Freedom Mobile Negligence Freedom Mobile through their negligence allowed a sim swap to happen to my account. I was robbed of my identity. The person that was given access to my identity through Freedom Mobile deactivating my SIM card without any prior notice, then giving a new SIM card replacement to a unknown person at one of their locations. This unknown person was able to gain access to all my personal information that I have on my phone. My bank accounts and Coinbase wallet was hacked. I have suffered a financial loss along with my identity. The unknown person used my stolen identity to create other fraudulent accounts in my name. Freedom does not stand behind their customer privacy policies. They will not accept any responsibility for their negligence. If you value your Identity, remember freedom mobile has allowed 1.5 million customers information to be leaked do to their lack of protection customers privacy information from web access. So now this customer account information is being used against their own customers to be robbed and have their identity stolen like me. They will not take responsibility or protect your identity or account. Do a search for Freedom Mobile hacked accounts.
Claimed loss: $140,000
Desired outcome: I just want my stolen money refunded by Freedom over their negligence.
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