I purchases a Biella 50 Scooter and when it arrived it had been poorly boxed and had came loose in shipping.
The Front tire was damaged and needed replaced. My Wife called the company and tried to talk to someone about it. They transfered her back and forth promised to return her call and then would not answer the phone again when she called. NO SERVICE. I called from another phone and got through to Cody the Sales Manager i assume and asked him about a sale and service afterwards after that i proceeded to tell him about our purchase, he transfered me to Matt (Parts) and after 15 min with matt he agreed to send a tire, but it was a Black wall NOT a white wall like what came on the scooter and he said " well thats all i have, take it or leave it "
on the 1st day of riding the scooter had problems, it was taken to the local scooter store and they had to re-jet the carb just to make it run and said that may run ok for a while but the carb was not good.
within the week the scooter had left my daughter stranded on the side of the road more than once.
back to The local scooter shop once again and they Replaced the Carburator.
In the meanwhile i had called greanearthscooters to get a carburator replacement and that was like pulling chickens teeth. PLUS i was expected to pay shipping on the part and pay for someone to install it.
They have made No effort to make this right at all.
The company is all about selling and - 0 - support afterwards. As i google the company i see many of the
same complaints its a shame a company like this is allowed to continue to rip off the public.
I, too purchased on-line a scooter from them and have been very disappointed for the following reasons: the tires were defective and i had to replace them, the scooter(Venice-150) arrived with cracks on the plastic panels, they had promised to sent me replacement parts and for months, nothing.the steering lock was'nt functioning and had to be fixed by my mechanic. now i can hear rattling and the kick starter skips and does'nt work properly. One can only guess what next.I'm worried that I will constantly have problems along the way.No support from the company and I do not know from where I can order parts for it. I plan to remove all the plastic panels and check the screws.It also started to leak gasoline so i must check the lines.Unbelievable! next time i'll save up and buy a vespa!
Just recently i purchased a Biella 50 2012 scooter and called the company to inquire about the lack of pep/speed when you go up a slight incline. I left a message 2 times and thus far no one has returned my call. I will make another attempt to contact Green earth scooters. Hopefully this isn't a defective carborator.
wells i have not had any problems out of my new 2013 biella 150 cc scooter yet other than the first ten miles the headlight bulb went out .. but i have installed better lights in front an underneath the scooter for better passer by vision .. also i broke my bike completely down before riding it ... inspected every screw every line ..because come on people we bought cheap... but i run the best product i can get .. in this i mean better oil ..royal purple 12 $ a quart ... but it only holds 1.. also better spark plug ..also boat fuel meaning non etythnol gas ... an same with rear end fluid... purple power .. i"ve had my scooter only 3 weeks but me an my wife have put over 1100 miles on it yes one thousand one hundred miles of just out having fun .. i often inspect bolts an fluids because like i said before its a cheap chinese scooter but just like any thing take care it will last .. i also read entire book an followed instructions an break in rules to the T SO IM SORRY IF YALL HAVE HAD A BAD RUN WITHYOURS BUT SO FAR I LOVE MINE AN THERE ARE A TON OF PLACES TO GET PARTS ONE IS ATVSCOOTERSTORE.COM i also alone have gotte my 150 cc up to 75 mph no tweaking to the motor has been made either it started going faster after 500 miles after break in period was up i believe i owe that to the great products im using ...