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CB Unauthorized Charges Review of review: 54.95 taken out of my checking account 67

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12:00 am EDT
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Woke up one morning to do my daily banking and find that i have been charged $54.95 from my checking from a company call ever private. Can cancel on the phone they say go to their website and cancel yourself!

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annette espinosa
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Jul 05, 2007 9:50 am EDT

I never received my money and money was taking out my account.

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Jul 05, 2007 8:47 pm EDT

They took my money out my account without me knowing i am very upset about this. They mess account up and do need to do something about this cause i never receive any thing from this and they also told me that couldn't receive my refund back so i am glad that ran into this web site.

Samantha S
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Jul 10, 2007 12:00 am EDT drafted 54.95 from my checking account! Luckily I caught it 2 days later and I have a great bank who actually reversed the draft as "not authorized" and re deposited the money. I have since closed that account and re opened a new one. I will never use my checking account or credit card online again!

Robert Shaw
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Jul 12, 2007 12:00 am EDT

On July 5th 2007, withdrew $54.95 from my checking account without my authorization or knowledge; causing my account to overdraft.

paul mcgrath
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Jul 12, 2007 12:00 am EDT

There was an unauthorized debit of 49.95 from my checking account. I never gave verbal or any other authorization for this transaction. According to bank records the company stated said that they received authorization to access my account and there was never any such authorization for this transaction! First of all they overdrafted my account for this unauthorized transaction costing me an additional 27 dollars.

People beware!

Keith Hatfield
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Jul 13, 2007 9:10 am EDT

This company is very hard to contact. They sent an ACH debit for $54.95. When you call the customer service number you are directed to a web site. After you put your complaint in and send they respond with a message stating your card is available and we got your information from when you applied for a pay day loan. When you again say you understand but want to have this canceled and your money refunded. They send the same message. In other words it is a blind site that most like;y just send out the same message no matter what you type in. I finally followed the advice of one of the complaints listed here and got a response that I would get a refund by check. This company is a fraud and there needs to be something done legally.

Brian Robinson
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Jul 13, 2007 1:14 pm EDT

They took money out of my account and keep sending me the same message, what can i do?

Ryland Hill
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Jul 16, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I'm pissed off about noticing that $49.95 dollars was taken out of my account I have hired a attorney and will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law if my money is not returned to my bank at New Century! I'm thanking you in advance for your expeditious reply to this most urgent message. Ryland Hill.

melissa nowell
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Jul 18, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This Company Ever So Private whatever has STOLEN the amount of $ 54.95 FROM MY CHECKING ACCOUNT as of 7-13-07 I never heard of this company nor have i have authorized the debit, and when i tried to call the # they listed as customer service is not really a number at all for they are to chicken to get on the phone with customers they stole from, only can request a refund vis email, these people have some nerve!

amanda combs
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Jul 19, 2007 7:08 am EDT

They took $49.95 from my account I was very shocked at this when finding out. I called the customer service line where i was directed to there e mail address. Does anybody know the fastest way to get my money back? I am a single mother living paycheck to paycheck now I have a negative bank account occurring overdraft charges does anyone think i would have better luck filing a fraud dispute with my bank?

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Jul 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I happened to be looking at my online banking. Well I came across a check number 9999 for 54.95. I had no idea what it was, so I checked the link and it brought up a picture of the check which appeared to be a blank check just with all of my account information, address etc. I have been just sick trying to figure out how this happened. The only thing that I can even come up with is the Imagine credit card I received in the mail. I thinking ok some how they took my information from that. I did a search and found the website. However every link on the page is broken. The only one that works if the email link. Which I did send them an email demanding my money back. I would hate to have to close my account due to this. If anyone knows of any legal information to this scam I would appreciate it.

LaSonja Johnson
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Jul 21, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I went on to my online banking to check on a payment that should have cleared but i still didn't see but i saw a payment clearing for the amount of 54.95. Called my bank to see what that was and how they were able to let them take the money out of my account. Found out that they had my information called the # that was given and nothing it tells you to go too to get with a refund but when you go there its nothing so know my account is overdrawn.

People beware!

Sidian Gokool
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Jul 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

on Tuesday June 24,2007 they took out 54.95 out of my account i have never even heard of them before how is it possible that they can do this?

David L. Helmstetter
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Jul 25, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was attempting to make a payday loan online (which I have done in the past without this happening) and a few days later when receiving my bank statement, I find a debit from the above company. This was done without my knowledge. I contacted the payday loan company that I used. I was told this has happened to their other customers before and they are working on the problem. Have also gone online and filed a complaint through an email. Was told would be contacted through a return email within 48 hours. Haven't heard anything back yet or received a refund yet... right at 48 hours today. Can you do anything to help me. Have also spoke to my bank to complain and advise them not to authorize any MORE withdrawals to this company.

Valerie Brown
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Jul 26, 2007 9:50 am EDT

this company called everprivate debited 54.95 from my account and i got their phone number from my bank and called them and it said go to there website for a refund and no satisfaction. I spoke with my bank the fraud department and they are going to credit me bank my money and they are sending me out a fraud report to fill out. Not a good company.

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Jul 27, 2007 10:39 pm EDT

This company is a total fraud and do need to be stop. what can we do about it... Help smb!

Jeff Myers
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Jul 28, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I went to my bank to try to understand why my account was negative, I did not write any checks or authorize any payments to be processed. My bank told me this company called Everprivate was debiting my account. I do not know who they are nor what they do. I am now pursuing to have them return my money!

People aware!

Magalie Abraham
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Jul 28, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Everprivate a company I heard nothing about has just withdrew $54.95 from my bank account that I did not authorize and now I am in insufficient fund hell.

What can I do about this? Please advise smb!

Mary Vaiden
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Jul 31, 2007 12:00 am EDT

This online company, whom I had never heard of, got hold of my checking account because I was stupidly applying for payday loans. However, I NEVER applied to anyone named Everprivate. These people took (4) $59.95 charges from my checking account, (1) $49.95, (1) $29.95.

They have caused me almost $1000 overage in my checking account. Combine the fraudulent charges that they applied to my checking account, all the overdraft charges, and then more negative charges because of what they did. My account is -$1101.00 because of these people.

My bank's security called these people and they swore that I had authorized the charges they placed against my account. As a result my bank cannot refund these charges and all the NSFs that they caused.

If someone can help me, please do so.

Thank you,
Mary Vaiden

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Aug 04, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I have read the many complaints here, and I have the same. I was trying to get a payday advance and the next day, this money was taken out of my account. I have held steady with the company to get my money back. I have confirmation from them that my check will be here within 10 days. If that happens, I will let everyone know. My advice, send them numerous emails, but be polite. I was just as mad about the money coming out and me being charged an NSF but I was polite with them and after two days, got another message saying it will be here in 10 days. I will keep you all updated. What a scam... I am sorry to everyone that we all got scammed in this way. How sad this world is coming to!

Joanne D
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Aug 09, 2007 4:26 pm EDT

You can actually make a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. You would have to go to because the company is based out of Los Angeles. Their rating is an F with the Better Business Bureau.

I was lucky, they charged me $59.95 twice but my bank is refunding the money. They knew exactly who they were when I called. The bank also told me to close this account and open a new one. I have to go into the branch to do that though. And I will.

Hopefully this helps you and anyone else who has dealt with this company.

Veronica Wallace
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Aug 10, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I recently applied for a payday loan and my account was debited by EverPrivate for $54.95 without my permission. They informed me that I made the transaction even though it was not authorized by me. The insist that I may have clicked on something that gave them permission to debit my account. I was unable to speak to a rep just a recording giving me an email address to contact customer service. I ask for a full refund and I wanted the IP address that they said I used. I did get a check for the amount my account was debited but they never provided for me the IP address they informed I used. I was told that I was debited for a credit card that I never received or asked for.

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Aug 27, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Why me? I do not appreciate this at all. Who gave them authority to try and take money out my account they are bogus.

laverne henderson
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Sep 04, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I was told by e-mail that i would receive my refund 10 days after the 7th of august as of sept. 4th i have not received a refund or any word as to when i will receive my $54 and some cent.

Deborah Beswick
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Sep 05, 2007 12:00 am EDT

Got a hold of my checking account number, withdrew $54.95. Tried to pretend I somehow authorized it, never sent the card, sent a bad refund check that was physically cut through so the numbers wouldn't clear, then canceled the check at the company level. They cost me a fortune in check charges too and a bad relationship with The Bank of America so I couldn't trust them to help me in a fraud situation and I closed the account and in the process they cost me severe credit damages in on my credit report claiming I owned them a deficit of $79.95. I think them went out of business because I can't get them to answer me either for a replacement refund check.

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Sep 06, 2007 12:00 am EDT

One day I called to check my account balance and however mysteriously 49.95 was taken out of my account without my authorization! I did not agree of any money to be taken out of my account for an payday loan. So everyone who apply for a loan be careful to who you give you information to cause it may also be an scammm. However I can say I learned my lesson for applying for anything over the internet. My advice to everyone who reads this message everything isn't always secure and to apply for your loans in person at any check cashing mart or money mart cause I would hate for this to happen to anyone else.


Staples, US
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Sep 20, 2007 12:00 am EDT

My bank contacted me in regards to a electronic withdrawal from my acct. I had them do some checking and, they found this company took money out of my account without my knowledge. I have never heard of them before... I want my money...