Beware of electrostim medical services, also known as emsi. They provide small electric shock devices if you have back pain - which doesn't even help i bet. We went to our doctor who apparently ordered one for us but didn't really explain to us what he was doing and that it would cost so much. We have good insurance coverage however this medical unit still costs thousands of dollars even with insurance covering much of it.
My wife didn't even want this medical device or services and never used it at all. We were finally able to convince them we didn't order it nor want it and sent it back. However they sent a 'supplies' packet in the mail which i refused and sent back to their office and they are charging us $300 for it even though we never received it. It makes me sick to my stomach how medical service and medical insurance companies can get away with so much and normal people get stuck with bills. My insurance company basically said it was our word against their word if we received it and the big company always wins.
Needless to say this company has terrible customer service and will try and nickle and dime ever penny from you even if you never even used their stupid device. Beware!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
i agree that they nickel and dime, they also charge customers or try to with the balance when it should be a write off per insurance guidelines. they refuse to go by the law of Medicare and create their own rules, they also charge for workers com patients and they dont even ask the patient if they want supplies they auto send them and your right it would be your word against theres. but there policy is that you have to call and say you dont want supplies. also you cant return to sender because it never gets there, which is ridiculous, they should have told patients that originally. eventually wit all the money they have taken they will get caught. trust me thieves never succeed enough complaints about janice bryant or the ops manager to the owner and they wont charge you anything, unfortunately they make there employees do the bad work and then the employess not knowing any better, with th exception of some people smart enough to quit, get thrown in jail, because of fraud. sad but they dont care about the patients only get 2 million a month from patients and insurance companies.
Doris - first off, go back to school and learn the difference between "thier" and "there" / "you're" and "your"; it's a pretty simple concept that my 8 year old understands. Secondly, if any patient is unhappy with the equipment, they can return it FREE OF CHARGE. However, garments (which are the materials which you wear to keep the units in place) are non-refundable and cannot be returned because that practice is unsanitary.
And Wonderfuzling - if you are letting a doctor order and bill you for something you don't want, then it sounds like your doctor is the crook here. If you think that your insurance company is the "little guy" in this situation getting pushed around by the big bad medical device company, then I think there's some ocean front property in Arizona with your name on it!
sickofwhiners- Hi, Insulting someone for spelling and grammar errors is SOOOOOO 1995, get over it! I agree that mixing up "their" and "there" is a pretty elementary goof, but seeing it brought to attention in order to discredit someone before trying to make a "point" is even more annoying. Also, does sticking up for EMSI with a hostile undertone toward previous posters give you any kind of credibility? The answer is no. My guess is that anyone reading your post has thought to themselves, "Wow, that person must work for EMSI and have way too much time on their hands!". So congratulations in adding nothing of worth to this discussion.
Now, on to the main topic of concern: EMSI intentionally engaging in fraudulent acts? Could be, or perhaps they just have a really misguided billing system and questionable business ethics. As with anything you read on the internet, you are entitled to believe what you want, but here is my experience.
After trying everything else, my physical therapist and pain specialist discussed the potential benefit of a home use electro-stim unit for my chronic back pain. I agreed to give it a shot, since the stimulation seemed to provide a little bit of relief when my PT used a professional grade device on me during our twice weekly session. This might have been a placebo effect after years of hoping for anything to work, but that's not important for this story. I got on the phone with the sales rep at EMSI after being referred to them by my PT who has a "relationship" with them. The unit which was to be ordered was a handheld analog 2 channel handheld TENS device. I mentioned to the rep that I was able to find similar devices for 70 dollars or less online which appeared to be digitally controlled and have more features than the one they were trying to sell me for 150 dollars. She then asked, "Well how much would you like to spend? We just want to HELP YOU" to which I hesitantly replied, "Umm, 50 dollars I guess considering my other options". She then brought up the fact that they would periodically send supplies or I could call to order them when needed. I told her to please not have any supplies automatically sent. It was settled then, the 50 dollars was billed to my credit card, and I was to make an appointment to pick it up and have an orientation at my PTs office. A month later I recieved a notice from my insurance company saying they got a claim from EMSI for a personal electro stim device which had been declined. I figured there was nothing to worry about since I had already paid for the unit out of pocket. Well apparently I was mistaken, because on my next months insurance statement there were not one but TWO declined claims from EMSI of 800 dollars EACH.
Supplies? Big Surprise! Strange, I thought they said they weren't goign to send any unless I called. WRONG again. The "supplies" packet was a complete joke consisting of a couple 9 volt batteries, some alcohol wipes, new electrodes, and a half full bottle of lotion (see i'm an optomist, half full!) Everything comes individually branded with the EMSI logo, yes even the batteries... Maybe this explains why everything was about 100 times more expensive than everyday items I could have pick up at the gas station (other than the electrodes) IF and WHEN I needed them.. Still dealing with insurance company on the charges for goods/services never actually rendered. It is sounding like I will be in the clear, but the whole experience makes EMSI look really bad.
Whether or not they do this intentionally is a serious question that can hopefully be answered soon. People suffering physically and financially should not have to worry about being billed 45 dollars for a 9 volt battery or 1600 for a rebranded 30 dollar TENS unit.. Whatever the case, something is definitely NOT RIGHT with this company and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before there is a criminal health care fraud investigation brought upon them. Hopefully more people will share their experiences here.
I personally have a device myself and as patient that has suffered from chronic pain, I found relief with their IF-4250 device. I did not want to be labeled as an abuser but I was suffering in so much pain that I had no choice than to take pain medication (or so I thought). It wasn't until I changed doctors (for insurance purposes) that I realized I had options. This doctor listened to my history and after evaluating my history, suggested that I try an electrical stimulation device. I was reluctant to try it because I thought those devices were quackery, but I thought I might as well go for it since I had nothing to lose and everything gain. And so I did.
A gentleman fitted me with the device at the doctor's office and explained that it may take the pain level down a few notch. He said to try it and if it didn't work within a few weeks that I could tell the doctor so the doctor can try other things. Again, I thought, why not. And so I tried for a couple of weeks. At the end of the 3rd day of using the device (2-3 times a day as prescribed by the doctor), I started to feel better. At the end of the first week, I was using the device religiously to the point that I actually stopped taking the medication. I was using it so much that I ran out of the pads that came with it. I ended up calling the sales rep to give me more. The rep stopped by and while discussing my situation said that I should not have stopped my medication without the doctor knowing (as it turned out, stopping my medication cold turkey had some effects, like extreme sweating and that was the reason why I went through the pads like I did). The rep was knowledgeable and had suggested to call my doctor and tell him of the situation. I did as he said and the doctor weaned me off the medication properly.
So the moral of my story is that it may all depend on your situation. You may or may not benefit from their device (or any device for that matter), but it may behoove you to try before you condemn electrical stimulation. As far as the pads and other supplies are concerned, yeah they come automatically, but in my situation, if they didn't come automatically, it would be a pain to do on a monthly basis. And the rep even said if I was through using the device and didn't want anymore supplie, I just simply call to stop. Yeah, it may be a little much to charge for the pads and other thing, but my sanity is worth more than the cost of the pads. And to think about it, my liver and kidneys are thanking me for it. Again, the cost of the pads is miniscule compared to where I would have been 10-15 years with taking the pain medication. Now, I can drive and do things that were contraindicated when I took the medication.
I'm sorry for the original poster and the ones that followed, but I thought I should say something because not everyone feels like they did. I for one thank EMSI and the sales rep for giving my life meaning again. It's worth every nickel and dime that my insurance and I pay.
You need to immediately go to your state's Department of Insurance on the Internet and file a complaint against them through the Insurance Commissioner's Office. They act very quickly and the LAST thing an insurance company wants is the government in all their files. Not sure where you are so just Google it. Good luck.
Barb V.
As an is adjuster you are 100% correct. Anyone ever having real and significant problems with an ins co just be cordial and let them know your next contact will clearly be with your state's ins commission. Watch what happens then.
This is a game between some of the medical providers and the insurance companies. It is true that a few providers, be they doctors, hospitals, therapists, or whatever, they do illegal things to make money. Can you say Health South?
Healthcare needs to stop sleeping with big insurance; and we need to kill these Managed Care Plans once and for all. Insurance is about risk, pure and simple. It is NOT about your company only covering what they darn well please. My boss just closed her medical office on 04/30 because she could not make enough money anymore. I have heard estimates that as high as 35% of the doctors now in practice will leave within the next couple of years.
I experiencd a similar situation. EMSI charged me $300 in suppies every month and the company charged me for a low back wrap that the doctor NEVER ordered and charged me $400 for the thing. I also have great insurance coverge (BCBS of NC Federal) and I got the bill for this thing too. How is this legal? The customer service is poor at best and when I tried to return all this stuff they still stuck me with the bill.
Beware of EMSI!
I agree with every customer that posted a comment. My Chiropractor ordered one for me at the tune of $1800.00. It doesn't help that's not what I needed on top of that they were sending me the electro pads. I tried to return the machine, of course they said no. I returned the electro pads haven't gotten a response back regarding a refund. It's really sicken they can do such thing and get away with it.
I coulen't agree more.
I also got electrodes in the mail and it cost me over $300 when I never ordered them. And as mentioned above, the would NOT refund me.
I was told the unit would only cost me $50. I have not been billed over $800 and the electrodes keep coming. I keep sending them back and refuse to pay the bill.
I too have used a unit from EMSI. My Doctor gave it to me to use while on vacation. The unit did not work. I recieved a new battery and tried it once and found it not to be of any use to me and the unit did not help me. I was told that they would bill insurance and I would be responsible for just my co-pay and deductible (around $200.00). I just recieved a form from my insurance company showing that they billed around $2000.00 and the insurance company will only pay $500 of it. They have claimed that they don't ill for anything above the deductible and what the insurance company bills. As I have not recieved a bill from EMSI yet I will take thier word for it so far. I have seen on here and other boards that they aparantly did send a bill to people for the diference. My issue with them is they are sending me extras that have noting to do with what I am being treated for. I have recieved a garment belt, have no idea how this is supposed to help me. Also getting supplies that arent needed. When I called and asked to have them stopped and also asked about the amount the insurance compnay denied the rep explained to me in a rude and snotty manner that they wont bill me. We will see. I have used tens units before at doctors offices and found good relief. There units are useless.
This company needs to be shut down. I WILL take the advice above and file a complaint. My husband got the device for his back a year ago. Since, he had surgery and needs another. We, both husband and I told this company to STOP sending that packet. I even wrote a cease and desist letter. We just got another yesterday. they were all sent back, RTS. So far the bill is about 1k. I will not pay them a dime. The unit was paid for and used for a week if that.
They are crooks.
I feel really bad for those of you who have had a negative experience with EMSI. I, as a patient, have been treated with the highest level of respect. Now, it's a shame that many of us only "squawk" when we are not satisfied, and we seem to forget to find the good in people and in situations and to acknowledge kindness and good in eachother. I know we are a product of our environment and that we live in a society which focuses on the negative. Like I said, I am a patient of EMSI and my experience has been very positive. The only issue I have faced is a battery issue that was taken care of overnight by the sales rep who initially assisted me. She is a wonderful asset to the company. I was back up and running in less than 24 hours. I am using the Flex-IT which is one of the newer products. My insurance (BCBS of NC) only covers Tens and I was able to get the Interferential unit because this company has been brilliant enough to include a Tens setting in it (which my insurance WILL cover). This is the only treatment that works for me, as Tens is not as effective. My unit was covered 100% by my insurance. It was explained to me upfront that I had met my deductible and out of pocket for the year. Many people do not realize that your patient portion depends on the insurance policy you choose each year . If you haven't met your deductible, you will owe morefor any medical devices or supplies or surgery, for that matter. Also, as a customer of YOUR INSURANCE company, you can call them and ask what you will owe. That's what I did, just to confirm what the sales rep had told me. Please be your own advocate - no one else will do it for you. My heart hurts for those of you who have had a negative experience, and also for EMSI because of the light you have placed them in. I would encourage anyone reading the above posts to remember that the negative comments will probably outweigh the positive ones in any instance... only because those people, like myself, who are happy with the product or service they received have no reason to complain. This company is a top provider for my doctor and I have two friends who are just as happy as I have been. I would recommend the company and my sales rep to ANYONE. God bless these hard working people for all that they do to help people like myself to experience pain-free days. We all have our own opinions- mine is nothing but positive, thankful and encouraging to others who may be experiencing pain.
that company has charged my son 2551.67 for his unit and supplies over several years and it doesnt help... The Lawyers are in litigation from my sons car wreck and BCBS of Alabama is wanting their money back from the car insurance company and now they are billing for a unit the insurance was suppose to pay... I too will be seeking Legal advice on this company
I have now received two of these boxes (on 2 separate occasions) with the supplies/ electrodes. I have received a bill for both for about $300. I refused the second package and "returned to sender" and they still are charging me. I decided to do so searching to see if other we experiencing the same. I am contacting the better business bureau. This is FRUAD!
Excuse me to all complainers out there, first off the units work great for pain relief, if you actually use it! Next about billing and supplies. I go to the hospital for dehyrdation and get an iv of water. I find out my ins was billed $1500. Guess what, this is life, this is the cost of anything medial. If you can get a tens unit for $70 as people say, then more power to ya, but guess what, these units are not regulated through FDA, so good luck with that:)
Also in regards to the auto supplies, ummmm, why wouldn't you read what you sign or even pay attention to letters sent to you. Before the unit is given to anyone, they sign an agreement that clearly states supplies will be sent. Also, I received a letter confirming my info and such and it talks about supplies too.
HAHAHA, you people are all the fraud for putting missleading information about a company on the web. Good luck in your lives and God Bless:)
Oh one more thing, If you have a medical insurance plan, where YOU are responsible for copayments, coinsurances, deductibles, GUESS WHAT, you will receive bills for you copayments, coinsurances, deductibles!
I agree, this company is FRAUD! Stay clear away. They kept sending supplies AFTER the date ended on our contract! Do not send them RTS, they get thrown in the garbage, not returned and you will get billed for them. We tried canceling several times to no avail. We had the most rude rep call us.
Karen... Just because your issue was not taken care of right away (insurances take time to process, sometimes up to 180 days), you go off and complain about a company that has provided great care to many patients. It's sad that you can't just settle your grievances with the company directly. EMSI has great customer service and will work with anyone with issues, billing or otherwise. Have you spoken with them regarding the payments because if you can't afford the device, EMSI will work with you one way or the other.
Wow. I guess I am not the only one with a BAD experience with EMSI. Their units are a piece of junk. My husband had one and only used it a couple of times. I went to use it (about 4 years after we purchased it). And the thing didn't work. I called EMSI to find out the warranty already ran out and they wouldn't do anything. And amazingly enough, they were STILL sending me electrodes. I am still being sent MONTHLY supplies after I have asked NUMEROUS times for them to NOT send them. I have already contacted the BBB and my insurance company. I will not pay their bills.
I was given a unit by my neighbor whose doctor ordered her one without her knowing and is experiencing the same big charges and 10 packets of pads she didnt order.In fact, its never been out of the box. Its funny, this thing says it wont charge if the charger plug is plugged into an outlet? Should you "WISH" it charged? I found this forum looking for instruction other than the instructions that are in the box. This company is probably in a P.O. box somewhere in Tampa!LOL ! The website is very vague and that is suspect in itsself! "SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF F**KIN FOLKS" !
These employees lurking here sure are funny! Cant please anyone you mean!
Ummm scampoepoe, lol, did the voices in your head tell you to put a post on here?
Also, I though the tens unit was giving to people by PRESCRIBING doctors. Ok, well you just said it was given to you be your neighbor. Which means, by medical law, you should not use in the first place. EMSI's website has all necessary information to contact them, feel free.
Thanks for the laugh. Tell those voices in your head I said hi
As a relatively satisfied patient, I agree with many of the complaints here. They are a company engaged in some of the most egregious exploitation of the American health care system that I have seen. But, to address issues here one at a time:
The devices are very helpful and, for the medical field, more or less reasonably priced.
The agents tend to be very polite and helpful.
The company is very, very poor at providing information on charging and seems to intentionally conceal the costs involved.
The supplies are a horrible scam. They are, in essence, charging huge amounts of money, something like a 3000% markup for relatively mundane items. It is nearly impossible to get them to not send or charge you for these items, however often you talk with customer service, however often they acknowledge that they are, in fact, sending and charging you for more supplies than is explicitly on their forms for you. I have even had them tell me that I really shouldn't worry about it, they won't charge me for all the extra stuff, just my insurance (I am fairly certain that this is fraud on their part). Whether or not all of this is actually illegal (not much is in America if you have enough money), given the state of health care and insurance costs, it is incredibly, unbelievably immoral of them. For the supply kits alone, regardless of their questionable charging practices, they ought to be forced out of business.
AVOID this company at all cost
Paid my bill in full over a year ago for a unit that did NOT work
Now a Year latter they are sending me bills again for parts I never ordered.
I am not paying this bill and am seeking legal action
again AVOID this company at all cost
To all of you who say your doctor ordered it and you knew nothing about it, shame on you for not being more involved in your plan of care. I have been to the doctor for various reasons and there was never anything the doctor wanted to order for me that I did not know about. I don't know how you choose your physicians but maybe throwing a dart at the yellow pages is not the best way. Take some responsiblity for yourself and do the research. Any of you ever heard of this little thing called Google. No I do not work for EMSI and I have no vested intrust in the company. I have worked in the home medical equipment field for over 20 years and it has always amazed me how thins get prescribed for patient's and no one knew about. I guess Ron White is right "you just can't fix stupid"
There are tons of people that have complained about how awful and crooked EMSI has been and still is. When the majority of the people are upset and feel like they have been lied and cheated, then it should make future customers really ask themselves if going through EMSI is a risk they are willing to take. My issue is as follows, EMSI created their own batteries for the TENS units making it impossible to purchase a $5 replacement battery on line. So instead of buying a $5 battery, you are now required to pay over $60 for a "packet" only through EMSI. All I need is the battery and I am certain this was done on purpose to force customers to purchase "packets". When I called the customer service department, the lady was extremely rude and not helpful, she even laughed at me. In a business, it is important to respect the customers and act professional, which was not the case.
I also have had problems with this company. I have called them many times, either no one answers and you have to leave a message, which you may or may not get a call back on, or a rep listens but doesn't do anything to correct the problem. Then you have to try to call again & again.
My chiropractor ordered the tens machine for me & my husband a few years ago. He advised me our insurance will cover the machine and EMSI WILL ACCEPT whatever our insurance company pays them as payment in full. Guess what, after the insurance company paid them EMSI started to bill me & my husband for additional charges. They started to send us supplies monthly which we never ordered, billed our insurance company then started billing us additional charges. I called them several times to tell them they were not suppose to charge us any additional money, just accept what my insurance paid them as I was told by my chiropractor. (He also has a business with them, by recommending them). I also told them they were not suppose to send us any supplies, I did not need or request them, nor charge us for them. It has been like talking to deaf people. They finally stopped sending me supplies after a year of numerous calls to them. I have never used the supplies, was going to return them, but as I read your remarks, evidently they would not have reimbursed my insurance company for them, nor would they advise me that they received the supplies. Glad I still have them in their original envelops.
I will not send them a cent. If they want they can have their supplies back but they will have to close the case with no expectation of getting any money from us.
Yes, I also feel they are a fraudulent company and am thinking about reporting them also.
So EMSI if you're reading these complaints, my name is C.Gitter acct. no 28187, bill amount $745.90 and husbands name is A. Gitter acct. no. 26871, bill amount $532.73, you can check your records and close our accounts with your company, stating paid in full as promised with monies received from insurance company!
Okay, I am not an employee of EMSI. I read blogs on all the products that I use and when it is warranted, discredit those that are worthy of it. I have been in the military for 15 years and I suffer from constant back pain. after years of PT, Sports MEd and Chiro my Doc recommended I try this new unit that they were trying on service members. I, myself, was a little reluctant for the simple reason we (the military) are always used as test dummies, but I went with it. After receiving my unit and a brief orientation on it's use, i took it home and started using it as prescribed. WOW! is all I can say. This thing trumps any flexoril, percocet, and every other muscle relaxer and pain pill I have ever received.
Now, dont get me wrong. This unit is expensive but TRICARE insurance for the military families covers all of it. I have seen the invoices and I am glad I don't have to pay out of pocket. But don't judge the company for doing what every company in the world does. Market and push their product. no one complains about the dealership marking up the prices on the car parts and that thing will be gone in 4-6 years. your body will run as long as you take care of it and good medical care, most times, will be expensive. Stop complaining people, I've seen some horrible things and people who live with mangled and maimed bodies. Like painsolution stated "pick up the phone or better yet, email so you and they have written records of what has been done" Thank you.
Well, I just called EMSI, you can find their number on google and cancelled my services, it took about 10 minutes, now all I got to do is wait and see if they keep charging my insurance. I never had any complaints about EMSI.
After I posted my complaint in January I e-mailed EMSI, they didn't even have the decency to write me back.
After that e-mail I even received another bill for my husband & myself!
I'm going to write them again but I already see it doesn't get me any anywhere!
So with this, they can bill me to their hearts content, they will not get another dime from me or my insurance!
Our experience is that EMSI's TENS unit is good therapy [if you respond to electro-stimulation, which my wife does]. However, the company itself, EMSI, has HORRIBLE customer service, and severely OVER-CHARGES for its pads and battery packs. Also, they will send you, without notice, so-called garments [a wide belt, that holds the electrode pads], and charge you almost $500 for this. Also, the routine electrode pads & batteries are over $130 [these have a true value of about $10].
We also have military TRICARE, but there is a co-pay unless you are currently on Active Duty; my wife, as a dependent was charged about $30 in co-pay for these periodic deliveries. I called our TRICARE administrator, but they have a very casual attitude, as $100 or so is very small potatoes to them. Even if your claim TRICARE "fraud, " they will just tell you to call the company, and TRICARE will STILL PAY EMSI's bill!
EMSI will NEVER admit that you have returned ANYTHING to them, so you must trek to the Post Office, and ensure that packages have Tracking Numbers [our last packets from EMSI had USPS tracking numbers, and will show [on the USPS website] if the addressee "refuses delivery." ].
I had written to EMSI, and called them on the phone. They DO NOT respond to any calls or letters. The ONLY WAY I got them to cancel our account was to involve the Florida state Consumer Protection Agency that has jurisdiction over EMSI [you can do this on-line]. Plead your case to them, and they will force an EMSI vice-president to cancel your account [you won't get your money back, but EMSI will stop sending you over-priced/unwanted things, and billing your healthcare plan, with subsequent out-of-pocket co-pays]. Our experience is that EMSI will IGNORE letters [they will claim they never got them], phone messages [they will never respond], and still charge you for returned merchandise. EMSI is an absolutely unethical company [in our experience] that is milking the health insurance community & its clients.
They are CROOKS... bottom LINE!
Zero ethics in business and give honest healthcare providers a really bad rap!
But thanks to this message board and the numerous customers who have taken time out of their day to make those calls to Better Business Bureau and file those complaints, EMSI has come under a lot of scrutiny with the big man.
EMSI took Aetna (of Florida) to court several years ago for failure to pay their claims, upwards of 1, 000, 000. Looks like Aetna was the first of the insurance companies to catch on to their game.
I hope some of you realize that YOUR Insurance Company sets the prices.
As for supplies, you can stop anytime. You don't have to get monthly supplies
Finally, EMSI cannot collect from you, they are not affliated with collection agencies or credit reporting.
To the earlier poster, XtremeD69, and others whose replies have been putting-down those who complain about EMSI -- I'll relay my experience. Have been seeing a Dr., and receiving Phys. Therapy -- at PT sessions, have been using deep electrostimulation of a joint in my arm, which has been helping me a great deal in pain-relief. At the suggestion of one of the PTs, I thought to ask my doc for a
Rx for a TENS unit, so I can continue care at home, and hopefully progress movement, etc. I had mentioned the variable costs I'd seen, as I did research on these devices, online, earlier. When I suggested the units were reasonably priced (around $50), he immediately countered w/ comment to the effect that, "Oh, no ... the devices cost in the hundreds. . ." At that point, I'm thinking, "Really? -- whose
device? Anyway, a couple days pass and I get a call from an EMSI sales rep. She says to me "the doctor ORDERED you a unit. . . "
Much to my surprise! I had ONLY asked the doctor for a script - a generic script -- for a device, in the event I wanted to get something like that! I checked the EMSI website, and they offer virtually NO information - no specs - no prices - NOTHING on their units. Already I don't trust them b/c of that alone. I also have to wonder if "my doctor" has a vested interest in EMSI . . . will research some more. I sure hope EMSI isn't going to start sending me something, w/o my knowledge or verbal/written consent. I told the sales rep. I didn't want the dr. to order something for me -- that I'd only wanted a Rx for a device! Will let you know how it turns out.
As far as supplies, you can stop them anytime. Also, this company works with people. Finally, the unit works. Maybe it is you
Hello, My personal experience... I had an injury and my doctor rx'ed physical therapy. The physical therapist suggested I might want to try this EMSI gadget. Well two weeks of physical therapy resolved the problem. The gadget showed up on the door step after the fact. Called the 800 number to get return instructions. Their voice mail said leave a message and someone would return my call in 24 to 48 hours. No return call, I did not take further action. Then a BIG FAT bill arrived in the mail. Called again got the same voice mail, left a message. Set it aside again until a month later supplies showed up, then another bill. Called 3rd time. They answered my call said it had been greater than 60 days and it was my fault for accepting the product. They reduced the bill from a couple hundred to $159. I said they were committing fraud and had they returned my first two calls we would not be discussing 60 day policy. Still not resolved. So if you had success with this group, lucky you. The only thing I'm guilty of is... nothing.
I am writing today from a Self-Insured company in Maryland, and we have had the same issue with EMSI. We are the Workers' Comp carrier and have had horrible experience with them for years. What I have experienced is that the doctor's office and PT have these items on the shelf and will prescrbe them to our claimant. Then after the fact, EMSI tries to obtain authorization for their unit and claims "they are the only provider of this product and No substitutions". They bill a TENS unit at $1495.00, when I cam order the same thing for $50.00 or so, and the supplies they send on a monthly basis without our knowledge. I'm so glad I ran into this site, I knew something was not right with this company.
I'm thinking a class action suit would be the way to go. Have had the same issue. Billed my insurance $1566.00 for the tens that was supposed to be a couple hundred dollars. Then began sending supplies and billing our insurance over $200 a month even though we never ordered them. I contacted the Insurance commissioner in my state and my insurance company is not investigating EMSI. The doctor that provided this product is just as much to blame as EMSI. Probably getting a kick back for each one sold.
I also have had a problem with this company. Was given a tens unit by my physical therapist and told no charge to me. At the time, I was injured, on pain medication, out of work on short term disability, and didn't even know anything about EMSI. Thought it was being provided by the physical therapy company. I asked the PT if she was sure there would be no charge as I was out of work at the time and could not afford any more medical bills. She told me not to worry, no charge to me but I do need you sign this form saying you received the device. I never gave permission for anyone to obtain a prescription from my doctor beforehand or for my insurance to be billed. I never received a copy of what I signed or any paperwork except the manual in the box with the unit. Some time later (maybe a couple of weeks), to my surprise, I received a call from the EMSI sales rep. My wife answered the call and then asked if there would be any charges. The rep said no, don't worry, I've verified your insurance will pay in full for the unit. This was the first time I heard of EMSI. We made the mistake of taking his word for it. Some weeks later, I received an EOB from my insurance showing there would be a co-pay. My wife called the rep back and he gave her a number to call someone at the company. She called and was told again not to worry, our insurance would be covering it even though the EOB showed a co-pay. I understood this to mean they would accept whatever our insurance was paying as payment in full and they would not be billing me the difference. Some weeks later, I received a bill. In the mean time, I had also been receiving an envelope every month with replacement pads. When I received the first envelope I opened it not realizing what it was. I did not use any of the pads and didn't open any more of the envelopes. I was first given the unit in May and did not receive a bill until August. My wife then called and spoke to the same person at EMSI and asked if I could return the unit, and requested them to stop sending the replacement pads. She said I could return the unit and supplies but we would need a bag which they would send us to return the items in. She said it would take about a week for us to receive the bag. A week passed and no bag. My wife then called the sales rep back and he promised we would be receiving a bag within another week, which we finally did. I then went to the post office to mail everything back so I could obtain proof it had been sent. About two weeks later my wife called the same person at EMSI and was told they had received the items. It was now nearing the end of September. About a week later I received another envelope from them. My wife called again and said she was sending that envelope back and was told they would send another bag to return it in. We then received another bill from them. My wife tried to call and speak to the same person again several times. She no longer answers and has been left messages but not returned the calls. My wife then called another number, got a different person and was told we should have returned the items within 60 days! What? How was that even possible when I didn't even know I would be charged until WELL AFTER the 60 days had passed? This was the first time we heard about the 60 days. My wife the called the sales rep again and he said that was wrong, there was no 60 day return policy. This company is most definitely unethical. I am still receiving a bill every month. My question is; why would they send us a bag to return the items in, not mention a 60 day return policy, and confirm receipt of the items, and then still expect me to pay? Also, I believe in Ga if you sign an agreement you MUST be provided a copy of that agreement at the time it is signed. I will be contacting the BBB and if that doesn't resolve the issue I will file complaints with the offices of the Attorney General in the state where I live and in Florida and the FTC. I recommend anyone else who has problems with this company's deceptive business practices do the same.
I received my unit thru my physical therapist. I was told out-of-pocket expenses would only be $50 after insurance. Then I find out they are out of network and were trying to charge bc/bs $995.00 for the unit which was knocked down to $450. I can get this unit thru a chiropractor for $70.00. This is ridiculous. My friend called them and they said they would send me a bill for $50.00. I can also get the pads for a fraction of the cost thru them also. This is fraud against the insurance companies and us. Yes it helps with my pain, but give me a break. That little unit, the size of my cell phone is not worth $995.00.
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