I ordered two coats from the website www.freebuy.com. I paid via Western Union, and I waited several weeks before the seller sent me the tracking number. I tried to check it, but it turned out that it was invalid. The order arrived after 1, 5 months. And the sleeves of the coats were so short and it looked horrible. I sent emails to the seller, and they promised refund. But I still haven’t received it, as well as the seller stopped to answer my emails. It might be a good idea, if people left their opinions about this website.
Bought over $200 in merchandise didn't receive my items this is now 5 months later, I called and the lady left me on the phone, didn't answer after that. I didn't get any tracking number as promised. As for the comments they only put up the ones they choose. I would advise anyone not to order from this site. I am also reporting the site for fraud
Yes this place is a fraud. And I think we should go beyond just posting complaints here. I am reporting this man's name and his company to Western Union and Money Graham as a fraud company. We need to stop these people from receiving other people hard earn cash. Please make you complaint to the relevant authorities because the more complaints they get the sooner they will take action. I hope they put his name on a stop list and anyone who tries to send money to his name will not be able to. These people claim to be selling thousands of products online through their website Freebuy123.ru It hurts my heart that some innocent person can get scammed out of thousands of dollars. I am a retail seller and I bought two items just to try out their products to see if I wanted to invest more money and sell their items. I am a struggling single mom and trying to raise money to send my son to college. I hate scammers and they all should rot it hell. or get knocked down by a big truck. God forgive me, but I am here trying to do whats right by you and my son and it is not right the devil-minded people get away with this.