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History Channel / A&E Television Networks
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks Complaints 268

3:02 am EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks the airing of sasquatch 2hr show

I am so disapointed and upset with your show. i no longer believe things i hear on your channel, because of the decieving lying faking that resulted from sasquatch show, ver y very sad.i watch your channel for learning and educatonal reasons, not any more. why did you even air it. i was actually shaking watching it only to hear that it was all fake and i woudnt have even watched the show if i knew it was fake to begin with

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11:38 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks programing

HISTORY is one of my favorite channels to watch, but lately the only 2 shows being aired, over and over, again and again, day after day, are American Pickers & Forged in Fire. You have so many great series, why the redundant programming. And what happened to Rick and crew of American Restoration? They were one of my favorites. Would sure like to see a MIX of your great shows every evening.

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6:28 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks pawn stars and american pickers

there is nothing on but pawn stars and american pickers. its nursing home tv. someone fell asleep at the wheel. your not even trying anymore. the history channel used to be my favorite. please do something different and actually is historical. it sucks. i think its a conspiracy to get people to spend more money just to watch a new show on the history channel. please help me and my fellow history lovers.

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Robert Smith
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Oct 30, 2017 1:16 pm EDT

I agree. These shows have run their course. It’s past time to move on. No more pawn stars and American pickers.

6:36 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks programming

I have a complaint about the most recent episode you showed on your series Alone. 7/13/17 titled Double or Nothing.

You showed an unnecessary clip of one of the contestants, the woman, taking her boot and stepping on the neck of an injured bird on the beach which was actually looking up at her and asking for help. The scene was so graphic, it made me sick and had my 4 year old in tears for hours. Not only did you show her graphically killing this poor defenseless animal but you also chose to leave in her laughter and a close-up of the bird having muscle spasms after she got done grinding her boot into his neck.

It was an unnecessary clip to put on TV especially when young children and sensitive adults like myself were unprepared to see that kind of unnecessary violence. It was way too graphic and serves no purpose.

Shame on you for being insensitive to viewers by showing that type of cruelty. My family and I will never watch your channel again.

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9:11 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks lying about history

They made Hannibal black, we have his statues, coins of the Barcids et cetera not a drop of black blood in him. History channel is a joke but I will not tolerate you lying about a people, did not Rome do enough to them that you have to besmirch their noble lineage. The history channel is now about PC programming and trying to make black feel good about themselves in a shameful attempt to rewrite history. Its pathetic that blacks need so desperately to steal the history of others and the History channel should not be in the business of promoting falsehoods as fact especially when we have the Carthaginians own statues of themselves. They were white.

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5:24 am EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks swamp people

I'm complaining about the airing of Swamp People, This programme is absolutely disgusting, it's promoting animal cruelty, like Bull Fighting or Fox hunting, If this series isn't taken of the air I will take it further and start a petition, which will do damage to your channel. The RSPCA should step in and voice the cruelty of these animals, I don't understand the mentality of people who want to watch this sort of disgusting programme of idiots slaughtering these innocent animals. They should show one of the gaiters, attacking one of those inbreeds, that would be justice

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11:24 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks swamp people

This show is absolutely disgusting and the way these alligators are treated is awful. The uneducated men on this show are not only killing these alligators but they are doing it in a brutal manner. This has nothing to do with history and it is animal abuse. Giving these people a platform is saying that it is ok to treat nature this way and it's not ok anymore. We know more about animal welfare in 2017 and animals do suffer. I am very disappointed in the history channel for allowing such graphic and inhumane treatment of animals to be popularized and glorified. Please consider removing this show off of your network.

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1:26 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks show quality

Can someone explain how anice to aliens is show that belongs on the history, the show is barely science fiction. Here is a hot idea, how about some real history. I hear there some interesting stuff happened there might want to check it out. The software called experts never provid even proof just theory so and more questions. So leave the blurry photos on the sifi channel please..

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3:40 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks thatcher lied!!!

I am appalled by the lies you have been feeding our great youth about Robert Bunsen inventing the bunsen burner, HE ONLY IMPROVED IT! i have been punching holes in my walls and i ###ed the cat out the window after he questioned my believes about this topic. Any way i would like to be compensated in cans of heineken or dutch gold please and also #justiceforthe96 #jasontullysballs #THELIES! ### YOU DEPUTY STAG ### YOU

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9:47 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel - wow ch # 42

Upon ch selection, image gets larger AND upper top left screen has these words:

" Receiving auto control signal (now)" and

image across screen expands and bottom screen area too, closed captions, expands size, and second line of closed captions become invisible to read, as it is NO longer on screen but OFF somewhere below. Cable provider told many times in past, you too, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

How about I send payment for cable, and,

"auto notice:Money DECREASES to ZERO until you FIX this "

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Update by jeeperscreepers
Apr 16, 2017 9:49 pm EDT

go back to sleep or run for Congress

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4:34 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks scott yancy, s1, ep 4: ridge house, flipping las vegas

My wife and I just watch this program, and were so disappointed.

Scott's treatment of the Hispanic worker was demining and unprofessional.

Since most of the Hispanics did not speak any English, one must assume that they are illegal in the USA. How can any network allow this?

Very disappointed that A&E, would allow this.

Ramiro C. Leal

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12:21 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel programming will not load on apple tv box.

I just got a new Apple TV box and after installing The History Channel app from the Apple store online, I tell it to load and the screen changes to find a circular thing rotation as though it were trying to load but it keeps rotating and History never loads.

I called Apple tech support where he walked me through several steps to no avail then when he tried to load History on his Apple TV box, he encountered the same problem. The tech asked me to contact The History Channel with my problem, thinking there is a problem on your end.

Please help as your channels are all I watch. My email addy is [protected]

Thank you.

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10:44 am EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel

What happened to Gangland Undercover? Episode 5 is not listed on my comcast tv guide to show on it's regular thursday night 8pm central time timeslot this Thursday March 30th. The show was taken off A&E after one episode this season than there was a month long with nothing. Than it started where it left off on the History channel. Now it's off again?! What is going on? It's a great show that me and my wife enjoy more than any other show right now.

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5:41 pm EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks commercials shown

As a mother of a preteen and younger teenager, I'm very distraught over the commercials you choose to show. My children enjoy Forged In Fire. We have recently recorded a few episodes and are constantly bombarded with commercials, that we cannot fast forward through, for 60 Days In: Atlanta. This is a VERY VIOLENT and miserable commercial to watch. We are not a family that enjoys or indulges in physical violence and I'd prefer for my children not to have these commercials repeatedly shown. I will unfortunately delete the rest of these shows. It's sad because Forged In Fire is a very interesting and more educational show.
-Jennifer Briggs

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Hazel Joy
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May 02, 2017 8:09 am EDT

Won't somebody pleeeeeease think of the children?!

9:08 pm EST
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Several years ago I signed up for a Lifetime Membership at the History Channel Club. For awhile, I did receive the bi-monthly magazines which were part of the Lifetime Membership contract. But for the last year or two I have received nothing. Nor do I recall getting any notices of changes, needing to contact me, or even going insolvent. So I fear this is a...

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9:23 am EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks swamp people

So I fail to see the Historical connection of the History channel show 'Swamp People'. Consisting of 'Modern day' folk in Florida, pulling innocent Alligators out of their habitat and senselessly killing them! How is this educational or moral. No History involved. Just appeasing to an ever increasing population of ignorant viewers
This channel should be ashamed and removed from television!

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john cincotta
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Mar 09, 2017 4:22 pm EST

being an avid animal rescuer and lover of all animals and fan of history channel shows i must say Swamp people is a disgusting barbaric show !these people are murdering uneducated inbred ###! This show does not belong on history channel ! You are encouraging and condoning killing animals . then calling the alligators blood thirsty killers when these inbred hillbillies put a treble hook in their mouth throat or belly . no wonder they try to bite these ###es ! then they shoot boat fulls of animals .it is a disgrace on your educational channel ! get rid of it !

8:35 am EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks movie six

The movie "SIX" is very inappropriate for the History Channel. I am ashamed to have this on in my house. On which I believe to be eisode 2 they actually had PORN playing in the background with sound and screen shots while a man was going to masterbate! What kind of Executives would allow this on the History channel? This is disgusting! Apparently there are no safe channels.

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Update by Discustedappauled
Feb 04, 2017 8:17 am EST

The show "Six" is very inappropriate for the History Channel. I'm ashamed to have this on in my house. On the episode possibly 3, they actually had a PORN movie playing in the background while a man was going to masterbate! Which included screen shots and sound from the PORN movie! What kind of Executives would drop down to that level to allow this type of dialogue on a history channel?

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4:52 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks american pickers

Its enough...How many times can this channel play this show..It was interesting for the first run.This show and that Mike guy is about as annoying as nails on a blackboard..They need to show...if they really turn around and sell their 300 dollar rusted signs for 500...It is boring and the tall guy needs a xanax..or get some partner.I would rather watch paint dry then watch ollie and mike crawl into someones trash heap..Its a shame..The show started well.I would like to see if anyone buys 3rd hand junk?...or just give Danielle a show..Get a grip producers..the show is lacking alot...people dont like the skinny guy, , Way to intense for going through other peoples stuff...500 dollars for a sign?..its over inflated tv

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Minneapolis, US
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Jan 15, 2017 12:25 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Are you serious? Watch another channel or check your tv guide for air times. I don't like to watch public access therefore I do not watch those channels. Very simple. Convey your interest with your viewing habits.

7:52 am EST
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History Channel website: Half of the links do not work and there is no way to watch full episodes that you have on the episodes page. I very much wanted to see an episode of The Selection but your website is poorly made. I can not even access the menu in the upper right corner. If I were you I would hire some programmers that actually know how to use HTML.

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3:41 pm EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel's programming laziness and unoriginality

Hey History Channel, that is enough American Pickers already! Its pretty much the only show they air during the daytime (when I'm not at work) History had a AP marathon all day on Friday, Dec. 16th. Same thing on Sunday, Dec 18th. Guess what History has been playing all day on Monday, Dec 19th? I used to not mind the show, but now I hate it and I can't stand Like and Frank. Danielle is obviously still tollerable but that is probably only  because I have a thing for tatted up ladies. I understand weekday, daytime tv isn't too important too History but having 4 American Pickers marathons in a 1 week period is distugtingly lazy on their part. History shows have went way down hill in the last few years. They have 7 shows in which the title begins with "American" and another show that has "American" in the title. I love America but is History that lazy & unoriginal? I miss the days when the the History Channel did documentries about interesting history instead of reality shows that give you a small amount of uninteresting history. THAT IS ENOUGH AMERICAN PICKERS!

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About History Channel / A&E Television Networks

Screenshot History Channel / A&E Television Networks
History Channel, part of A&E Networks, offers a range of programming related to historical events and figures. Its services include cable television broadcasting, online streaming of historical series, documentaries, and specials. The channel also provides educational content and resources through its website.
How to file a complaint about History Channel / A&E Television Networks?

### How to File a Complaint with History Channel / A&E Television Networks

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2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
- Locate and click on the 'File a Complaint' button on the website. You can find this button at the top right corner of the website.

3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with History Channel / A&E Television Networks in the 'Complaint Title'.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about key areas of concern.
- Mention any relevant transactions with the company.
- Describe the nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, and the company's response.
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- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
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Overview of History Channel / A&E Television Networks complaint handling

History Channel / A&E Television Networks reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 10, 2011. The latest review Disappointed with the Shift in Content was posted on May 17, 2024. The latest complaint swamp people was resolved on Mar 16, 2015. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 269 reviews. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has resolved 9 complaints.
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