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Enbridge Gas Distribution review: unbreakable contract 32

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12:00 am EDT
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On Jul 14, 2006 I called Enbridge Gas Company to cancel my Heating Protection Plan effective immediately. Their sale representatives transferred my call to Direct Energy Customer Service; I told her I want to cancel my plan. Direct Energy Sale Representative told me “I can’t cancel your plan; you signed up 12 months contract with us from Feb 2006 to Feb 2007. You do not get refund the money”. I told her I didn’t sign up any contract with Direct Energy. I signed up my Heating Protection Plan contract with Enbridge Gas Company since Feb 2001. I paid full year for heating protection plan. Now I want to cancel it but I don’t get refund back.

In February 2001 I signed up a Heating Protection Plan with Enbridge Gas Company. Every year I called them renewal my plan in January. Two years ago, I called them to renewal; their sales representatives told me “you don’t have to call every year, if we don’t hear from you, your heating protection plan will automatic renewal”. I said to her “it is a good idea; it saves my time to call”.

2 months ago I received a call from Direct Energy; one of their sale representatives asked me my gas bill account information. I told them I don’t have any contract or account with them, I won’t tell her my gas account information. I told her my gas company is Enbridge Gas. She told me according their record they have my account. I told her “No, I don’t”. After I hang up the phone I was curious! Next day I called Enbridge Gas Company, I asked one of their sale representatives “Why Direct Energy told me I have an account with them?” Sale Representative told me, their company distributes gas only; Heating Protection Plan is under Direct Energy. I was so shock. How come I don’t know? Why I didn’t receive any letter from Enbridge Gas Company? If I know, I will stop my heating protection plan. I don’t like to deal with Direct Energy. I never pay attention my gas bill because it was set up pre-authorized withdraws. I trust Enbridge Gas Company but they betrayed me again.

Why I said again? It was a long story. In 1997 my furnace was broken; it was a cool winter. My house was so cold without heat. I called Consumer Gas Company came to check my furnace. A technician came to check my furnace; he told me “it needed to replace a new furnace”. I told him “OK”. He called Consumer Gas to send a Sale Representative to my house for estimated. He told me “your house needs a high efficiency furnace”. I told him it is OK. Please install the new furnace as soon as possible. 2 days later they came to install the new furnace and I paid the high efficiency price. 3 years ago when I installed new windows, Window Company applied the Government Rebate Program for me. They sent someone to check my house and furnace before installed the windows. He told me “you have a medium efficiency furnace”. I replied “No, it is a high efficiency furnace.” He said “No, it is not.” He taught to me how to read medium or high efficiency. Few days later, one of my friends came to visit me. He is a licensed air conditioning technician. I asked him to check my furnace. He said, “it is a medium efficiency furnace, not high efficiency”. I was so upset. Next day I called Enbridge Gas Company, I complaint to them; he told me Gas Company has been changed to Enbridge Gas Company; they can’t do anything for me. I was so mad and upset. I thought big company wouldn’t cheat their customers; I was wrong. I trust them; but I got cheat from them.

I just want to let other consumers know, don’t 100% trust the big company. Think carefully before you sign the contract with Direct Energy or Enbridge Gas Company. It’s hard to break the contract with them.

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D. Jones
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Jan 13, 2007 7:51 am EST

I just received a renewal notice from Direct Energy. I have no contract with them, never have. I have had them harassing my at my door and had to demand that they leave. I will be reporting this to as many agencies as I can as it is fraudulent business practice. These business practices alone tell me NEVER TO DO BUSINESS WITH DIRECT ENERGY

Mary Sinclair
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Apr 10, 2007 12:07 pm EDT

Mary Sinclair
Barrie, ON L4N 4T8
Account #
Date: January 13, 2007

Customer Resolution
500 Consumers Rd.,
North York, ON M2J 1P2

To Whom It May Concern:

I am contacting you regarding a situation I had when I tried to call Direct Energy to cancel my Heating Protection Plan. I was told that I could not cancel the plan that I had signed a contract and could only cancel when I was sent a letter sometime in August asking if I’d like to cancel the service.

I asked the representative to send me a copy of the signed contract. She replied that she could not that the contract was done verbally over the phone. I then asked her to send me copies of the letter’s that where sent to me in August asking if I’d like to remain on the plan. A month later and I have received no correspondence from direct energy. I have been on the plan for approximately three years.

I informed the representative that I would no longer be paying the $19.99 that is on my Enbridge bill. I did however, pay last month because I did not have time to write this letter before the payment due date and did not want to reduced my Enbridge bill by this amount until I sent you an explanation.

I pay my bill online. My current bill is due on Jan 29th the amount due is $130.14 I will only be paying $110.15. All subsequent bill amounts will be reduced by $19.99 I will also be looking into buy a hot water tank so that direct energy does not get that business either. I will be in need of a new furnace in the very near future and I will not be purchasing one from direct energy or purchasing my natural gas from them ever, even if Enbridge does supply them.

After I had copied this letter and sent it to direct energy I received a phone call stating that everything would be taken care of. So I decided not to mail out this letter.

When I received my Enbridge bill in February I was billed $75.00 from direct energy for a furnace cleaning I NEVER RECEIVED. I am requesting that my bill be adjusted and this fee be taken off my Enbridge bill along with any other charges occurred from the heating home protection plan that was cancelled.

Enbridge should be ashamed of themselves. They bill on behalf of a company (direct energy) that is impossible to deal with. As a customer I feel I am being held hostage because I need gas to heat my home yet have been unsuccessful dealing with direct energy in the matter of my home protection plan. I now have an outstanding balance and have been told by an Enbridge representative if I don’t pay it my gas will be cut off, shame on you!

I will NOT speak with any one from Direct Energy which is why I am once again writing this letter and will be mailing it this time. I do not feel comfortable speaking with anyone from direct energy regarding this matter…the stress in the past was unbearable and not worth getting myself upset over.

I will continue to write letters until this matter is resolved.

Should you have any questions you may contact me at home.

Mary Sinclair

Robert Sposito
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Nov 06, 2007 11:57 am EST

I received this month's Hydro invoice and to my surprise, there it was, a charge from Direct Energy. Earlier this year I received a renewal notice, at that point I called and said that I absolutely did not want to renew, and I assured the contract would not renew.

Well that was a lie. Back in June my mother informed that she had been paying extra on her utility bill for Direct Energy charges which she did not consent to as well. When I contacted them on behalf of my mom, they said that the contract was renewed by phone, when I asked by who they told me it was my dad; well my father passed away January of 2005. This was disrespectful and underhanded on their part, and I caught them red handed. They refunded my mom at that point and cancelled the account immediately.

In my case, I asked that my account be cancelled and they told me they would have to investigate before they could cancel it. I asked who my lawyers would have to contact to resolve the situation and I was told that they cannot give out the contact information. I was then turned over to a supervisor who assured me that my account will be cancelled immediately, and it would take a couple of billing periods to happen. Not good enough.

As I 'm writing this, I'm patiently waiting for my lawyer to call back and see how this can be resolved quickly without anymore surprises, and also have him file a formal complain to the governing bodies.

This a reminder to be very aware when dealing with Direct Energy, anything can happen. Avoid them at all cost.

Kay Tyndall
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Dec 20, 2007 5:40 pm EST

I also refused to re-sign for gas with Direct Energy Marketing yet their charge was on my Union Gas bill at a rate much higher than Union Gas (which is why is did not re-sign). I called them in October and explained my problem. I was told that my complaint would be looked into and that someone would get back to me within 10 days. I'm still waiting. I was told at the time, that if I was incorrect and had re-signed, they would send me a copy of the paperwork I signed. They continue to harass me with telemarketers asking me to sign with them for a furnace protection plan. As if! I keep asking them to have someone call me to no avail. These people are scammers and I don't know too many people who have dealt with them who would ever deal with them again.

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Dec 27, 2007 6:07 pm EST

Hi, I just wanted to say that before you post a complaint about Enbridge or Direct Energy, make sure that you understand that they are two separate companies with no affiliation. Enbridge is a regulated utility company under the government, and Direct Energy is an unregulated service provider. The only thing they have in common is a bill, since Direct Energy has no billing system. If there is an issue with appliances, protection plans, or anything after the meter on your house, it is not an Enbridge issue, and there are no contracts for any services. Also, if someone comes to your house without an appointment saying they are from Enbridge, they most likely aren't, and they are probably gas marketers.

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Dec 27, 2007 6:10 pm EST

Unbreakable contract- Rowen Ako - learn how to ###ing speak english b4 you post on the internet.

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Jan 09, 2008 2:55 am EST

How about universal power . I just sign up today , but I really don't know verry well about the plan

the lady came to my how , tell you sign up to get rebate money for gas ( utility )
then she made application for 5 year , cost 39.9 cents/m3

if some one know , it s good idea _ Please give me advice
I can cancel the plan within 10 day

lorna ward
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Jan 18, 2008 9:14 pm EST

my advice for everybody DO NOT SIGN ANY UTILITY CONTRACTS !

lorna ward
Send a message
Jan 18, 2008 9:21 pm EST


lorna ward
Send a message
Jan 18, 2008 9:24 pm EST


Herman Newman
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Mar 19, 2008 6:03 am EDT

I recently experienced a similar problem with Direct Energy. I had signed up for Heating, Air and plumbing contract with Direct Energy almost two years ago when they promised me that if I signed up I would be given a preferred customer treatment when it came to booking appointments for furnace cleaning or plumbing repairs. Guess what? they lied. I had to wait for months to get an appointment for furnace cleaning moreover they will not service your furnace within 12 months from the last service date. I had to take time off from work on three occasions to accommodate a Direct Energy technician to show up at my door which he never did nor did anyone call me to say he was not going to show up. I finally wrote directly to the president of the company venting my frustration. This paid off as a senior executive of the company called me to apologize and I had my furnace serviced and my account was credited for $75.

Direct Energy has made some recent changes to the plumbing contract. They no longer cover for tap leaks which they had done in the past. They did not inform me of this change as such now the whole plumbing contract is worthless. I would advise people not to sign up for pluming repairs. Also, while booking appointment for repairs they would like to know technical details of the leaks and other precise details or else they say it will cost the customer $49.99 for the technician to show up at your door.
Direct Energy customers BEWARE ! This business is totally unregulated, it is about time the government takes a look at it.
To get immediate results in dealing with Direct Energy please call [protected] or [protected] to contact the top executives of the company.

I hope this helps.

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Apr 14, 2008 2:22 pm EDT

I've had bad experiences with Direct Energy as well. Never show your bills to anybody who claims to be a representative at your door. They even lied about Direct Energy being a part o Enbridge. They would make up all kinds of excuses to copy your information off your bills, such as if you don't get whatever updated it's going to appear on your next, WATCH OUT!

lorna ward
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Apr 16, 2008 6:37 pm EDT


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Apr 19, 2008 12:18 pm EDT

Direct Energy and, I'm sure other utility marketers are not any better, are a bunch of dishonest, callous, deceptive bunch of people. I've signed up in the past, but when the contract was about to expire, they kept calling to renew at a very high rate, which even I, with my limited knowledge of utility prices, knew was excessive.

Their "gas Form" had been returned "declined" well within their deadline, but not by registered mail. Of course, they did not receive it, and was unknowingly rolled into a new contract at a rate of .439 cents, double the original rate, and way above the normal rate of .26 cents or so. We realized much too late they were still acting as our provider.

We've calculated an overpayment of $400 to date, which we are trying to get back. And they have the gall to keep calling about "your hydro account". They don't know what "not interested" and "please stop calling" means.

And the one's who come at the door, that is another story. Slam the door in their face immediately, because that is all they deserve. They are there to rip you off, not to help you lower your bill! Where do they find these people to work for them?

I am sure the company will self destruct with time the way they are operating.

lorna ward
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Apr 22, 2008 6:59 pm EDT

Comsumer complaint's flooded ontario police station
forged contract's even signing dead people's name's
how disrespectful & inhumane.

lorna ward
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May 21, 2008 9:00 am EDT

Direct Energy has NO GUTS TO ANSWER THE

lorna ward
Send a message
Jun 14, 2008 3:34 pm EDT


lorna ward
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Jul 02, 2008 8:45 pm EDT

My son commited suicide over de constant harrassment.
This will haunt me forever . I found his lifeliss body this
has shattered my life forever.

Send a message
Aug 27, 2008 4:27 pm EDT

i have a problme so please help me.. and i am not used to speaking English so understanding it.

yesterday, one guy came my house and said he is coming for 3 month free gas and electriccity and for discounting my prices so i signed-up also he said he is a enbridge agent so i felt strange and said " no i dont want to do this and give me the paper " (which is contained my sign) but he was run away from me and gone.. he lied to me. what should i do?

and i sign-up with -> Residential Application for Electricity price protection plan and
Residential application for gas price protection plan. Is it going to work?

Send a message
Aug 27, 2008 4:32 pm EDT

I am sorry i didn't write one more question.
i dont want to use direct energy i mean i dont want to change!
than what do i do?

lorna ward
Send a message
Oct 11, 2008 3:01 pm EDT


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Oct 30, 2008 12:29 pm EDT

When a Direct Marketing representative came over he gave me a convincing explanation that the natural gas price is going to rise in the next few years. So I signed up to protect myself.

However upon further reflection Direct Energy is only in business if they take in more money than they refund you on. Think about it. They buy the energy and resell it for a profit. That is the bottom line to make money.

The day that natural gas prices are consistently over the protection price you have paid for they will go out of business.

If you are not signed up for a protection plan then protect yourself. Every monthly bill you pay pocket the protection price for yourself.

Like this say you pay 15 cents per M3 of natural gas. Direct energy charges 40 cents per M3 for natural gas

say in the winter you burned 800 M3 so you pay $120 if you are not with Direct energy.

With Direct Energy it will cost you $320.

take the $200 difference and save the money. Should the price rise over 40 cents per M3 then draw from your very own protection plan.

So if anyone comes over to offer you a protection plan say that you are doing it yourself. The only difference is that you are keeping the money.

As for me I am stuck in a contract with Direct Thieves and so angry at them that I am heating my house will space heaters. So far it is ok. Temperatures are hovering around 0 degrees celcius outside and my space heaters are heating the select rooms to a comfortable 20 degrees celcius.

Send a message
Dec 01, 2008 8:55 pm EST

Hi, I also have troubles with Direct Energy. I was contacted by a sales representative over the phone, and I was clear to her that I dont want to sign anything untill I receive a paper that I can read on what is the contract about and what the clauses are. I didnt receive any paper, but some messages on my phone that I need to update my adress (I didn't change it) and then phone calls which I ignored because of my limited time and being sick of "offers." Now, after 7 months a representative called me and told me my "account" shows a debt of about $1000 because I signed a contract with them over the phone for being provided with electricity. How come? I haven't seen any paper from them and I havent signed one, and I have been paying my bills to my providers, others than Direct Energy. So, I didnt receive any service from DE.
Did somebody run into the same problem? How can be resolved? Should I report this to the police or civil curt?
Thank you

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Aug 25, 2009 1:20 pm EDT

I was informed by Direst Energy if I wanted to cancel my contract with them I had to pay them off for breaking the contract that I signed. At the time that I took the contract I was barely moved into my home, I was a first time home buyer and did not know any better. The agent that convinced me to sign the plan advised me that due to the costs of gas the price will never go below this amount and that basically that they were doing me a favour by protecting me. Needless to say I am now probably paying double what I should be, now when direct engery comes to my door, i do not open it, I yell get lost I'm not interested & if you have any sense you would leave that croked company. But please, lets be honest Enbridge gas is no better, yesterday I received a disconnect on my gas bill for the minor amount of $187.33, so this morning I called the gas company and they so nicely advised that I pay by 6pm or my gas was disconnected the next day which would result in additional charges for disconnection & a security deposit...over 187.33, but you can't just pay this at the no you have to pay at Western union which costs you 15.00 to do, or you have to pay by credit card. I asked for 2 days to make the payment, the supervisor would not extend it. What happens if you don't have a credit card, which I don't. You have no other choice but to pay at Western Union. These people have no compassion at this company...none... I asked them what happens, like in my case when you have a financial crisis and that is why you don't have the money, is there a program that helps you. I was informed that they only had such programs in the logically I said so financial problems are only seasonal...people can't have money issues in the summer so the girl so kindly gave me the option of trying social assistance which obviously is not a solution as they are not going to give me money by the end of the day. Which is another thing that is funny, they tell you to make the payment by 6 pm & report it to them...but their office closes at 4 so who is going to stop the disconnect for the next day...Let's just face it...they do it cause they can and we have no choice but to comply...ever hear the saying "your stuck between a rock & a hard place".

Toronto, CA
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Dec 09, 2009 6:22 am EST

I had same problem with enbridgr before. And now I moved and need to open a new account. Enbridge charged me almost $400 more ...$327 for "Cash deposit request"; $25 for "new account charge". Is it right and legal? Can anyone gives me some ideas?
If I have choice, i will never go with Enbridge Gas...

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Jan 18, 2010 4:05 pm EST

Direct Energy is a complete scam in business. I cannot understand how they are still operating in Canada. They take some estimated payments for gas, get interest on it and then adjust your bill. They charge customers up to 500% higher prices than Enbridge per cubic meter.
Their sales representative came to my new house and introduced him as confirming my new home gas account with Enbridge. He even put “Enbridge” name on the contract. Only later I realized it was a different contract. What kind of criminal activity is that? When I call Direct Energy to cancel my contract they refused to estimate my cancellation fees.
My advice to all people and should be distributed as wide as possible, NEVER DEAL WITH DIRECT ENERGY. THEY ARE THIEVES.

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Mar 04, 2010 6:31 am EST

I had gone through the similiar experiance with direct energy. I had a 5 years heating contract with them. I was paying 23.5 cents during my contract. After 5 years, My contract was automatically renewed by direct energy at the rate of 45.5 cents. I could not cancel it. I wrote almost 15 letters to them and called them more then 30 times. Every time I called I was given a ref # but the next time no one will recognize that number. It was very difficult to deal with them. They had no contract papers ever signed by me still they were able to charge me more then double for whole year. I wrote to their ceo, md and all kind of idiots but no one ever called or did anything. Finally at the year end I mail them registerd letter, email and fax at the same time to cancel my contract. The only thing they acknowledged registered letter. By that time I had over paid them more then $ 500.00 in a year. Be care full with direct energy. Whatever contract you have with them please makes sure they do no renew it again because it be 3 times of what you initialy signed on. Once the contract is renewed you are out of luck. So please, please make a reminder somewhere on your computer, calender, phone or where ever you can see that one year renewal date is coming. Write a cancelation letter and register mail it to avoid the surprises later on. If you are not good with computer or don't have cell phone to add reminder. Just mark this contract date as if it is your birthday. You will save money and can celebrate your b, day.

Diane G-Lior, Honest Consumer
Ottawa, CA
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Aug 03, 2011 4:45 am EDT

In September last year, I enquired about a plumbing contract from Direct Energy. The phone agent told me about a special offer which was soon to expire. I had just moved into a new home in late August and their plumbing contract sounded good under the circumstances. But I had to act now as the special offer was about to expire in 24 hours. I was told that if I signed up before the offer expired, I would get my new ice-making refrigerator installed for a special $99 flat price. I had the phone agent repeat this 3 times in a conversation which was "recorded for quality purposes". On the scheduled installation day, the installer advised me that the standard installation would cost about $400. Their whole operation is a scam. I think they have a bunch of telemarketing-style phone agent trained to rip you off which ever way they can. They are nothing but lying cheating thieves getting away with robbery. I will be filling a forming complaint with Industry Canada.
I called them right back and they denied the I told the installer that that was not the deal but her insisted otherwise. However, when the installer came to install my refrigerator line (ice maker), I was told that the work would cost near $400. DirectEnergy is robbing people blind. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY OF THEIR CONTRACTS.

natalie martin
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Dec 12, 2018 7:05 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is not a complaint really. However, I have tried a number of times to get into my Enbridge account to advise that I will pay my account on Nov 30 via my banking account or credit card. Apparently, my account is locked I have told customer service I don't want to be in trouble. I could phone but I would rather inform re computer

Rene Bouchard
London, CA
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Aug 08, 2022 10:37 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Received mu final bill and paid it, now it seem they reversed my last bill and added over $625 to it, I cannot get anyone on the phone to find out Why.

Account [protected]

I have tried to get a representative on the phone but their automated system prevents that.

Tatiana Rheaume
South Porcupine, CA
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Dec 13, 2022 3:09 am EST

I used $23.18 the rest is carbon tax, transportation tax, gas supply charge, cost adjustment, whatever tax... the bill is close to $200 dollars. yet I used only $23.18. What on earth is cost adjustment tax? I called no one knows. I CONNECTED VIA CHAT AND I WAS TOLD IF WISH TO HAVE AN ANSWER I HAVE TO PAY 2 DOLLARS... Seriously...

Gordon Mcquarrie
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Mar 02, 2024 11:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Feb 21/23 - Dozens of phone calls all different numbers even when blocked,visits to my house on multiple occasions when I am not home and home.told them on the phone I was interested still made an “appointment” and just shows up and keeps calling and harassing my wife and I.

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