The phone number is non-working so I cannot cancel my order within the 10-day trial and my credit card will automatically be charged every month. This company also lists a foreign address: NUTRIMAX LABS, INC.
Calle 6ta, Casa No. B76C
El Tecal, Ciudid de Panama
I think both addresses are bogus.
I would like to know how other people have resolved this problem. Is the only way out is to cancel my credit card?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
There is another address that is out of Hollywood FL
[protected] phone I just spoke to someone and this company sounds a little shady to me.
Nutrimax Labs
4302 Hollywood Blvd Suite 321
Hollywood FL 33021
Hope this helps!
A complete and total hoax. They make it impossible for you to cancel within the 10 day trial period and immediately charge your card $87. I argued and argued and argued and finally they agreed to either credit me $20 or return the product, unopened, and refund my money minus a 45% restocking fee. 45%! What a joke. I took my $20 credit...if they even credit it and told them off. Lesson learned, I guess. What a joke.
Do not give this number [protected] - demand to speak to a supervisor, although I'm not even sure the woman I talked to was a supervisor. Not that this matters, but of the 5 people I spoke to, no one sounded American. They said they were located in Hollywood, FL, but I highly doubt that.
Absolutely agree with this comment, I have the same complaint but a double whami, I'm an international customer trying to cancel. The Australian number listed is disconnected and I cannot reach them in the USA, this is totally unsatisfactory for this company to be operating like this. I have not received their product and I can not contact them to cancel can anyone help me?
I too have just been caught out by this scam. Unfortunately the only way I could rid myself of this hoax was to close my bank account. I asked my bank if they would put a stop on payments being taken from this company and they couldnt do it, so this company can just basically empty your account. I tried all the contact numbers listed and they are a complete joke. Do yourself a favour, do not get involved with this trial, it will be a huge mistake.
Agree - have given up trying to contact them and have just cancelled my credit card - lesson learned! Was great to find this website and read of your experiences though.
I canceled my card, too. I heard too many people say that they canceled their subscription with the company, but the company continued to bill them. Better to be safe and just cancel your card. I contacted my bank and told them and they are disputing it for me. If you haven't already, you may want to do this with your bank or credit card company and try to get your money back. It's worth a shot. This company made at least $90 from just the 4 of us. Imagine how many people they are stealing from.
By the way, I was also charged an international fee. I'm in the US, so this company obviously is not.
I am in Australia and should have worked it out when the local number wasn't connected. I only lost the initial postage fee so no real harm done - thanks everyone for your comments!
anyone know the australian number to call?
Me too!
I am in the UK and did receive my products, but then found out it was a scam and have had the first payment taken. My credit card are happy to deal with this issue for me. I have to sent a letter cancelling to them. The address I found is in Chicago IL USA.
What I need is an email addy too
does anyone have one for me to use please?
Thank you
Surrey, UK
I have been scammed as well. I was charged US$87 before I received the goods and before the 10 day trial period ended. I am in Australia so we are 12 hours ahead of US, will be ringing all the phone numbers tonight to try and resolve. I think to be safe I will just cancel my credit card, I can't afford to keep losing $90 every month! Surely there is some kind of consumer watchdog in US that can charge these fraudsters with operating illegal, unauthorised charges. It is pure stealing!
Addresses on their website are: Nutrimax Labs, Calle 6ts, Case B76C, El Tecal, Ciudad de Panama (which is not even in the USA is it?) Also a mailing address: 47 West Polk St STE 100-248 Chicago IL [protected], no email addresses to be found.
Phone nos: US [protected], in Australia: +[protected].
Good luck to everyone who has been scammed in getting refunds. I have learnt my lesson, never buy anything from the internet that claims to be FREE!
Thank you for your reply and information :-)
Yes, I feel such a dunce, I teach my children that nothing in life is free and then I go and do it myself! DOH!
I was advised by my credit card company - Amazon mastercard to send a letter and email to the company cancelling any authority to charge and any agreement between us. I posted this to the address in IL that you have and I emailed any email I could find - including - most companies seem to have an info@ addy. It did not come back as bounced! The dispute department said they would deal with the company if they try and take anymore money from my account after I have sent letter and email.
But I think I have probably lost the first £50, as I left it too late to cancel, according to the terms and conditions.
I don't really want to ring them and charge up a big bill to an overseas country, so the letter and email will have to do.
Have you even taken your tablets? I am too scared to even try them now *L*
Good luck everyone :-)
You know what continues to amaze me is the fact the Credit Card companies can't get together and stop this type of activity. My understanding is the monies move across these banking organisations to the end collector i.e. Nutrimax Labs in these cases. The end collector requires the services of the credit card companies to operate the account. When a scam is in evidence e.g.morally questionable practices such as not providing email address for cancellation of orders, unobtainable telephone numbers etc, all of which are easily confirmed by the credite card companies, why oh why can't these banking organisations get together and close down the perpretrators accounts? We may, as consumers, have our fingers caught once but not every month...By the way my credit card company Bank of Scotland, have been extremely helpful and supportive in ensuring this group of morally delinquent merchants do not benefit more then £1.86 from my stupidity. For which i am enternally grateful. Thank You BoS.!
Yes, what a good idea and not impractical either. Did you try mentioning this to BOS? If so, what did they say?
Surrey, UK
Great to know you have taken the time out to reply ...Yes i have but not sure if they will pick up on it...i also posted notice of the company with BBC watchdog.
Not sure how I could lobby the idea or if there are some legal barriers to overcome but I'll keep trying.
Anyway i feel really stupid about all of this and can only hope the action i have taken within 30 mins of placing the order is enough to protect me from further claims on my account.
Yes, I feel really stupid too, we live and learn *L*
Glad you mentioned it to Watchdog - great programme!
I think this is definitely something worth lobbying about - what about doing one of those goverment petitions - I have signed those in the past - can't remember the site name...
Good luck - have just checked my account and no more has come out so far - fingers crossed
Best wishes
Surrey, UK
Hi...good feedback and i will look into how to go about a web petition on the subject.
Finally got throught to cancel the order and subscription but like you will be keeping a close eye on the blocked account to ensure they don't try a fast one.
Good health, wealth and a long and happy life...nice communicating with you.
Thanks for the compliment.
If you get the petition up and running I will happily sign it - not sure if you are allowed to post the link on here, but if not, please forward to me, if poss?
Yes, you too, good health, wealth and wisdom :-)
P.S. did you actually take any of the tablets?
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Be careful, they don't stop charging you just because you contacted them. I tried calling and telling them twice to stop and they are still charging me. Plus the gave my account information to another company related to them called ProfitVault and now they are charging me, too! I've cancelled my card now. This company has many names that it goes by, Diet Max, NutriMax Labs, Inc., Weight Loss Nutra, Save Max, ProfitVault. They are all part of the scam. Stay away from them. Since the address for them they gave me is in Florida I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and to the Florida State Attorney General's Office for Credit Card fraud and Scam. If anyone has different addresses for them report them to that State's Attorney General. Maybe we can get the ### proscuted and stopped for good.
Hello All, I have also fallen victim to this STUPID company and the scam. I did actually cancel my order via a telephone call but they said I didn't so I was charged for an additional order (I never got the original or the second shipment) go figure. I did however contact Visa and they are helping me and I have been able to get all the charges except the first two shipments credited back to me AND Visa is conducting an investigation. I strongly urge each of you to do what I have done and we together can crush this company. First you have to send a written cancellation to the company the email address is and contact your credit card company and send them the copy of cancellation; the company will cancel the main subscription but you have to advise them that you are cancelling the website usage fees as well. Good Luck and have Faith - we can fix this.
from a Canadian consumer that won't take crap!
Ontario, Canada
agree! strongly urge that we together can crush this company
Guys, I just signed up for this as well - wasn't thinking and the link was inlcluded in a Channel 4 website so I thought it was legit ([censored]) - I did get through on the UK number by knocking off the '44' but adding an '0' because I thought it was a UK number and I'm in the UK (eventhough I suspected it wasn't I wanted to see if it worked) so I dialed [protected]. I don't have a landline so used my mobile which will undoubtly cost about £5 per minute.
Anyway I got through and the time here was approx 20:30 GMT, the operator did find my account using the phone nmumber I entered on the order form and after constantly trying to persuade me to take an extended trial and after me constantly repeating myself he agreed to cancel.
However, he said he would be sending me a link and gave me some simple and obviously bogus instructions of how to cancel, he said: I have to click on the link - log in using pswd: online, then enter my name that I used on the order form (with no spaces and all in lower case) in the digital signiture box, then hit submit - he repeated each step twice and spelt everything which seems supspicously like a ploy to keep me on the line (which must be premium rate - they make money off that as well - so infruriating!) but also gives them an excue by saying I didn't cancel correctly. Well suprise surprise no link has appeared in my inbox and its been nearly 3 hrs.
I feel an idiot for doing it but after researching as I should've in the first place i realised it was a scam so I immediately proceeded to cancel, well within their '10 day so called trial period' - I only made the order at 1930 this day - so obviously I haven't received anything and I doubt I ever will!
I've also emailed the addys contained in previous comments with all the details:, and I will be posting several hard copies to the postal addy on the support page, which is Hollywood FL?! - it sounds bogus, I will also be sending it to the corporate addy in Panama.
I've also made an appointment withing my bank to see what they can do and ask them to refute any payments from DIET MAX [protected] EL TECAL (I found this info on this complaint site: if it doesn't load refresh the page as it has some errors.
Hopefully my bank will help me sort it but I'll still have paid for the shipping and a 10 minute mobile call to Panama - damn them! I may also get one of those £10 pre paid international calling cards that are really cheap to call abroad (like 2p per minute) but if it is a premium number it might not go far, we'll see what happens.
I'm defintley going to repor tthem to the UK and US regulatory authorities with reagrd to e-commerce - let all do it and get them shut down!
Good luck to all
This really pissed me off, am not rich and a little bit overweight and was expecting that this probiotic cleanse will help me lose some weight, but this is a nightmare ever happened in my life. All i just want from them is a refund and will return their scam products. This is hurting everyone's lives; my family, my family member and most especially myself. These people need to be stop very quick, please dont let them steal anymore amount...
i did not even open an account, but still having problems! they say i did so getting nowhere.
austraila #[protected] the only way to stop charges is to cancel the card . I live in Arkansas and i turned them in to the attorney general office . I noticed Oct. 22, that I was charged I called [protected] which is customer service and have been getting the "we need 7 to 10 more days to do this refund" deal. the address for the U.S. is the following ORDER PROCESSING CENTER 47 W. POLK ST. SUITE 100-248 CHICAGO, IL [protected]. I dont know if any of this helps
Thank God, I am not alone. My problem is, they are sending me two bottles a month. I asked to cancel both bottles in the alotted time period, and sent them back. They still sent me another round. I have spent countlees hours with these ###s and am just sick of it. I am going tomorrow to my bank to put a fraud alert on my card. Hope this ends it!
IT WONT YOU HAVE TO CANCEL YOUR CARD. OR THEY WILL KEEP CHARGING YOU is a rip-off. Their website shows customer support Mon-Fri 9-6 EST. Refuse to refund cost back to debit card. Cancelled on 10th day (Monday) they claim I was a day late (Sunday-not opened). Rep said "computer down and call back tomorrow". reps are rude and uncaring-even supervisors, hanged up when I said I would contact BBB. I filed a complaint with BBB of Chicago-Northern Ill. How can decision be made in less than 6 days for a 30 day trial of 60 caplets? I also considered them as FRAUD as well as a SCAM.
Like others, my sample has not arrived (although the 10 days are nearly up). I tried phoning, but the UK number now directs you to [protected], where you are put on hold, and no-one ever answers. Fortunately they have not yet taken the full payment from my card, so I have been able to let the bank know that this is a scam. I have also reported it to Consumer Direct. Might I encourage all the British people who have been caught out to do the same - if enough of us contact them, they will pass the complaint to the Office of Fair Trading to investigate.
My 19 year old ordered this $97 product and another $97 product after I told him not to. We cancelled the order within 24 hours and asked for a refund. Has anyone ever gotten a refund from this place? We have been calling for the past month to refund this money. He is a college student and needs this money back. We have been speaking to "supervisors" who assure me that we will receive the refund. The first time we were told we would get the money back in 3-5 days. After numerous calls, "glitches" in their system and many reassurances we would get his money back we haven't gotten anything back. Do they think they will tire you out and you will forget about your money? I may just call the tv station this program was aired on. Quite a lesson for a 19 year old.
I agree, this is not a reputable company. The BBB gives them the lowest rating possible -- an "F". BBB also stated that Nutrimax Labs, Inc. dba is not an "Accredited" company. They are doing business under 5 or 6 different names. There has been more than 1200 complaints on Nutrimax Labs. (Around the world, not just Chicago office.) They are refusing to refund my cost, as the 10th day was on a Sunday and they are not opened. They offered to settle for a measly $20.00 refund but I want the full amount of $87.47. When I told supervisor I would contact BBB, she hanged up on me. Not good business tactics, to say the least. I have been contacting them for over a month. The first rep said computers were down and to call back tomorrow (Tuesday). I called and the rep said that since I was charged, they would send another bottle. That did not come. Then I demanded to talk to supervisor and she said that since I canceled, the second bottle would not be sent and I was "out-of-luck" because I canceled 1 day late. Best of luck...
been trying over a month to get money back turned them into the A.G. office
to whom it may concern,
i rang to cancel this order on the 9th day of free trial as i had not received the 60 capsules, and then i rang today to get my refund back of $95.34, i believe i have been wrongfully charged for the product which i have not received at all. i want my money back and am very unhappy with the service you have provided. i have rang within 24hrs of the confirmation of money being taken from my account as it states in your policy.
# Billing Errors. If you believe that you have been erroneously billed, please notify Our Customer Service Department immediately of such error. If we do not hear from you within ten (10) days after such billing error first appears on any account statement, such fee will be deemed acceptable by you for all purposes, including resolution of inquiries made by your credit card issuer. You release us from all liabilities and claims of loss resulting from any error or discrepancy that is not reported to us within ten (10) days of its publication.
i feel as i have been mistreated as i canceled this order on the 9th day trial, unfortunately your company has "no record of this"... how are you able to pay for something in 10 days without trialling the product first or how do you even now that this could be a money making scam! pay for product and never receive it. i want my money returned.. as i canceled this order on the 9th day, but records can not be found, and more money has been charged.
i spoke with Marco from this company at 11.20am AEST on the 20/11/ who would send me a link for cancellation. told me step by step what to do once receiving this confirmation, it has now been over 1hour and still have received nothing to confirm a definite cancellation again..
i guess everyone else has been fooled as well from this company, what can i do in Australia to report them?
i have been trying to ring them but they are disconnected so i think i will be closing my account this morning :)
This is a definite scam, when a web site does not subscribe to a legit Customer service or gives correct information for recourse. Restocking charges are absolutely unpresidented at 45%. [protected] is another number that also links to this FL address.
this is what they have sent me to CANCEL. it is working as of Nov 23 2010.
If you have any questions regarding your order, call us at:
Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm EST
Be sure to reference Order # 2269309 when contacting us.
I too was charged $87 before the 10 day free trial period was over, and they have it on their record that I canceled in time. I even called my bank and they called them three way to cancel and see what was going on. My bank lady even said this company sounded shady. They ARE! I have called multiple times to resolve this. I have canceled my credit card and now they are saying that the reason the refund is taking so long is because I canceled the account that it was charged to so they don't have an account to refund the money too...figures! They almost didn't let me speak to a supervisor and the supervisor was an idiot too, keep giving me the runaround, saying my refund should be resolved in a matter of time. She did finally give me a cancellation number though finally! And I wrote all their names down, cuz they have to know that stuff when you do an investigation thru your bank. I hope I get refunded I will NEVER order any free trial EVER EVER again! Diet Max is a FRAUD!
A total scam - my credit card company was not very helpful BMO and so I finally cancelled with them for a 45% stocking fee and cancelled my credit card because I was totally pissed at them for not helping me out!