Rarely will I ever speak poorly about another Bull Terrier breeder because I feel it to be unprofessional and wrongful. However, when I have factual knowledge in regard to a breeder that is corrupt and is a menace to the Bull Terrier community I feel it’s well warranted to protect others from the possibilities of getting involved with a corrupt breeder. “Dino Bull Terriers” located in New Mexico is one that has earned several accounts of derogatory statements from many including myself. The breeder is a young woman named Kayla who is new breeder with unethical breeding practices that has already been flagged by those who have been involved with the Bull Terrier breed for many years. Her derogatory actions, unwarranted slander, breeding ethics, illegal copyright infringement, customer complaints, libel comments towards others, and false advertising of Bull Terriers that don’t belong to her are what has caused me to alert the public of a scammer that is truly compromising the integrity of the breed and setting a bad example as a breeder.
Due to Dino Bull Terriers having no reputation at all I had never heard of them until a few weeks ago when Kayla called me on the phone saying she was wanting to purchase a future puppy from us to raise as a loving pet in her home. She posed as someone simply wanting a companion for her herself with expectations of receiving a quality Bull Terrier from a reputable breeder. However, Kayla was very adamant about mentioning she did NOT want a puppy sold with “Limited Registration” which would prevent her from breeding. I explained to her if she had the future intent to breed the only way we would provide “Full Registration” would be with a Co-ownership contract listing us as a co-owner which would ensure all future breedings would require our approval and signature. This policy ensures that no puppy of ours ends up in the hands of an irresponsible breeder that may decide to breed the dog as early as 7 months old during their first heat cycle and continue breeding the dog like a machine during every heat cycle thereafter. This is what puppymills and some backyard breeders do who are only concentrating on pumping out puppies for financial gain. Co-ownership contracts prevent things like this from happening and also prevents the bloodline from being tainted with poor qualities due to wrongful breeding of lesser quality dogs. It also prevents the dog from being resold or given away without the consent of the co-owner. This is called protecting the welfare of the puppies you produce with pride and passion. Sadly, Dino Bull Terriers is unaware of this concept. Kayla was quick to tell me she wanted her future Bull Terrier to have “Full Registration” in order to breed to whatever dog she wished and whenever she wanted. It was at this time I took the time to look up her phone number which led me right to her website – “Dino Bull Terriers.” I confronted Kayla and shamed her for posing like she had no other dogs and was simply looking for a loyal companion. The truth was, she was on the pursuit to find a quality Bull Terrier with known reputation of excellence within the pedigree and add the dog to her unethical breeding practices in hopes of improving the quality of her Bull Terriers thus receiving more money and more interest in her puppies. Kayla was quick to learn the reason reputable breeders earn the reputation they have is because they refuse to sell to puppymills and irresponsible breeders. This infuriated Kayla because she knew we would NEVER sell a puppy to her or anyone like her that lacks the ethics to breed with proper morals that protect the future integrity of the breed. Knowing Kayla is in the pursuit to try and fool reputable breeders into selling her a puppy with Full Registration I put out a warning on our Forum so others would be aware of her dishonesty. I was amazed at the feedback received via email and messages from other breeders who have had terrible experiences with her. I even had two Bull Terrier owners contact me that purchased a puppy from Dino Bull Terriers and shared their saddening stories regarding the health issues of their Bull Terriers and the nasty exchanges of communications they dealt with between them and Kayla. These owners are fully aware they made a mistake by not thoroughly researching the breeder before they purchased their Bull Terrier and they are now left raising a Bull Terrier with health issues and temperament problems.
Dino Bull Terriers has also been flagged for stealing photos from other breeders and posting them on their website as her own Bull Terriers. There are adult Bull Terrier photos as well as puppy photos of dogs in which Kayla does NOT own or ever even seen in person. She has upset many people for her derogatory actions and corruption which is why I have chosen to get the word out in order to help steer people clear of a breeder that has proven to be a menace to the Bull Terrier community.
We have been involved with the Bull Terriers for 20+ years and our reputation requires no introduction. I care far too much about the future integrity of the breed to turn a blind eye to corruption when it has been validated and known to be something of concern to the public and those who have truly have the pride and passion to protect the breed.
@Melissa – Amazing how you coincidentally stumbled upon this comment which I made on this website less than 24 hours after I posted it. I’ll pretend as if you aren’t affiliated with Dino Bull Terriers and respond accordingly to the mystery author “Melissa.”
You can attempt to stand up for Dino Bull Terriers all day long but the truth is Dino Bull Terriers has already been caught stealing photos from other breeders and posting them on her website as if they were her Bull Terriers. Although Dino Bull Terriers have only been raising and breeding Bull Terriers for a very short period of time they have already developed a BAD reputation among the Bull Terrier community. They have yet to develop a bloodline reputation of their own and are breeding whatever Bull Terrier they can get their hands on from other backyard breeders. They are Very disappointed that they are not afforded the opportunity to obtain a reputable Bull Terrier from a responsible breeder that has earned merit for the development of their Bloodline. Responsible breeders don’t make the mistakes that enable backyard breeders or puppymills to obtain one of their dogs. This obviously upsets Dino Bull Terriers because they are left with no other choice but to raise and breed Bull Terriers that come from the same type breeder as she is. These are breeders that do not conduct genetic testing on their dogs, do not provide a written and signed two year health guarantee on the puppies they produce, do not show or exhibit their dogs, have never raised a Bull Terrier of their own into old age, have no regard for the breed standard, and offer ALL their puppies up with unrestricted Full Registration to allow unethical breeding to whomever purchases a puppy from them. It’s these type of breeders that damage the future integrity of the breed due to the health and quality of puppies they produce for no other reason other than financial gain.
Again, Dino Bull Terriers are new to raising and breeding Bull Terriers but they certainly gained a derogatory reputation fast. You called me a liar because you noted Dino Bull Terriers with an A+ score on BBB. Do you realize Dino Bull Terriers is NOT a business nor do they even have a Tax ID#? BBB provides an automatic score of A+ on any search of a business unrecognized. However, there is actually a complaint written on BBB from a customer which I attached below. I guess this squashes your statement in regard to using BBB as an example of positive reputation. In the event you want to read more about the corruption and lies that earned Dino Bull Terriers the reputation they have, I encourage you to read the literature here - http://www.bulliesofnc.com/BTforum/discussion/2671/dino-bull-terriers-caution-bad-breeder
I understand the response to my post was actually written by Dino Bull Terriers themselves but I have no problem providing authentic feedback which I know will be helpful for others who are researching this breeder. However, I don’t think this website is the best avenue for gaining proper knowledge on any breeder. Here’s a Link to an article I wrote a few years ago which articulates all the important factors in finding a reputable breeder. http://bulliesofnc.com/finding-reputable-bull-terrier-breeder/
My intent of this post was to provide a courtesy fair warning out to those in the New Mexico area who may be looking for a reputable Bull Terrier breeder and I’d much rather anger a corrupt backyard breeder than turn a blind eye to a menacing breeder that compromises the integrity of the Bull Terrier breed.
*** There's a Big Hole alright and Dino Bull Terriers dug it for themselves. However, it's good knowing the Bull Terrier community is fully aware of their corruption and unethical breeding practices.
Their reputation on social media is gaining quick attention due to negative posts.
LOL. Before you pat yourself on the back try and realize that ALL backyard breeders are able to sell their puppies. Being able to sell a puppy has nothing to do with the quality of puppies you produce or the reputation you have within the bloodline you have developed.
There will always be some people simply looking for a cute puppy with no knowledge of what they are buying. But then again more and more people nowadays are doing their homework to ensure the puppy they purchase has the health, temperament, and qualities they expect.
When breeders are producing puppies that come from non-reputable bloodlines from other backyard breeders and puppymills there will always be concern in regard to proper health, structure, and conformation. It's easy to see if a breeder is serious about the qualities they produce by their dedication to compete their dogs in AKC shows. Backyard breeders zone in on sales only.
It's very easy to determine if a breeder has developed a reputation of quality by researching:
- Earned Champion Titles
- Bloodline Reputation within the Bull Terrier community
- Appropriate Genetic Heal Tests on the all the dogs they breed and puppies produced
- A signed 2 Year unconditional health guarantee covering ALL genetic health disorders
- Pedigrees that depict earned champion titles within the first 3 generations
- A bloodline that shows their Bloodline name throughout a pedigree vice breeding off other bloodlines other than their own
- A waiting list for their puppies
- Notable accomplishments within AKC for Show and quality production
Dino Bull Terriers has no intention of earning or striving to achieve any of the above aspects of proper breeder ethics but they will surely advertise the availability of their puppies through 3rd party websites that list any and all puppies available for sale and sell their puppies to anyone who has cash to offer them. We call this "Backyard" breeding with NO intent to breed to the standards of the breed with pride and respect.
For those with no knowledge on the Bull Terrier breed or those that fail to research authentic quality within the breed they will always be susceptible to fall into the misfortune of finding the first breeder in their local area that has puppy availability in hopes of getting a healthy puppy. Sadly, many of them fall victim to backyard breeders trying to make a buck by selling subpar or inferior puppies that later develop with health and temperament issues directly related to poor genetics. These are the people breeders like Dino Bull Terriers rely on for the sale of their puppies.
The whole purpose of this post is provide others with fair warning about a new breeder that has earned no merit, posts photos of Bull Terriers that aren't theirs, and portrays themselves as a responsible breeder when it's vividly clear that they are only damaging the future integrity of the breed by the quality of puppies they produce.
You crack me up by responding as if YOU are some unbiased contributor to this post. YOU are Kayla Benevidez from Dino Bull Terriers and your IP Address encloses that information. Every time I post a response you are responding within seconds. It's obvious you are tracking my posts with concern. I realize you are upset that I am exposing the truth about you to the public but I'd much rather have you upset than sit back and turn a blind eye to the cancer you inflict upon the breed in which I hold true to my heart. You wouldn't understand about passion and pride within the breed.
I'm in LOVE with the Bull Terrier breed and I have dedicated to the breed for more than 20 years. It utterly disgusts me knowing there are breeders like Dino Bull Terriers ruining the breed by breeding with corruption, dishonestly, and zero interest in breeding to the Standards of the Breed. I'm well aware Kayla will respond to every post on this discussion but what she won't do is exploit her bloodline history, show awarded achievements, genetic health testings on her dogs, or any of the elements I mentioned in my above post.
Well, that response certainly provides a good display of your character. I guess it beats the response you gave someone that warned you about selling puppies on Craigslist which violates their policies. I'd post it but due to your foul language within the message it would not be accepted by this website. Seems like every time someone brings up Dino Bull Terriers within the Bull Terrier community it always relates to something negative. Amazing how you've managed to disturb so many people that your name is warned about to others repeatedly.
@Alison Mercer -
You must not have even taken the time to read my initial post. This has nothing to do with "Trolling." I'm the one that initiated the post in order to provide fair warning for those researching Bull Terrier breeders in New Mexico. You think I'm trolling my own post? I don't think you just stumbled across this post, did any research, and concluded to any form answer of intelligence. That's wonderful that you figured out that Dino Bull Terriers is a legitimate breeder, nobody said they weren't which questions whether or not you even read my post. YES, they are a Bull Terrier breeder. They are also legitimately corrupt, dishonest, and a menace to the breed which is the purpose of my post and exposing them in hopes saving a few people the misfortunes others have experienced with her.
My reputation requires no introduction and those heavily involved in the Bull Terrier breed know exactly where my heart is and the passion I have for the Bull Terrier breed. It utterly sickens me knowing there are breeders like Dino Bull Terriers that compromise the future integrity of the breed. It also angers me knowing how corrupt this breeder is to lie to people (like us) by trying to acquire a puppy from us.
I find it very coincidental that YOU became a member of this website a hour ago and quickly provided a responses to my post. You aren't fooling anyone. You are either Kayla from Dino Bull Terriers posing as different person or you are a pawn for Kayla. Either way it's clear you did ZERO research on Dino Bull Terriers because that kennel name has multiple complaints. One look at her website and you'll be quick to see that she's posting photos of other people's Bull Terriers. Legit?
My intent is to protect the breed from breeders like Dino Bull Terriers and anyone with a sound mind and conscience will be quick to recognize that. This post is not for my benefit but for the benefit of others. Those that may take the time to read it will be the people that do REAL research and when they do they will recognize everything I said was a fact and they'll be thankful that they didn't fall victim to a scammer who breeds subpar Bull Terriers and raising havoc with those who have been authentically gained merit through true pride and passion within the breed.
Kayla you can initiate a thousand screen names and comment on this post in hopes of making it look as though you have someone in your corner. You can even recruit a few pawns and beg them to respond to this post but with every effort you make it will only backfire on you when I provide facts, logic, and common sense. Your cancer to the breed is something very disturbing to me and I won't turn a blind eye to it.
Are you still commenting on my Post which provides fair warning about YOU - Dino Bull Terriers?
Do you realize when you bring up things like Full Registration, Limited Registration, and Co-ownership those are terms used by responsible breeders and canine registries. They are used professionally and properly by means of protecting the puppies produced from backyard breeders like yourself. Bragging about the fact you sell your puppies with Full Registration with no form of co-ownership contract clearly tells everyone you have absolutely NO care what so ever about the future welfare of the puppies you produce. All you want is to get paid for the production of weak, frail, poor quality puppies which have no reputation of qualities within the bloodlines which is why selling with Full Rights to any Puppy Farm to do what they want with means nothing to you. You struggle to find homes for your puppies because they have are not sought after by anyone. You rely on assistance through 3rd party websites to sell your puppies because you receive no traffic to your website. Your only hope of selling a puppy is by finding an impulse buyer that knows nothing about the breed and did zero homework on responsible breeders with earned reputations for the development of healthy, well structured, puppies that emulate the breed standard.
Now when I annotate my comments on this page or any other page I welcome anyone to research the validity in what I say. I also welcome anyone to view our history of reputation within the Bull Terrier community. We also dedicate to rescuing Bull Terriers for the state of NC. I rescue many bull terriers each year that come from breeders like yourself. There's a Bull Terrier in need of rescue right now at a local pound in your immediate area. It's described as an abandoned older female that has had multiple litters. I wonder where she came from. I wouldn't in my wildest dreams ever expect that a breeder like yourself would bat an eye to another Bull Terrier in need of rescue, but you'll surely continue your pursuit to breed contemptible puppies at every opportunity you can.
Let me close by providing another example of the corruption at the hands of Dino Bull Terriers. Attached below is a photo of one of their weak, frail, unhealthy puppies that they are currently trying to sell on NextDayPets. Beside taking note of the poor quality of the Bull Terrier puppy please note the other photo which projects the idea that the dog illustrated is owned by Dino Bull Terriers and possibly the Dam of the litter. The truth is, the Bull Terrier illustrated has nothing to do with Dino Bull Terriers. The photo is only used to elude people into thinking they own this Bull Terrier and this is what is expected of the puppy as an adult. You won't find that photo on the Dino Bull Terrier website nor will you find any show dogs on their page because they do not show their Bull Terriers. Their intent is only to sell puppies and try their best to fool others with fictitious information. There's good reason why they don't provide actual photos of the adults they breed and it isn't hard to figure out why. Again, my whole purpose of this post is expose a breeder that plagues the Bull Terrier community, lacks integrity, and corrupts the breed that "some" of us cherish and respect.
Kayla - Call your NextDayPets or whatever other 3rd party website you wish and tell them we claim they are not paying you for any advertisements. Better yet, email them and then post their response right back on here if you wish. If our website shows up on other breeder pages that's wonderful but rest assured I'm not paying a dime for it. Send them this link if you wish so you can validate my claim of stating I don't pay for any form of advertising. I'll bet you won't be capable a finding a single photo of a puppy advertised from us either. I'm confident you've seen our waiting list for our puppies from people who have placed deposits and are waiting patiently for the opportunity to claim a future puppy from an upcoming litter. Heck, I don't even have the opportunity to advertise availability of any puppies.
Please note, I've provided information on the importance of Limited Registration and Full Registration with co-ownership. Anyone can conduct their own research on this subject and when do they will surely be avoiding breeders like yourself who don't even have the pride to protect their own puppies from the misfortunes of leading a life as a puppymill dog sold to breeders like yourself.
Please educate yourself with Limited Registration, Full Registration, and Co-ownership contracts. Posting an exert from AKC means nothing to responsible breeders who care deeply about the puppies they produce. You could have copy and pasted AKC policies for breeding on this page as well which authorizes 7 month old female puppies to be bred and has no limits to how many litters they produce in their lifetime. They can be bred back to back during each heat cycle and still register litter after litter. Only people like You would use this a tool in order to defend your unethical breeding practices.
Here's an article I wrote on the Registration purposes and the differences between Full and Limited. Most are knowledgeable on this subject especially responsible breeders but I know you aren't.
Enough with the back and forth BS Kayla. It's depressing enough knowing you continue breeding poor quality Bull Terriers that you desperately advertise for months on end hoping to find someone on a impulse buy for a puppy who never researched responsible and reputable breeders.
Our waiting list illustrates those who have placed deposits and patiently wait for the opportunity to claim a puppy from us which speaks volumes. You contacted ME for a puppy and are upset that I wouldn't make the mistake to ever allow one of our puppies end up with a breeder like you. No reputable breed would which is why you only possess BT's from unknown bloodlines and BYB's. I'm done entertaining your ignorance.
Kayla - Do you not recognize that every time you reply you only hurt yourself by displaying your character and intelligence to a degree that anyone reading can easily judge you in a poor light? I'm actually not really expecting that you answer that question because I know you do not have the mental capacity to recognize your own faults. You are your worst enemy and sadly this whole discussion is based off your pathetic ethics when it comes to breeding Bull Terriers. The purpose of this post wasn't in hope of changing your ethics or struggling to open your eyes to reality because I know there is little hope for trying to improve your intelligence. This post was a WARNING to others who research your name and can make the proper decision of avoiding you as a breeder. All your comments left on this post will certainly provide Many others with the aspect to cast true judgement on YOU as a person. Simply reading your responses on this post alone without even knowing anything about you will certainly provide all the information others need to satisfy their opinion about you and I can promise you that nobody will find anything you wrote to be professional, correct, or honorable. The BEST thing you could ever do is quit struggling to defend your unethical breeding practices, quit breeding, go back to school, and do something productive with your life instead of breeding poor quality Bull Terriers for financial support while blindly jeopardizing the future integrity of the breed.
Enough is enough. End your cascade of cancer within the Bull Terrier community!
Another customer unhappy with Dino Bull Terriers.
For those that don't wish to read all the bogus replies left by Dino Bull Terriers in retaliation for this post feel free to read the meat and potatoes that are clearly listed on the Strictly Bull Terrier Forum -
Iv bought 2 dogs from Dinobullterriers and they came beautiful & healthy i also know people that have bought from Dinobullterriers take your lies to the better business bureau lets how far you get when they ask you for proof of your accusations i see a bunch of stuff on this site of you bashing multiple breeders too
You lie
You talk crap about everything breeder under the sun to Steve if its not bulliesofnc.com its not reputable
Here's ur collection of crap talking from your forum "strickly bull terriers "
Bullies of NC — Puppies & service
Googling people numbers to collect personal information to harass them on the internet like a coward & claiming people dont do their taxes when tax id numbers are confidential information not open to the public
Where's ur complaint to the BBB on this business if ur so truthful in what you say "no where " cause they would need proof to post anything you say
Your a coward that will go to extreme lengths to lie about people when what you really needa be doing is worrying about yourself & ur business
Anyone thats buying an AKC dog in general & is having doubts about a breeder can simply call AKC personally and check if that breeders is in good standing with their breeding practices and AKC will disclose that status
If the business has a A rating & is in good standing with AKC then its obvious that things being said from anyother source is a complete lie and has no genuine truth to it
Just peace of mind for people reading this complaint & its coming from another breeder that is obviously jealous and has created a forum dedicated to talking crap (strickly bull terriers )
See bulliesofnc.com may be genuine with their breeding practices but they cant hide the fact they talk crap about every breeder they can just for sale & the fact they charge top dollar and co-own ur paperwork is a complete ripoff the fact that anyone would want to owe 50% of something they ain't even paying for or discounting is a fraud move the evidence can be retrieved from his forum & thru a simple phone you dont even need call AKC or bbb cause Steve's digging his own whole
* digging his own hole...
Both u guys should be friends you guys lie just as good thats what jealous people do smile in ur face and talk crap later like i said if these statements ain't on my bbb profile or stated by AKC they are lies keep it coming Steve your a internet troll doing anything u can to make a sale
Here's Jeff's text message being a sociopath
Lol i feel sorry for u guys
Everyones a back yard breeder to you Steve
Have you purchased from any of the breeders you talk crap about on ur forum? No you haven't loser ? So whats your point ?
Tell everyone the truth Steve! You got mad cause i wasn't stupid enough to let u jack me for co ownership on my AKC paperwork so you googled my number and found out who i was and started talking crap about me knowing u have never done business with my kennel before
To the people reading this go to bulliesofnc.com and look for my name on any of his listed 3 generation certificates to his breeding dogs ur gunna see my name is no where on his dog pedigrees why? Cause iv never sold to this idiot
All your doing by continuing to bash breeders is look stupid and giving them free advertising your the only breeder i see concerned about dinobullterriers everyone else is doing their thing and worried about themselves
Dinobullterriers supports breeders because their not hypocrites they also support new breeders beginning their journey breeding cause we all once had to start somewhere!
Your the type of breeder that forgot where u started & now that ur commercial you think everyones below you theres always gunna be someone better then you Steve grow up
You made an entire forum dedicated to dinobullterriers cause ur jealous and that the honest truth
Get over it and stop trolling
Knock urself out keep talking ur crap little boy bye bye
It seems like the breeder is legitimate. The angry complainer is simply upset for an odd reason.
I believe the professionalism of the breeder could have been better, but Bulies of NC is simply trolling.
This breeder is dangerous.
Dino Bull Terriers — unethical breeding practices
Please reference the above link.
I want to make something else very clear bulliesofnc charges $[protected] for their dogs & still wants to own rights to ur new puppy most breeders that do this all claim the same thing *protecting bloodlines * half the breeders that do this you can normally get them to sell you a puppy with full AKC and no co-ownership by simply offering them more then their top dollar asking price when you throw more money at these type of breeders eventually they crack and their greed gets exposed if these breeders were so smart they'd just include everything in the price and stop looking like dam fools
Another thing a dog can still be breed without the paperwork so by limiting paperwork on puppies ain't gunna prevent that the breeders would needa fix the dog before its sold the only thing limiting paperwork does is limited the buyers capital off of future litters
Lastly if u call akc and ask them if they recommend buying or selling dogs with co-ownership they will tell u they " dont recommend co-ownership unless its someone you purchased the dog with" this is because akc didn't purposely put that signature line there for breeders to utilize its not a smart move for breeders to be co owning dogs they ain't even gunna see again anyways they simply do it outta greed
Dinobullterriers sells puppies with full AKC and no co-ownership included in the price its all over their websites
Why? Cause no one should settle for half of a dog!
Here's bulliesofnc claiming they don't advertise on third-party websites but yet their on nextdaypets.com
Talking about how they need no introduction lol when clearly they do ! The description is so Steve "if you dont want to buy from a backyard breeder look no further then bulliesofnc.com" talk about desperate sounding you guys try wayyyyy toooo hard
What the ad should say is: "if you want pay full price and get jacked for half of ur paperwork then call bulliesofnc"
I bought a puppy from Dino Bull terriers from Kayla Benevedes (remember me Kayla) she sent it to me with parvo... Its all public record... The animal control in Nee Mexico inspected her breeding facility and found it to be a puppy mill and issued many fines (I have the oaoer work if anyone wpuld like to see it) i can post it on here... Again all public record... She called the cops on me and made a fake harassment report because she had a big animal control case on her with a follow up inspection... The police after investigating her false clains decided not to take action... They informed her not to make false reports and later called me to tell me they wont be filing charges on me...They also told both of us it was a civil matter and not waste their time (Kayla made the false complaints not me i don't live in NM) she is shady and only in it for the money. I can post the report on here if anyone would like to see it..
I'm sorry to hear that you experienced this. I tried to put the word out to the Bull Terrier community about this breeder in hopes people would steer clear. I initiated a discussion about Dino Bull Terrier breeders on our forum. Your experience as depicted above would be welcomed in the discussion - http://www.bulliesofnc.com/BTforum/discussion/comment/25200/
Bulliesofnc im calling my lawyer today & im gunna sue ur ### watch your in for some ### i did absolutely nothing to you ur just jealous of me and everyone knows that keep updating ur stupid little forum its just gunna help me build a case against you!
Please call. Your IP address is located on other websites where you left libel comments and slander on us without cause. Your attempted slander through the BBB has been recorded as well. I understand you are disturbed by exploiting your dishonesty but Klara you even admitted to calling us and and posing like a person looking to purchase a puppy for your "loving" home when in fact you were looking for a quality Bull Terrier with reputable bloodlines to breed. Your ploy to fool us into giving you the opportunity to purchase a puppy from us didn't work and now you're mad that I exploited YOUR derogatory actions and corruption. I mentioned that you used photos on your website of Bull Terriers that aren't even yours. You're a phony Kayla and you were called out on it with facts. This post is simply to warn others so they don't end up in the same situation as this other person here who received a pup from you with Parvo. The best thing you could do is quit breeding and selling dogs. I encourage you to call a lawyer and let them know that you feel my comments are affecting your "business." They might school you on the difference between libel comments and truth based off personal interaction, the information you have on your website, and your various posts and comments from you to me. They may also advise you to calculate what you claim to be a business of income especially in the event you are not claiming the income of your puppy sales.
All a breeders hard work goes out the window when a buyer puts dogs in mandatory quarantine facilities kelly here's an article to educate yourself in the risks you were taking putting a healthy dog in this situation after it was cleared by the vet to be in perfect health before it got to you its so typical for you as a buyer to blame the breeder what about the quarantine? Go complain to them!
Im not claiming income lol who are u the irs? Ever smart person knows that reported taxes are private information so just shows that another lie coming outta ur mouth ur a good story teller Steve!
Its funny how everything u say you dont have proof to back it up weres the documents Steve? Your all talk on here & no proof
You are correct.
Please go to nmcourts.gov and look up
Kayla Benevidez or Benevides
Susan my name is kayla Benavidez which is my full legal name on my birth certificate, drivers license, bbb profile, & ect. There's no S in my last name loser. Please dont make me post your bankruptcy and theft charges that you claim are fake. Please go view my response to this fraud of a complaint she wrote out of spite.
Dino Bull Terriers — unethical breeding practices
Actions speak louder then words!
Ohh please kelly chang your in Hawaii which means your dog had to be cleared in ur local quarantine upon arrival meaning it had to be around a bunch of uncleared dogs for 90 days or so every single dog going on a plane has to be vet certified by a veterinarian meaning it has to be cleared for any type of contagious diseases 10 days max before travale & that health certification is handed to the airlines at the time of dropoff so are you calling the veterinarian a lier that sgined off on the puppies health certification? Ur as delusional as they come! Lets tell everyone that your dog contracted parvo from the quarentteen you had the poor thing sitting in from the minute it arrived until the day you had it put down in the quarentteen it never made it out of that place and certainly didn't die on its own free will you had them put it to sleep its clear how delusional you are Kelly did you ever stop to think about the risk you were taking quarentteening a vulnerable little life around a bunch of dogs? its clear now u didn't care you were too concerned about starting your own kennel to breed this type of breed you should be lucky i was willing to give you full akc without a co-ownership contact and support you on ur journey of breeding try buying from bulliesofnc.com aka Steve with those benefits he will laugh at you and write an entire blog about you with made up stories lol its funny Kelly its been like five years and your still stocking me did you know thats a crime? Probably not you seem slow please stop trying to make me pay for ur stupidity kelly you made the decision to quarentteen an 8 week old puppy i didn't its funny how you say im in it for the money but yet you are willing to quarentteen a dog for 90 days just so you can breed dont u realize how stupid you sound with that statement nothing ever happened to me with this situation that you are claiming happened keep the stalking up and go ahead and post personal documents on here im waiting for you to post the documents 1st but guess what kelly i have documents too and if you wanna play that game lets play but if not i think its in your best interest to go for swim in your nearest Hawaii beach and keep your mouth shut where's your BBB review with all the documents you claim to have no where right cause you a liar im still at an A+ rating with a bunch of reviews to prove it see i have proof of everything that comes outta my mouth you on the other hand cant even make decent decisions in your life who's really gunna believe a thing you say seriously how many more puppies are u gunna buy and have them killed for ur stupidity?
Straight from the Hawaii quarentteen website even worse its 120 days not 90day just comes to show what kinda person you are Kelly
Straight from the website its 120 days now even worse
Health certification requrments from the website to backup everything im taking about
Kayla ha ha... I dont read your crap... So you remember me... Still with your crap... Maybe you should find another career, its not worth the agrravation... Get into something else, breeding is not your thing...
Its clear your jealous of me given the fact ur still stocking me five years later! You had to Google dinobullterriers to get u to this point i hope you like what you see ur acting just like bulliesofnc he was so jealous of me that hes doing the same thing just remember kelly i got ur personal information still laying around if you wanna start posting documents
Also show me a business that dont have at least one or two complaints on them ? Its called being commercial when you get big thats the stigma that comes with it hows ur kennel doing or did u fail at starting that too lol its a shame people take the time to lie on a complaint tell the whole story loser tell everyone how u made that dog suffer !
Of couse you read what posted to u ur still stocking me five years later you should go find a life and stop stocking people you look up to
Here Kayla is again, threatening with "personal information laying around"
Nobody has anything against you personally, im from another state i dont you from Jack... Most ppl just want their dog, but obviously ppl aren't happy woth your practices (I sure wasn't) I don't if you know but you created this, when you made a false claim about me to the cops, i talked to you and felt sorry for you and thats why i never took my attorney's advice to prosecute you... I heard your voice at the brink of tears... But cosmicly, universally things are coming back on you... We Hawaii ppl are generally good natured happy ppl, but we just dont like to be taken advantage of... I see it as you are and paid the price fir your actions, whether you continue to do so is up to you... Sone of these ppl arent as nice as we are in the Aloha state, it seem they are trying to rally other breeders against you fir whatever reason... I urge you to start rethinking whatever you are doing because if you dont see it coming... Ill not respond after this...
Nobody has anything against you personally, im from another state i dont know you from Jack... Most ppl just want their dog, but obviously ppl aren't happy with your practices (I sure wasn't) I don't if you know you created this, when you made a false claim about me to the cops, i talked to you and felt sorry for you and thats why i never took my attorney's advice to prosecute you... I heard your voice at the brink of tears... But cosmicly, universally things are coming back on you... We Hawaii ppl are generally good natured happy ppl, but we just dont like to be taken advantage of... I see it as you are paying and or paid the price for your actions, whether you continue to do so is up to you... Some of these ppl arent as nice as we are in the Aloha state, it seem they are trying to rally other breeders against you for whatever reason... I urge you to start rethinking whatever you are doing because if you dont see it coming... Ill not respond after this...
Actually, I there are people who are against her. I for one am. Kayla called me posing like a person looking to purchase a puppy as if it was going to be her family pet but after a little research I figured out her intent. She has Zero integrity and lies through her teeth. She sells her puppies with no concern what so ever about their future welfare and provides people full registration in order to open the door to more backyard breeders like her. She puts No energy into showing her Bull Terriers, most likely because she is aware of their actual qualities. No Bull Terrier she owns comes from reputable pedigree and worse of all she doesn't conduct appropriate genetic testing on her dogs. She's a young kid who never even raised a dog into old age yet. Her knowledge and education on the breed is poor and her only interest is financial gain. She has nothing to show for her bloodline or development of puppies other then producing a few litters and selling them through 3rd party websites that list her puppies by charging her for their visibility to the public. Kayla is a nasty person, very immature, and spiteful. She is scorned because we would not sell her a puppy and gone out of her way to slander us in any which way she can think of.
Peace, I am sorry you had such a horrid experience with Dino Bull Terriers and had to deal with Kayla's lies and deception. My wife is from Kailua, Hi and I understand how difficult it is to import any dog into the islands. We have imported Bull Terrier pups there ourselves but they were actually healthy puppies which were thoroughly health tested as well as having BAER Tests, Creatinine Tests, Heart Doppler Tests, and FULL health examinations. Sadly, your puppy made it through Kayla's Vet during a routine exam which probably cost her $40. The Parvo virus stays dormant in the system for a good while before it surfaces. Your pup was properly "QUARANTINED" in Hawaii to ensure it was not found to have rabies or any other health issues. During quarantine it was recognized to have Parvo. Kayla should be embarrassed about this and should have at least taken full responsibility knowing the puppy was in quarantine since it left her hands and found to have Parvo. Shame on her!
Dino Bull Terriers are backyard breeders that don't care at all about the quality, health, or temperament of the puppies they produce. Their name has been flagged here in America and I can assure you their only hope of selling puppies will be through those who don't conduct research and fall hook and sinker for a photo of puppy in which they "think" to be of proper quality and health. This is the goal of any backyard breeder or puppy mill and none of them have a legal binding health contract guaranteeing the health and genetics of the puppies they produce for 2 years against ANY form of genetic issue.
Again, I'm sorry you had to deal with Kayla. She's a big phony. If you read this post from the beginning you will note that she uses the screen name #facts and during the first few comments she is posing as an unknown person unaffiliated with Dino Bull Terriers. Now all of a sudden she is responding with that screen name recognizing herself as Kayla. She has no integrity what so ever.
Look kelly i have proof i have a health certification signed by the veterinary two days prior to the flight clearing the dog from any contagious diseases including parvo i also have documents from the Hawaii quraranteen stating you authorised them to put the puppy down after in caught so called parvo in there & i have text messages of you harassing me the cops got called on you cause you wont leave me alone and still five years later your harassing me for your own mistake why do i as a breeder needa compensate u for your dog contracting parvo in a quraranteen? Call any breeder in the world and ask them if they will replace your dog and or return ur money after you put the dogs heath at risk for 120 day stay in a quraranteen you know whats sad about this situation most of all is that i had sympathy for u still ik all the quraranteen expenses u paid to house the puppy plus the shipping and price of the dog so i texted u and was willing to refund the full price of the puppy excluding the shipping cause the airlines pocked everything from that and the dog got to you alive and healthy i have text messages of you still five years later in my email stating you didn't want your money back for the puppy unless i refuned the shipping too and still u sit behind a screen five years later saying im in this for the money its clear as day now that you were stalking me all this time waiting for someone to write a complaint on me in hopes to hype stuff up and respond lets also metion the fact that five years later you say you didn't take me to court cause you felt sorry for me ohh please dude u didnt sue me cause u didn't have a case otherwise you would've
Yes please just leave me alone before i leak all the documents on here
if im such little girl Steve what is a grown man doing arguing with a so called little girl? Poor ur wife i couldn't imagine her situation! Again you never in ur life bought a dog from me like i said again post a 3 generation certification with my name see but u cant tho so like the snake you are you make stories about anything you possibly can dont worry Steve my cease and desist letter is on its way you better lawyer up soon
Its funny im such little girl right that i have 4k followers on Facebook and you have 6k how is it that such a little girl can be so close to ur fan base but yet you have been breeding 20 years and iv been breeding close to half of that lol people lie numbers dont !
So heres the numbers me VS a guy thats been breeding 20 years (Steve @bulliesofnc ) & (dinobullterriers breeding almost half of that)
Notice from looking at the numbers im not that far away in accomplishments but yet he continue to insist im a bad person yet i have 4k in active followers that choose to fallow my page it just comes to show the jealousy this guy as for me
Do the math! Not to mention im half this old mans age lol
You're rambling Kayla. I have an entire group with 11K members, an Online forum with 14K members, and two facebook pages. Why would you even attempt to compare? You have No accomplishments at all. Your reputation is vividly clear. If you really want to compare popularity simple google "Bull Terrier Breeders" from any state in the nation and see exactly where you are listed based off traffic to your website. Good luck in even finding your website.
Here's the thing Kayla, you are menace to the breed and bring down the integrity of the Bull Terrier breed as a whole. You rely on puppy sales from naive people who never took the time to research You and the puppies you produce. On a happy note, the entire Bull Terrier community is aware of your reputation as an irresponsible breeder. In every discussion that brings up Dino Bull Terriers it's always in a negative fashion about you. Now it's evident you ripped someone off from outside the continental US who blindly trusted you but quickly learned the truth the hard way after their puppy died from Parvo while being in quarantine. Shame on you Kayla. You've got a lot to learn kiddo.
All ur other social sites dont count cause u use them to talk crap about every breeder under the sun and to act like ur better then everyone its funny how ur telling kelly the vets clear a dog that was possibly sick vets wont put their signature on a health certification clearing a sick dog they can lose their license its funny how you have the nerve to degrade a doctor's integrity lol do u even have an education? Much less a PHD loser shut ur mouth im making u look stupider by the hr
Here's an article bulliesofnc had to write months after i exposed his stupid ### for charging $[protected] and still wanting co-ownership on the paperwork its clear that after he took it upon himself to write an entire forum about dinobullterriers i proceed to point his flaws out to the public and from the looks of this article he started getting people asking about co-ownership probably to the point it was causing his sales to decline lol so there goes Steve frantically explaining his fraud moves in a article like he has some kinda purposes lol
@bulliesofnc.com *aka Steve* this is straight from the akc website this right here is why your so hurt at me cause i didn't want to buy a co owned dog i was too smart for ur crap therefore u googled my number and started bashing me notice akc dont recommend buying half a dog for full price ur a jealous scam keep selling ur $[protected] dogs to people that they only legally own 50% loser
Your over here talking to Kelly chang like u would've sold him a dog and ik kelly wouldn't of signed your stupid contact either so stop trying to come to his rescue cause ur the last person he would buy from
@bulliesofnc ur still trying to justify urself for co-ownership! Lol i understand you care about your dogs so you sell them with co-ownership attached but you sell them for full price $[protected] as if the buyers are gunna own their puppy legally 100% instead of compensating the price tag of the puppy to %50 that where ur failing to understand ur ripping them off loser
I dont know whats in your contracts i didnt let u get that far with me but ill assume you want royalties for every litter produced by the new buyers because you have shown to be that greedy
Breeders that give full AKC with no co-ownership are looking at the picture they prove to not just be concerned about how their gunna benefit off the purchase i take into consideration the price that people are paying, the legal repercussions for both parties involved *breeder and seller*, its not that i dont care about the dogs i sell its that there's pro and cons to everything & there's a lot of things that cant be controlled entirely my main goal is to pick the best option for both parties involved in the purchase not to just focus on my feelings unlike you so please stop trying to explain your self as if your explanation is relevant the way you do business just benefits you and no one else end of story
@ bulliesofnc
*looking at the whole picture...they prove
"Correction for the above paragraph"
1st off stop saying im mad cause you didnt sell me a dog i just bought three of them six months ago lol you fail to realise you started all this after i was so smart for you that it drove you to Google my number lol you wouldn't even know who dinobullterriers is if you didnt go on a stocking mission after i hung up the phone you would of gladly took my money if i signed your contract & sold me a dog
Stop speaking of your waiting list as if its some kinda accomplishment lol you take people's holding deposit before u even produce a product to sell this is just another one of your flaws that came straight from ur mouth and did i metion to everyone the holding deposit is nonrefundable so they are forced to buy from you and wait if you fail to produce a litter in a reasonable time frame cause u already have their deposit now tell me again why ur so pound of your waiting list lol oh ik cause its only benefits u just like everything else you do
Let this youngster tell you how its done
1st off i dont need to produce a waiting list in a desperate attempt to make sure my dogs sell in a timely manner lol therefore i dont take money at all from anyone until i have an actual litter available
If you dont wanna waste ur energy on me why do you keep responding back in the comments section and the above gray section you continue to respond back cause you know im right loser
This guy is full of stories everyone hes literally a sociopath he would claim to be a god if you let him now let me put him to shame once again hes all talk no bark notice he dont provide proof here for anything he says he even goes as far to claim people dont pay there taxes lol here's a screen shot showing the irs has a privacy policy and is required to protect all tax information by law so tell me again Steve why you continue to lie on people outta jealousy
Damn you're ignorant. There's absolutely no way I'm going to be able to put a brain in your head. Your comments are out in left field. You are lost and I do not have the time nor patience to explain simple things to you in which you do not have the mental capacity to absorb.
Be gone Kayla. You're a lost cause without hope.
I come with the proof you still have something to say about people not doing their taxes lol probably not loser cause look at ur irrelevant response lol id put u to sleep in court literally haha
@ bulliesofnc
Heres a breeder that's been breeding longer then you & guess what she still uses advertising to promote her Business and sell her litters so i guess shes a nonreputable breeder too huh? Just like you say about me cause im advertising on third party sites lol
You found that through the National Parent Club called "AKC".
That isn't Hoobly, petfinder, or nextdaypets.
Franne isn't advertising her litters through this site, she's advertising herself as a breeder. If she feels the need to do so on the AKC Marketplace that's on her.
Now stop being so stupid.
PS - Try calling Franne like you did me asking for puppy with Full Registration. LMAO.
Both of you are frauds but i bet i can buy her outta those stupid contracts too by throwing more money at her iv done it before to breeders like u guys its called buying them outta the rights loser
Yes she is advertising loser she just dont have a litter right now
Reviews on the Hawaii quarantine where kelly chose to house a 8 week old puppy
Prior to him receiving the puppy the vet cleared the breeder and deemed the puppy to be healthy & shipped to him
here's what people had to say about their experiences having their dog in that place!
More reviews on the Hawaii quarantine
So funny how you are struggling to defend the comment from one of your puppy owners. Just admit it, you sold them a puppy with Parvo. Shame on you!
Kelly knows what truly happened thats why he stopped responding cause he knew id leak the documents unlike you ur still arguing with someone u claim to be a little girl lol ur just talk come with the sceen shots and proof u loser
Awe BS Kayla leak the documents... I want to see them you tell everyone how the Animal control went down to your puppy mill and found filthy conditions and you had ti pay big fines... I stop responding because I moved on in life obviously you didn't still BS everyone Trick... Ask Kayla about her nick name "Trick" puppies aren't the only thing Kayla is selling... Ha ha...
Enough wasting time on this TrIck my and her time is worth money...
looks like your harassing everyone Leslie Carr lol are you an internet troll too !
Haha just saw this im currently on Steve's forum iv been on it for many years enough to know he bad mouths every breeder and pretty much shuns anyone talking about their puppy they bought from any breeder other then him! I hate to say it but this guys a contradiction beyond control! Its funny how someone can claim so much about co-ownership contracts yet back in 2012 he was against them. I seen what he wrote about "Dino bull terriers" i feel bad for anyone calling this guy from their business phone!
Hey Mike,
Why lie? You're a friend of Kayla's with no idea who I am. You're not a member of our Forum or you would have surely commented on the Forum vice this page. Anyone with common sense would be quick to note that fact.
I've never been against Co-ownership but I am against those breeders expecting far too much from future breedings with their bloodlines. If you would actually read my articles you'd learn a thing or two.
Now stop being Kayla's pawn and smarten up.
It would be difficult for anyone to say that we bad mouth all other breeders when we advertise for 5 other Reputable breeders. Try not to be upset that I highlighted Dino Bull Terriers. If you're upset it would best to blame your girlfriend for her unethical breeding practices.
Why do you keep saying to anyone that disagrees with your fraudulent discussions that they are affiliated with Dino bull terriers?! Yes i am on your forum and about 20% is educational and the other half is you degrading people and other breeders. I wish the best for your breeding career Steve but it doesn't look like the outcome is in your favor. Im also wondering how you have your home address displayed for the public to view? Thats if its even your real address to begin with! It does seem like a decent idea to display your address if your a person that can conduct yourself in a perfesssioal manner but you cant! It just makes me think about how you sleep at night! Are you not afraid for your safety? Your not afraid that someone's gunna go to your property steal all your dogs & harm you and your family all for having such a big mouth!
I rather not add to your nonsense on your forum! You probably have attorneys making copies of that thing ready to sue you! Besides iv seen people get banned on your forum for simply disagreeing with you so i rather not waste my time!
Take caution as to what you are implying. Your IP address used to type your comment locks you down to an exact address which is how I know you are affiliated with Dino Bull Terriers. It's also how I know you are NOT a member of the Forum. You obviously search the public forum in hopes of finding anything you can possibly use to slander us due to the scorn you have for exposing the truth about Dino Bull Terriers.
The bogus account you just made through this website was just made and this is your first and only time you've used it. You didn't come on this website by chance and you certainly didn't come here as somebody that knows anything about me or our Bull Terriers.
We have been around for many years and our reputation requires no introduction. We have the highest volume of people on our waiting list patiently waiting for the opportunity to claim a puppy in which they have already placed a deposit for. Trust me, we know where we stand and we are proud of it. I'm not concerned how BYB's like yourself (Dino Bull Terriers) feel about us.
As a retired Marine I have no fear of You. As for my Bullies, they are on constant surveillance and impossible to steal. It would be a bad day for someone to make the attempt.
You my friend hide behind a fake name and have no back bone. If you had an issue with me on the Forum as member you would have contacted me through the Forum, on a post, an email, or called me on the phone. You are a phony who commented on this particular post simply because you are affiliated with Dino Bull Terriers. Who do you think you are fooling?
You can't add to the Forum because you are not a member. Don't act scared to write a comment. You are writing on this page and leaving a solid footprint with your IP Address that locates the exact area and computer you are logged into.
You have no reason to be scorned by me unless of course you are affiliated with Dino Bull Terriers, which you are.
There are over 12, 000 members on the Forum you keep referencing. I also have over 11, 000 members on our Facebook Group page. We are well engaged in the Bull Terrier community across the Nation. We are the only Bull Terrier Rescue for the state.
Oddly, the ONLY people that would ever have the stupidity to say any negative thing about US would be from unethical Backyard Breeders like Dino Bull Terriers. Breeders that have never met us, never seen our Bull Terriers, but know who we are and the reputation we have within the Nation. Attempts may be made to tarnish our reputation through libel comments on websites like this one which isn't taken seriously because they allow for libel comments by fictitious people using fake names like yourself.
But our reputation grows every day and our waiting list grows too. These are people who have visited with us and know where our heart and integrity is. These are people who have done their due diligence in researching reputable and responsible breeders who breed top quality Bull Terriers that emulate the breed standards.
PS - I've noticed you forget to capitalize "I" and type "iv" just like Kayla does.
Who are you trying to fool Kayla? This is the third or fourth account you've made on this website in hopes of trying to fool people into thinking you have others on your side and entertaining your pursuit to slander us due to exposing the atrocities that plaque you as breeder which the public should be aware of.
The Bull Terrier community is well aware of your unethical breeding practices and the quality of puppies you produce. It's the people who are new to the breed that deserve the heads up and if any of them are doing their homework they will certainly find that every word I've said was the God's honest truth and backed by tangible evidence. Now stop playing games and end your crusade for vengeance due to me exposing the truth. You are only hurting yourself further. Anyone that actually took the time to read this entire article will find it easy to see right through you and know the truth.
Those are pretty creative excuses you got! There's also a feature you can use to block your IP address so id rethink all your con artist excuses! We all know where you live Steve so id stop crying online like a little girl and get it together! Haha your a Marine how did you even stand a chance or did you join the Marines for a confidence boost you sound like a little cry baby online. You better start fearing people Steve cause some people have no remorse!
I can't help to laugh when people like yourself hide behind the computer using a fake name and account. I have no fear of you. You have no back bone and it's YOU which is showing how much of a baby you are which is why you are putting so much effort into responding to this post. Don't act as if you are some unknown and random person who happened to stumble upon this post which oddly has driven you into a frenzy of anger. If you weren't affiliated with Dino Bull Terriers you certainly wouldn't be investing your time into responding to my post. If you were a member of the Forum you would have most definitely commented on it.
Find something more productive to do vice worrying about this post and the bad reputation you have earned as a breeder. Go for a walk around the Bluffs at Tierra Contenta.
Dino bull terriers sure made an example out of you! Im glad someone finally spoke up instead of sitting back like the rest of the breeders did! Its also nice to see the Better Business Bureau feels the same way! Check it out everyone!
Bullies of NC — Puppies & service
Maybe someone will finally hack your websites too haha only time will tell.
Have wonderful day Steve dont forget to gentic test yourself and go seek therapy for your mental and jealousy disorders!
LMAO. Oh, Kayla you can't seem to grow up and smell the coffee. You're not fooling anybody.
Do you realize that this website welcomes trollers like yourself and receives no true consideration within the comments? People like you you can post libel comments on anyone with fake names and say whatever they wish. I realize you posted a comment on BBB. You attempted to post a review but got denied because you had no validity so you opted for posting a negative "comment." Shame...shame...shame.
You're your worst enemy Kayla and you don't even realize it. You have no sense in professionalism and have no clue what what it takes to have good ethics as a breeder which is why you have made such a bad name for yourself. You are a menace to the breed and hold tight to selling puppies to people who fail to do any sort of research on breeders, their bloodlines, and their reputation. You are a BYB who is scorned by a breeder who refused to even entertain your thoughts of getting a puppy from us. Try and remember, you came to us in hopes of getting a puppy and failed to be approved.
I truly feel sorry for you Kayla and I pray every day that you will end your crusade to breed dogs. It ails me seeing your puppy owners heart broken about receiving a puppy with Parvo that passed away. It angers me seeing you stealing photos from other breeders to post on your website in order to fool people into thinking those Bull Terriers had anything to do with your breeding. You can't compete your dogs in a show due to their qualities. All you care about is selling poor quality unhealthy puppies to those ignorant enough to impulse buy without research or knowing anything about the breed.
Stop with all the new accounts and new names trying to pretend as though you have anyone by your side against us. We have been around too long and thousands of people know who we are, where are heart is with Bull Terriers, and the quality of puppies we produce. Our waiting list is of no coincidence. They know us, met us, met our Bull Terriers, and know our reputation within our bloodline. Your ignorance battling against us only pushes people away from you because they know our stance. You will never gain confidence within the Bull Terrier community when you are attempting to slander those that have already earned their respect within the Bull Terrier community through the development and reputation of the Bull Terriers they have produced from back when you were still in diapers.
I'm so confused...
I have been seeking a reputable breeder for a good while now.
I have spoke with Dino..she seems extremely knowledgeable and concerned of this magnificent breed. There jst isn't a litter planned for a fee more months... I jst want a fine quality Bull terrier to add to my household. I absolutely love these guys. I have been blessed with owning before and he was stolen from me..I was devastated.. it's jst me and my husband now so I would like to have one of these beautiful creatures again as my best friend. Please someone help me find the bullie for me... healthy...strong. ..pure bred. ..!
Thank u
The following link will bring to to an article I wrote a few years. The information depicted within the article will put you on the right track in finding a Reputable Bull Terrier Breeder.
I own TWO of Kayla’s bull terriers. Fully AKC accredited and it is disgraceful and unnerving for such BS from what appears to be a Breeder wanting more business. I’ll be sure to comment more. If you saw my dogs, you’d see their true EBT nature and beauty. This is absolutely despicable ☹️