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Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs

Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs review: lack of facts more here say 26

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12:35 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I'm Looking for a Healthy Newfoundland. I want one with the temperament they are known for easy going, intelligent, athletic, and affectionate. Most of all healthy.
I understand there are genetic issues
But this goes for any breed of dog.
No Inbreeding or Tight breedings as the Americans call it.
This Breeder Chris seems very forth coming and honest. I have spoken to her numerous times and read the article that was done on her.
One woman says she was given a dog that was sick from day one. She has spent $70, 000 dollars. This sounds a little far fetched. Another calls her a puppy mill. Does she have a number of dogs Yes. For some maybe to many. These Dogs are well looked after fed, clean surroundings and very healthy. Lots of room to move around.
I've seen puppy mills they are sick dirty and over produced animals. They do not know love. This is a cash cow.
This web page let's anyone comment or trash another. You can make up any name and print. Are these fellow Breeders who are voicing their lies and attempting to destroy another's business? I wonder
I think I need to just go with my gut and proceed with the purchase of my Furbaby. I'll let you know how it went.
Thank you for listening
I e

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Apr 04, 2018 2:52 am EDT

You won't be disappointed in her dogs. I bought a Newf from Heaven on Earth 3 years ago and I have nothing but awesome things to say about her and my big boy Rowdy Wayne. She has always been there for me if I have questions and I have had a few hundred:-). Her place is heaven, her dogs are magnificent. I Highly recommend this Kennel!

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Dec 31, 2018 10:01 am EST
Replying to comment of sandra2018

This kennel is an absolute puppy mill. I have been there to pick up a puppy and was appalled at the condition f the puppy. He was covered in urine and something green (maybe vomit?), smelled awful and extremely under size. I will NEVER recommend this kennel, it is clearly a cash cow. I am surprised this kennel has not been shut down.

Holly Pell
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Jan 03, 2019 3:08 pm EST
Replying to comment of sandra2018

My experience with Heaven on Earth Dog breeder.

My husband lost his best friend (our goofy Berner) this last year. I had honestly never seen him so upset for so long. The silence of our boys absence was deafening so, we thought we would fill it with a baby for him.

He is in stage 4 kidney failure and the loss of his beloved Berner was literally making him sicker...

We found heaven on earth online which is a very nice website.

My husband was online constantly and became more excited with the prospect of obtaining a puppy from this beautiful place.

Our son contacted this woman and she sent him back one word answers via email.. seemed very short with him...

My husband called the woman and discussed the possibility of viewing the puppies after Christmas. He was beaming! His health took an upturn.

He was on cloud nine continually looking at them over the holiday... Literally 2 days after Christmas he called her again and made arrangements to view them new year's eve day.

He called again the day before we were to drive from Okotoks and all seemed to be on the up and up.

He and our children were so excited to go view these babies! Smiles all the way up to Red deer!

My husband woke up crying as he had had a dream about our boy... You have to understand, this man is a 6'3" hairy viking! He doesn't cry! He was so happy he was finally going to get to pick out his baby this day and so were my kids as they know how sad there dad is...

When we arrived the excitement was palatable!

Then this happened..,

He went to the door, no one there?

He called no one answered...

We drove down to the barn... No one there?

Called again... No one answered...

By this time my anger was also palatable!

We sat in the truck bewildered. Where the heck are they? We waited another 10 min another call, still no answer...

By this time I was doubting the legitimacy of this place. No less than a 100 dogs in pens.

My husband's excitement was waning. The disappointment and sadness quickly drained all the excitement from my children...

We drove back down to the barn. The dogs were all barking alert and still no one!

Then my daughter spotted someone in the back! FINALLY... We thought she waved us back to the house. So, we drove back up there. Waited..

K, where did she go?

I got out of the truck very angry and went to the back of the house and literally yelled "HELLO!" the dogs were going crazy! What the hell is going on here...

My husband went back to the door as we now knew someone was definitely there, low and behold the door opens and a bunch of huge friendly but terribly unkept dogs came running out. One old soul had very badly malformed back legs.

Ah finally! But, the person that answered was a tiny little girl (omdawd, she was totally adorable!), she comes out behind all the animals with a huge smile on her face.

I ask, "Hello can you find your mommy for us?" "Yep she's at the barn!" She goes in, gets her tiny little coat and her and my daughter go down to the barn.

I'm thinking, why the hell, if someone's at the barn isn't anyone waiting for our arrival, answering our phone calls, or the door?

Considering the fuss that the dogs were making because we were there, that alone should have brought someone out!

Now, in all honesty, I'm doubting everything. I foster puppies for aarcs and this place is just making me angry in more ways than one...

The girls come back with a young woman but, by this time, I'm not in a very friendly mood. We do intros and she takes us to the house to view the puppies.

When we enter and the smell is overwhelming... more and more I'm regretting being there. I see a half naked woman sneak by covering her face. I'm like wtf? I'm trying to put on a friendly attitude because my husband was Sooooo looking forward to this but, so far the experience has been less than thrilling nevermind the distance we traveled to get there...

The woman from the barn tells us that the woman we made arrangements with is sick with the flu.

Ummm, why the heck didn't she call us and inform us of this? We could have made arrangements for another day!

She makes us wait at the door and proceeds to bring us a puppy from downstairs. I'm bewildered. The first puppy seems to be a good size but it's very dirty. She holds the puppy and tells us we can't touch them because they haven't had their first shots. "?" We are literally the cleanest things in the house! Your telling me that I came all this way to stand at the door and have her show us each puppy individually while she holds it?!? Um NO!

She goes back downstairs and grabs another. This one is even dirtier... I tell her we wanted to see them playing and there is no way for us to know anything with her just bring them up separately. How are we going to get any feel for the animals?

I'm done... I basically thank her for wasting our time. She says "Well at least you get to see them" What? She then offers to take us down to the barn to see the parents, I go straight back to our vehicle.

My husband and kids go down to the barn and I wait in the truck knowing there is no way in hell we are purchasing a puppy from here! I can still smell the urine on my clothes.

You couldn't pay me enough to go back there! The whole experience was upsetting, unsettling and totally unprofessional! She had total disregard for my families time!

I would, from what I saw and experienced say this place is a puppy mill.

We all left sad and disappointed... What was to be a wonderful day, took a complete downturn. My husband was heartbroken...

We headed into Red deer to have some lunch and looked online to see if we could turn our day around. Our kids put on a strong face as they wanted there dad not to be sad...

My husband found some pups and contacted the number. The woman got back to him right away. Our luck had turned!

When we got there a very friendly husband and wife team came out to greet us with smiles on their faces. They had 2 Shiney coated Berners that also greeted us with big smiles too. looks good so far!

They lead us to the garage and when we all stepped through the doorway my husband's and childrens eyes light up!

All the puppies are jumpin' around happy and clean. It literally smells better in their garage than the house of the first place we went. I can still smell the urine in my clothes and it's been a couple hours..

I speak with this loving couple and they take the time to tell me all the info I want to know as the mother of the pups sits at my feet giving me snuggles.

They tell us we can stay as long as we want. My daughter giggles and tells us this is my heaven... The couple watches with smiles on their faces as my family is rejuvenated from our first experience.

My husband stands there beaming in the immaculate pen and watches as the babies jump and play with our children.

One puppy decided he wanted to stick to my viking like glue! That's what I'm talking about! There's the day turned right around!

These pups are younger than the ones at the first place yet here we are touching playing and sucking in the adorableness!

I stay outside the pen cause this experience is just for him today. He makes his choice and I then step into the pen. I pick the chosen one up and he smells wonderful, his coat is so shiny. It's a done deal! Our little guy will be coming home with us in 8 days and counting!

I will NEVER recommend Heaven on earth and will be telling everyone I know about how they made one of the most important experiences we could have so completely awful! And without a care in the world!

I would ask anyone whom is interested in a puppy from here call the SPCA first and ask how many complaints they've received. Bare minimum standards is what these dogs get!

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Jan 04, 2019 3:20 pm EST
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

This story is heartbreaking. Are there hoarding laws in Alberta? Something needs to be done, this is so unfair to all of the sweet pups and Mamma pups.

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Jan 23, 2019 2:51 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

haha now who monkey are you? Green Vomit? Oh my the stories just keep getting better and better. Clearly you have never been to her kennel, do they pay you to write these lies?

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Jan 23, 2019 3:17 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

Oh My quite the story book, I think you should quit your day time job and write fictional kids books you have a gift. In Fact I think you should get a prize for the best Story. This must of been so horrible for you to go through such a nightmare, you poor thing. Was there green vomit on the pups too? Good thing you never touched them being so clean and all you might of caught something bad. thank goodness you found some on kijiji that were clean.

Holly Pell
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Feb 03, 2019 9:41 am EST
Replying to comment of anyasmom

I called the spca, they have made many visits to her puppy mill. As long as there are no animals in immediate distress their hands are tied... Not enough legislation regarding what's can legally be done. I also informed the CKC. All we can do is not buy the puppies... Thank you for your comment. :)

Holly Pell
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Feb 03, 2019 9:43 am EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

Call me. [protected] I've got everything recorded... What kind of comment is this?

Holly Pell
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Feb 03, 2019 9:51 am EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

Just wow... I have a feeling you are either a friend or the actual breeder. If you are, you should be ashamed if you think those animals are living any sort of life. Your compassion speaks for itself.

Holly Pell
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Feb 04, 2019 5:43 pm EST
Replying to comment of bobhenry

This woman sent my child an email instead of calling my husband. Check out the comment section. Stay away from this woman if you don't want her bullying you when something goes wrong...

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Feb 04, 2019 8:40 pm EST
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

I applaud you Holly! I do think bobhenry is Christy and she does seem to comment under different names. If there is any way I can support you please let me know. There are several people who have contacted me pursuing litigation. I'm sorry the laws in Canada don't address hoarding, it is the most common way to shut down a puppy mill in Oregon.

Holly Pell
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Feb 05, 2019 6:05 pm EST
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Now she is leaving false reviews for my company... Beware of this woman.

Holly Pell
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Feb 05, 2019 6:58 pm EST
Replying to comment of anyasmom

She is now posting vexatious and false claims against me. This company was shut down in 2017 and the post was made January 11, 2019... We did not ever service residential properties. Do not deal with this woman, you will be sorry.

Holly Pell
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Feb 05, 2019 6:59 pm EST
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Mar 17, 2019 12:39 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bobhenry

@holly Pell I can verify your account of this breeder. The only difference is she was at the door when we arrived and gave us a "tour". I fell head over heels for the poor little filthy pup they brought up to me and dispite my Better judgement, paid and took him home. That was a year ago this May and we have yet to get his papers, are going for our second set of x-rays and putting a treatment plan in ace with our vet for his failing left hip. He was one in Jan . Before anyone tried to make ignorant or ill informed, consider if someone is so upset that they take the time to inform others to prevent a repeat of their experience, they should be respected. I have no embellished or lied and I don't think @hollh Pell did because they is exactly the impression we had. It took 3 baths to get the smell out of our puppy. Any attempt to open communication with this breeder was met with hostility and name calling on HER part! When we learned she is not CKC registered any longer, that's when we pressed obtaining our paperwork because frankly, I think our dog was inbred. In my experience, any breeder who is proud and reputable would produce their dogs registration and linage according to Their contact! Just stay away from this breeder and save yourself the stress and vet bills. We love our precious boy and intend to make his life as pain free as we can

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Mar 17, 2019 8:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Faz2018

So let me get this straight, you posted this in December
Faz2018 10th of Dec, 2018
+2 Votes
@Reddeer @[protected]@70 we just found out she isn't registered and our Bernese pup has no papers as well. We were polite with our emails and the ones back are nothing short of vile. She is angry with us for asking for our papers . We have filed a complaint with the CKC but clearly it won't go far. Guess court is our next option. So far our pup is healthy.

So now what 3 months later You Bought a dirty pup against your better judgement, was he too covered in green vomit? Oh boy and now he is INBRED? Dirty? And UnHealthy? OMFG over a piece of paper?
Just don’t get people like you, are you just so unhappy in your personal life that posting this crap makes you feel better about yourself? Do you get a thrill ruining someone’s business? Or are you just the type that if you don’t get what you want the second you demand it you Post lies online? Grow the [censored] up!
So you can post ill informed and ignorant comments but you don’t want anyone to reply?
You are Nuts Lady!
Sure hope you don’t have children, we have enough of your kind already !

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Mar 17, 2019 8:27 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

I read your post and I think you have more people that hate you than you think, wow seems you have screwed people over one too many times. Good Luck with that:-)

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Mar 17, 2019 8:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

I am no breeder. Just a concerned Citizen that has come to help a friend.

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Mar 17, 2019 10:45 pm EDT
Replying to comment of bobhenry

I was trying to keep quite to get out dogs paperwork. It's not a piece of paper, it's the reason this paretic example of a breeder charges 2100! It comes with a back ground of the dogs blood lines and give what my research has shown, I wouldn't be surprised if our dog was inbred.
I wanted to leave as soon as we walked in the door but my spouse couldn't leave the pup in those conditions. I agree with @ Holly Pell 100% and kept quite but since she Christy was happy to take our money and show zero concern to abide by her contract, court it is.
I hope the back lash and the laws suits that are adding up against her will eventually shut this puppy mill down and after the email I received from her, harrassment will be added to the charges . Fyi, only guilty people who need to defend this offensively. If she was half the breeder she claimed she was, she would have nothing to defend. The name calling has been one sided. It's truly patheric

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Mar 17, 2019 10:48 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Holly Pell

@anyasmom. @holly Pell contact me at the bullying from Christy and her husband is unreal. Email me

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Mar 17, 2019 10:49 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Faz2018

Or text [protected]

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Mar 17, 2019 10:50 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Faz2018

@bobhenry keep your opinion to yourself. This is going. To court and all comments and emails including the threats and discussing name calling will be admissible

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Mar 17, 2019 11:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Faz2018

It is you who needs to keep your opinion to yourself, all you scummy people are alike. You think you can come on here and Blow your mouth off FULL of Lies but the minute someone doesn't feel sorry for you, wham bam "I'm Calling a Lawyer", it is you that is pathetic my dear. Here's my email I would like to be a witness at court [protected]

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May 30, 2018 8:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Please do your research. Talk to a bunch of other breeders (and not just in Alberta). There are few really good breeders in western canada but be prepared to travel and wait to get your dog. Research what red flags mean when it comes to Newfoundland puppies. Read the breed standard so you know what your dog should look like.

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Jan 23, 2019 3:07 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Grizz@70

yes do your research and don't believe these breeders and their monkeys, do you get paid to post on here too?
Club Standards
Inbred dogs
Mini Newfoundland's
short noses
Non Testing
Ruin Breeders that don't want to be apart of their Pathetic clubs
I am sold where do I get one of these tiny Newfoundland's? Newfoundland Club of Canada? Any of your friends have pups? Surely you could recommend a good club breeder for me

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Dec 17, 2018 11:43 am EST

Be careful and truly, I would keep looking.

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Heaven on Earth Newfoundland Dogs is ranked 45 among 99 companies in the Dog Breeders category