry Broker - Download Harry Broker Music on iTunes
Preview and download songs by Harry Broker on iTunes. Songs start at just $1.69 each. - Cached

Something else, douch-bag! Since you know so much about Gay people? I am so glad, that you finally come out of your closet, that you are a Gay and Hairy-Ape! Now, tell your wife about it. You see, you are so saturated about Gay events, that you flourish in your own Gay stories, like you have such a great and horny experience? Then, don't compare yourself with real black people's intellect, were I have my deepest respect for. I am putting your black-[censor] under my microscope, not them. So, please don't use that, to hide you GAY lifestyle under the category black people. I am very glad, that you are GAY and Love Gay people. Keep mentioning that in all your upcoming postings, Cause I feel that you get off on it and maybe almost cum? My God, be honest with your wife, what your longing for your real lifestyle is? And please talk normal and keep that street language of yours on the street?

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 4:30 am EDT

Hey, Gay Yen Tracks in your pants...can you handle this, with your fat boogelo-face?

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Preview and download songs by Aquablauw on iTunes. Songs by Aquablauw start at just $0.99 each. - United States - Cached

Thirsty by Aquablauw - Download Thirsty on iTunes
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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 4:35 am EDT

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How about this one in Germany? Does your [censored]-bag resume looks like that? Fat lying Yen Tracks in your panty-hose?

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 4:52 am EDT

Forgot to tell you. For my Gay music, why did I received an international award, of being in the top 10 placed artist in the world as an Indie Recording Artist?

See for yourself, I always come with proof Mr. Yen Tracks Panty Hose Lover!

Please see:

Yes, Deka Records Indie, Recording Artist!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 5:14 am EDT

I am so sorry, only 913 friends, compared to mine going to 13, 000 friends with over 70, 000 views, with international people from the good walks of life?

No wonder Gay people like you are on the lowest ladder with your fat mouth. People come to this forum and wanna see proof, now this sorry looking myspace you got Yen Tracks, shows the proff to them, in who is for real andwho is fake. The figures speaks for itself! I am glad, Deka removed your crap off their list and I still top their label on number one. Proof?
Plus my International Indie Recording Top 10 Artist in the world. See, many people visit this forum and want to see proof, not hot air, coming from a dumb element like you.

Now that we bull-[censor] so much..., the people reading this forum wants to see proof now...

Anymore questions, Douch-Bag Hemorrhoid-Trax in your pants and full-time Panty-Sniffer?

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 5:25 am EDT

Antwon D. Malone, a Christian Turned Rapper? Look in the writings in this forum. Is that Christian? Who are you trying to fool? Do you realize, those 913 friends will eventually read this forum, and see How Gay-Christian you really are? Don't forget, this forum is topping Google all over the world. What will your buddies in your PR department think? And your poor 913 friends, of you being so Christian, with a long Police-Rap Sheet. You did it, I don't. Not even talking about your own family and friends. Nice PR work, for you, huh? Shows on your myspace, what a poor looser you really are. And a fat lying panty-sniffer, hiding under the Holy God? So keep posting your dumb [censor] and see, were your career and future lands?

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 5:50 am EDT

Here is were things go wrong!

Quote:"Antwon Malone" the artist formly known as DollarMadeTrax, has shut his doors to gangsta rap. I will no longer produce a music that causes death and self destruction to our youth. I have decided to make my music for God, or God have decided to pull me into his covenent. I am glad for the change in my life, because I was pushing product for the wrong team.

Read more:, Unquote

He is making music for God, cause all the money he made in selling crack is now in the one of the banks in the Bahamas or laundered through real estate investments. He is coming out clean for the work of God, while still directing big business in dope traffic in the name of God! So, who are you fooling, Yen Track-Hairy-Ape! You are already branded as a Gang Banger, and people know, you will never change, just more sneaky in your ways of fooling people. Don't Use The Name Of God, to do your filthy dope traffic and pretend you recording gospel music for the youth? You got to be kidding, that people fall for that. I can tell you, those 913 friends on your myspace will soon be looking at this cute forum, and then see the REAL DEVIL operating shady stuff, under the name of GOD! No, poor looser, we got your number. Hope the FBI will tail ye soon, so you can do your Godly work behind bars? Good luck Chump! I do your shady PR work now on this forum for you...I hope it makes you HAPPY?

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 6:06 am EDT

Yen Track-[censor]-Head,

Take a good look at your comments on your myspace. Study it. Cause none of those comments are directed to your such good works... Instead, they use your comment list to promote their own goods, called Spamming! Comes to show how close these people are to your works.They just don't give a crap! Now look at my comments, even from Germany, at:

Now all those are personal comments, directed to my work, no spam use, as they use your comment list on your MySpace. Shows how really dumb you are in your so called, works for God, with managing a big "Dope Traffic Empire", on the side!

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harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 10:36 am EDT

One more thing, swindler Yen Trax. So far, I have not put your music down. As an artist, I respect to everyone's contribution to the arts of music, my respect to all of you artists. I never have the right, to put someone's work down, as I can learn from others. But with have crossed your own border line in front of your own family, friends and fans of yours, that saw the sweet and kind side of you. Once they see and read this forum, I doubt if they still have trust and faith in a filthy dope dealing person as you are. Hiding behind a religion and God. You must be ashamed of yourself! Using the name God in vain, to screw others... Keep on posting more junk on this forum, so everyone visiting this forum can see the real Satan in you! I posted an innocent angel, to see if you ever going to repent in hell?

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Mobile, US
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Sep 25, 2010 2:49 pm EDT

hahahahahahahaha! Aquavelvet you stoooppppiiddd! I tried to mis-spell that, if thats ok. Who is that on the pic. Bruce Lee and Helen Degneres? Man stop playing with me. Maybe we should just link up and help each other, because my sales are going through the roof! 216 SALES IN A DAY! And those are the ones I can see. Man, I don't have a beef with you, but you keep saying the same dumb crap over and over. I admit, I sell dope, Dope Music! My conversion to Gospel rap was something bound to happen. I was always good people. Never been in trouble with the law. Never snitched or smoked dope! So, you saying that is void just like you!
I would never let a weak [censored] punk like you upset me. Im smarter than that. My motivation is deeper than you! You are just a little china man running his trap about a bunch of crap that has no relevance. Nothing you say is being taken seriously, because you are a Nobody. A opossum, a rat and and BIIIIAAATTCCCHHH!
Im laughing at you dude, and that gay [censored] pic you just posted. I feel sorry for Helen!

Mobile, US
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Sep 25, 2010 3:10 pm EDT

Who gives a care about Myspace. You being an illegal alien probably makes you feel apart of something by having a Myspace page. I have 3 myspace pages forreal forreal, and open them maybe once a month. Who plays on Myspace anymore.. Now, to notice your page of 4000 visits and 400 plays you can't be serious!
All the people that comment with me, has either done business with me or wanna do business with me. Do some more reserch Bruce, and let me know what you find.

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 3:18 pm EDT

It's o.k. dumb-[censor] Yen Trax. The figures shows the proof. Your mouth with hot air, shows lots of scare, but no action! You may laugh as much as you want, see were you are 6 months from now? Federal prison, Maybe. Or they may feel sorry and put you in Alabama State Prison Instead! One way or the other. Your conversion is laundering money, stick it in the Bahamian Banks and the rest invest in Real Estate, then try to be a Holy Farce. Post some more stupid stories. Better feel sorry for yourself. Cause many will see your nasty game plan through. Ohh by the way. You cancel your thing with Deka, unfortunate, I see your song material still being sold. Can you afford buying a cookie from that? Anyways, I wrote what I had to write. Nothing more to post about you...They all will see who and what you really are. So keep trucking my man... Do what you feel most comfortable to do. I am a nobody, that is why my stuff runs better then your crappy myspace and reverbnation. I said, figures speaks for themselves, fool!
Have a nice Easter, Junky Crack Head, in the name of the Lord!

harry broker
harry broker
Bowling Green, US
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Sep 25, 2010 3:26 pm EDT

[censor] Yen Trax,

You admit, the people you have done business with and still do business with are all dope people, my man! Dope, money and more dope. Your money you have, is only done through dope, in the name of GOD, Amen! Your stupid Hairy Dumb Ape. The more you write, thus the more you show your real colors. What a stupid comment you make! Stupid and dumb imbecile comments since birth. And you may mis spell, You are a mis spell. My God, you are the worst animal I ever talked to. Just totally demented! Put that on your My Space, in the name of God!