Independent musicians around the Internet are being contacted by an individual named Joe Gentile from a so-called record label called Deka Records. Here is a copy of the eMail he is sending to vulnerable artists:
Hello, my name is Joe Gentile from Deka Records. I would be interested in
releasing your music on our label. Are you the person I should contact? My
assistant found you on If so please email me back so I can
send you information pertaining to possibly signing you with Deka Records. I
would like to send this to you in email. Once I receive your email I will
then forward you a preliminary contract.
We are a small label but do have charting artist. Please see Trinity Lane on
our website.
This is not a scam, spam email or a bot of any kind. I am from Deka Records
we are a small indie label and we have been open for about a year. We do
have a few artist on the label doing very well, selling records throughout
the world.
I thank you in advance, and
I look forward to hearing from you!
Joe Gentile
Deka Records
A&R Executive
After you contact him, he pitches the con on you. You pay him $1000 and he will distribute your music on the Internet. If you sell 200 CDs, then he will give back your original $1000 investment. Since most of these artists are unknowns, they will never make their money back! Like me!
I know, I was ripped off by this scam. We live in the Phoenix area and tried to track down his office. There is no office! The address he gives out is a strip mall with various businesses like a hardware store. It’s a paid mail box location! No office of a record label!
He claims his label will make a $15, 000 investment into your music to promote it in the real world and make you a big star, after you send him the $1000! But he never provides this information!
His website has tons of unknown artists he has scammed money out of them! Many have complained but get nowhere! We have complained to the BBB and consulting with an attorney, since I was under 18 years old when I signed his contract. He didn’t even care I was 17 at the time, he just wanted my money and promised me stardom!
Harry, I read your response to the "Headbanger" and I disagree. Did Deka Records put you up to posting these messages? Your facts are incorrect, more opinion than anything. Actually, the BBB in Arizona had 2 complaints against Deka... it's right on their website? SO you are attacking "Mr.Headbanger" for stating his opinion and truth?. I am an Entertainment Attorney. Thanks for posting your personal link. Who is your attorney? I'd love to call him or her and share your pubic postings. Defamation of Character is serious. Deka is clearly guilty of unethical practices. Maybe you had a better experience with them, but many others have not. This message board allows those who have been done wrong, to share their experiences. Not to be attacked by individuals defending the entity in question.
P.S. I represent the girl in question. After her parents shared this posting, I was given the login information. A Class-Action suit is being prepared. For those of you who have been taken advantage of by Deka Records please post your information as an investigation is taking place.
You keep throwing God in the conversation, like you are hurting me. I know my place in his kingdom. Do you? Afterall, Trying to clean up 10 years worth of promoting a style of music, in which I have admired since a child. Now, Im a grown man, I see what it does to the mind. The verse I quoted on this post was a song I wrote three years ago, which is product of Deka's now. I'm not ashamed, Im not dissapoited nor am I bothered by the simple comments from a lame. You are not on my level, so I could never let your words touch my faith. Deka Records was asked to release me and my product so that I could start my new campaign, but they insist on still selling my music. I have asked to be released from the label and from all exploits of the label and they agreed. So why are they still pushing a product that was pulled from them. They are shady and need to be brought to the forefront, and that is what I aim to do.
Reverbnation and myspace has one or none of my music at this time. My music was pulled in an attempt to release my newer material, in which is Gospel. Who cares about those sites anyway, besides a lame like yourself that don't have a clue about what they are doing. Mines is better than yours, man shut up! You sound like a kid! Get yo weight up Jackie Chan and stop being a freaking hater. Tell Helen I said Hello! Biiiiaaaatttcchhhh!
P.S. Im sitting in the chineese buffet eating crab cakes and sushi, Ill tell yo pops about you coming out the closet! lol!
Bruce Chan! hahahahahaha!
Keep on dreaming, you useless piece of crap, excuse me, (crab)? Your time will come, were you get what you deserve. Your place is in the Kingdom of Toilets, you Hairy Piece Of Ape, eating Grapes!. Anyway, I think I have enough said, no need to repeat myself the same old [censor], huh? So I leave you in peace, and let you go ahead and screw people in the name of GOD! I am not a hater, I hate people with mentality in their brains, close to saw dust. And that is you. But I am at the end of screwing with a no good creep like you! I wanna deal with real people, were I can learn to develop my future with. And you don't belong in that category. You're as useless as a 4 Dollar bill. I feel sorry for your poor promo works. Lousy myspace, twitter and what else you are trying to activate, like the BIG-BOYS. It don't work looser! Have a nice Easter! You started those sites? No excuse lame Ape! Don't start something and don't finish it. You may need to learn how to do management, promo and marketing, Sonny. CD baby don't promote your [censor]. Or do you expect room service from them too, Godzilla? You got so many lame excuses, but your short coming is your awful filthy mouth, needs to be bleached out! Like I said, and I hate to repeat myself... Lots of hot air and no action, Idiot!
Sorry, Trax Bracker Duffy! I saw one thing serious you wanna discuss. And I see a reason for complaint. I told you, they are still selling your songs, but you get no more income due to you cancelling your contract. Now look, I have medicine for that! But of course, the way you took me for a ride on this forum, I will not release that secret. I know how to instantly stop that without contacting them. But you will not ever know it. Cause when my contract is over, that song will be in my possession the day after my contract is over, without them knowing it. My first apologize to you. Yes, that is an instant complaint to work on. I saw it with my own eyes. yet, I have that medicine. So, you see, it shows, you have a lack, on management, promotions and marketing. That is the knowledge you need to know, without making so much noise over this complaint forum. No, it is not what you think...
Not really, Im not tripping, because whats for me Ill get in due time. I believe in the powers of God, and don't worry about small things like Deka. Ill just exploit them and keep people from making the same mistakes as I did. My attitude toward Deka is soured because he lied, and came off to be honest and straight foward and that part angered me. The album that is owned by them is an album that ultimately guided me to the mind set of freedom. It was an album of much time spent, and many long awaited ideas to be used. I am calling a truce with you because of something you said in the previous posting. I will not pen pointed because What I recieved may not be what you meant to give. I am a good person man, I don't need your medicine. Everything that is for me, God will provide. My shows now, are booked by a friend of my church, and I never expect money, but they always give me very good contributions. Promotion for DollarMadeTrax has been stopped on purpose. I stopped it and pulled most of the promoting tools I was using out of the mix.
Even though we have had some nasty words, the attempt to enlightened me is greatly respected, BECAUSE FOR ONE IT SHOWS THAT YOU HAVE SOME COMPASSION, EVEN TO SOMEONE YOU CAN'T STAND. I respect that, and it allowed me to see a speck of goodness in you.
We often get rapped up in our own cockiness, and forget about people having feelings, and I feel that this was a prime example of that statement. I jumped the gun by attacking you and Ronnie Run, but at that point I was not thinking of the long run. My bad! But, to re-act in hate definitely sparked the fire. I am a MAN that can admit to his wrong doings, and honestly never thought that this would get so serious, but it did. You can't take back words and you definitely can't push back time.
I still don't care for you, but to except guilt when it is due, makes me feel free. Im a joker, and I like to have fun, but I didnt realize that jokes can cause so much anger. I never got mad, because it's the internet, and it's a chat room, so It basically meant nothing to me, but to my God, it means everything. He says, "Love everyone as I love you" and that is a tough pill to swallow. There are people that hate you because of whatever. He loved the ones that spit on him, punch and kicked him, cursed him and hung him on a cross to die, and he still prayed for their freedom.
You know what? I call it truce. You are totally right there. I stop picking on you and let things, as they are. I appreciate your explanation in clear and right English. We are people with faults, and whether you are in God or not...we are all here for the same reason. So, I again appreciate your sincere. Wish you the best in your endeavors and many thanks for explaining it. No matter what. I called you out different titles, but unfortunate, never did I meant to attack you on your work and your creation. Let's go on with life, and do the best we can, that is all I am asking!... Just wanted to let you know. Deka was authorized to use your songs in a mutual contractual agreement that may not sound right? But you own your works man... no matter what. You own the rights to all your songs. Please don't feel bitter anymore. Use those same songs to promote them yourself. Deka has no rights anymore, so promote them. Change it on your MySpace, and take the Deka label off your label placement on your MySpace. I left 2 messages on your Myspace. Any communication and seriousness of intent, write me at: Thanks for your understanding! You don't have to care for me, that is not what I am asking. I am asking you to continue and be humble in reaching your career goals. Remember, we all need people. We can't do it all alone. And still, I have the answers to your problem. And I mean it with sincere help, not to be cocky anymore. We both blew it out of proportion, but I still have a clean cut answer to your problem. That is all I can say on this forum. Best of luck in your works...
He sent me a contract saying the same thing about that 100o dollars...i didn't sign it yet so thanks for the 17 too.
yup dont play w deka. man harry broker look like a fool in this man i have been reading this debate for months now. and all this other cat is saying is deka did him wrong. they are still selling my music as well but i fixed that problem by giving it away free. deka can have that one album because im an artist and its on to the next one. i have infinite money in my mind.none of any of this matters this forum is just to let people know that deka is not the smart choice when it comes to making music. i was met with a smile to my face and a blade for my back. joe gentile will not help your career and neither will deka records (at least from my experiences.)
To: SketchMusik,
What I have to say, I may and can not put in print. Please send your phone or cell phone number per email, to:
I think I have an answer to your problem in total confidence.
Deka Records, Staff and Management:
I hereby rest my case! You guys are on your own!
As of October 22, 2010, top recording artist number 1, for Deka Records has parted ways, to start his own indie label, Harry Broker/aquablauw, under the name: "CrystalClearProduction/Tunecore".
Whatever complaints many will write on this board, will be out of my hands as of: Thursday, October, 28, 2010.
Hereby I want to inform everyone, that I was never employed under the Deka Flag, but was a recording artist for a one time posted song of, "aquablauw", Thirsty 4 yer Love. Many of his new tunes are posted and now being made available under his own indie label at:
and under
Yes, there is a way, people does get treated the honest way, is called KARMA. My new production company, "CrystalClearProduction", is happy to announce the sign up of their first international rock/alternative group, (Zhangyu), out of the Republic of China. Soon to be released on Itunes and Amazon. For a sneak preview, see and hear them on: And while you are there, please add your MySpace name to their ever growing friends list! Your Host; Harry Broker, A&R Executive for, "CrystalClearProduction", a new US based Indie Label.
Well, Brenda, we all get tired of hearing bad things about Deka Records? Why not introduce my new company, "CrystalClearProduction", at the same time? Still, being Silly Boys, but this time in a very positive i right? The SunnySide up of those negative subject of Deka Records? Well, here it is...Still Silly Boys!
I beg you, Brenda, to love this site? The Globe and Enquirer and Martha Stewart gets jealous of this site... Besides that, I was once number 1 recording artist for Deka Records, so I believe I have first priority on this list? Don't you think so, Brenda?
Brenda, why not Google search, aquablauw, I am all over the globe!...
Now we start talking, Brenda. Let's put all that negative attention of Deka, into a very positive and high caliber label of Uncle Harry,
And enjoy my first signed international recording artist, (Zhangyu), from the Republic of China. Listen to their preview at:, instead! It will lift your spirits up! Soon available on Itunes and Amazon, world wide!
Sorry to say it is true. Joe Gentile took me for a grand too. Did Nothing, Avoid this guy and so called record label Deka Records, for your own sake. Jim
I remember you guy's album. (WhittsEnd), can you please email me at: ? Would like to know more about your above complaint? Would appreciate it.
Harry Broker/aquablauw
A&R Executive of his own new recording label, "CrystalClearProduction".
First New Hot International act signed up is, " Zhangyu" out of the Republic Of China:
Dear Public,
I have received many emails of you guys about Deka Records. I have been their number 1 artist for 8 months, for one single song release. Many has asked me advice what to do with their contracts with Deka. If you are that good as they tell you, you are, it sure does not cost a thousand bucks to join. In fact it cost nothing at all, if any record company signs you up. If you have no management skills at all. Then make sure, you have a clause, stating, that you as the artist can cancel your contract anytime, with no notice. Deka Records in no way, will make you famous or either proof to make you a star or whatever they state in your written contract, that is all not true. If you have management experience, my advice, as I say to all you guys, promote yourself on your own record label with 100% royalties instead. We live in a digital age. Anyone can be their own record company and let the internet promote you instead. My record label is, "Crystal Clear Record". Anyone I sign, will not pay one penny to be promoted. Anyone under 18 signing a contract with anyone, with out legal guardian written approval, is automatic invalid. I hope I had expressed my concern of many such company schemes running around, just taking our money and legally get away with it. Anyone needing more advice, then above, may contact me at:
Best Regards,
Harry Bröker
A&R Executive and Owner of "CrystalClearRecords"
Featuring their new signed up Rock Act from the Republic of China, (Zhangyu)
Google search, aquablauw, all over the Globe.
Sorry, Email Correction:
No, I did not paid them one penny. (Why, a thousand bucks? U never see that money back again). 4 to 6 months down your contract, after its release... Do you make the 200 to 250 sales, to see that money returned? By that time, your contract runs out... Who suppose to make sure they sell, you, or Deka Records?
I wanted to add to this complaint board, that my written contract with Deka Records with all their terms in it, were never met! My sales with Deka Records as their number 1 artist were very poor, more an insult then anything else. No proof of sales I requested from them through Itunes, Amazon, etc., digital sales of my song, were never provided as proof of actual sales. I had to take them for granted to any such numbers they provided me by email. Any artist I sign, will be shown an actual sales report from my digital distributors, under their assigned UPC numbers, which are verifiable. No fees as such, are requested from them upon signing or any other hidden fees. Therefore, my record label will be restricted to a few artists of my choice, were I can dedicate all my energy and efforts to promote them.
I hope, I have given you guys enough advice? I have received so many emails with the same questions, that I have to post these messages for any interested parties to share with.
Yes, they have an artist on the country charts. But guess who promoted her? Correct, Trinity Lane herself and KMA Records, not Deka Records.
Best wishes in you guys musical endeavors. I would say, stay clear, watch your wallet and don't believe anyone's fairy tales, without Google Search their background first.
Harry Bröker
A&R Executive and Owner of "CrystalClearRecords"
Featuring their new signed up Rock Act from the Republic of China, (Zhangyu)
Google search, aquablauw, all over the Globe.
Subject: Cancel Deka Records, midterm or ending and/or expiring contracts.
Anyone of the above, making a decision to cancel their contracts with them? Make sure, that they take off all your songs from all distribution outlets, so they do not pocket your hard earned royalties after you sign off with them. Also make sure, that if you guys decide to go with them, that there is a clause, that the artist can cancel their contracts anytime, with no notice and with no given reason.
Last but not least, anyone under 18 years of age signing a contract with anyone, without parent/guardian written approval are null and void by federal and state laws.
Best wishes in you guys musical endeavors. I would say, stay clear, watch your wallet and don't believe anyone's fairy tales, without Google Search their background first.
Harry Bröker
A&R Executive and Owner of "CrystalClearRecords"
Featuring their new signed up Rock Act from the Republic of China, (Zhangyu)
Google search, aquablauw, all over the Globe.
Subject: Deka Records UK
Deka Records United Kingdom, does not exist. No Christian Group will be signed, due to the fake $ 1000.00 upfront, non returned fees. I stopped that on time, due to the person being under 18 years of age. Deka Records, United Kingdom, is run by a forwarding receptionist service, answering calls as Deka Records, but only to forward the news to Youngtown, Arizona office. Deka Records is out for Deka Records and has no interest to promote any of its artists on its roster then inning their $1000.00 fees and skimming royalties off their earnings. Then still pocketing their royalties after artists are signed off! Something you can do yourself in promoting your songs under their same digital distributors, but then earning 100% royalties instead, and no in between people to pay either! Plus, all your songs are approved, since you are your own record executive. Therefore, Start your own record company! They did. I use most of their free promo gimmicks myself, no $ 15, 0000 needed as promised. None of my single song were promoted as STATED IN MY CONTRACT WITH THEM. Anyone can cancel their contracts, due to them not keeping their promises as stated in your contract. I now, have many witnesses that went through the same grinder with Deka Records. I have talked very kindly about Deka Records for many months, so I can see were I had to go through. Difference? They only had one single song of me, no album and no $1000.00 to hand over. I had to cancel my contract of being their number 1 artist on their roster with non verifiable sales of 34 songs in a 1 month low period. I feel very much insulted. Being on my own, I have better results and way better sales, better control, and honest royalty figures, with the same system they are using. Except, ripping people off!
Best wishes in you guys musical endeavors. I would say, stay clear, watch your wallet and don't believe anyone's fairy tales, without Google Search their background first.
Harry Bröker
A&R Executive and Owner of "CrystalClearRecords"
Featuring their new signed up Rock Act from the Republic of China, (Zhangyu)
Google search, aquablauw, all over the Globe.
Yes, Deka Records has finally been removed from, to promote any new damage to unknown and unexperienced artists. (Thank God!)
Harry Broker replied 27 minutes ago
Gosh, Deka...You guys can't hold your loyal artists? Just recently, me, VanDeMens from Australia, Sonny Lee, 0 for 4, Altar Edge, Whitends and more, left your artists list? Let's check the stand in dollars of above artists. That is $ 5000.00 you guys never paid back, plus inning royalties after they are gone.Not bad. Well, I assume, you promise Sonny Lee hard copies of his CD to be on sale in all Best Buy Stores, as once printed by your A&R Assistant. But it must be confusing, cause Napster is owned by Best Buy. So Sonny Lee decides to kick you guys [censor], for not coming up with that promise! Well, I call that deceit, guys!I called many such Best Buy Stores, visit 3 of them, one in Nashville, Tennessee, but no Deka Records with Sonny Lee on it. Not even in their catalog was it posted. So now, it should make you guys enough money to open up another mail box in 2011 on famous Wilshire Blvd. at a Cash Express inside that building? Let's see, London office closed, then open a new forwarding answering service in the Los Angeles area. Let me help you, why not using area code 213, 818, or 714 would be nice? You know...once a thief, always a thief, guys! New Image, same mind games! Only this time, I'll be watching you guys every move! No Nolan Blunt either on Jango Radio?
As of January 25, 2011
To: All Deka Management and yes, you Rick:
Your site may say no music submissions accepted. But behind the screen, you guys still look for innocent beginning artists, to rip them off, with false promises? First of, all..they all wonder, why you guys hide behind an Ace Hardware Store mail box. No street address, no faces, no real names, etc. Do you guys really think, these people are that dumb? They contact me first and explain how you guys try to transfer rights to their state, so if things go wrong, you still can be sued? What kind of crock a [censor] stories are you telling them?
How can they sue you guys, if you are not even registered with the state, no faces, no real name, no Federal Tax ID number, no street address, phoney websites with pictures. no nothing to show, then hiding in your own houses? People are not that stupid anymore. they know they want your $1000.00. When they asked you, what song you listened from them, you guys can not even come with the title? That is pretty stupid. Anyways, Please email Harry at:, before loosing your money in them? Major question you need to ask that HOT Shot in Milwaukee over the phone... Can you point me out of any of your Deka Artists in the 5 years of screwing people, if they had any artists in the Top 100 Bill Board Charts? If not?... Please hang up the phone, saves ye time and money!
Wanna see a real result of my home made record label, "CrystalClearRecords", starting in December 21, 2010?
Look no further then,
Google search, aquablauw, all over the world. That is what you call results! No crap and scam stories Deka tries to screw inexperienced upcoming artists with. If people fall in their traps...well, then you better start believing, that Santa Claus is real...
aquablauw has left a new comment on the post "WHY THIS IS HERE":
Yep, I knew that was coming, change the name, but the same vicious people behind the major joke. Now Deka Records. They seem to do better, in ripping people off big time. Their projects and plans are so real, that Santa Claus even gets jealous! These guys goes by ripping each artist off, of a so called $1000.00 per person investment, and they'll never see it ever back again. Follow this link for more of my information posted!
They got their education at their Federal University of Leavensworth, Kansas Prison! These guys are more sophisticated
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Posted by aquablauw to ILLUMINA RECORDS IS A SCAM at January 27, 2011 3:18 AM
I cant do it. I'm busy booking shows, writing songs, keeping my equiptment up to date, keeping my band in order as well as working for a living.
What if it is a semi-scam. Just for the sake of it let's say Deka takes my money,
puts our tunes on 4 digital outlets and does nothing else.
Realistically I'm out maybe $850.00-$900.00... and they get some royaltees for a year. And I search them out and "F' em up! That's really the worst case senario.
If I we're putting my time pushing your music to radio stations I would charge you more than $1000.00. In fact good luck getting me to do anything for you, for under $5000.00.
I mean think about it, would you help someone and work hard for a year for less than that? Not I.
I can't push my music to radio stations, they want a label on my product.
And to address Indi Label recognition, . Who really knows any of these indi labels names?
Theres a million small labels.
Mr Gentile contacted me via email, promising a record deal, etc. When spoke over the phone, the number came up as 414 area code (Milwaukee, WI area), although the supposed company is in Arizona. I think this "company" is a ripoff, trying to sound like Decca Records, which has an excellent reputation. This "Deka Records" tries to con artists into thinking they're going to get something, then running off with the money. Anyway, as I am barely able to struggle to make rent each month where I live, I asked if a payment installment option was available, after he said he'd cut the fee in half, to $500. We ended up arguing over the rate of the installments, and he was very insulting. He stated that his company was going to spend $35000 on me, and couldn't afford for me to be a deadbeat. I've been promoting my music myself for over 4 years, and have a modest following on the internet. And I've done all this for next to nothing. From the looks of other comments here, it seems Joe Gentile has a bunch of peeps arguing on his behalf. I do realize that no music can be guaranteed to sell, but methinks I'll take my money to a music attorney before giving it to a record label.
Clearly, "Harry Broker" is Joe Gentile, or one of his affiliates. This whole argument that Mr. Broker is explaining here is clearly an attempt of Joe gentile to cover his ### from the filthy truths that he knows are clearly true.
Mr. "Broker", If Deka Records was a legitimate record company, there would be no need to even stoop down to this lowly forum and try to defend the company; if the company were legitimate, than the money the company would provide for the musicians would be more than enough for artists to see that this is for real. The Money the artist would receive would also be upfront in the contract, not this $1, 000 we give to you and then I'll put your music onto internet distributors bull crap. I have read up on this information, that legitimate record companies pay a certain percentage upfront, so there is another clearly outlined flaw in your fake company.
You are making to fast conclusions, without investigating the whole story. I own and run Crystal Clear Records, for your information. Deka Records is trying to show a Phoenix address to come or trying to come clean? I don't screw people behind an Ace Hardware Post Office Box in Phoenix. Please Google Search, aquablauw. And see for yourself, who I really am? I only have 1 artist, Zhangyu under my record deal. I pay them 50% from all incoming song sales I sell for them and give them a copy of the monthly sales report from Itunes, Amazon and Napster sales as proof. Deka don't do that. I don't sign up no more artists, as for now. Look at: or At least, I show my real face all over, as Deka does not even show faces of their people with all false names. Who knows, it is 1 person with many such fake names? Please watch your mouth, next time, Derekkkkk! You look like a donkey's ###!
Crystal Clear Records, does not ask any upfront fees. Just straight 50% of all incoming sales, with actual sales reports provided from all distribution parties involved. We market and promote the artist with no additional costs. Zhangyu is an alternative rock group out of the Republic of China.
They promote their Itunes url on each performance they do in China. Sales are doing pretty good for the artists, aquablauw and zhangyu. See and hear their music on: Again, I have nothing to do with FAKE Deka Records. I went under cover for 8 months as their best selling artist on their top list. Except my sales numbers were to poor to show the real thing! I am here to stop new victims to fall for Deka's fake offers.
For anyone on this site? Crystal Clear Records is to be found on Google search engines. Owned and Operated by Harry Broker, pertaining 2 artists on their present roster. Offices in the Netherlands and USA. We are an Indie Label, presently not signing on new artists at this time. But never say no, to exceptional new material and artists? Email:, if you feel you have something exceptional to bring to the table.
Just received Joe Gentiles offer by email Dec 7 2011. It was tempting but I don't have $1000! So it's a no go for me. I have gotten a few offers before this, but this is the most expensive. Glad someone sent me this link!
Wanted to let everyone know, Deka Records in Youngtown, Arizonz, finally closed the doors, either the eds got them, or they try to come up with a new fake label and new ake names. Google them first, before answering any of their FAKE ofers, tying to steal your savings!
Wanted to let everyone know, Deka Records in Youngtown, Arizona, finally closed the doors, either the Feds got them, or they try to come up with a new fake label with new fake names. Google them first, before answering any of their FAKE offers, tying to steal your savings! Anyone else, hard headed? Go waste you money. Through Paypal or wiring money, is always an instant lost! Again, best wishes to all honest and hard working musicians, my best wishes! (My Job Is Done!)
Harry Broker/aquablauw
Please read full information posted at:
Deka Records is officially closed down by Federal Agents on January 15, 2011.
Thank you all for helping me bring them to justice on Federal Level!
I've got a mixed bag on this one. Being the former CEO of a label Elfshot Records and enterprises inc., and in the business for all my working life and nearing 50. I have relatives that worked at Capitol Records, father inlaw former CFO Lionsgate Entertainment ect.. So anyone who knows me will say that I know a thing or two about the industry..
The label name is an apparent spin on Decca, shady for sure and a red flag that should have been a warning to anyone taking their career seriously.. From the point of view as one person who commented here states $1000.00 is a drop in the bucket, there has to be a bit of common sense here..
Labels sign a bunch of acts and very, very few make it, and that's the majors.. I'm sorry to say, but if you can't sell 200 CD's you have no business being in this business, I don't buy that statement of most wont sell that many CD's. Many years ago, 100CD's Short run 2 panel retail ready $3.00 ea.. That's just over $300.00 CD's pressed on your doorstep, no designer costs, recording costs, ect.. You get your $1000.00 back when you sell 200 CD's.. sounds like a good deal for the artist. to me.
It goes both ways, most small labels sink tons of money and time into acts, the majority of bands falls apart for whatever reason? The indie label focuses attention on the cream that rises to the top, and unfortunately those that sink many times blame the label, but refuse to put themselves in the labels shoes.. Now with that said, it does sound shady the whole call forwarding and such, what people tell you, have them put it in writing.. But like an attorney, don't expect who you hire to not tell you they believe in you, it's part of what your paying for, and believe me in the majors your paying for "everything" too, until it's recouped you don't see another dime of your royalties and you owe the label however many more projects you agreed to, which can translate to your career being over if they drop you and you didn't put a sunset clause in your agreement.. Lucky for me I've never made any of those mistakes and still can sell one of my CD's I produced myself in 1998 and make $11.00 profit.
When I was incorporated my label was out of Dellaware, I lived in Phoenix and many legitimate corporations due such things for legal and tax reasons. Now Youngtown isn't such a place where people are parking their business for tax advantages but buyer should be aware, also bands also just want to say they are signed... When going sole proprietor "Elfshot Enterprises" after shutting down my corp.. I was educating people about the industry, offering select bands a producers contract with duplication rights, they keep their copyrights give me $500 to cover a live CD recording, artwork ect and they do the rest, they want to re-record with someone else, sign a deal, cool. The bands I selected averaged 100 cd's the first night CD release party, . I educated artists to avoid deals like this.
It was basically an inner band agreement (like a prenup) that allowed parting members of the band to purchase CD's from me at a set price and that they could not sell those CD in retail stores (only private sales)or undercut the band in any cds they sold at gigs or to friends.. The band distributed CD's to stores themselves and made all the profit ($3.00short run cost, I made $2.00 the band made $9.00)of those retail sales, the new band member also shared in those profits making it easier to find a replacement. There were many more safeguards in the contract but not many bands wanted to do that, it almost seemed like they wanted to sign away their copyrights and get ripped off by small labels that were a dime a dozen.. Then there is the tour mills to the bars, lined with broken down cars, clubs that don't pay all across the US, where is that complaint?
Sorry if I seem a bit unsympathetic, but the knowledge is at your finger tips, if anyone decides music is their career they would do as I did and read, read, read... Or like in Nature, the predator will educate you.
Buyer beware, , educate yourself because you are surrounded by wolves, , this is the music industry you know, nothing new here..
Oh and one more thing if any of that sounded like a sales pitch, it wasn't, just some advice, i'm not working with bands any longer due to medical reasons.
There is another guy scamming artists from ohio.
His name is matt young and he calls his label asylum music group
I too have been scammed by Deka back in 2011 with my band StillFear. We were Amazon's TOP selling artist and outsold bands such as Megadeth, Korn, Iced Earth, etc.. After MONTHS of sales, Joe Gentile vanished without paying us a dime. I am wondering how the lawsuit is going (or went) because I'd sure like to get my hands on that son of a B**CH!
Hey guys, I too was scammed by Deka and Joe Gentile back in 2011. My band StillFear was Amazon's TOP selling artists, beating out bands like Megadeth, Korn, Iced earth, etc. in sales. We never received a DIME from our sales and Joe took off with our money. We were just wondering how the lawsuit went (if it happened) and would LOVE to get our hands on that son of a [censored]! Thanks.
I was in a band and was signed to Deka . 1, 000 is only if you didn't have a cd recorded.
We already had one paid $200.00 and we made a little bit of cash. Maybe its a scam by someone
This is totally untrue! You should not allow people to make false allegations! Shame on you...