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Direct Energy Services Complaints 138

2:27 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Billing

I am at my wits end. I have not received a bill from Direct Energy in 4 months, I have called, I have emailed, I have complained (to the PUC). I was told it was an internal problem, yet it seems after doing a little research that I am the only one with this problem, and I have been told also that my bill has not been generated. This has happened to me once before about four years ago, when DE didn't read my meter for almost 8 months. I was contacted by a rep about a month ago and she assured me that I would receive my bill within a matter of days. That never happened. I am on a limited income, so aside from the fact that they will bill me three times a month, I will have to go without food and medicine again just like the last time this happened. It is also weird that my five year contract is coming due. If I had known that DE had been sued for deceptive practices, I would never have signed with them. Your better off with TXU and I don't like them either.

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Update by Paula
Nov 19, 2008 4:48 pm EST

First of all, I am not MRS. Money bags. My husband and I are on a set income. He is disabled, so yes my monthly expenses do change, and yes I do pay with a debit card and yes I debit it to my account where it sits in their account collecting interest for Their company, until it is due. What You don't know is that DE is breaking the law and is in violation of Substansive Rule 25.479
part (b) (2) and can be fined $25, 000.00 per occurrence to wit: providers are required to issue billing no later than 30 days.
Once again, the third time I have not received a bill since August.

Update by Paula
Nov 05, 2008 7:04 pm EST

Well here we go again. After filing two complaints with the Public Utility Commission, I finally got my billing straightened out, , , or so I thought, , , now I don't have a August or September bill and probably a October bill either. I just don't get it. I have never been late actually I pay it the day I get it. They can't blame Oncor. Oncor reads my meter like clock work every month. I have been with DE for 7 years. I am going to file another complaint with the PUC again If I don't have a bill in the next week, then I am going to the media.

Update by Paula
Oct 08, 2008 10:58 pm EDT

My suggestion to any of you on Direct Energy Texas is to file a complaint with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. It worked for me. Direct energy can be fined up to $25, 000.00 a day for not sending a bill every 30 days. I finally got a bill a week ago after complaining to the PUC twice.

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Dallas, US
Feb 12, 2009 11:18 am EST

I got a bill from Direct Energy for over $500. I called to find out what was going on, and though some of it was explained via an error on my part, the CSR found out that my account had started with a balance already on it! So she sent an inquiry to the billing department and gave me a number to call in a few days. I called two weeks later and they still hadn't done anything so someone I spoke with put the inquiry into a supervisor's inbox. I got a call a few days later just to say that they were now starting the investigation. Then I got a call a few weeks later from some CSR saying that she saw a call back notice and wanted to know what my question was. I explained the situation and that I was supposed to get a call from a supervisor about the investigation, then she said that the system showed no investigation, and that I would not be able to speak with anyone about it.

Direct Energy is a piece of garbage.

Allen, US
Jul 09, 2009 11:32 am EDT

My ultimate complaint is that Direct Energy is so completely incompetent that remaining with them became impossible. During the first 6 months I received my electicity from Direct Energy I only received one bill. They were completely incapable of generating a bill. When the bills finally did start coming there were several conflicting statements that came. We paid each one almost immediately - though it was hard to tell what we actually owed.
My father who switched to Direct Energy at the same time I did had ever worse trouble. In fact he only received his first bill after about 11 months when he and I decided we should move our service because Direct Energy is so incompetent.
That is when things really went wrong. They closed my account and sent me a final bill which I paid 2 weeks before it was due. Almost immediately upon cancellng my coverage I started receiving calls from [protected]. When I would answer no one was there but it was clear it was an automated call. On July 3, 2009 my father mentioned to me that he had been receiving calls from an 800# that was driving him crazy because no one was ever there when he answered. He decided to call the # and found out that it was a collection agency looking for me. To be clear, I have not lived with my father for 20 years. As it turns out Direct Energy had turned me over to a collection agency at least 3 weeks before the bill was even due. The collection agency made many harassing calls to both my house and my father's house but NEVER left any messages. I was told these were "courtesy" calls, but no one can explain to me how this was courteous. This collection agency now has all my information including my SS#. Do yourself a favor and avoid them. There are too many better options out there than to deal with them.

Bob Hinchcliffe
Woodstock, Ont., CA
Feb 16, 2010 10:43 am EST

I have had a lot of trouble getting rid of the monthly builling. Somehow there is a balance of .06 cents showing owing on our account. We paid the bill in full many months ago, but keep getting a bill every month for far less than the cost of sending the bill to us. WE DO NOT OWE ANYTHING. CAN YOU POSSIBLY SEND A MESSAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER TO THAT EFFECT, and we will not be bothered with this bill every month (beside the fact that it is costing you money. DO YOU HAVE A PHONE # so that I can talk to someone personally about this? PLEASE DO SOMETHING!
wE ARE BILLED - bOB hINCHCLIFFE, 164 Riddell St., Woodstock, Ontario. Account # [protected] 5.


Arlington, US
Jul 25, 2010 6:05 pm EDT

Direct Energy is a complete rip-off. I was charged over $70 on my first bill which was for 9 days. They gave me a bill stating I used over 500kw of energy during that time; however, I had no appliances other than a refrigerator (no TV, microwave, etc.), neither did I leave lights on or made extensive use of a/c or heating. I don't even have kids or anyone that lived with me. When I inquired about the charges, they said they would send someone out to check the meter at "my" cost. They checked it, and of course said that there was no error on their part. For the remaining 5 months on my lease, I averaged half of the initial usage, and my bills were about $30 a month. No more than $40. No way I could have had that amount of energy consumption in 9 days if I wasn't using it in 30 days. Also, Upon disconnecting my service, I requested my deposit to be mailed to a separate address since I decided to move. I was told the information was updated, and that my payment would be received within 4-6 weeks. I called multiple times to verify this information was accurate. I was told everything was taken care of. However, I checked online and the address was incorrect. I called and they corrected the problem, but after I didn't receive the payment for some time, I called again. This time I was told that my payment was mailed to the wrong address (my old address, even though I updated my information), and that I would have to wait an additional 4-6 weeks for them to mail my payment again. I told them that the period of time was unacceptable, and asked that they mail it overnight. I was then allowed to speak with a supervisor, who stated that the payment was made to the correct address (the first employee I spoke with gave me a different story), and that there must have been an error with the mail system. I asked the supervisor if my payment could be mailed overnight even if at "my" expense, but she continued to tell me to wait 4-6 weeks. I asked to speak to someone else, but she came back to the phone only to tell me to leave a message on someones machine. By this time, I was through asking for "my" money (I was calm and professional the whole time). I got real firm with them. (I let them know I was serious without speaking loud and outrageous). My payment was then mailed overnight. My advice... be firm, and seek legal action if you have to. IN YOUR FACE DIRECT ENERGY! lol

Karla Beatty
Okotoks, CA
Apr 14, 2011 6:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We moved out of our home in December, phoned direct energy to give our forwarding address to mail the final bill to. When we never received a bill from Direct energy in the month of December, I phoned about the bill to the customer relations department the agent on the other and of the phone declared that I did not have an account with them, and the account that we had previously held with them was paid in full. I stupidly assumed that the agent had her information correct and assumed the bill was taken care of. WAS I EVER WRONG! As we are finding out now there was a 63 dollar balance remaining on our bill that has now been sent to a collection agency to collect payment. When I spoke with a direct energy agent I was at first told that we indeed DID not have an account with them! I phoned back and spoke to a second agent who told me we DID have and account, was owing the 63 dollars that the collection agency was asking for, that they has sent us 2 bills and called 2 times... Ummm never recieved a bill, there were no calls. Asked to speak with a supervisor who then told me there were 3 bills sent out within 2 weeks, (according to the dates she listed), and we were phoned 2 times and the phone was busy. They told me to call canada post about not recieveing the bills and that we should contact our phone service provider to see why the calls had rang busy when we have CALL WAITING that goes directly to voice mail when on the other line. Why is it that this company will not take responsibility for the mistakes of SEVERAL of their employees... and admit that this is not entirely our fault? Yes, I shouldn't have believed the first agent I spoke to, but I assumed they were doing their job! I will never use direct energy again if I can avoid it in any way!

Barbara Bonthron
Burlington, CA
Sep 20, 2011 9:43 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been in my home since the 31 May 2010. In May of this year, I started to receive bills from Direct Energy in the amount of $23.99 for water heater rental. I have been paying these bills. In August of this year I received a bill for $300.11, which somehow reflects arrears of $266.69. I called and spoke to someone in customer service (Chantelle) who assured me that she would look into this. I have heard nothing since. I just received a bill today (Sept 20) & the arrears are now $273.00. Hoping you can help.

Fort Worth, US
Mar 23, 2009 11:07 am EDT

I signed up for Direct Energy when I moved into my townhouse. I signed up in August of 2008 and then disconnected my service in Dec 2008. Not once did I ever receive a bill. I called this company 15 times to find out why I hadn't receive a bill and to pay any balance that I had due. Each time I was told that they did not have a balance for me and that they were having issues with the system that generates the bill. Now in Feb 2009, I receive a bill for the balance. I called and tried to set up a payment plan and the supervisor told me that I could just pay $100.00 each time and this would keep my bill up to date. Also when they started calling me in Feb 2009 I hadn't even received a bill yet. So I asked them to send me the bill first before I paid. I received a bill a few days later and sent them a payment for 100.00. Now 20 days later, I have received a notice for my bill in collections. I am telling you, this company is horrible! Yes they are cheaper but for them to send my account to collections when I haven't received but one bill (which I paid 100 on) in 7 months, that is just ridiculous! I am so mad and will be posting and giving them horrible reviews on every single website I can find!

Oh also, when you call be prepared to be on hold for a minuim of 30 minutes! And most of the customer service reps, can't speak english very well so it's hard to understand them!

Irving, US
Oct 12, 2009 9:57 pm EDT

Of direct energy. This company is scam, if you are late on paying your bills on time they will charge you 5% of your entire bill then they will charge you $25.00 (Collection Recovery fee) my question to them you are charging me 5% on what I owe then you are charging another $25.00 immediately after. Why should I pay twice for the same reason? I asked this question to many representative at-least four. None of them can give me a reasonable answer all they said is “ this is our policy” this completely a Scam and this big company are nothing but twisting peoples hand and scamming people money and making millions if not billons. Yet again general public is hostage to this big corporation. If you are signing up with any utility company please read this fine print. Also do not sign or agree on anything over the phone. If you need stablish service ask them this question.
What is the cancellation?
What are the hidden charges?
Example : what if you are late. And what are the charges.
If they are charging 5% its acceptable but if they are charging additional charge which they can I believe because they can then it’s not right.
What are the TDSP charges?
Is your cancellation charges are prorated.
Cancelation charges should be prorated
Because you already stayed with them X amount of month and they should prorate your cancellation fees.
Utility company are worse than credit card, pay day chase, or even a robber only because there nothing you can do about it. Consumer should open their eyes and become energy independed

Killeen, US
Aug 05, 2012 10:45 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Okay, I understand that not getting a bill each month would suck. Really what did y'all think would happen, they would just say ahhh don't worry about the bill since we never mailed it to you. Even if you didn't have a bill you know the average amount you were using. You should have set that money aside. You want people to feel sorry for you and that's said. You sound like a bunch of cry babies! It would be another thing if you couldn't afford it, but all you said is you never got a bill, what if you had gotten the bill. You would have paid it right. Sooo where's the money you would have used? I'm sure you have a valid reason to be upset, thats no reason to not have what you were paying prevoiusly saved; so once they fixed the issue you were ready to pay. I really like this company and they even gave me $30.00 to open an account. Plus I get additonal $30.00 for every friend I refer. I have been with DE for over a year. Now if you want a valid reason to be pissed off, try TXU charging me $300.00 deposit after 2 yrs for being late. Then 3 months after that; charged me another $500.00 for being late again and telling me I had 3 days to pay. You weren't getting it free, you should saved the money even if you hadn't saved enough then the remainer they could of broken into smaller payments or just gave you the credit for not being an idiot, sorry:-(

Houston, US
Jun 07, 2011 6:03 am EDT

The $25.00 charge ON TOP of late fees is really a way to get more money. Does it make sense that if I'm late paying my bill because I don't have money, get charged more money for that? Of course it does make sense to direct energy to get more money.
Shop around, some providers have this letter for only $10.00

6:02 pm EDT

Direct Energy Services Service

I placed a service call to service my furnace with Direct Energy about 45 days ago, last week the service technician came and serviced my air conditioner instead! Even though it was serviced in May 2008. This shows that people at Direct Energy do not listen, they hear instead and don't hear properly.

Their service is pathetic, not only that, my dishwasher was serviced after many many calls and reminders sent to them and even then, they did not put back the other parts of the dishwasher, so now my dishwasher is sitting there to be closed properly by the technician who does not come. Never get into a contract with Direct Energy

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Jan 18, 2010 1:59 pm EST

Direct Energy is a complete scam in business. I cannot understand how they are still operating in Canada. They take some estimated payments for gas, get interest on it and then adjust your bill. They charge customers up to 500% higher prices than Enbridge per cubic meter.
Their sales representative came to my home and introduced him as confirming my new home gas account with Enbridge. He even put “Enbridge” name on the contract. Only later I realized it was a different contract. What kind of criminal activity is that? When I call Direct Energy to cancel my contract they refused to estimate my cancellation fees.
My advice to all people and should be distributed as wide as possible, NEVER DEAL WITH DIRECT ENERGY. THEY ARE THIEVES.

2:50 pm EDT

Direct Energy Services Energy contract

Claimed that I agreed to a five year contract for gas and hydro charges. I agreed to look at the contract after numerous phone calls, having been told that I would have to authorize the contract by phone. I had to specifically ask them if it was a 'contract' for 5 years, the make it sound like they are performing a customer service. I called back 6 weeks later to tell them I had definitely decided to go with another company and was told I had already been contacted and signed on 4 weeks earlier. I was told they had tapes. I look forward to hearing them. They are liars, and any tapes will be faked, they commit fraud and will get away with it. I will probably sign with another company, but by the time this is settled it will be at a higher rate. Direct energy will cost me money on a monthly basis for 5 years if this happens.

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Detroit, US
Jul 09, 2009 11:53 am EDT

I recently am in training with Direct Energy and I have asked for the contract that i signed. They DID NOT go over the terms of the contract, instead they just went on with the training. I have asked the secretary for a copy of it and she told me to ask the manager, I have asked and he told me to ask her and i did and she said "which part?" I may have to call my lawyer on this one. As a citizen and employee, I am entitled to recieve a copy of a contract and not get denied.

For anyone who is looking for a job DO NOT work for Direct Energy, They DO NOT tell the terms of the job and do not tell that a "road trip" is planned. You have to have a lot of money and clothes to do so.

Pittsburgh, US
Jun 29, 2009 2:33 pm EDT

Direct Energy Sucks! These greedy SOBs sold an account they claim I opened to Portfolio Recovery Associates in Norfolk, VA, but from March 2003 to April 2004 I was depoyed to Iraq it was impossible for me to open an account, and this is when they think I opened an account with them. But there is no contract nothing with my signature. Hell, I was fighting a war during the time they claimed I opened the account and my provider was TXU I never changed anything and gave anyone the authority to do so for me. They are have marred my credit report and if for one moment those blood suckers think that they a dime out of me they should think again...they will have better squeezing electricity out of an ants ###.


9:59 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Gas renewal contract

With the blessing of the Ontario Energy Board, Direct Energy is offering a 58% hike in my natural gas rate. I f I decline the offer without notice, Direct Energy says they will automatically renew my contract at a increase of 78%!
Some mouthpiece from OEB called to say "they" do not regulate prices and I could decline the contract and return to Enbridge gas, also at a hike in the 50% range, some deal!
The average Joe is getting taken for a huge ride with these outrageous increases. Where are the advocates for comsumer protection? Enbridge, Direct Energy, the OEB, they are all bed buddies.
You may as well add Hydro One to the mix as they are bandits cut from the same cloth.

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Robert Meyer
Niagara Falls, CA
Jun 15, 2010 10:56 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I can't assist in all cases where consumers are encountering problems with Direct Energy, but if you entered into a natural gas supply contract with Direct Energy / Enbridge Home Services in Ontario around 2002, and your contract was renewed without your consent, I've set up a free website ( showing you how you can potentially claim a very large refund from Direct Energy, as I've done.

Feb 22, 2009 4:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just like many people in this forum I had agreed to a 1 year contract with DE that was automatically renewed at price 44.9c per cub.m. I see a long legal battle ahead, but what can I do when I have to buy gas at this price during the winter season. I’ve found the best solution!The price of heating at 44.9 c per cub.m. is more expensive than the price of heating your house by electricity. Turn on your electrical heaters and watch how low your gas bill will become(but electricity bill will be higher). The most enjoyable thing in this solution is watching DE profit goes down.

10:33 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Things we should know as customers before signing with direct energy for natural gas

I am a first time homebuyer. My experience with Direct Energy has tought me a valuable lesson these past weeks. I want to share what I have learned with others, especially new home buyers in the Ottawa region.

This comment contains:
- links to reliable sources
- the actual laws that protect us customers
- Direct Energy's (DE) Early Exit Fees information
- my own personnal experience and the lessons I learned.

You can never be too informed when it comes to natural gas prices and the decisions you need to make. Here is a useful link about natural gas and the services available in the Ottawa region:

Brochure from Ontario Energy Board with basic information we should have as a customer :


A sales representative from Direct Energy came to my door to sign us up for our natural gas account. I remembered seeing the Direct Energy sticker on our hot water tank. I also remembered seeing the Embridge sticker on our furnace. This indicated to me that the company was trust worthy and that I needed their service to continue using my hot water tank.

The sales representative explained the protection plans for natural gas and said that I needed to contact Enbridge to make sure that my account was set up. What then is the relation between Enbridge and DE? His answer wasn't clear, but I understood that they somwhow worked together. He then took out a bill sample that had the Enbridge logo on it. I assumed that both companies worked together.

He also told me, after I asked, that they were the only company from which we could buy natural gas. There, I had it : they were my only option, their sticker was on our hot water tank. I assumed it was the right choice. It was not.


I called Enbridge the next day to make sure that my account had been set up. I mentionned the Direct Energy salesperson and wanted to confirm with Enbridge the relationship between them and Direct Energy. That's when I learned that I could have bought my gas from Enbridge. I felt very angry that I was lied to.

A couple of days later, a sales rep. from another energy company (I forget the name) came to my door. They were offering the same service as Direct Energy. I did not hesitate to tell him that I had signed with Direct Energy and was lied to. This guy then took out the Direct Energy booklet I had received, with the Terms and conditions, and showed me the passage about Early Exit Fees.


The Terms and Conditions state that if you terminate a contract with DE before your time is up, you will be charged 200$ a month (plus other expenses) for the duration of that period. It also states that if you move outside Ontario or to an area where Direct Energy cannot service you, that you will be charged Early Exit Fees.

I called Direct Energy this week and the calling agent told me something completely different from what I read in the Terms and Conditions. She said that if you move outside the province, you need to provide DE with proof that you are moving at least 30 days before your moving date. They will cancel your contract without charging you any fees. If you are moving into an area where natural gas is not available (no gas lines), you need to notify them at least 30 days prior to your moving date and your contract will be cancelled without fees.

The salesperson that came to my door did not go into these details, he only mentionned that if I moved in Ontario, my account would be switched to my new address, and that if I moved outside the province, my contract would be terminated. He didn't mention any early exit fees. And I did not think to ask about them either.

I still do not know if I would be charged Early Exit Fees if I decided to move to another province or to a place where there is no service. It's the call center's representative's words againt the Terms and Conditions. I think the Terms and Conditions hold up better in court... so beware.


I wanted more information. I felt lied to. I had signed a contract too fast, thinking it was my only option. I then conducted a research, comparing what Direct Energy had to offer me and what Enbridge could offer.

I was deceived once again. The sales rep. from DE had told me that they would call me back within the month to confirm which plan we wanted fo our natural gas : a fixed plan with a fixed rate or a variable plan with variable rates. When I called Direct Energy to inquire about their varable plan, I was told that no such plan existed. They had stopped offering variable plans in 2005. This took me by surprised, seeing as they had a page on variable plans on their website:

First I was actually told by a call rep. at DE that the variable plan was only available through an online offer, and that it was new. I decided to call back to talk to another representative who was very helpful. She even talked to her supervisor to make sure she was giving me the right information. The variable plans only exist for electricity, not for natural gas.

To top that off, she could see the rate I was given on my contract, 43.5 cents per cubic meter. She dais that I should have been offered a rate of 36.9 cents per cubic meter, because I am a new customer.

She offered to cancel the existing contract because I had been given false information and because my rate was too high. She said that she could sign me up for the new rate, in a new contract. I said I would think about it and call them back if I was interested.


#1. A contract (some exceptions, see below) is not active unless you reaffirm it. A representative from the company will call you back to reaffirm. If you do not reaffirm, your contract will not be activated.

Here is the law (Ontario Energy Board Act 1998, Section 88.9):

Once you sign a contract for the purchase of natural gas or electricity, as a general rule it will not remain in effect unless you confirm that you wish to accept the contract. This process is called "contract reaffirmation", and it applies in all but a few circumstances (see "When Reaffirmation Is Not Required", below).
The rules that apply to contract reaffirmation are as follows:
1. Starting on the 10th day after you have received a written copy of the contract, the marketer or retailer is permitted to contact you to ask you to reaffirm your acceptance of the contract.
2. At that point you may choose to reaffirm your acceptance of the contract, or you may choose not to do so. If you notify the marketer or retailer that you do not wish to reaffirm the contract, you cannot be required to pay any cancellation fees or penalties.
3. If you do not reaffirm the contract by the 61st day after you received a written copy, the contract will no longer be in effect as of that date. Again, you will then have no obligations under the contract as of that date, and you cannot be required to pay any cancellation fees or penalties.
4. If you reaffirm the contract and then decide at a later date to cancel it, you may have to pay a cancellation fee. The cancellation fee or the method by which it will be calculated must be stated in your contract.
Typically, the marketer or retailer will phone you to ask you to reaffirm your acceptance of the contract. If you reaffirm by phone, the marketer or retailer must record the phone call, and the recording must be given to you if you request it. You also have the option of reaffirming or refusing to reaffirm by giving written notice to the marketer or retailer.
Always ask for a reference number when you cancel a contract on the phone.

Summary of law :
Actual law :

#2. Send a registered letter or a fax to the company, stating that you want to cancel all existing contracts with them. This tip was given to me by a customer rep. at the Ontario Energy Board and by a customer rep. at Enbridge.

Here is the law (Consumer Protection Act 2002), taken from the DE Terms and conditions:

If this Agreement was entered in person at a place other than our place of business, a trade show or an exhibition, the following excerpt from the Consumer Protection Act 2002 applies: "You may cancel this agreement at any time during the period that ends 10 days after the day you received a written copy of the agreement. You do not need to give the supplier a reason for cancelling during this 10-day period."


I cancelled over the phone with DE, wrote down the reference number. I also filed a complaint against the sales rep. that came to my door for giving me the wrong rate and the wrong information.

I also wrote a letter, in order to make sure that my cacelation would be treated. I added the reference number to the letter as well. Isent it by fax to 2 different numbrs given to me by 2 different rep. at DE. One of the numbers was incorrect, as I received a call the next day from an individual who had received my fax at his private residence. Luckily, I could rely on the other number to be correct. I also took no chance and sent an email to cancel.[protected] I got an automatic response saying that it had been received.



We as customers need to be more informed. Please keep in mind:

Enbridge is the utility. The bring the gas to your house. You will be billed by Enbridge (or your local utility) no matter who you decide to buy gas from.

Direct Energy is a marketer. They sell you gas. Enbridge will bill you on behalf of Direct Energy for the natural gas.

Know your rights as customers. If you have signed a contract and want to get out of it, send a letter of cancellation request within your 10-day coolling off period. Do not reaffirm your contract when the marketer (DE) calls you, if you do not want to contiue with them.

I hope my experience and my little investigation helps at least one person out there. We have to be vigilant and aware of these things. We have to be responsible consumers. I think I'm one step closer to it now.

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Jul 31, 2008 12:44 pm EDT

I had the same situation but with Sumit Energy.

What happened is here. Sales Rep came to my house the next day of my moving in(I bought a new house). I signed it thinking it is enbridge and was wrong. this was at 27.07.2008. I actually even had not paid attention that teh sales rep put the wrong date on the form. 21.07.2008. The absurd is that my closing at that address was at 25th so there was no way for me to be at this address before 25.07.2008 and even if I was i was not LEGALLY responsible for signing for the gas for the house that is not mine yet.

Next day I faxed them cancellation. I also sent them e-mail got a automatic reply. I also sent them registered mail . The day was 28.07.2008 and even if we assume that the contract was signed at 21 I was in 10 day period.

I was shocked and in panic and after doing these I saw that in my fax and registered mail I made one mistake. When I explained them the situation I put 07.07.2008 instead of 27.07.2008. But from the whole text it is clearly understood that I meant at least date after 25.07.2008. What I wrote there is

"your sales rep put the wrong date on contract. she put 21.07.2008. This should be 07.07.2008 (here is my mistake) My closing at the address was at 25.07.2008 and so there is no way I could be at the address before 25.07.2008 and even if by some magic I was there I was not legally responsible to sign something as a owner/renter. This means contract is void"

so as I said I sent them e-mail with this, fax and registered mail at 28.07.2008. After this i spent 2 worrying days trying to contact them and ask for a reference number for my cancellation and I could not get it. Finally I decided to write a simple with no explanation of situation Notice of Cancellation where I just state that I want to cancel my agreement based on Customer Protection Act 2002. I also ask them to send me confirmation information with fax or mail within 3 business days. I again faxed them this notice and sent them registered mail.

I did this at 30.07.2008 which is 10th day if we assume that contract is signed at 21.07.2008. So I think I am clear even if we assume that this was signing date.

I printed the CanadaPost online signatures of who signed when they got the both notices. I also keep the Confirmation Reports from our facsimile machine which means the other party got it.

I also filed a complain with Canadian Council of Better Business Bureau and they proceed with my case (filed it). They also e-mailed me that everything is in good standings and let's give company 15 days to cancel the agreement and if it does not happen they ask me to contact them again. So now I am waiting.

I also wrote my local MPP about this but have not heard from him yet.

It is really hard to get any information from them by phone and so I am trying to do everything paper based.

Please write me your notes, comments and suggesstions at vahjans at yahoo dot com

8:17 pm EDT

Direct Energy Services Protection plans

From my experience, I would not recommend that anybody signs up with the Direct Energy "Plumbing Protection" Plan. Read their agreements very carefully. They are setup to leave the individual with no rights. They insert wording in the contract to deny coverage if there is any doubt about anything. They have changed their original plan so that they no longer cover a whole lot. They used to cover faucets, now they don't. They still cover pipes, but unless they freeze, they are not likely to break. Chances are you will never really need this plan.

If you sign up for a 1 year term, at the end of that year, if you fail to give them notice within their 10 day window, they will automatically renew your contract locking you in for yet another year! But this is not what I'm complaining about. My complaint is about their coverage. The agreement states it covers "stop valves" within "the confines of the permanent foundation of your residence ". I've had nothing but problems since their "expert" plumber says that main shut-off by the meter is not a 'stop valve'. I've done research and found definitions that say otherwise, looked through a number of plumbing websites that show otherwise, and I've spoken to three other plumbers that say the main shut off is a stop valve. I've called the company asking to escalate this but they only take the word of their own plumber. They could care less. They take your money and laugh all the way to the bank. This isn't right and it needs to stop. One individual won't do much against them, but many will. I'm going to contact the BBB and go to websites like these and let as many people know as I possibly can. You can email them to complain directly at "ExecutiveSupport at directenergy dot com".

Definitely think twice before signing up with them. My contract is coming up for renewal soon and I will be letting them know that I won't be renewing or signing up with them for anything ever again. I'm considering buying my water heater outright as well. I want nothing to do with them!

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7:41 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Price gouging


Firstly, I would like to compliment the associate at Direct Energy for keeping her cool. Although I only ever slightly raised my voice, most defensive companies would have never lasted on the phone.

Now for the story...

Not unlike many of you, we decided as a young family to protect ourselves from the 'corporate menaces' at Veridian from skyrocketing hydro rates. At the time, the 5 cents per kwh that we were paying netted us bills around $380 for the quarter. With their carefully laid out accounting, Direct Energy scared the hell out of us one unsuspecting spring afternoon at our door, and we fell prey to a 'very conservative' rate of 9.65 cents; something that possibly even within 6 months would be matched by Veridian. Although I have requested my signatures for the documents (they called numerous times to get my business), I am in a battle with them that, whatever it takes, will be my relentless mission to win. We have paid at least $1600 more over the last two years than we would have, are locked in for 3 more years, and would have an early cancellation charge of $600. I just spoke to them today, and already I am writing this letter. They have no idea how many people are about to find out about their door-to-door scams, their 'hands-off' approach once they've locked you in, and their BS responses. In fact, I was offered a lower rate of 8.49 cents just for calling today, as long as I lock in for another five years! My next stop; my lawyer. Next; every forum there is concerning consumer protection. Next; an email to everyone on my contact list. And so on...

Please; don't let yourselves get trapped. My bills have not been less than $600 since I so-called 'switched'. Watch out for more correspondence; it certainly will be coming.

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over drwn
Jul 17, 2009 3:21 pm EDT

I agree. I have paid dble for gas since I signed. They managed to scare my wife into signing up with the market instabiltiy. Well you can only cancel your contract for 10 days after you sign (most men in Alberta are out of town for over ten days at a go) then to ice the cake it takes them three monthes to hook you up to the service, then another month before your bill arrives.

So you don't even know you are getting screwed until 120 days after you sign, 110 days after you could have cancelled.

Pickering , CA
May 13, 2009 12:12 pm EDT

I agree my mom is a single mother and we got scammed by Direct Energy and now we are paying way more then we are suppose to. My mom cannot keep up to the bill so our hydro got cut off. Our bills use to be about 200-300 dollars but now they are like 1000 dollars. This is ridiculous and we got a 5 year contract. :/

Nov 11, 2008 9:58 pm EST

Please give the name of a consumer attorney for this energy company.

1:14 pm EDT

Direct Energy Services Error in billings

I received my monthly bill at the end of April with charges that were not mine. i called Enbridge right away and was advised that it was not their charges, but charges from Direct Energy. I then called direct energy and they told me that the charges were from Enbridge. I called Enbridge a second time and again they tell me that the charges are from Direct Engery. They then put a note in their system that direct energy would be able to read and know that the charges were theirs. I again call Direct Energy and was told that they could not find my account in their system to look up what i was telling them. After quite some time on hold, the lady proceeds to re enter my information in her system. She then advises me that service explanation request has been put in and that someone would call me back within 2 days to let me know what the extra charges to my account are for. After a few hours, a lady calls me back apologizing about the extra charges and explains that a service call done to a house three houses beside me was billed to my address instead of their address. On top of the service repair call charge of $201.00, they decided to add on the heating protection plan of $20.99 of which i already have on my bill in my "total home protection plan". To make a longer story short, the charges have still not been reversed three months later, I've been speaking to supervisors every month when i get my bills and to this day, nothing has been resolved. I did get a new piece of information today from Dana, a supervisor who I've managed to speak with on more than one occasion and she's advised me that after investigating my situation, she's found that I've been entered in their system THREE TIMES! She advised that each time i was told that the credits were being made, they were being made to the accounts that i apparently was not getting billed for. she assured me that everything would be fixed on my next bill (I've received three bills with the same errors) and if not, to give her a call and she's make sure to fix it.

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Baytown, US
Mar 06, 2009 12:00 am EST

I hate Direct Energy. I just called the automated system and it says I owe 626.30 for current charges. I've never had a bill much higher than 200.00, even when i ran the air conditioning nonstop. It's funny to me because I live in a two bedroom downstairs apartment and have been here foe four months and not had a problem like this period. If they don't fix my bill I'm going to sue the pants off of them.

Angry @ Direct Energy
Jul 02, 2008 4:53 pm EDT

I agree i am totally mad at this retailer. My bills, for once i forgot to pay on time. Now its such a GRAND hassle to pay my bills. I help my uncle, who cant speak english very well to pay, first off they need voice verification that i can speak upon his behalf. My uncle could barely mutter gibberish in english and she went on for 5 minutes saying sorry i dont understand. Then i took the phone and said he cant speak english but i can speak upon his behalf. And out of the blue she says very rusely, sorry i was talking to HIM. Then i wait a bit more until she finaly understands our problem and we try to pay with our credit card. MY uncles credit card did not go through something was wrong. So i asked if i can use my credit to pay for him now. The Customer service representative whos name was Shannon says that we are not allowed to do that. Then she asked whos name the credit card is under. I said it was under my name, then she said she felt threatened and uncomfortable that theres more people there. There was only 2 of us and that did not make any sense to us. We called several more times with different service representatives but they all failed. We gave up payin g and waited another week and we got a late fee.
In the end i found out that i could have paid it through the bank. At least they believe stranger bank tellers over the real owners.
Dam them all.

9:51 am EDT

Direct Energy Services False account

This ongoing battle since Dec/07 has to do with a "account" we have with Direct Energy. Not ever in my wildest dreams would I do that. Having heard the horror stories to date. But there it was. My wife was in the hospital and I opened the hydro bill to see we were being supplied hydro from them. I called and after about 5 months they decided since they could not find a phone conversation, fax, email, signed contract or the like that they'd be happy to cancel our "account" ( oh so nice of them) also refund monies paid to them. Well they called telling me the cheque for around$400.00 "should be ready to FedEx soon". I told them to keep their cheque and send me the amount I paid of almost $1.300.00. They explained in canceling a account they have to factor in rates, surcharges, etc... and that the amount they figured was indeed right. I told them "YOU ARE NOT CANCELING A ACCOUNT BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME THERE WAS A BIG MISTAKE AND WE SHOULD NOT OF BEEN ON YOUR SYSTEM! SO, I UNDERSTAND THAT THE POOR SAP THAT FALLS FOR YOUR SCREAM WOULD HAVE TO PAY A "CANCELLATION CHARGE" AND WHATEVER ELSE, BUT I'M NOT IN A POSITION NOR WILL I ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN WHAT I PAID, ANY FEES OR WHATEVER WILL HAVE TO COME OUT OF YOUR POCKET"

It seems just when you think you've heard it all...

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Richmond Hill, CA
Apr 11, 2015 3:48 pm EDT

Direct Energy file number: [protected] (they are charging me for a water tank that I never had)
So, I purchased my house on May 2012. I paid my Enbridge/Direct Energy bills until recently (Feb 2015) when I noticed a leak in boiling room. I called Direct Energy and as soon as their technician opened the boiler room door, he said, this tank is not for Direct Energy; it is for another company and it has been changed in 2011 (one year before I purchased the house). I told him, so why does Direct Energy charge me every month? He advised me to call Direct Energy Billing. A representative asked me to provide her with ROM (return of tank) form. I called the other company who had switched the tank; they said they cannot locate ROM form. I called back to Direct Energy and after clarifying that this has nothing to do with me since I have never had Direct Energy tank in my house when I purchased it, a representative asked me to send him the document that shows the purchase date of the house so that they refund the payments made over last 3 years. I emailed the title of my house last week. I followed up this week; they said in the system it shows I need to provide ROM form. So, I had to start over the loop; I asked her that I needed to talk to a supervisor. After a few more calls I could talk to a supervisor. I asked supervisor to provide me with a document that shows I am responsible for a tank that I have never had OR refund my payments. He said he cannot do anything; and my options are to buyout the tank (~$450) or pay monthly rents for the tank that I have never had when I purchased the house. Please note that there is nothing in the title of my house or purchase agreement about their water tank and I have never received anything (like renew form, terms and conditions, etc) from them and never signed anything with them. I said I will file a consumer complaint with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, Better Business Bureau, etc, and spread the story to internet and news and see you in the court.

Aug 21, 2008 3:15 am EDT

Last week I found out that someone stole my identity when I recieved a letter from a collecting agency stating that I owed money for an account with Wachovia that I didn't set up. When I checked my credit report I discovered that someone had also set up an account in my name with Direct Energy without my knowledge and racked up a bill of $723. I live in a state, California, that Direct Energy doesn't even service. I tried to contact someone at Direct Energy with pitiful results. Some of the phone numbers that are listed on their website are out of service. When I am able to contact someone they are clueless and often transfer me to someone even more clueless and often to a number that is out of service. I spent about 2 hours the other day calling and getting transfered. I have tried 9 different phone numbers with zero results. I have never come across a more ridiculous company in my entire life.

Aug 13, 2008 9:25 am EDT

To whom it may concern:

I am having a really tough time with this Direct Energy they don't take NO for an answer, They sent me a letter from Collection Group of Canada Inc., telling me I am owing them $820.00 for a delinquent account. I never signed a contract with them nor have I received any services from them. If I don't pay they are going to screw with my perfect credit rating. Why does the government let these liars continue to do business. FALSE ACCOUNT, Now they are constantly calling my house for Gas services I keep telling them NO but they keep calling, what can I do to get rid of these liars and cheats from Direct Energy.

1:29 pm EDT

Direct Energy Services Unauthorized contract renewal

Our gas contract should have ended in June 2007, but we found out it’s not that easy to end. Although we did return their "form" clearly marked "Declined" before their deadline, for some reason "they did not receive it". I had no idea they were so dishonest that I should have sent it by registered mail.

I should have known this would happen. We had been hounded for several months by calls to renew our contract, both before and after I had mailed their “declined” form back. They don’t take NO for an answer. We asked several times that they not call again, that we are not changing our decision, but they kept calling and we had to ignore the phone. When we realized the calling had stopped, we thought they had accepted our decision and were done with them.

We did not notice in July 2007, that a new rate of .439 cents (double the original rate) had come in effect. Our bills are low in the summer and, furthermore, Direct Energy had told us our contract was ending in November of 2007. And those statements are not clear. When we finally realized in March 2008 that they were still acting as our supplier and charging us double for it, we first contacted Enbridge and had their name removed. It's still too soon to be sure, but I hope we are done with them.

We are now trying to collect the overpaid difference which is a minimum of $400 in excessive gas charges to date. They gave us a claim number but nothing else was happening. Two days ago, we filed a complaint online with the Ontario Energy Board. Then Direct Energy called this morning to say they had not received the Form we had “declined” and would not refund us. I am not surprised about this.

I hope the OEB can do something about this malpractice. It's not just about the money; it's the deceptive, callous, dishonest way they operate. When a contract expires and you’ve already told them a dozen times you don’t want to renew it, it should end. Expired means it no longer exist! Period. We will never sign up with a marketer again.

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Robert Meyer
Niagara Falls, CA
Jun 15, 2010 10:57 pm EDT
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I can't assist in all cases where consumers are encountering problems with Direct Energy, but if you entered into a natural gas supply contract with Direct Energy / Enbridge Home Services in Ontario around 2002, and your contract was renewed without your consent, I've set up a free website ( showing you how you can potentially claim a very large refund from Direct Energy, as I've done.

Jun 10, 2008 1:43 pm EDT

We had a heating protection plan which was automatically renewed in January. I too had called them a few months before telling them to CANCEL it and not to renew it, but ofcourse this conversation conventiently was never documented on their end. I just had a new furnace and A/C installed last month and I won't be using Direct Energy since I will be using the new company I purchased these equipments from for any service repairs etc. So now I have to pay for a plan through January 2009 and yet, they won't cancel my HIP! So, I am paying for something which I will never use. Is this even legal? It's like having car insurance and selling the car and the insurance company telling you you signed a contract for one year and even if you don't drive that car any longer, they are still going to charge you for insurance through the end of the contract. That is ridiculous!

12:00 am EST

Direct Energy Services Fraud and cheating!

It was one of those 'bad luck' situations when the weather was -20 and my furnace was out for lunch when i HAD to get a company to come in and fix it, not just for the sake of me and my wife but for our 6 month old little girl. I decided to go with the well known energy empire (still wondering how we let it happen) Direct Energy, to my surprise the company is not more than a greased up business that sucks people dry, using deals and promoting meaningless incentives just like a pizza chain.

After 2 days i managed to have someone come in no earlier than 12:00 at night, as i wasn't lucky enough the guy barely spoke english, my system that had a rather complicated issue became something that Energy Direct (the pros of house heating and cooling services) wouldn't even look at, why? good question, a different answer each time the guy had to defend his employer: "Energy Direct only covers a small portion of the system", "We would help you only if you sign to agree on paying us over a course of 2 years and you'll be totally covered", "I have no time", "I'll call and get someone that deals with the entire system but you'll get charged more", "not my department".

After an hour of not doing nothing, the gentleman that came in to 'FIX MY SYSTEM' turned a valve that was the main water valve telling me that it should be off (after 1 day the system almost burned?!)

Angry, having my wife and baby staying at her parents, freezing and lonely i decided not to pay the guy and called his boss that not for a second stopped defending his employee, "The guy was there you must pay", as much as it was freezing in my house that night, that MANAGER heart was even cooler. (He was lucky that we weren't in the same room i can tell you that).

Sure enough i got a nice bill on the mail ($600 including $200 gas bill :S ), i called a friend that sent 2 young "PROS" that figured out that it was the pump?! As simple as that. water didn't pump well into the system causing serious damage, it was fixed at no time and not for more than $300 including a $200 pump?

Happy but angry as hell at Direct Energy i decided to write and at least warn other people, you are covered with stupid deals but once you need those guys to actually work they are not professional, STAY AWAY!

And to answer my first question, how is it an empire? do the math, $400 for not doing ANYTHING?! compared to $100 for the 2 guys i hired that fixed the whole system (think about it for a sec.)

Sincerely yours,

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Update by Adam Art
Jan 30, 2008 6:32 am EST

I'm from TORONTO Canada by the way not the US...

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Ajay Kumar Gupta
Mar 04, 2008 9:52 am EST

One big fraud company of Canada is Direct Energy. I had a heating protection plan and paid them premiums over the last 5 years without the need of any repair. Last month when there was a need for them they came and said services are not covered! started charging hell of money for minor repair. 150$ for 5 min job (no parts required). In the name of public safety this company is cheating people. Surprisingly their bill comes jointly with Enbridge bill and I felt it must be a genuine company. Now if I try to end the contract with Direct Energy, they won't let me end it until end of 2008.

How Government of Canada/Ontario allows such companies to exist in Canada and cheat on people?

Barrie, CA
Nov 16, 2012 11:15 pm EST
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My company is Barrie Furnace Repair ( The following video explains it all:

Direct Energy fails again! After noticing that my web traffic was down and having received some odd phone calls about a $179 flat rate repair scam, I discovered something even more underhanded. Apparently, Texas based Direct Energy is using my business name to drum up local customers in my service area through Google and SEO techniques. How embarrassing for them.

The first line of their webpage reads "Why not trust a Barrie company with your furnace repair that offers a 24 hour call centre to handle any furnace emergency?". It seems innocuous at first until you realize where your calls are being directed. This fail comes into epic status as the accent of the woman gives it away. Upon further research, I discovered that Direct Energy is in the process if outsourcing many Canadian jobs outside our country. Many of these jobs found their way to the new HQ in Houston Texas. I agree as is said on the webpage, "trust a Barrie company". Sadly, 500 out of work Canadians whom are former Direct Energy employees would also agree.

Bill Fernando
Bear, US
Jul 18, 2011 5:06 pm EDT
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So happy that i googled direct energy scam rip off and sure enough my best resource the Complaints board came through ! I figured that thier service would be sub par with my local electric company PECO ! SO even tho my new bill was way higher than what i'm supposed to pay on the Customer Asst. Program CAP rate for short i'm sticking with the big guy thats been here from the start !

Toronto, CA
Jul 09, 2011 2:20 am EDT

I have been scammed by Direct energy in February this year. We have bought our home less than 2yrs ago and we were paying our bills with Enbridge on a regular basis. All of a sudden in February, 2011 a salesperson from Direct energy came to my door to offer a heating plan for $15 a month with a free furnace inspection. I told I will take the free furnace inspection but I am not signing any contracts for a plan, unless something is wrong with my furnace. He agreed and setup an appointment the following week to have a inspector come in and give us a free assessment. The technician told us that our furnace was good and left within fifteen minutes. One month goes by, and we receive a bill from enbridge with a Direct energy charge of $29.99 and a water heater bill of $35.95. Kind of funny since I bought my water heater and never signed any contract or plan. Now its been 5months later, and I have never been able to resolve this problem, to the point that they have threatened to take me to collections if I dont pay the bill. I spoke to enbridge supervisors and direct energy supervisors and they told me they would resolve the problem and they never had, and each time I call, the extension number they give me doesnt work or doesnt exist. They will not send me any proof of contract, and now I have a bill outstanding of $526.54, after Ive been paying only the enbridge gas portion. The bills are so confusing, as an accountant, I can’t even make sense of any of it.
Does anyone know who I should call, or would I need a lawyer in this case?

Williamstown, US
May 11, 2011 3:21 pm EDT
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Direct Energy IS NOT A SCAM! I have saved a lot of money since i have switched over to Direct Energy. Everyone that thinks they are a scam obviously didnt listen to the sales rep while he was explaining it all. I know from personal experience Direct Energy saves money and that is the way life is now, everyone needs to save a little money. Maybe your just not understanding how your bill looks and its confusing to you, but it is cheaper!

Philadelphia, US
May 05, 2011 2:41 pm EDT

Someone from DE wanted to sign me and I said I wanted to check on-line for complaints etc, before doing so. Despite those above, I think it is remarkably FEW for such a large business with so many customers over so many years. I also asked neighbors who have said they are pleased with the savings and have not had customer service complaints, so...going to sign up today

Jan 21, 2011 6:35 pm EST
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Aug 04, 2010 2:42 pm EDT

Nicole_1972, you are spot on about how Direct Energy "employees" disreguard posted signage. They also obviously don't know and don't provide a customer list of who is already in their customer base.

Just today, a Direct Energy representative showed up at my door disreguarding my posted Private Property, No Trespassing and No Soliciting signs posted at the start of my driveway.

He admitted he's a marketer working for an outside firm hired by Direct Energy to canvas a target area after I informed him I am already a customer waitng until December to go back to my previous natural gas supplier. Before leaving he attempted to get me to re-sign another year contract "so there won't be an overlap in service savings". I laughed, shut the door in his face and have gone on with my day.

I won't be as nice to the next unsolicited marketer who shows up from that company.

44240, US
Jul 19, 2010 6:48 pm EDT
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I can't take it anymore! I want them to stop! I have three signs on my door. No trespassing, Beware of dog, and no, they aren't friendly. The last guy that showed up from direct almost got bit trying to act like the dog whisperer or something. I also have a no soliciting sign on my door but they swear they aren't and that's why they're allowed to knock on my door and nearly eight at night. Anyone, in my eyes that shows up that darn late (My day starts at four in the morning so to me it's late!), is up to no good.
Please how do I make them stop? I tried copying the scam page to tape on my door, to let them know I'm onto them, but the copier is not cooperating. Next time I'm calling the police.
I just don't know what else to do. I've tried calling the company and of course they totally defend their "employees".
I'm off to warn the neighbors.

B. Lee
Crowley, US
Mar 15, 2010 12:36 am EDT

My husband and I have a business account with Direct Energy. We moved from one location to another location and were told that we would not be charged an early termination fee because this was just a transfer of location and we were still customers with them. I received my first bill after the move with an early termination fee of $200. I called customer service and was transferred to 2 departments before a so called "manager" said that this would be corrected. I demanded a second bill be printed with the corrections before I make a payment. It has been over a week now, and I just received another bill, the same exact copy with the $200 early termination fee as before. I am about to call them again tomorrow. I will NOT do business again with them after my contract ends. This is ridiculous. DE is the worst electric company that I have ever had to deal with! DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM! If you live in Texas, there are plenty of other electric companies available.

12:00 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Deposit

I signed up for energy from Direct Energy when we first moved into our new house and because it was our first home we were told they needed a $200 deposit, that would be refunded after one year. It's now 14 months later and they won't refund our deposit because we haven't paid our bills on time for 12 consecutive months. Why haven't we paid our bills on time for 12 months straight? Because for two of those months they sent our bill to the wrong postal code! When the bills finally made their way to us, about 3 weeks late, we paid them right away. This has happened with a few of our bills and I think it's because all the larger companies just ask for your address and their computers automatically give them the postal code. Because we are in such a new neighborhood there have been some mistakes with postal codes, and quite a few of our bills end up at the wrong postal code.

The girl I spoke with on the phone was completely rude just saying 'Well, it's not our fault if the postal code was wrong, you must have called in and changed it, then changed it back'. Ridiculous.

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12:00 am EDT

Direct Energy Services Billing nightmare

At the time we purchased the house in June 2006, it had a rental water heater and a rental furnace both rented from Direct Energy. Recently I had a home energy audit which resulted in us purchasing a new high efficiency furnace, new thankless water heater and A/C from a company called Enwise Power Solutions.

Prior to the purchase and installation of the new equipment I called Direct Energy to ask about the return of the rental equipment. I was told that I could return both the furnace and the water heater at any time and the charges would be removed from my bill. I called Direct Energy again, closer to the date of the installation to ask about where to return the water tank and the furnace and they gave me an address in Etobicoke, Ontario. On the day of the installation I called again to confirm where to return the equipment and was given the same address. They told me to hang on to the receipts and fax them to Enbridge to get the charges removed from my bill.

The installers returned the equipment and got a receipt for the heater but not the furnace because they were told by the Direct Energy people there that they (Direct Energy) stopped renting furnaces a while ago so they don’t have a process for returning them however, they did take the furnace anyway (but we didn’t get a receipt).

So today I called Direct Energy to follow up and find out how to get the two rental charges off my bill and to my surprise they are telling me that I have to pay the full cost of the rental furnace because the old owners had a contract that I inherited through the purchase of the home which says that I have to rent it for 15 years!

They are telling me that the contract for the rental would have been included in the documents for the purchase of the home and that my lawyer would have told me all about it and would have ensured that I was aware of the contract. I am 100% sure that I did not have any such conversation with my laywer about an obligation to pay for this furnace for 15 years (I don’t even know when this 15 years would have started) and I know that he would have told me if he was aware. I don’t have a copy of the contract and I have NO INTENTION of paying for a furnace that I no longer have in my home when I was told from the beginning that I could return it.

I am extremely frustrated and worried that it's going to take an enormous effort to rectify this situation. The buy out price is over $2000 and I don't even have the furnace anymore. I told the Direct Energy Rep (who says he's a manager but sounded like a goofy teenager) that I never signed a contract and have never seen a contract and he just kept saying there is nothing he can do and that I will have to pay. They lied to me several times, don't EVER deal with these scammers!

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Ellen Meyer
Richmond Hill, CA
Jun 23, 2015 1:33 pm EDT
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We had a rental furnace installed in March 1997, through Consumers Gas, now Direct Energy. I desperately need to know if I'm entitled to some sort of rebate, as I've been paying a monthly charge long past the 15 year term. My calls to Direct Energy have been fruitless; they claim that they're entitled to keep billing me forever, and now I find myself possibly needing a new furnace. If you could advise me, I'd be most grateful.
Richmond Hill, ON

Aurora, CA
Nov 18, 2010 9:37 pm EST
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I having with Direct Energy and Enbridge already 4 months problems. At the beginning I saw that on my bill came $200 extra to pay for water tank rental ( which has to be only $14.49) So I called them, they said it's mistake sorry about that, we will fix. Second month same think plus double charge for rental instead of : $14.49 now $28.98. Called again, again said sorry its mistake. Third month they removed $200, and put another $203.58. Called again, same thing, you have in a system mistake, we will fix. Fourth month came back $203.58 plus double charge of water tank: $28.98. I called them, they said we understand we will fix in 1 or 2 bills. So how long that game has to be played? What to do with these people? Trying to get lawyer for small claim courts. Any other thoughts?
Aurora, ON

Alan of Toronto
Toronto, CA
Jul 28, 2009 2:33 am EDT

Direct Energy does not know the meaning of customer service or what the word care means. My naive wife just started renting a water heater from them. The first installation had a leak. The second service technicians came and fixed the first problem but gave me two more problems near the water heater. They gave me two leaks - one on the elbow of the 1/2" copper pipe and the other at the shut off valve. The third one says we have to pay for their mistakes. What a concept eh? Don't waste your time with these incompetent people. Your plumber can probably do a better job the first time. In fact, I just replaced the shut off valve myself without a drip. I can't wait until they kick the bucket.

Do not wish to be a Direct Energy client whatsoever!

12:00 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Direct Energy Services Unexplained bills

I received a whooping bill for a house that was vacant, and direct energy could not explain why the bill was so high. I had direct energy for a couple of months at my new address that we moved to, and the bill was an enormous amount as well. I have disputed this bill, and I will contact other commissions to complain about this ripoff company.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Italy, US
May 13, 2011 11:37 pm EDT

Things to remember: Even a vacant house can draw electricity unless you have all cicuit breakers turned off. check the meter with all breakers off to see if it is still running there may be a larger problem. Are there any starting fees like new meter installation, connection or deposit fees charged on this bill that could cause it to be so high. Simply blaming a company for billing without checking for other causes does nothing to help you or them. DE bills based off usage that comes to them from Centerpoint, Oncor, Texas New Mexico Power or American Electric Power depending on what part of Texas you are in, so ultimately those companies would be responsible for any usage misreads that were billed. DE will do their best to correct problems but can not force readings to be different from what is reported to them.

S L Hudson
Dallas, US
Aug 13, 2009 12:30 am EDT

I am in the same boat now and agree 200 percent!

lorna ward
Dec 07, 2007 2:28 pm EST

I agree with you 110 percent32.

12:00 am EST

Direct Energy Services Multiple, repeat telemarketing

Despite responding politely to the first three calls from Direct Energy's telemarketer's that I was already in an energy plan and was not interested in dealing with their company, they have phoned another half dozen times and (apparently!) will not remove my number from their call list.

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Jul 16, 2008 11:46 am EDT

A few minutes ago someone came to my house telling me that I could get a free water heater upgrade. All I had to do was go downstairs and get the model number (serial number) for her. I was so irritated I did not confirm that she worked for Direct Energy but I would be prepared to bet a sizable amount of money on it (and I don't gamble.) This seems to be a variation of their other scam that they want to make sure I get some discount or another.

Apr 14, 2008 2:29 pm EDT

Direct Energy sends out telemarketers who come to you doors claiming that they're part of Enbridge and that there are updates that must be done, and in order to do that you must show them your bills so it could take effect on your next bill. If they're really part of Enbridge, would they not already have all your biling information on their system? This is serious fraud and there is no customer protection unfortunately. So we as customer really have to be cautious about our privacy information.

12:00 am EST
Featured review
This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

In 2001 I signed a five year natural gas contract with Direct Energy. The contract was due to expire in August 2006. Around May of 2006 I received in the mail a large envelope with a contract renewal form. Direct Energy was offering me another five year contract for 44 cents a cubic meter. The price of gas through Enbridge at the time was around 34 cent...

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12:00 am EST

Direct Energy Services Not happy with this retailer!

In the summer of 2006 my husband and I made the mistake of signing up with Direct Energy for gas and hydro. Before we signed up with them we would receive our bills every month from Niagara-on-the-Lake hydro and they were always on time. We have not received a bill in 3 months and are not happy about it at all. I called them and they said that there processing times don't match up with Niagara-on-the-Lakes billing date. The girl on the phone said that we will be getting our bills every 3 or 4 months because of this. That is not good enough. We are a young family and have a 3 month old and a 2 year old. It is important for us to get bills every month. I will never sign up with a retailer again.

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12:00 am EST

Direct Energy Services Don't trust the service technician!

Our furnace stopped working during the night, and it was getting close to 11 degrees Celsius in our house - it was cold and it was getting colder; it was below freezing outside (we are North of Toronto)

So we called Direct Energy who charged us C$135 for placing a service call; we had no problems with that.

The Direct Energy service technician looked at the furnace, and said we need a new gas valve and something else, but recommended a new furnace, because ours was in rough shape. The cost of the parts would of been c$500 and a new furnace c$2700 and up.

3 weeks before Christmas, it was cold and we have two young kids.

My wife and I were contemplating what to do, when a friend called, and we explained our dilemma; she happened to know someone who worked on furnaces - we contacted him for a second opinion, he came over, and replaced the Thermo-couple within 5 minutes; total cost C$13.

He said it was very obvious what was wrong, and we appeared to have been scammed.

Why would Direct Energy - a huge company - to that to us? Was the Direct Energy service technician that incompetent?

Be warned - we were desperate, our two little boys were very cold, and we were very concerned about our house, we were about to buy a new furnace. By the way, our furnace and although 20 years old is still in reasonable working order and doesn’t need replacing.

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Houston, US
Oct 11, 2023 10:25 am EDT

There is only one person in this house from April 2023

Everything is unplugged the air-conditioning is fully serviced and newer set at 84 my bill is still over 500 a month how is this possible?

Sep 02, 2010 10:40 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Don't trust the Service Technician!
Our wall oven stopped working in May 2010. So we called Direct Energy who charged us C$90 for placing a service call; we had no problems with that.
The Direct Energy service technician looked at the oven and said we needed a new timer but he told us that we would not be able to get it anywhere. So he told us to buy a new oven.
We took his word and bought a new oven from Sears.
Then we hired an electrician to install the new oven and the electrician found out that there was nothing wrong with the old oven, but the fuss for the oven was broken.
So he replaced the fuss and we are still using the old oven.
When we returned the new oven back to Sears, Sears charged us 20% of new oven for restocking fee which cost us $160.
When we sent a request to Direct Energy for reimbursing the restocking fee of $160, Direct Energy refused to do so.

If the Direct Energy service technician did not misdiagnose the problem in the first place and did not tell us to buy a new oven, then we would not have bought the new oven and it would have saved us all this trouble.

Was the Direct Energy service technician that incompetent that he could not figure out that it was a fuss problem?

We are very disappointed with the service provided by Direct Energy
and Direct Energy.

Apr 03, 2008 10:40 pm EDT

Direct Energy called my place yesterday. I answered the phone and was polite and let them say their 2 cents even though I hate telemarketers. When I asked for details the ### had to get a supervisor who then tried to haggle my account # for my Hydro account. I said NO WAY...but she insisted on trying to which I had to hang up the phone. They're so ignorant. LMAO

Nov 07, 2007 8:57 pm EST

Did the friend who replaced your thermocouple check the gas valve to make sure the regulator was delivering the proper amount of fuel to the furnace? Also check the drop out time on the pilot solenoid of the gas valve? These are important safety checks a qualified and trained technician would preform on your furnace if he was diagnosing a gas valve problem. The gas valve may work, but more importantly, is it working safely and properly. If a furnace component isn't functioning properly it can easily become a major safety hazard and you wouldn't even know it. You may have got some good advice from the direct energy service technician, but because of your ignorance about fuel burning appliances you may be jumping to conclusions.

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Overview of Direct Energy Services complaint handling

Direct Energy Services reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Dec 11, 2006. The latest review Cancellation fee sent to collections was posted on Jun 22, 2023. The latest complaint Door to door salesman was resolved on Nov 13, 2014. Direct Energy Services has an average consumer rating of 3 stars from 138 reviews. Direct Energy Services has resolved 61 complaints.
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    Jun 13, 2024

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Don't trust the service technician!
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