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Fox TV review: Too many commercials 144

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3:01 pm EDT
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Although my friends and I enjoy fox and friends there are too many commercials so we are thinking of changing to another station. It is just unbearable — three minutes of news and five minutes of commercials ever few minutes. What happened. Maybe it is just the west palm area and the local station.

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Wyoming, US
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Jun 22, 2010 3:45 pm EDT
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I wouldn't waste my time listening to that one sided news channel if it were the last one on earth

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Oct 29, 2019 6:32 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of captnk

What? So you think that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC provide viewers with one sided news? Give me a break. Plus, every other magazines or other writers. All of these stations are all SUPER LIBERAL! They all hate our President so much! Whether you like Trump or not, remember he is not a Politician! I think Trump is the greatest President that we have ever had! He has accomplished so many great things and has deregulated so many liberal rules!

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Jun 22, 2010 11:38 pm EDT

While I do not watch Fox news at anytime, I can assure you that this is true of all stations. It's the way they make their money.

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Aug 04, 2011 12:50 am EDT

They are no more one-sided than the other ten lefty networks...but way too mank ads...can't get any news for the ads...anywhere...

Loyal viewer 12 years but unhappy!
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Oct 20, 2014 1:10 pm EDT

The amount and frequency of commercials have become excessive. I have been a loyal viewer for 12 years of FOX NEWS but I don't like the frequency of commercials. Suggestion: Show the commercials on the quarter hour only that leaves more time for the NEWS and that it what I want to watch. Fox is loosing viewers' because of the amount and frequency of commercials. Fox management if you care about your viewers give us a break and reduce the commercials. I have already reduced the amount of time I watch Fox News because of the commercials.

Don Holland
Charlottesville, US
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Mar 12, 2015 9:37 am EDT

I've watched Fox news since its inception. I stopped watching Fox & Friends when they hired Elizabeth & started having too many commercials. She's the worst & they lost Alison C. because of that hire. I now watch Morning Joe on MSNBC, too liberal but at least they don't have commercials every 4-5 minutes Fox & discuss the news. Just way too many commercials on Fox news. If there is a Fox News program I want to see I DVR it for 20 minutes & fast forward thru the commercials.

Lawrenceville, US
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May 13, 2015 2:16 pm EDT
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I rely on Fox News for the truth about what is happening in the world. However, I am perturbed by the excessive number of interruptions for commercials. I don't know if that is the case on other channels (I've stopped watching the left-wing media), but the impression one gets is that selling time is more important than reporting the news. Being the channel surfer that I tend to be, I'm finding too often that when I land on Fox News Channel there is a commercial in progress, and I just move on to reruns of Superman, the next-most truthful program on TV.

Patricia Wald
Gardena, US
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May 29, 2015 9:18 pm EDT

I been watching Fox News for yrs. Lately it seems every 10 min there's commercials. I am getting sick and tired of it... I have even switch to msnbc and that desperate for me. Fox if u want to keep your viewers happy cut all these commercials!

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Aug 25, 2015 1:25 am EDT
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It has become so bad, that I consider it unwatchable. So I have stopped tuning in to Fox altogether. I skim the online version using Ad-block, Blur and Ghostery installed in my browser, because it's bad there too - but at least I don't have to keep hitting the "fast foreward" button on my remote any more. You guys had better learn to screen your ads and create an enjoyable experience for viewers or you will have no-one to blame but yourselves for revenue loss. Technology is coming by day and by night to make the same headway that we have on the internet avoiding ads completely, so you better act fast.

Don Holland
Charlottesville, US
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Oct 21, 2015 10:49 pm EDT

I use to watch Fox & Friends, but now (shock!), I watch MSNBC's Morning Joe. Yes, they are liberal but at least they discuss the issues. F&F have way too many commercials, have people on that shouldn't be (the kid who go in trouble at school who made a gun out of a piece of bread, he just sat there). Its not only F&F but every program. One of the worst is Special Report (SR). More than several times, they come back for a minute & then have a another commercial. What I do is DVR SR for 20 minutes then tune in & FF the commercials. Don't get me started.

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Mar 07, 2016 4:12 pm EST

It's even worse when you factor in all the teasers. They spend way more time telling me they are going to tell me something than they spend telling me. Seldom watch it anymore even though I prefer it to CNN.

Fireman Bob
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Mar 13, 2016 7:26 am EDT

I too was a fan of Fox News until all the commercials. I can't even view videos on their site without having to watch a Commercial for each and every video. Just ridiculous. Changing channels. Click.

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Jun 01, 2016 9:52 am EDT
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I work at my computer a lot during most days so I go to Fox for quick up dates. There is indeed a commercial at the beginning of each video. That in and of itself does not disturb me; however, the Adobe commercial depicting two hikers walking along a trail when one is bitten by a snake, and the other is trying to access a page with first aid information, but can not before the poison does its damage all because he can't get past the commercial, which brings me to my point. if you are going to place that one single commercial before most of your videos, the least you can do is have Adobe place a "Skip this add" box 5 seconds into the add so I don't have to mute the sound and do something else while the commercial drones on. In the very least reduce the number Adobe adds attached to your videos.

Thank you.

Joel Casas
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Jun 15, 2016 4:26 pm EDT

I first began watching the Fox News Channel on cable tv through AT&T UVERSE. I really enjoy their news format along with the fact that they will cover the news from all angles unlike the liberal socialist main stream news networks. However, it seems that within the last year or so, they've begun running way too many product commercials. It's become extremely annoying. I am in the process of looking for another "hard news" objective news channel to watch and listen to. It's bad enough that I also have a Sirius -XM subscription in my automobile and also listen to FNC on Channel 114, however, once again, there are too many commercials ad nauseum!

Gregory K
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Sep 15, 2016 10:53 pm EDT

I am certain Fox News has more commercials than CNN, Headline News, and MSNBC. I have timed each channel and for every 4 minutes of news on Fox you get 2 minutes of commercials. And even then, part of the 4 minutes is bumper music and cartoons. And Fox can do this because they are the highest rated channel on cable. So they jam down your throat relentless commercial after commercial. I would like a little news with my commercials. I am fed up and moving to CNN. If enough people leave they will have to reduce the number of commercials, but as long as they are on top, they are going to continue.

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Jan 13, 2017 2:59 pm EST

I am the rare liberal who will check in on FOX each day to see what their covering and saying. But it is hard to do because whenever I flip over they're in commercial, and this is not on the hour, quarter or half because that's a complete waste of time. Yet still I almost always find ads!

WithHope InFl
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Apr 18, 2017 8:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of cuchulain9

I try to do the same thing with MSNC and CNN . . . keep your enemies closer . . . . problem is that, basically, all of the Nets, including CBS, NBC, ext. run on the same schedule for commercial breaks . . . might vary by a couple of minutes but not often.
Only one I have found the seems to be on it's own schedule is HLN. Problem is that they don't carry a ;ot of hard news.

Bryan Anderson
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Feb 09, 2017 12:32 am EST

I only dvr and fast forward anymore

Art Suriano
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Apr 17, 2017 7:47 am EDT

Agreed. That is the only solution. Eventually, if everyone does it, advertisers may start to realize they're wasting their money. Then perhaps Fox and all the other networks will come back to reality. Of course talent will also have to come to reality and accept huge pay cuts. Is O'Reilly really worth $20 million a year? Airing too many commercials is driving more and more viewers to Netflix and other subscription sites.

WithHope InFl
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Apr 18, 2017 8:54 pm EDT

Not sure that this really works to affect ratings. The rating services that include "cable data" probably count you as "watching" whichever way that you "watch".

Parick Cole
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Jun 29, 2017 9:53 pm EDT

3 minutes of news 5 minutes of commercials totally ridiculous will stop watching how greedy can you be

Jim Cochell
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Jul 12, 2017 10:24 am EDT
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The excessive number of advertisers and the frequency is over the top. If fox news is so poor requiring them to generate huge amounts of revenue through its audience, then it is not worth watching. We are tired of the ADVERTISING and its intrusiveness, the time wasting and ridiculous redundancy. The Commercials replay over and over and over and consume an average of 26 minutes per hour. Since O'Reilly left with his bloated head, Fox lost many of their loyal advertisers so now at view expense they took on many lower revenue producing companies. Now FOX is filling its shows with massive over bloated promotions. I am asking that our service provide put an ad blocking service on all Fox News. They should be able to put some other service in place while all the ads and being played. A good replacement is music, history videos, local news, other things of interest such as congressional hearings. Anything would be better than wasting the publics time with the bloated advertising. We pay enough for our cable service already and to have a network cram advertising down the throats of the viewership is plainly stealing from we the viewers. WE are paying for NEWS NOT ADVERTISING. If Fox cannot provide what people want then I call for a boycott until the advertising is pared down to a respectable level. One ad per 20 minutes of news is acceptable and the ad should not be more than two minutes in length.

Donald Walls
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Aug 19, 2017 7:19 am EDT

News is free. Use cheaper reporters and just give us the news more commercial then FX!

Pain In The Ass
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Oct 27, 2017 1:30 pm EDT

Already sick of the Daily white house briefings every afternoon at the 2:00 PM hour. And other news confreneces! I could always do with out that! If that isn't enough I'am sick of the God awful commericals. Always that newday usa
commericals three times with in the same hour. Lear Capttical Gold commerical usually the first one on. Can't stand Shepard Smith wish Fox would get rid of him! Haven't missed Megan Kelly one bit!

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Apr 30, 2018 3:06 pm EDT

I watch Fox daily, but the frequency of commercials is over the top and I find my self shutting the TV off in frustration. It seems like any time I tune in ( random times) there are at least 4 commercials to watch before the news come on briefly before the next set of commercials.

Hopefully and dismayed
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Aug 07, 2018 5:44 am EDT

Herman from NY:
I agree it is so noticeable I switch to fox business at least they have less commercials.

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Oct 23, 2018 4:14 pm EDT
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I DEFINITELY AGREE with you! I cannot stand Shepard Smith, he obviously does NOT support President Trump! He should be on the FAKE NEWS networks & is really a "black eye" for Fox News! Shep doesn't know what he is talking about most of the time as he inserts his own personal's NOT NEWSWORTHY & he is very out of touch and out of place for FOX, bringing them down...his ship has sailed LONG AGO! The late-afternoon/evening Fox News is my favorite time to watch! The best people are on at that time & I can relate to their astute views & research! IT's time for shephard smith to step down...There was also a brunette, short-haired girl, that worked at the White House, whom shep interviewed today. I was not impressed with her comments either! President Trump & Melania should FIRE HER! I don't believe ANYBODY should be working in the Whitehouse if they do not support President Trump or his family residing there.

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Feb 07, 2019 7:18 pm EST
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I looked up this topic and found this page but I seriously doubt Fox will see it or even care, but it's GETTING RIDICULOUS!
Waaaay too many commercials and segways saying "coming up after this break", then another 5 minutes of commercials. Sickening. Maybe this is how they're so wealthy all these sponsors. I think the Laura Ingraham show has the least commercials of all possibly. Don't even start about Hannity, it's out of control with the commercials but they're paid millions and millions. I'm getting like so many others and just going online for the news while watching something else on TV.
Oh and btw if you all didn't know, Fox News isn't even really "conservative" anymore. Do your research into the Murdocks sons that took over and the wives. And we all know most women run the house. This network is getting more Liberal by the day. Explains alot why Shep Smith can say what he wants and smirk and smart off about Trump for a full hour like the little smart-a** he his. Trump would b**** slap him in a second. Anyway, Fox if your reading, STOP WITH THE ENDLESS COMMERCIALS!

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Mar 08, 2019 6:04 pm EST

The commercials on Fox News have become unbearable, all the annoying 'My Pillow' and pharmaceutical ones especially, the same ones over and over, some are at least a couple years old. I swear it is 3 minutes of news then 5 minutes of ads. I find myself constantly carrying the remote so I can mute them as they drive me up the wall. I used to leave FNC on for background noise, not any more because of all the relentless commercials. I also find myself watching other alternatives and only a handful of favorite Fox News programs now because of it and when I do, I make sure I have the mute button handy as I mentioned before.

Knoxville, Tennessee, US
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Jan 31, 2022 4:46 pm EST
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Replying to comment of phg1

The only reason my pillow guy is still alive is because murder is illegal.i recently spent time with relatives and their guest room had one of those execrable things. In the night I got a couple of towels to use as a pillow and stomped that thing onto the carpet.

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Sep 15, 2019 9:42 am EDT

I cannot agree more! I find myself more often changing channels due to the excessive amount of commercials. It is unbearable. It drives me crazy when they have a guest and you can see Steve Doocy's leg twitching because the guest is talking and he has to go to a commercial. God forbid the guest can have time to make his/her point. As I am writing this I just turned FOX off due to commercial after commercial.

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Oct 01, 2019 2:57 am EDT

I'm so glad I'm not the only one.
Fox news viewer for years, but lately it's been 5 minutes of news and 5 minutes of commercials.
They need to get a grip. No network should be allowed to have more than 15% of every hour total in commercials.

Paul Bedard
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Oct 04, 2019 2:07 pm EDT

They have to pay their teleprompter readers million dollar salaries! Hannity alone is paid 20 million a year! The hypocrite makes me laugh when he says he loves to shop at Walmart to save money! And I'm tired of hearing how he worked construction, hanged wallpaper and his mother did 16 hour shifts as a prison guard! And his terrible Russian accent when Schiff was talking to a Russian spy about naked pictures of Trump! And lastly, always interupting his guests! I don't watch him anymore!

Knoxville, Tennessee, US
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Jan 31, 2022 4:41 pm EST
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I knew Hannidy when he was a 2 bit drive-time talk radio host in Atlanta. He was an empty skull numbers then and he's only gotten worse.

The only one I'm interested in is Tucker Carlson and I can now watch him on the net, I canceled Dish last week. Good riddance.

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Oct 29, 2019 6:42 pm EDT
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I am a fan of FOX News, at least they are more fair. However, the amount of commercials must be 50% or more of the 60 minutes! The hosts always interrupts everyone. You can always hear it in their voice when ever an interview is happening! You always hear them say...yes, I know...yes, yes... Sorry, but we are out of time. Why don't they have less Segments and STOP always interrupting every conversation? They also always say, "Great to see you"! Such a phony statement!

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Jan 27, 2020 4:03 pm EST

It's all over TV, not just one channel or broadcast. I just cancelled my sat service because I was basically paying for commercials and ads. They have even extended 30 minute programs to 31-35 minutes just to cram more junk ads into the program. 90 minute movies are running for 2 1/2 hours for the same reason.
Add to that the social B.S. playing on TV these days and I'm done. And I actually feel relieved.

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Sep 22, 2020 7:34 am EDT

The adverts are unbearable especially those my pillow ads. That guy is so annoying. I cannot ever watch it on cable because of ads. Even my DVR with Spectrum having to fast forward every few minutes is unbearable.

I found the fix is to watch through either Apple TV, Roku, or Amazon Fire or Fox The regular advertisers, especially "My Pillow" guy does not advertise there. Most of the time there is silence with a place cart saying they will be right back in silence that can last up to 7 minutes, I counted, but at least you can usually play a whole song sometimes two between segments. I have my iPad connected to Sonos qued to play when ads start. I can sometime many song during one hour of a Fox News program which is very enjoyable.

Of the advertising shown on these steaming boxes they are controlled separately and are much better adverts. Many of the companies banning Fox News on cable are still advertising through Apple TV, Roku, etc.

I hope that helps.

Rapid Rabbit
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Nov 12, 2021 8:50 pm EST

Ads are increasing in time on radio as well with the show host now doing them in addition to the regular "We'll be right back" breaks. It's gotten so bad that I installed a mute switch on the side of my cc radio.

Lancaster, PA, US
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Jan 12, 2023 12:19 pm EST
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I won’t watch his commercials, I’ll mute Fox or switch to MSNBC for laughs.


You’re making FOX NEWS unbearable.

He must be a Woke in disguise.

I can’t stand that Shill !

Jennifer Cutting
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Apr 10, 2021 1:50 pm EDT

Someone stated in their comment that FOX news has become unwatchable. That’s the same word I use for it.
I’ve been watching Fox for years and lately I don’t turn on any news at all. What deters me is that this country is going 3rd world which is so distressing to watch AND the commercials are so formidable. I’ve witnessed 3 minutes of content followed by 5 minutes of ads. There should be some kind of legal guideline to regulate (I know, a liberal concept) the ratio of content to ads. Greed greed greed until we all tune in elsewhere.

Jennifer Cutting
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Aug 23, 2021 2:06 am EDT

Update: still getting worse. Tonight they played a commercial 5 times in succession followed by two in Spanish!
I got my stopwatch out. 5:46 minutes of program followed by 4:47minutes of commercials. Shame on you, FOX.

Lancaster, PA, US
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Jan 12, 2023 12:21 pm EST
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They’re going to start loosing viewers, including me.

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Jan 23, 2022 1:14 am EST

Fox News, try listening to a radio program online and it’s even worse. You get 10 minutes of a show then on comes the Fox News commercials for 10 minutes and when you think the segment is over, they come back again with another 10 minutes of so-called news and then back to the program you want to listen to. Try listening to various stations worldwide and they all play the same commercials for news, very annoying.

La Porte City, US
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Jan 31, 2022 12:21 pm EST

I'm BEGGING you...NO MORE Balance of Nature, Relief Factor, Relaxium or My Pillow commercials. I'm to the point where I can't watch Fox News due to the relentless pushing of these commercials...especially BON...stop it!

La Porte City, US
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Jan 31, 2022 12:24 pm EST

I'm BEGGING you...NO MORE Balance of Nature, Relief Factor, Relaxium or My Pillow commercials. I can barely watch Fox News anymore due to the relentless airing of these commercials, especially BON.

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Feb 27, 2022 3:26 pm EST
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Replying to comment of PJinIA

Today the commercials are even worse on Fox News. I guess they're compensating, making up for, all the television coverage regarding our recent political situation. I'm talking about commercials commercials all day long!

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Feb 27, 2022 3:27 pm EST
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Replying to comment of PJinIA

Now MSNBC is airing the BON commercials. It's like a cancer that's spreading!

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Feb 01, 2022 2:13 pm EST
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Fox Cable News. My favorite shows are Outnumbered, The Five, and now Jesse Watters. But the commercials! Literally, a one-hour show is reduced to 30 minutes because of the same commercials over and over and over. Mixed vegetables in a small vitamin bottle? Eat a salad, for goodness sake!

I wind up pre-recording shows and then fast-forwarding through the many commercials that are redundant, which is costing me money in AA batteries that aren't cheap.

Please, post this comment, I tried to post it the other day, and it never showed up. This is a legitimate complaint. Also, some commercials are biased in ways I won't describe but I'm sure you hear about that too.

One, because of the time constraints that the commercials provide, the hosts of the shows often seemed rushed to get the guest speaker whose in the process of making a valid point off of the air because... you guessed it... another commercial!

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Feb 08, 2022 12:40 pm EST
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It's me again. I'm watching Outnumbered. Same repetitive commercials.

By the way? I take back my opinion of Jesse Watters' new show, originally I said I liked it. While I enjoy Watters on The Five, his recent show is juvenile with its sense of humor and clips from comedies from old movies, so I stopped viewing it after one week. The commercial-laden show is short enough already, so the clips are a waste of airtime.

Back to Outnumbered and the commercials. I've noticed that hosts Kayleigh and Emily talk real, real fast today. The shorter the show becomes, the quicker their tongues move. What a workout their beautiful faces must receive!

Daniel Flinn
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Mar 19, 2022 10:22 pm EDT

What gets me is that we are paying extra just to get Fox news. I am so sick of Balance of Nature and Relief Factor, both of which are ridiculously expensive food supplements that make outrageous claims that are not verified. I'm wearing out my mute button.

Valley View Sue
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Mar 02, 2022 7:53 am EST

I feel exactly the same way. I’ve changed to getting my news off of YouTube. Plus, I feel I get unfiltered news.

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Mar 02, 2022 5:42 pm EST
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I’m watching The Five right now. If anyone else as sick as I am watching Greg Gutfeld fake laugh during these stressful political times? It’s agonizing to watch him.

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Mar 09, 2022 5:33 pm EST
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Greg Gutfeld just made some comment on The Five about Kamala Harris and how her laugh would translate in Polish. I wonder how HIS laugh would translate in Polish. Probably the same way it does here and elsewhere, fake. The guy is just not funny during these stressful political times. In fact he’s not funny at all. Greg Gutfeld’s humor is forced and irrelevant.

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Mar 15, 2022 5:38 pm EDT
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A person can push the "down" button on my post all they want and it keeps calculating downward. I don't care. Greg Gutfeld is NOT FUNNY, his humor and horse-teeth laughter is inappropriate. There he is right now, fake laughing again; meanwhile, his foot is twitching a mile a minute as usual, because Greg Gutfeld is a nervous wreck.

Sarah Wolten
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Apr 04, 2023 8:54 am EDT
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What the hell is wrong with the way someone laughs or expressed him/herself? Isn't this a free country!?


Let's get back to actually listening and stepping forward abs reaching out to help one another. God knows we all need help and Him. (God).

Longmont, US
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Mar 09, 2022 8:00 pm EST

i too enjoy fox news but in recent times there are so many ads that i cannot actually find the information on the page. ads up over articles and such. it is overwellming. i added a basic ad blocker and now fox puts up a window for me to cancel and make it so i have to accept the ads or i cannot get rid of the window. this is too much and i will find other news to follow. bad job FOX NEWS

Paul Laine
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Feb 20, 2023 7:09 am EST
Replying to comment of sab5280

Soooooo sick of alll Fox commercials!

Dropped AT&T cell ph srvc, INTERNET and now there streaming — and FOX IS NEXT!

I am UNWILLING to subject myself—or

my conservative family—to SOO

MANY STINKIN’ commercials! Only soo many years in our lives, to be pummeled OVER & OVER AGAIN BY NOTHING BUT THESE DAMN COMMERCIALS—WE ARE DONE!

Sarah Wolten
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Apr 04, 2023 8:55 am EDT
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Replying to comment of Paul Laine

I hear ya. Too many abs it can't help sales it only upsets the buyer. 😁

Raleigh, US
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Mar 09, 2022 8:36 pm EST
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Wayyyyyy too many balance of nature commercials on Fox News….. Actually makes me NOT want to buy the product because it’s so annoying!’

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Mar 09, 2022 8:49 pm EST
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Replying to comment of MaryEW

Not only that, but I did some googling, and BorN is expensive! I guess the only way they can sell the stuff is by trying to jam it down our unwilling throats.

Rich S
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Mar 14, 2022 10:59 am EDT
Replying to comment of MaryEW

You are correct. The one thing over the many years of listening to conservative talk is that they are cheapened by selling trashy products. In one breath they talk about a serious topic and make common sense. In the next breath, they become carnival hucksters selling snake oil.

Marshall Valdez
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Mar 17, 2022 7:23 am EDT

I’ve watched my last fox news report on my iphone - too many adds you can’t skip - bad decision on their part - too bad!

Dayton, US
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Mar 23, 2022 11:18 am EDT

The commercials also seem to cut off the news feed. Carvana is driving me commercials in a row. Then when the news comes back on, they're already halfway through the segment. That's not what I call, "live TV".

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