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Diamond Resorts Complaints 273

10:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts incentive

We were promised a train ride as our incentive to listen to a time share presentation. We were told we could not make reservations unti after the presentation. After 2 1/2 hours with 3 different men trying to sell us a time share, we were told the train ride wasn't available. Offered a 2 1/2 hr jeep tour. That was canceled also and our only choice was a disappointing 1 1/2 hr jeep tour that showed us views we could see on our own. The guide seemed to be doing us a favor with a huge attitude. The units we were shown were gorgeous but our actual
room was a dump with filthy carpet and couch. Hasn't been painted or updated in years. Why would anyone buy a time share from this company.

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Jason G.
Jason G.
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Aug 26, 2017 1:01 am EDT

We got rid of 2 deeds with this group in Maine and it took about 8 weeks.

7:04 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts unethical practices

Recently my family visited Diamond Resorts in Gatlinburg, TN we were offered the room at discounted rate in exchange we had to sit through a tour presentation which was fine. While in the presentation our salesman Scott presented us with a Credit Authorization Research Form which was not explained to us prior we asked why was this necessary we had no intentions of purchasing the salesman explained it necessary to complete the presentation and we did not want an inquiry on our credit we as would purchasing a home in the near future he then got a supervisor by name of Carly who explained this would be a soft hit more of a poke.So we agreed, well it wasn't it was a hard hit a regular inquiry we contacted them and she lied, the manger Carla Olga was on the line as well the truth came out and we told they would correct this after we told them we are contacting the Commission of Real Estate they said was corrected as of today it has not been corrected.

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Aug 13, 2017 7:02 pm EDT

Buenas tardes,

los incidentes han ocurrido desde que llego al resort el senor manuel villanueva actual general manager de mystic dunes.
Soy venezolano y me siento aterrorizado, porque ahora es como si tuvieramos otro dictador venezolano en estados unidos. Quiero denunciar la falta de etica profesional liderazgo y maltrato conmigo y todos mis companeros.

Este dictador nos da ordenes sin ninguna prudencia y apreciacion por el trabajo. No pierde la oportunidad para decirnos lo mal que hacemos el trabajo y lo descalificados que estamos para este trabajo.

Este dictador improviza todo a ultima hora y nos obliga ha hacer todo solo a su forma pasando por encima de mis otros superiores. Cada vez que tiene la oportunidad grita y maltrata verbalamente a nosotros su trabajadores.

Las pruebas de sus atropellos son multiples, pero el miedo a perder nuestro trabajo, especialmente los venezolanos sin documentos hace que nos arrodillemos a su dictadura.

Se que vienes de otros hoteles y se que es un tirano con su equipo, un hombre atrevido sin escrupulos. Dando ordenes que nesecitan hacerse de inmediato y sin cordura.
Atropellando a quien sea con tal de quedar bien con su s superiores.

El peor maltrato ocurrido se ha dado este fin de semana donde vienen personas de las vegas, este dictador nos ha gritado por el radio, y nos ha amenazado con que nadie puede irse hasta que cumplamos su deseos laborales, sin consideracion que tenemos nuestras esposas y que tenemos que ir a casa despues de trabajar el tiempo reglamentario de 8 horas.

Nos ha obligado a quedarnos sin contemplar nuestras ocupacions despues del trabajo. Soy venezolano pero siento algo aterrorizante de encontrarme con alguie n peor que maduro que cambio la dinamica totalente de forma negativa despues que el senor victor se fue-

jamas habiamos visto un dirigente tan desequilibrado, prepotente, arrogante e inhumano como este senor. El no tieme limites a la hora de dirigir, el solo sabe mandar para su unico beneficio que es estar bien con las personas gringas de las vegas.Muchos han renunciado a consecuencia de ello, muchos ya odiamos venir a este hotel, por consecuencia de este dictador, dado que no se sabe con que clase de humor esta y si nos va a ridiculizar en publicos, con sus comentarios fuera de lugar nada profesional

este dictador es una total verguenza para nuestra raza venezolana. Busquen las evidencias, entrevisten a las personas en privado, llamen a los que han renunciados de todos los departamentos, sigale el record de otros hoteles y se daran cuenta que esta denuncia es 100% verdadera.

Este dicatdor abusadorcon todos nosotros es alguien que se ve con sus superiores un lider invaluable pero con nosotros que hemos puesto nuestro esfuerzo nos trata pero que rata

muchos ya estamos buscando trabajo en otra parte, pero tenemos responsabilidades que no nos permite irnos de inmediato y tenemos que aguantar este atropello a nuestra diginidad.

Extranamos al senor victor y liua que nunca nos trataron mal siempre con aprecio, nos hacias bbq, pensaban en nosotros y nunca fuimos ridiculizados en publico o burlados con sus criticas tan destructivas.

Mis companeros estan desmoralizados, algunos hya indiferente y otros enfermos de stress y ansiedad ante la presencia de este lider que de lider no tiene nada.

Queremos el apoyo de los que dirigen esta empresa, para resolver esto antes de que todos renunciemos y hagamos publica este atropello a nuestros derechos. Necesitamos su presencia, queremos una investigacion profunda, queremos que revisen su dictadura y lo que hace para cumplir y quedar bien con sus superiores a costa de la gente que trabajamos para el.

Jamas habiamos visto tanto egoismo e ignoracia en un dirigente que se ve que es bastante inseguro e inexperto para un hotel tan grande como este.

Esta enloquecido completamente con el manejo de un hotel tan grande que dana y tira su frustacion a los que si necesitamos de este trabajo.

Muchos estamos y pensando en hacer algo para detener este dictador.

Actuen rapido, actuen ya, hagan algo por sus trabajadores nosotros somos la fuerza de este hotel.

Los diamond estan protegidos de una u otra forma aunque se nota el miedo y la intimidacion,

no queremos irnos odiando este hotel y hablando a todos nuestros amigos venezolanos para que jamas esten en las manos de este dictador.

11:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts "update" meeting turned into fraudulent promises

My family and I visited Polo Towers in Las Vegas for a quick getaway. We were told they had updates about our membership and the meeting would only take 90 minutes. On April 13, 2017 we went to this "breakfast update" but it turned out to be a pressured sales pitch. Joe Sprouse and Jim Pitts looked over our account and said they could combine our US collection and Cabo collection loans and we would have 1 payment to make per month. We weren't interested in doing any updates to our account but they kept pressuring us and convinced by saying they could lower our payment, give us extra points and make us full Gold as well. Hours later and while they were setting up for the "lunch update" we were still there and we agreed to what they promised us. Turned out it was all a lie! I happened to go online a month later and noticed our account balance was extremely high and we still had 2 different loans. I tried reaching out to the 2 guys in Las Vegas but nobody was returning my calls or emails. I even reach out to Billy Buck who was supposed to be the woman in charge there and she didn't respond as well. I then started reaching out to Diamond and was told by Brittany Stewart that they are unable to wrap our US and Cabo loans but spoke to her supervisor and our case would be escalated to the hospitality team and someone would get back to us in 5-7 business days. I called back after a week and spoke to someone else who said it will take 2 weeks to hear back. I waited again. Called back and was told it can take 2-3 weeks. Every time I called we were given the run around. Finally over a month later we were told our case was assigned and we should be hearing from someone soon. A few days later we received an email from a Russell Elliot to set up a time to speak but he is in the UK! We are in the US! Why would we get assigned to someone in the UK so speaking with him is only in the early morning hours! This has been a nightmare! Has completely stressed us both out and we don't have the money to pay for this extra loan we didn't know we were getting! This has been completely ridiculous! Today (7/18/17), my husband spoke to Russell and he said there was nothing he or Diamond can do. What kind of business is this!?!?!?

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Jason G.
Jason G.
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Aug 26, 2017 1:10 am EDT

We got rid of 2 deeds with this group in Maine and it took about 8 weeks.

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Jul 20, 2017 11:54 am EDT

Sadly this is very common. They call it a ghost trade. If you need advice or help contact [protected]

2:58 pm EDT

Diamond Resorts unethical behavior

A big liar

Their agents told me in the cell the refund has been done. After one month, when I call back. They said they have done that yet. So. submit refund again, wait for another "7-10 business days", still nothing! When I call them, still no record of refund, they ask me to wait for another "7-10busniess day" AGAIN! The whole thing happened since June 2017. Now July 9, 2017, they still can not have me an explanation!

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Jul 20, 2017 11:50 am EDT

If you need help getting out contact [protected]

2:23 pm EDT

Diamond Resorts thieving staff

My wife had her diamond wedding ring and one other diamond ring stolen by the agency maid that the manager decided to take on in Diamond Resorts Club Del Carmen Lanzarote, apparently She also decided to steal from another two rooms on the same day, She must have been rummaging through all the belongings. Diamond do have a notice that they will not be accountable for anything not held in a safe, well Diamond Resorts, the safe is only so big and you employ thieving [censor].

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9:34 am EDT

Diamond Resorts sales tactics disgraceful

We are Gold Key owners. We bought two months before the conversion to Diamond. Went to an ownership meeting this week to learn about the changes. Was told my week I owned would no longer be of use. That I would not be able to transfer my week like I did this year. Was told I was lucky I was able to. After 2 hours of waiting for their bottom line price to convert to points...$68000 more however they did come down to a 35000 price tag! Oh and the smallest point package to purchase was the 8500 points. When I told them no. They told me good luck in getting a vacation in the future and expect my fees to go up. Think I will stick with what I own for the time being...
The whole purpose in buying into a timeshare was to be able to go on vacations without worrying about everything. Diamond has proved I am nobody and they could care less about our business.

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Tom Hager
Tom Hager
North Carolina, US
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Jun 26, 2017 10:40 am EDT

While there are indeed many valid testimonies about timeshare nightmares, the most important thing to bear in mind is that the majority of them could have been avoided by taking into account the following advice.

9:18 am EDT

Diamond Resorts payment double charge cannot get a refund

I purchased a 5 day stay at the Royal Palms in ST Marteen, when I booked I was asked to pay the room taxes ahead of time, which I did, at check in I was told I needed to pay to resort fee of 10 $ a day which I did, the night before check out I received a bill I was being charged for everything all over again, after speaking with the front desk I was told to wait for the supervisor next day . they remove some charges but when I returned home and tried to use the Bank card I had used for the incidentals, surprise surprise, I had no money. After many calls to the resort I was told I would be refunded, a month later still no refund. I sent them a screen shot of my account which shows clearly the money being taken out, but I guess they don't know how to read a bank statement because they are telling me it on hold and the bank would release the hold, :(((( even though it says withdrawal and no money in the account, I am running out of patience. The people there were nice but it is obvious no one knows what they are doing

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Jul 20, 2017 11:55 am EDT

I have 9 years of experience dealing with these cases. Give me a call at [protected]

3:21 pm EDT

Diamond Resorts deposit stolen, wrong location booked, timeshare sales

We booked our stay through a 3rd party agency (TripAdvisor), where at sign up we clearly read "no hidden fees or extra charges at the hotel", and "no payment will be needed at the hotel". I received multiple messages via text & email as receipt of my purchase and payment, along with the resort's location. On a random whim, I decided to confirm the reservation with the hotel the morning of our arrival date. Lo and behold... no reservations. Then they found it --- booked at another of their locations, roughly 30 minutes away from the original resort. Narrowing down the possibilities, I eventually came to the conclusion that it was the hotel's mistake. We spent the next 2.5 hours emailing, calling, holding, and waiting ... finally, after spending a frustrating and aggravating morning tracking down a mistake, then emailing receipts and screenshots, the resort moved our reservation to the correct location.
Once arrived, I was charged around $10 in sevice costs for their mistake and aggravation. Also, they charged a $100 refundable deposit to my account on top of the service fees.
I could complain about their constant nagging and poor attempts at high pressure sales, especially since they never let up until you have to ignore them altogether... I could complain about the very high priced cafe you have to order from, since no one delivers there... or how bad their food is (trust me on this one, drive somewhere to eat..), or the fact that with no room delivery we had to walk 300 ft to the cafe in the rain for our terrible food.. Or about how congested and crowded the parking is, forcing guests to park in all the fire lanes.. I could even complain about small adjoining rooms that really aren't very well put together..but I'm actually more upset that they stole my $100 deposit. We left the room in good condition, left the "maid tip" on the dresser, even cleaned out the jetless jacuzzi tub after short use. No calls, movies, or games were charged to the room, and I have a "No extra charges" receipt to prove there weren't any added charges or fees. They literally stole my money.
To make matters worse, after giving a very generous amount of time to return my deposit, and two attempts to contact Diamond Resorts, they have refused to communicate.
I would warn anyone NOT looking for timeshare sales reps using high pressure methods, a company that steals your money, a hotel that treats you as just another number, and a resort offering food so bad you'll think Dominos tastes good, to NOT stay at or purchase timeshare at Diamond Resorts. Very disappointed, should have spent an extra $50/night for a better place to spend a getaway.
I don't recommend this company, and would never stay at another one of their hotels.

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11:33 am EDT

Diamond Resorts service and lies, pressured

So in Las Vegas at Cancun Resirt, Eddie the person who helped get us a "deal" made us lie on our credit card application! Put on a show in front of his financial manager and made us lie to them as well! He prompted us what to say to everyone from the credit card company to the manager. I honestly did not feel comfortable and I voiced it multiple times but he was trying to reassure me that it will be okay because of my annual income! Yes I'm a nurse but a single mother of 3 and I have a 4 year old with my current partner, so I have bills! I have extracurricular activities for my kids and a Mortgage. He knew how much my Mortgage is a month and that I have credit card bills! I was even hesitant to the manager and felt pressured again because Eddie spoke over me! In the end I noted on the contract that he made $14, 000 + off of our deal! Diamond resorts lied from the last time saying that we could use our points for car rentals and travel so that's why we upgraded to silver but then I was told this time that only "legacy/plantinum" can use points. I never felt so pressured to make a decision compared to yesterday with Eddie and I really wish I did nog purchase a timeshare through Diamond from the beginning! And I was told I'm an owner but now Eddie said I had no equity from my original if I knew that more I would have not purchased the timeshare! He told us it cost $900 a night at Cancun. Looked online it only cost $250 a night for a penthouse

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Jun 10, 2017 7:53 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We own Diamond Resorts Intl. Home Ownership, which we're told is different from Timeshares. Does anyone know of a company that specializes in the sell of Homeownership? We would love to get rid of this nightmare! Thank You.

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Jul 20, 2017 12:06 pm EDT

Hey guys! I actually specialize in diamond cases. Feel free to reach out to me at [protected]

2:56 am EDT

Diamond Resorts erroneous derogatory report posted to my credit report

I purchased a Sampler Package approx Nov 2015. I made monthly payments but decided to pay the amount off and did so in Jan 2017. I made 2 payments that month, the final on 24 Jan. I was never late on my payments. I kept receiving what appeared to be bills but the amount owed was always in parenthesis. I continued to pay. In Mar2017 I contacted Diamond Resorts and verified that it was in fact paid in full. In fact, I had overpaid by $481.75. I requested they return my over payment to me. I am currently refinancing my mortgage. On 4 Apr 2017 an employee at the bank contacted me in regards to my credit report. She stated that Diamond Resorts had filed a derogatory report against me. Phone number given on report was [protected]. I was told this report meant I was 30 or 60 days delinquent. I called the number given but kept being cut off. I finally called [protected] and spoke with a man who stated my account was indeed paid up and a check for $481.75 had been sent to me. When questioned, he stated that it appeared my final payment on 24 Jan had been posted in a "strange way" making me appear delinquent. He was unable to help me but transferred me to [protected], informing this was the office that could remove the derogatory report. While I was on hold at this number I was cut off. I called back and was cut off again. It was exactly 6PM MST. I called back and got a recording about their hours. They were gone for the day. I filed an online complaint that evening and received a confirmation on the same evening Tuesday, April 4, 2017 6:22 PM. I called back the next day and was talking to a lady who promptly cut me off when I told her the problem. I was cut off twice before I finally got through and asked the next person to please not hang up on me. After talking to a supervisor she told me that I would have to file a report with the credit bureau and once Diamond received it, they would do an investigation at that time but they would do nothing until then. Supposedly, the conversation was being recorded. I informed her that was not right. She stated that it was. I said no, it might be your procedures, but it is not right. I did receive the check for $481.75. Today, Wednesday, 19 Apr 2017 I was on a conference call with an employee from the bank I am working with and this same office at Diamond Resorts. She confirmed that yes my account had been paid off in Jan 2017. The bank employee told Diamond employee that if the account was paid off in Jan I could not have been delinquent in Feb and Mar 2017. At this point the Diamond employee hung up the phone! In addition, I purchased the equivalent of 2 weeks and have only used one! Diamond Resorts has adversely affected my credit rating and the refinancing of my mortgage.

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6:51 pm EDT

Diamond Resorts I am currently staying at the rivera resort at dana point

I parked my car in the hotel parking and came out later and there was human feces all over my car.There was a cone in the parking spot next to me but no one informed me the owner. I went in side to talk to a manager and the manger never came out...They gave me $30 to wash my car but the disrespect of the manager not even coming out to talk to me will leave a long impression on me. Also the were in no rush to clean up the mess.4/13/2017

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9:05 am EDT

Diamond Resorts my horrific experience

Hello. My first experience with Diamond Resorts was this weekend in Orlando. The reservation process was immediately messed up because our reservation was booked for May instead of March (through Air b&b), so not your fault. We were "upgraded" to your Grand Villas condos. The second night my boyfriend and I decided to use your hot tub. After returning to the room my boyfriend noticed something weird all over my back. It was feces from your hot tub. My boyfriend went back and took plenty of pictures for me to show you and other people interested in staying here. I called the front desk and spoke to the employee who promised me a phone call from the manager in the morning (Hammel). Still hasn't happened. THEN when my boyfriend when back down there, the maintenance man leaned over and was just cleaning it off. NOT DRAINING the hot tub and NOT bleaching it. My boyfriend said it sounded like he was using the water from the hot tub to splash it clean! (We have pictures of this too I can show you) I'm so disgusted with this entire experience and I would like my money back. I work in corporate retail myself and would be appalled if one of my guests/customers had an experience and was later treated like myself. Please feel free to contact me by phone to let me know how you plan to resolve this. My name is Kathryn and I can be reached at [protected]

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6:52 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts high pressure sales

For myself and my husband we managed to get out of the ONE room (over 4 hrs - to which they accused us of wasting their time when we kept saying no and would like to leave) of high pressure tactics (after having to polity decline the constant parade of sales persons) only to be hit again when trying to leave and gain our so called gift. when we where assaulted again to BUY BUY BUY ~ to get out of there we did under pressure get the 4 day /3 night that we where told can be combined with the "Free 3 day/ 2 night invitation"! ha what a laugh called 7 days later to book the two 11 months from now and the FIRST thing out of the booking agents mouth was THEY COULD NOT BE USED TOGETHER! ~~ we where Lied to and I have requested a refund and Truly hope to get it but I am very fearful that I have a LONG fight on my hands.

They may have great properties but the way in which it is sold and the unethical tactics used GREATLY takes away from anyone that may want to buy.
we asked for time to think, to review the properties and rating online --- when constantly pressured to BUY NOW should have sent me running because an honest business would not do that! Its sad very sad!

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3:58 pm EDT

Diamond Resorts refund

Booking Number: 33308308R
We arrived today on the 12th of March however after having been here for a couple of hours we received an emergency phone call asking us to come home as soon as possible due to a family emergency. We spoke to the front desk, explaining what had happened, and after being told it WAS a refundable room, we were refused a refund after many back and forth phone calls and trips to the front desk. We've had to stay tonight as by the time all this had occurred it was too late for us to leave anyway, however we will happily pay for tonight but would like a refund for the other three nights, as we will not be needing them and we were told it was refundable so I'm not sure why this has become an issue.

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11:49 pm EST

Diamond Resorts stay away from this time share company

We are owners of a time share at DRI club there customer service is the worst treat you like the worst there is never any availability of places to go on vacation super hi maintenance fees there sales associates will make you believe you can go on vacation anywhere at any time you want and your points will cover everything from airline tickets to transport from the airport to the resorts and back is all lies we were scammed with almost 30, 000 US dollars and we can't take a 4 day vacation because of their availability bad customer service they don't help at all we feel so helpless since we think we can't get our money back and we can't take our vacations the way they promised

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Waianae, US
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Sep 13, 2022 4:45 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm a dissatisfied customer, call me if you want to participate in a federal suite against them [protected] I can explain what needs to be done

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Jul 20, 2017 12:09 pm EDT

I specailize in Diamond cases. Contact me at [protected]

11:34 am EST

Diamond Resorts timeshare problems

I attended a time share "update" at Cabo Azul on Dec. 18th - pressured to by more points= rescinded the purchase on Dec. 20th - returned all the contract info, the rescinding letter, the tablet and the 500.00 credit put on my account as a buyer perk to the salesperson in question On my return to Canada after staying in Mexico for 3 more weeks - I found the contract had not been cancelled. Diamond will not answer any of my e-mails but continues to send me bills from the financial area for payment. I am 79 and have a serious operation taking place next month but they have no mercy. I thought you could cancel after the age of 75? I need help, Member number 9-[protected]

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Jul 20, 2017 12:14 pm EDT

Contact me at [protected] if you need help getting out of contract

Ed Earls
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Aug 21, 2023 5:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of SarBear

Hi, my name is Ed Earls

Please contact me, I need more info.


6:00 pm EST

Diamond Resorts sunset bay tenerife

We checked into hotel 21/02/2017 for family vacation upon arrival very disappointed we booked two apartments and paid 925.00 for each apartment. We have 4 young children in the group . The apartments are riddled with ants, the staff and builders fly round on buggies all day with no consideration to children. We are top of a hill pushing prams. Stray cats and cat #### and smell off cat piss every where absolutely disgusting completely spoilt our family vacation locked out room first night due to lock failure and cards not working reception staff very unhelpful and rude we just want our money back so we can move out of this apartment more like what I would expect in a hostel not a hotel group who say something completely different about there resort we will need a holiday to get over this disgusting place

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12:49 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts financial department (payment of yearly dues)

Our dues were paid on time, electronically by our bank. It was not reflected on our account, so we contacted our bank. The check has been cashed by Diamond, so the bank sent a fax of the check to them to show that it was paid and before the due date. Diamond said they couldn't read the fax, so our bank sent another fax of the check. Each time, we have talked with both the bank and the people at Diamond. Today makes the third time our bank has sent a fax of the check to Diamond. Now Diamond has added a late charge to our account. Someone needs to get their head out of their ### and take care of this problem. We don't owe Diamond anything! We can't make vacation plans until this is cleared up. Believe me, if we could sell our shares, WE WOULD!

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6:36 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Diamond Resorts 2017 - special assessment - a synopsis of $192.97 assessment.. cove ii owners

-it does not relieve you of your responsibility
- a $30.00 charge
- late fee of $25
- charge of 18%
- suspension notice
- subject to lockout
- a notice fee of $15.00
- 5% of past due amount
- submit delinquent . . . to an attorney
- assessment lien
-foreclose on
-small claims
-delinquent owner
. . . . . . we look forward to welcoming you back to the Cove

"Feeling the Love"

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5:52 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

My husband and I feel misled by Diamond Resort International. The presentation was only suppose to be 90 minutes. It began at 9:30 and lasted until 2:30PM. Because of the length of time, we felt pressured to agree to something in order to leave. We agreed to paying the down payment for 'The Sampler' with the understanding that we had 14 days until the...

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Overview of Diamond Resorts complaint handling

Diamond Resorts reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Mar 27, 2008. The latest review Prime travelers club was posted on Feb 28, 2025. The latest complaint no refund given during hurricane irma was resolved on Sep 16, 2017. Diamond Resorts has an average consumer rating of 2 stars from 275 reviews. Diamond Resorts has resolved 56 complaints.
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    Checked and verified by Olivia This contact information is personally checked and verified by the ComplaintsBoard representative. Learn more
    Feb 28, 2025
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Most discussed Diamond Resorts complaints

foreclosure without notification!
(opinions to this review)

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