I understand District Court for violation of laws is scheduled for October 17, 2011. Do we really want someone who does not uphold the law in office and some who calls himself, [protected]@hotmail.com.? Isn't there enough corruption? Do we want a politician who chooses not to work to obtain free services from legal aid to defeat legitimate claims? How does Greg support his children? Please review the posted emails from Americans for Legal Reform and their chief paralegal Rosanne M. Rousseau who obtains clients, gets paid and practices law without a license on other sites with the knowledge and consent of Greg Fisher and you decide if you want someone who condones the unauthorized practice of law in office.
"RE: Would you please help a non-lawyer get elected? FROM: Rosanne M. Rousseau (chief paralegal at Americans for legal reform)
TO: [protected]@hotmail.com
Monday, September 12, 2011 5:24 AM
You delusional crazy person--- I told you to LOSE my e-mail contact.
God help everyone if you are EVER elected for anything (I'm confident that you've shown yourself to be so narcissist NUTS that you never would be!)
You do NOTHING for anyone. In your delusional world, everything is always about you. NOBODY cares about what YOU want for YOURSELF!
(even your e-mail address illustrates how FULL of your crazy self you are! You are SO far from "perfect" that it's pathetic!)
Rosanne M. Rousseau, B.S., J.D. [protected]@hotmail.com
From: [protected]@hotmail.com
To: [protected]@msn.com
Subject: Would you please help a non-lawyer get elected?
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 17:20:43 -0400
Dear Carl & ALR Members/Supporters
In keeping with ALR goals, I am running a race versus 2 lawyers. Both of these lawyers are also incumbents: one is currently in office and the other is a retread who lost 2 years ago (and for good reason).
Anyone interested in helping? Tuesday is the primary and I am up against the retread.
Would you please help me drop literature to voters on Monday?
On Primary Day, Tuesday, would you please call voters to get them out to vote?
(Some of our older voters may also need rides setup.)
I am running with Ruth Pollack (the Whistleblower) who is the only female board candidates on a slate of 8!
What a rotten deal that is! Any help is certainly appreciated. Would you please call with help?
Greg Fischer, Future Supervisor, Town of Riverhead, NY?"
Greg Fischer has also tried to politically influence private cases on behalf of Americans 4 legal reform. Since Americans 4 legal reform is an organizations that engages in abuse on a regular basis, there is no reason to believe Greg Fischer's "organization" to help parents wrongfully accused of abuse is legitimate, rather it may be a subterfuge to assist parents in defeating legitimate charges of abuse. It is obvious that Americans 4 legal reform is involved with Greg. Lets get good decent family people into politics! If Greg does not work, and needs legal aid for his criminal matter, how does he support his children?
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
For further information on Gregory Fischer, Suffolk County District Court, 400 Carleton Avenue, Central Islip, NY 11722 WEB CRIMS Dockets : 2009 SU003589, 2009 SU3590. Why has his case been adjourned for 2 1/2 years and why is it on October 17, 2011? The Courtroom is full of Americans 4 Legal reform observers? Is this the reason? Didn't Carl Lanzisera (Americans 4 Legal Reform) have problems with the stock market? Greg's lawyer was George Guldi. George has other problems. Isn't it time for Gregory Fischer to get a new lawyer? Do we really need another politician like Gregory Fischer. His lawyer has problems with the mortgage market and his supporters, Liberterians, endorsed by Americans 4 Legal Reform, have problems with stocks. Why do the tax payers have to pay for Greg's legal aid lawyer now that his former lawyer George is otherwise engaged and how does Greg support his children, if he qualifies for legal aid?
Con-man Greg Fischer DID get another lawyer - AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE! Al Lucia is an 18b attorney appointed to represent Fischer on the taxpayers dime in his criminal cases from both 2009 and 2011.
Charges include Obstruction of Governmental Administration, Resisting Arrest and Harassment for stalking a woman in a public building.
His next court date is Sept 24th, 2013, in courtroom D44 in Central Islip.
This clown is now running for Riverhead Town Assessor; apparently seeking an opportunity to increase his theft from taxpayers. Unbelieveable!
Your questions are all good ones, which I would direct to the Suffolk County District Attorneys office.