Independent musicians around the Internet are being contacted by an individual named Joe Gentile from a so-called record label called Deka Records. Here is a copy of the eMail he is sending to vulnerable artists:
Hello, my name is Joe Gentile from Deka Records. I would be interested in
releasing your music on our label. Are you the person I should contact? My
assistant found you on If so please email me back so I can
send you information pertaining to possibly signing you with Deka Records. I
would like to send this to you in email. Once I receive your email I will
then forward you a preliminary contract.
We are a small label but do have charting artist. Please see Trinity Lane on
our website.
This is not a scam, spam email or a bot of any kind. I am from Deka Records
we are a small indie label and we have been open for about a year. We do
have a few artist on the label doing very well, selling records throughout
the world.
I thank you in advance, and
I look forward to hearing from you!
Joe Gentile
Deka Records
A&R Executive
After you contact him, he pitches the con on you. You pay him $1000 and he will distribute your music on the Internet. If you sell 200 CDs, then he will give back your original $1000 investment. Since most of these artists are unknowns, they will never make their money back! Like me!
I know, I was ripped off by this scam. We live in the Phoenix area and tried to track down his office. There is no office! The address he gives out is a strip mall with various businesses like a hardware store. It’s a paid mail box location! No office of a record label!
He claims his label will make a $15, 000 investment into your music to promote it in the real world and make you a big star, after you send him the $1000! But he never provides this information!
His website has tons of unknown artists he has scammed money out of them! Many have complained but get nowhere! We have complained to the BBB and consulting with an attorney, since I was under 18 years old when I signed his contract. He didn’t even care I was 17 at the time, he just wanted my money and promised me stardom!
Harry, I read your response to the "Headbanger" and I disagree. Did Deka Records put you up to posting these messages? Your facts are incorrect, more opinion than anything. Actually, the BBB in Arizona had 2 complaints against Deka... it's right on their website? SO you are attacking "Mr.Headbanger" for stating his opinion and truth?. I am an Entertainment Attorney. Thanks for posting your personal link. Who is your attorney? I'd love to call him or her and share your pubic postings. Defamation of Character is serious. Deka is clearly guilty of unethical practices. Maybe you had a better experience with them, but many others have not. This message board allows those who have been done wrong, to share their experiences. Not to be attacked by individuals defending the entity in question.
P.S. I represent the girl in question. After her parents shared this posting, I was given the login information. A Class-Action suit is being prepared. For those of you who have been taken advantage of by Deka Records please post your information as an investigation is taking place.
I have seen several of these type of scams come in my junk mail. They target struggling artists who don't have much knowledge of the business or management. You are straight up correct about Deka Records being a fraud. I'm sorry to hear they ripped you off, sounds like your attorney will have a good case, especially since you were under age.
Desperate musicians will fall for a con like this, hope your posting educates them!
I am sorry for your experience. And yes, there are many such operations going on, like A&R Select, not even connected with a record company., Illumina Records and many more. It is sad. I am a recording artist for almost over 5 months. This man Joe Gentile has done a great job. Please Google harrybroker and/or aquablauw for more information? I have released one single that is being sold all over the world in numbers. Like I said, they are a small company. There are manysacrifices to make, and yes this is a safe gamble. But the outcome is not to taste, till at least 6 months after your release of the song(s), not after you signing the contract. I happen to be lucky, cause I help promote my own song all over the world. That increases sales awareness and in co promoting together with Deka Records. Just remember, Taylor Swift made Big Machine label worldwide, also a tiny label in Nashville, with only a staff of 12 people, who may have worked out of their house and rented a P.O. box. Rascall Flatts made Lyric Streets Records big, also gambling their savings. Def Jem Records was made big by Bon Jovi, Madonna with J Records, so on and so on. A major label is legal, but rips you off, while you only collect 2 cents per single sales. My downloads of $0.99 each, I renegotiated my contract and will receive 50% straight off the top. No middle man, No ASCAP/BMI, nor publishers eating your slice of the pie. So an independent record deal happen to sound good to me. Now, an intelligent person should contact their present artists, like Trinity Lane on her myspace. Everything she told me were only good things. That is total honesty, meaning, if you receive their offer? Renegotiate it, cause you may be that artist to make that label big. If you feel I am wrong? Google me and go to my site: Yes, everything is a gamble. But I believe, this gamble happen to be the right one. If they contact you, you must be very important to them...
One more thing! They never promise you stardom. many artists on its label, expects the record company doing all your work. I can guarantee you, that after your 1 year contract is over, they will not sign you anymore. With a small label and less capital to play with. You can;t expect them to make you rich. If you find Taylor Swift's video interview on YouTube, she'll explain you herself! Most of their artists are let go after their 1 year contract, because a lack of their participation. If you think I lied, Google me, and you find out yourself, that within a 4 week release of my song, it climbs high on the Google Charts. My job is to make this record company grow, cause the opportunity they gave me to have them believe in me. Cause I am working my ### off all around the world to have them download my song. No, we are not famous, so we need to work 10 times as harder to fight the big competition. But for me it's worthwhile. I guarantee you, they will offer me an extended contract with better terms to negotiate!
First of all, you are lazy SOB. You expect everyone to bow down and service you, or you are not satisfied with anything. No, I was approach the same way, and I thought, something is wrong. I decided to take a chance. The chance I was glad to take. Why? I talked to 3 artists with one already more then 1 year with D eka Records and is on the charts. I Personally talk to the lady, Trinity Lane, and she wrote it on my myspace. No, I don't get a salary from them, nor work for them. If I start a record company with no money...I do the same thing they did, and leave my sacred place my home, so people like you can't bother me, for little pity things. You are a very lazy person. Big mouth, no action. I have a lot to show. My name HarryBroker and aquablauw is all over Google. Well known internationally, thanks to Deka records. My sales of my single song issued by Deka Records are presently breaking records with their company. Proof is on line.why? Cause I don't sit on my lazy ###, and let them do all the work, and expect room service from them. You forget. Joe Gentile refer every new sign up to take the papers to an attorney of your choice. Your mouth is so big, only hot air comes out. That girl of 17, should have let the parents look over, before going into it. Yes, you can sell more then 200 records to get that money back, because that money seals their deal, that you work your but off to get the 250 unit albums sold. I sold more then that in less then one week. Why? Cause I built a worldwide fan base over the net. Won a song festival and keep my fans informed over the internet. You read between the lines and got your story already set, before reading my material. My thing is, if you have no knowledge of the recording industry, please don't let the blind lead the blind, without doing a deep research. My suggestion? Stay away from them and stop griping about something you have no knowledge of, and too lazy to do research. What I wrote down is proof. But you pay $ 1000.00 and tomorrow you expect Hollywood, here I come. It don't work that way. So I would suggest, you keep ye daytime job, cause that is a little more secured for you. I assume you can handle that But don't lecture others, of you having no proof of such. I call that slander. The BBB reported 1 complaint on record, got their money back, case resolved. 1 complaint Sir, on record at the Arizona BBB. Did you checked that out? I don't think so. I have proof, but you are lazy to check me out. So please don't lecture others? So my thing? This girl, inexperienced should have never got involved. I blame the parents, due for lack of knowledge in business, management and recording experience. And again. Your above comment therefor is null and void and show no facts, whatsoever to back up with your lies. Have a Good day Mr. Hidden (Identity), Head Banger 2010...
After re-evaluating her complaint...I found 2 errors.. No one and I mean no one. Signs up an underage girl. 2nd error. No way, either verbal nor contractual stipulation shows any promise of stardom. Let me make that clear, that many goes overboard of trying to accuse anyone with any such cause or blame, without backing up with proof and taking responsibility of their action. Slander is great, when a coward hides behind a screen name like yours, Mr. headbanger-2010. To prove who I am and back up my responsibilities with my email address name and my internet site. Can you do that Mr, Head Banger, show who you really are?
Harry Bröker
Now your turn Mr. Zorro, behind your mask!
Mr. Attorney, lets state clear, that not only freedom of speech is what we are talking about. I am talking about facts of how me and a few other artists on that label has benefit our prosperity with this Deka Records Record Company. They are totally operating under any laws and regulations. They have totally comply with their contractual agreements we had signed.No threats are being conducted, then simple clarification, of this man uttering threats to this Record Company as you do know I will have the management update your information about your intentions. But I am here to proof that Deka Records has not only comply, but when out of their reach to promote all my interests as an artist, not as their employee. Again, I am here to clarify my personal experience with this company. I believe, you are out to make a buck of some one else's hard working money and collect them, even if you will loose the case. Let me warn all of them, that is were the problem is, is your attorney's fees and if not the high percentage that goes with filing and such other fees were these people are being conned with. Instead of contacting the record company first and explain their problems, if not by email. That saves thousands of Dollars on legal fees, not even needed to correct the problem or solve it by themselves if not any? Or, if the problem really exists. I would suggest to give them the chance first, don't you think so?
Comment: Mr. Attorney, what is your name?> Conned Musician? They don't have that registered on the website posted and no such case is filed with their office. I just called that in by phone. Are you that hidden Mr. Head Banger, 2010? Or some other joker coming up with a hidden screen name?
I forgot, sorry Mr. Conned Musician, Attorney at Law, (NOT!) You wanted to know my attorney?
His name is "BOND", ...JAMES BOND
Please accept my sincere apologies?
Proof and facts: Non hidden under Con-Screen Names:
Local rapper signs to indie label
By Kristin Day
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Winterville-based rapper Ronnie Run says he’s working on a new album and anticipating a future tour as he penned a recording deal with an independent record label out of Arizona.
Run says Deka Records first made contact via e-mail, and the rapper thought the message was spam. But after checking out the company online and talking to a company representative Joe Gentile, he and the label began drawing up paperwork.
The deal was finalized Feb. 10.
“I was like, ‘Wow, ’” Run said a couple of weeks before the final papers were signed. “This is something I’ve been waiting on. It shows you that hard work really pays off.”
Run said that first he has to complete his album “Soulful Rush, ” which will consist of many of his already-written songs, as well as a few new tracks. Deka Records will then work to promote Run’s shows and music. Once he gains more radio play, Run says the company plans to send him on a 25-city tour opening for well-established artists.
To keep up with Ronnie Run’s progress — and to be one of the firsts to know about his local CD-release party — become his friend on Facebook or add him on MySpace,
Contact Kristin Day at or [protected].
Submitted by Miss Kitty on Fri, 02/26/2010 - 09:43.
Please I ask that if you post a comment get your facts right before looking like a fool...however I assume that is why you remained anonymous because you are afraid to stand by what you say. When one signs with an independent label they are required to invest initially to allow the label to start promoting the artist prior to the release of the cd. Once the cd is complete and the artist begins to tour they will make the money invested back in addition to money earned from the sells of their music through various different venues. This artist did his research and found through the label Deka records to be credible. Following his personal research, the artist had his lawyer review the information and the contract and negotiate with the label prior to signing. So for all the people who did not invest due to feeling that it was a scam, Im sorry your did not believe enough in yourself to research further because you would have found a credible source behind Deka records; and for those of you who will continue to hate, Im sorry you are unable to stand behind the man signed to Deka records and represent North Carolina and the talents hidden within the state! As for the artist, Im so proud of you for all of your hard work and not taking short cuts to get to the top, but investing in a solid label that will promote your talents to further help you achieve your dreams.
Note from Harry Bröker/aquablauw
I assume above proof should null and void the negative write ups of the hidden Mr. Conned Musician, headbanger 2010, on grounds of insufficient proof and hidden under a fake screen name and lying to be an entertainment attorney of a well know Law Offices in Los Angeles, CA..
It is very serious to make up a fake screen name, then blast all negative lies with no proof to back up, and expect to get away with it all.
If I was this owner of this site, I would request to null and void this complaint article and restore the good name of Mr. Joe Gentile and Deka Reacords.
Best Regards,
Harry Bröker/aquablauw can be search on any major search engine, worldwide!
P.S. Yes, I will be a volunteer to defend Mr. Joe Gentile and Deka Records in any court case they may have to face. My advice, be aware of loosing each one of them. Then expect a counter suit, instead! I am very happy to be under contract with Deka Records!
My personal stamp of approval By Ms. Trinity lane posted on my: broker
To Harry Bröker:
Jan 17 2010 9:00 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for your comments and best wishes. I am glad the street sign reminded you of me instead of what most people think when they see that sign :). I love my name and singing..hope it brings me good luck and so far so good! Keep listening, and thanks also about the best of luck with Deka Records, I have been pleased with what they've done for me so far..Take care, and keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart!
I hope, I have posted sufficient evidence of all positive reactions about Joe Gentile and Deka Records.
My advice is, if you guys have a personal problem with Joe Gentile, please don' plaster negative comments on the internet about Deka Records, but be a hero and relay your grieviance to Mr. Joe Gentile himself. No hidden Santa Claus postings will resolve your personal problems on this or any other negative postings on the internet!
My best regards,
Harry Bröker/aquablauw
harrybroker was split up, but need be to put them both together, first and last name! Thank you.
From the desk of Harry Bröker:
Subject: Difference between Major and Independent Label or called Indie:
To make a long story short: A Legal Major Label controls not only your song placements, but control your finance as well. They offer you a total many pages of high term English written contract. Then they want their publisher's songs for you to record. Then when everybody has a financial cut out of your pleasure, you get 2 cents a song royalty! Then after a year, they drop you, cause you did not perform their minimum requirements, and after that, no one wants to pick you up anymore more! Result? You're a looser!
Independent Record, (Indie)
I have the kind pleasure to grow with a small record company, come to know the top people and build up a personal relationship. With a major, you are lucky, if your lawyer ever see and talk to an A&R Executive, of that company. Lots a red tape with a major label. We get a simple clear 3 page contract. May choose whatever original material we want to record. No dead lines to meet. Our royalties are then a little bit more then 2 cents a song, depending on your contract negotiations, like more then you can dream of, I assume? You cut the middle man, such as, but not limited to, ASCAP/BMI/SESAC related publisher's companies related music publishers. You are your own publisher. Once released, the song does not end up in a dead end bucket collecting dust in your local record store, but are immediately for sale and ready for action on many internet music download distributors. It does not stop there... They also starts immediate Public Relations per their discretion.
I assume, I have cleared up a lot of misunderstanding and hope this condensed version will help new artists to understand the difference, between a major and indie label.
You may email me for any questions you may have at:
To make things more solid and in perfect harmony, you may down load, aquablauw's song, under his CD-cover at:
Best wishes to you all, and thank you for reading this material!
My group has recieved an offer from Deka Records. Not once does it offer me fame.
It does say have my attorney look at it and for my lawyer to call them.
It seems to me it's more of a service. They will put the time in to put our music on
several digital distribution sites as well as try to push our music to radio stations worldwide. There are no friggen guarantees in this business. This business is the most competitive one in the world "i'd imagine".. I searched the BBB and saw the resolved complaints.
If I can get someone to truly put the time in to push my music all over the
world to radio stations, and put the time in to place us on digital sites for a mere
$1000.00 thats not too bad a price really!
I cant do it. I'm busy booking shows, writing songs, keeping my equiptment up to date, keeping my band in order as well as working for a living.
What if it is a semi-scam. Just for the sake of it let's say Deka takes my money,
puts our tunes on 4 digital outlets and does nothing else.
Realistically I'm out maybe $850.00-$900.00... and they get some royaltees for a year. And I search them out and "F' em up! That's really the worst case senario.
If I we're putting my time pushing your music to radio stations I would charge you more than $1000.00. In fact good luck getting me to do anything for you, for under $5000.00.
I mean think about it, would you help someone and work hard for a year for less than that? Not I.
I can't push my music to radio stations, they want a label on my product.
And to address Indi Label recognition, . Who really knows any of these indi labels names?
Theres a million small labels.
They are all little rinky dink operations. Go see some of these metal bands, they are all on no-name labels. CCR was on Fantasy ever heard of that label? Hmmmmm
I'm not saying anyone should jump in head first without making sure it's safe.
I'm saying fame is not guaranteed in my offer, and yes they want money.
My guitar costed $1000.00, it's not guaranteed to work every single time.
I have to maitenence it, take care of it etc. Look at Toyota, any guarantees there?
I'm right now doing better than almost all of the Deka artists, but I wonder,
would a label on my Cd help get us airplay? Probably, our indi night would play us here in my town. Would it help us get better gigs? Would it get us major label attention?
I'd bet the people who complain about spending money on this service don't mind buying weed, coke, junk food, cell phone minutes, etc.
If they screw me I'm out 1000.00 bucks. And I will sue them or pursue it somehow!
I'm possibly finding someone who is helping me, help myself, as I help them too!
I have been in the industry for 15+ years and have seen offers come and go, this is not the worst one by far!
Seems like a service, we usually do pay for service. Cleaning service, hookers etc LOL...
So why do you expect this is any different?
I may sign, I may not sign. But to expect something for nothing is very naive and American it seems. Gotta work your tail off "oh lazy ones"
You can buy my cd, And I'll produce your music. It's gonna cost ya though! A lot...
In fact, if you don't like my price quotes I may refuse you and tell you to leave now!
I don't care how good and popular you are...I'm charging you up-front biatch...
If you are sceptical, rip up the contract and forget it. Go with your gut.
Might be real, might not be real.
(Now, Am I talking about the record company or your ability to sacrifice for your dream?)
If I'm real about it, sacrifice is nessesary.
Stevie Ray Vaughn's band payed $30, 000.00 to play in Motreaux.
What a scam hey? Oops wrong... David Bowie and Jackson brown dicovered them and
Stevie was on Bowies next album and also was in Jackson Browns L.A. studio recording
Texas Flood! (for free) after they paid the price that is...
Hope I don't get ripped off! I might... But I'll always work hard to make my aspirations come true. That takes chances and gambles folks...
I wouldn't give out more than a P.O. Box either. You mothers are whacked out there...LOL
BigWheel Mike
Mr. Big Wheel Mike,
It seems you did what I did. Your hands are full of responsibilities. I did that in San Diego on my own. booking, self-management, accountant, band members fighting, bass player mess with the drummer's wife, you name it! I gave up that responsibility, long time ago. Seems you know your affairs. Let me answer them as I read your posting. I respect your posting, and in no way I see arguments in your statement. Here comes luck: Jackson Browne, was a good friend of Glenn Frey, Glenn Frey end the kids backed up the then starting to get famous artist, Linda Rondstadt. Glenn Frey and his new Eagles Band played in a then small,
Lounge in Denver, were the Who producer Glynn Johns was happening to listen to them. He took the boys to London, and recorded their first album...yes...under the then small label, called Asylum records. David Geffen soon hooked up his label Asylum/Electra/None such records under the then Warner Bros. Label as their distribution center. All worked, and the whole package deal hit the airwaves in the '70's. I've been screwed many of times, but you have to stay positive in this business... I was'nt. I gave up! Now, with no band, not any stage performances, nor maintenance nor travel expenses. I want to do it on a different way. I am broke. Since I won a song festival in 2007, I was approached by this company. And of course, my head spin and wonder...what now? With a little research and me contacting 3 artists on their schedule, they convinced me to give it a try. 5 months after signing, I never regret, listening to theses artists. And yes, stay away from Illumina Records, A&R Select, Sonic crap and a few more. Their negative marketing schemes shows desperate problems from the beginning. In life, you have to try and gamble, but spend many times in doing research, before engaging in such practice. All I can say, I have very positive feed back from this company.And my song is being downloaded all over the world, and the ringtone download tops it all. I follow it through Google. So far, all terms on my Deka contracts are not only met, but they go out of its way, to prove, that they want us and them to succeed.
I believe, I can help make this small label exceed their projections and expectations.
Big Wheel Mike, I respect your posting and hope you will find a way to make you succeed your future planning in your endeavors? Thank you very much for your input and advice!
Fantasy records did took John Fogerty and the boys for a ride. But his new company Concord Music, bought that label, and he is now taking care for him. Check out his new album "Blue Ridge Rangers"
My husband, Steven Webb, just concluded a contract with Deka. They are still selling his record without permission, claiming copyright, which they don't have. My husband has the only copyright on this music. We haven't seen but $12 from them, no documentation on sales to speak of and still, Joe has asked my husband to sign another year with them! Good god, does he really think we're that stupid? Further, it indicates they have been selling his cd all along...and just not paying us our share.
One of the complaints on file with the BBB for Deka is mine. I am pursuing that avenue once again. Also, I am passing it on to the FBI White Collar Crimes Division in Phoenix. I made sure everything was sent through the US Mail just in case this happened. Now it's a federal crime...Mail Fraud.
Big Wheel Mike,
Have your attorney look at it. They will tell you not to do it. The radio all over the world...forget it. They put you on Jango...internet radio. The only real radio plays my husband's music has gotten are the ones he submitted to himself.
Forget about the royalties too. They won't pay you and they won't tell you what your sales are. Then they will claim copyright and force you to get an attorney.
But, if you want to throw away $1000 just so someone else can make money off your creativity and hard work...go for it.
Sumafichick, (Another Hidden Screen Name).
Well, I happen to like Steven Webb's material. But it seems he needs to direct these issues directly with his attorney and/or with Deka Records. In my case? I have done promotional issues myself on a 24/7 basis. I have no band, no performances, no studios, no nothing, then a regular day time job. $8.00 bucks an hour as a lousy-cook. Why am I informed, that I am presently breaking records in sales in Europe.( Google proofs to be true...) They are making plans to have me open up a major act in England on their European tour. Our royalties are paid quarterly and everything clicks. I am reported regular information of my song sales and get regular emails. I jumped to 4th. place on their artists list in less then 2 months after the issue of my song. My song sales top many such worldwide Google Engine Search. And no way, any radio station helped me out, either!
Why? Cause as an unknown artist and a very young and active record label. It is expected, that we have to work 10 times as much to get the people's attention. Radio play is not the only answer. The internet is in this new decade the area of getting your fans. Not just...your local concerts, and radio stations you all depend on. Look at yourself first. Why is my album not selling? Remember? I have nothing, I mean nothing at all. I happen to like Steven Webb's songs. But he needs to promote his album too. The record label is not all in charge to serve you room service. They will not claim copyrights either. Please read his contract. We own the rights and only license them to use it. You are the artist, writer, music publisher and performer.
I believe, there is a big misunderstanding here. And this complaint board, sure can't resolve that for you. I keep in touch with Deka on almost a weekly basis through emails. My song material with the help of Deka Records does make a very great impact in this crowded market. It is just how to do it...right! My question is? If I get screwed? Which is not... Don't you think, by them dealing honestly with me...that we both make money, resulting in a new contract offer under better negotiation terms? Cause that will happen to me, as I proof to be a money making artist on their label. And yes, I look for a very long term contract with this firm, since it is helping us both ways. But I have to work on my share too? And my share is helping shift me on 4th. place on their artist list in less then 2 months of my song issue under their flag. That is what I call an accomplishment!
under the aquablauw CD-Cover.
My lawyers looked over the contract himself and made some changes and every change we ask they did! Deka and Joe are good people!
Ron, thank you. In a little while, Deka will close the doors to opportunities like this. It will not last long! I am so tired of people bashing Deka and Joe down and not really realizing, what this music industry is all about. Pointing fingers are so easy, but can they do that in a responsible way? Like showing real names for example? Emails, if not their websites? Gosh, let these people stop piling all your home-made stories! Thanks for your input Ron, and welcome to the Deka family.
Harry Bröker
Not just an employee, but a recording artist for Deka Records, just for the record!
For the record this is very entertaining to read.
More importantly if you get ripped off by anyone it's your own stupid fault. The fact is there are plenty of people that will screw you over and there are plenty of people who won't. It's up to you to find out who is up to what! That is how life works.
I am tired of people who aren't accountable for their own actions. And I am tired of people who post bull. Just do the homework yourself. And if you roll the dice at times suck it up when you get the short end of the stick.
If some girl and her family spent $1, 000 and were ripped off then that is their problem. For one it is not worth hiring a lawyer to recoup $1, 000 in the first place. So no disrespect but I have to question someone dumb enough to hire a lawyer to get back $1, 000.
And then again I have to question someone spending $1, 000 without knowing what to honestly expect.
And the people who think they are doing the world a favor by "warning" us innocent musicians of the "evil" Joe, will you stop it please? Any intelligent person will not plunk down a $1, 000 if they are not comfortable about it. And if they do and it blows up in there face, any intelligent person will look in the mirror and say, " I should have done more research".
Now if you truly approach things professionally than you will have a clear and legal contract that will protect you from fraud. You don't need to get a want to be legal mind to take care of breach of contract.
Gosh, Andy. You said it all in a very short note! Congrats!
Another note from Andy:
Yeah, although I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about people who complain because there dreams aren't coming true.
They are the same type of people who think a pill is going to make pounds of fat fall off their body without exercise
Andy you said a mouthful! People need to quit whinning and start making moves! Like my man said not once in the contract did they say they can make you famous! And also Why do people think once you get signed you suppose to have money right then especially when you r with a indie label? You only get ur advance when you are signed with a major label! These lil kids think they know everything! OMG! Stop bashing record labels if you dont know what you are talking about! DEKA RECORDS 4 LIFE!
Thanks Ron. For anyone wanting to be overnight famous? Please visit Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Otherwise, stay with your daytime job. More secured and you know you look out for a healthy retirement soon!
My name is Anthony and i just received an offer to join Deka Records. I have to admit, I was very skepitical and still is. But how offten does this oppurtunity come? I have been in the music industry for 16+ years and I have seen some crap when it comes to scams. You know what, if someone beleives in my music as I do, it's worth it. Worst case scenerio, I loose my money, OMG! It wouldn't be the 1st time. If Joe is willing to go that extra mile, than so am I. It's just like a marriage, you don't know if you and your spouse is going to be together forever, when you asked them to marry you. But you took that chance, and for some it didn't work, for others they are still together. And even if you decide to go with Deka, everyday won't be flowers and sunshine. It takes work to get your music out there. I will be signing on the dotted line very soon. Best of luck to you all. And remember, your not living unless you take some chances.
I have read the Deka contract word for word, and I am not going to say yay or Nay about it. I have been in the music business for almost 30 years and am currently in the middle of recording an album and doing videos to accompany it. Here is all I will say. You are investing $1, 000 of your money into a company that is not paying for duplication like a normal distribution deal. They are merely putting your music online for people to buy and download via itunes, Rhapsody, Amazon, etc. They say they will invest "up to" a specified amount. My friend got the offer and they offerd "up to" $26, 000 in promo and ads. Another friend of mine was offered "up to" $29, 000 . The amount is at Deka's discretion, That means anywhere from $0 to the specified amount. The very nice looking and functioning Deka website shows all signed artists and you can click on the artist icon and begin reviewing music and make the purchase if you wish. So yes, it will be up to each artist to drive traffic to the Deka website.
This is something any artist can do on his own for free basicly if he/she knows the ins and outs of doing it. I'm currently set up for $1.00 per download through multiple websites, and when the album is complete, the entire album will be available to purchase. But I am paying for my duplication so the customer will get a CD, with artwork, that they can put on the shelf next to their Led Zepplin CD.
If Deka is duplicating CD's for the shelf at record stores than I apologize for speaking ignorantly.
I am doing this myself and it isn't costing me $1, 000 in "earnest" money. Best of luck to all the Deka artists. And I mean that honestly.
I forgot to mention that once a person downloads my song for $1.00 I do not have to share it with a label, the money goes right back into the band. I'm driving traffic to our websites, but ultimately I'm really just driving trraffic to the club. Once there, you can access the merchandise booth to buy CDs or tshirts or whatever else we decide to sell. I have a degree in marketing and can do totally on my own what Deka or any other small indie label can offer. As long as I manage my mailing lists properly and stay on top of my duties the machine begins to operate itself. And when I sell 10, 000 units on my own then my entertainment attorney can get me through to A&R at major labels or get me the top notch management that is required. A smart artist can do it on their own. People get so enamored with their goal to get "signed"
that they will take a chance on things. Why take any chances at all? You're talking about your livelihood here. Back yourself up with results! Do that and major labels will show interest in you. Being on the "online" charts is cool, but still, very few people will know who you are.
Anthony, I am in no way attacking you but you compare your music career to a marriage. Your relationship to your fellow band members is like a marriage. Your relationship to your label is a business. It's an interesting analogy that you make. But remember that divorce rates are at 50% these days, and when you get a divorce, your wife takes your house and your kids. So keep that in mind as you pursue your career.
Mr. Groovebender,
What I have read is a very common advice. I respect your way of treating us fairly and show other ways of marketing. I am happy, that you fully receive your $1.00 a shot sales and that you have a great managerial aspect of management and sales and marketing background. I thank you for sharing it. I also have a Hotel/Resort Sales & Marketing background. Even I wish you to obtain a major record deal for you soon? In my case... I have commit myself to Deka Records. I took a chance, just like anyone else on their board! I am not only happy and satisfied, in making such a commitment, but if I was not signed by them...I would have never been their number 1 artist, in breaking sales records for the company... And I would have never received a major international recognition achievement award, posted at:
So you see, that everyone has a reason for everything. But my reason is simple. Is making this company grow, while I am proud to have start from the bottom. I also can use, like many others..., if sales is what you are looking for, then be it. Looking for a major recording contract, you will find out, that they own you. 2 cents per record sales and if you don't meet their criteria, they drop you, and no one will take you over. Email me at:, and I'll be glad to mention those artists. They have their major recording contract, lost it, to some poor sales, and no one wants them anymore for 2 cents per record sales. So, please leave us artists alone at Deka Records. We have a reason to be with this record label. Thank you very much for your concern!
Information of above subject mentioned, has been removed off of
I just found out, that 20 more artists under the Deka Label, has also received an award. Should not been fair to have only my award being posted.
What I am trying to explain, is that everyone of us has a reason to do what they want to do in life. No need to be lectured by other hidden con-artists hidden under a fake name on this complaint board, lecturing us all, what we need to or not need to do.
Harry Broker and Ronnie Ron are definitly getting booty! First of all, No the contract does not say they will make you famous, but it did say, that you would get your money back after 200 records are sold. O.k. lets get real, to upload your music to napster, i-tunes are any online retail sites, $35.00 top tyhru cd-baby! I paid the money to Deka just to prove they are some scam artist. Ronnie Ron, I have been watching your album flop since that crap was posted! The salls that you have recieved are salls that you could have gotten on your own. Harry Broker, they are not even flying your crap on their page! You guys are dumb suckers. Stupid! Why would you pay a label $1000. to do anything. I gat the same treatment and I only paid the $250.00! Yall stupid! I am now free from Deka, and self distributing my material and booking my own shows and Im making a freaking grip!
Mr. DollarMadeTrax,
Please don't put other people down? Look in the mirror first! You paid $ 250.00? Poor thing! I paid nothing, for just one single release. So really, you are the fool by babbeling your mouth in the first place. Another mistake you made? You paid $35.00? Poor thing, you thought you did great? I only paid $9.99 per single, per year. And will collect 100% in royalty sales. How about you...dummy-dumb-dumb! And please google aquablauw and you see, I also did great, by promoting through Crystal Clear Production, which is me, in combination with TuneCore. After 4 weeks and 3 days after its release, it is hitting downloads in many countries! So you see. I wanted to make clear: That you are really stupid, after all. Ronnie Run is a great guy. He does better on the road then you do and I respect him. His choice with Deka is what he wanted. He is very happy with it. I believe other artists on their label feels the same way! You better educate yourself first, before coming back on this list to teach us a lesson. Because, you sure did a screwed up job! Good luck Mr. DollarMadeTrax and follow Ronnie run in the Carolinas...that man knows what he is dong!
MrDollaremadeTrax, please check your spelling. I assume you need some pre-school ABC's teaching? Is o.k., we won't put you down for that...what a shame, huh? Ohh, by the way. Theyare still flying my colors on first and second page., and many more places more. But you may get heaaches and finger cramps in finding it? Now don't tell me, that you need coca-cola glasses to read? You may also find me on their myspace sites. But you are too lazy to look? My God, from scale 1 to 10, I am so sorry, you don't even make the zero... Have a nice Easter, Looser!
I made typo mistakes on purpose, MrDollarTrax, so you can make comments on your return visits, and it will make a stamp of approval, that you have not read my comments in between the lines! Goodbye-chump! Ohh, by the way...personal comments against me may be directed to my email address at:
Harry Bröker
Check ♫ ”aquablauw” ♫ Song, fur Ihnen Oktober Fest:
Whaaa! Whhaaaa! Like a little girl. My spelling is fine. As-a-Matter of fact, 3.0 GRADE POINT AVERAGE, working on my masters at Florida University! Yup! You are just a [censor] sucking punk! What would I need your email address for? If I wanted to touch your lame [censored], I would Put a locator on your trick [censored] and do you in! My purpose was to enlightened the world about Gentile's trick [censored]! Then here comes captain save a dude? Tell Joe to pop his [censor] out of your mouth! Maybe you'll sound better on your gay [censored] music! Now, $250.00, man, one beat sold! Small thing to a GIANT! I seen it as a small investment, to a little bitty London based label. A way to spread the name like Parkay! Then here you come! Mr. Captain save! Someone that seem proud about releasing one song a year! Are you serious? Dudet, I release music for fun. Four albums on the market being distributed from the U.S. all the way to China. That means World-Wide, STUPIDY! Say what you wanna say on-line, because your words have little to no effect on a G! I've been chopping it up in the game for fifteen years! I've done shows with Master P., The late Pimp C, E-40, Lil. John, Jermaine Dupri, and many more! Get on my level homes, and stop running your trap, before I join Joe, and run this Barrel in your mouth! Broker! The name speaks for itself! Broker! Another Deka Records Joke! lol! MrDollarTrax! Get these nuts! Broker!
And oh yeah, |q| Theyare (MIS-SPELLED) still flying my colors on first and second page., and many more places more (SIMPLE GRAMMAR). But you may get heaaches (MIS-SPELLED) and finger cramps in finding it? Now don't tell me, that you need coca-cola glasses to read? You may also find me on their myspace sites. But you are too lazy to look? My God, from (a) scale 1 to 10, I am so sorry, you don't even make the zero... Have a nice Easter, Looser (Who is the dummy)?
Get on my level lil white boi, before you get yourself in some gangsta shish!
Rat-a-tat-tat! Broker!
HAHAHAHA man this threads great. deka is a real label. yes. but a terrible one. do it on your own and make your own money. thats that. don't break off any cheese for rats. and on another note this isnt the master spelling bee grammar competition thread so who cares if every word i write is improperly speeeeelled. truth is truth and deka is not a label i would make music with
Im screaming! Deka? A label that took the name Decca Records and trying to live up to its expectations. So what if you got in for free, they will get paid off your merchandise before you will. 1 song a year for 9.99. Dude you're really young and dumb as F***. I wouldn't care if your music was perfect, in which it is not, but even if it was, you are wasting your time with Deka! Gentile is the biggest con since Bush! I would love to catch him at a show and beat the breaks off of his weak [censored]!
Scetchmusik, no argument for you. But this stupid uneducated ape, called Yen madetrax aparatus can't read my postings well. No need to explain this idiot. Maybe in the year 4050, he'll get the message? It is noit my music idiot, is what you paid, dumb-[censor]. You thought you paid cheap. No way my man, I paid cheap, and all my songs are all over google all over the world. Deka has nothing to do with my independent issue and promotions. Yiu were unfortunate, your own idiot, read my messages again.