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History Channel / A&E Television Networks
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks Complaints 268

9:35 pm EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks swamp people

I very much do not want to see offensive commercials for Swamp People depicting disgusting acts of cruelty to wild animals by despicable, horrible people. PLEASE remove these ads and the show, too. The show may be about ignorant, uneducated people who derive twisted pleasure from capturing and abusing animals. I have not watched any actual episodes. I can't stomach the commercials. I don't know why I need 350 words to describe my disdain for the swamp people. They are deplorable heathens.
That's all you need t know.

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3:18 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel

I send a complainer earlier and don't know if it got through. It was lengthy and detailed. Summary, I want to be able to set my DVR to record "NEW" episodes and get only new episodes. History like other networks are using specific words in the programming verbiage to force DVR's to record reruns under the pretense that they are new episodes. Examples are the words used to record rerun as new episodes are, series special, reloaded, reved-up ect. Please have your programmers make the "new" recordings record as they are supposed to. I have spoken to programming professionals and know the fix is possible and relatively simple. There are numerous problems created for the viewer when force feeding them reruns. Please address this issue and respond to my complaint as I am a long time loyal viewer and not alone in my complaint. Thanks D. Schultz.

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6:11 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks unethical behavior

Earlier today I was watching Pawn Stars and a young man (college age) came into the shop with an old guitar his grandfather left him. To evaluate the authenticity and worth an expert was called to review the item. The expert apparently had a guitar shop down the road from the pawn shop. The expert said the guitar was worth between $25, 000 and $30, 000. The Pawn Stars offered the man $13, 000 and although he wanted more he eventually took the money. A little later in the show the camera follows the pawn shop owner to the store of the very same man who was the expert and quickly sells the guitar to him for $30, 000. What's the history lesson there? I guess there are people everywhere - even on your channel - that will take advantage of you if given the chance. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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7:21 am EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks racism

Shame on History Channel!
Today is MLK Day and I was excited to spend the day with my 10 year old watching stories about MLK and stories about the African American struggle. I get up this morning and looked at the TV Guide to see what was going to play. To my dismay, there was only 2 1/2 hours dedicated to MLK and the rest of the day was dedicated to America Pickers and Pawn Stars!
At almost any given time, I can turn to the History Channel and see stories on the Jewish genocide; Aliens (weekend marathons of Aleins); and about Pawn shops of all things. I am deeply concerned that the struggles of a people that literally built this country with their blood, sweat, and tears is not commemorated on of all places, the History Channel!
SHAME on History Channel!

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9:23 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel

You've just about beat the dead horses of Oak Island and playing with swords ENOUGH! Please SEND THESE GO NOWHERE, DO NOTHING SHOWS. Who the Hell cares about some elusive "treasure" that these fools have nothing better to do than play "hidden treasure" FOR FIVE YEARS?! And what good is a ridiculously sharp sword? Can you cut tomatoes with it. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! END THESE AWFUL WASTES OF TIME SOON, PLEASE. Your channel used to be watchable until you became the American Pickers channel and added these two, terrible shows. Thank you.

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Mar 27, 2018 9:31 pm EDT

After being strung along with the Oak Island
Show..Which despite being VERY SLOW PACED. ...Case in point ...One individual with a metal detector and Six people standing around. Very Boring...

I for one will not waste anytime on future Go/Nowhere Shows on the History Channel.

Bring Oak Island a slightly faster pace.. YAWN! And I will be back. Your snails pace... I am assuming ...will just continue with future programming.

Minneapolis, US
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Dec 11, 2017 11:28 pm EST
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If the shows are still airing, they must be popular enough that it makes it worth it to the station. The most you can do is simply not watch them. If viewership is low enough then they will be canceled.

5:58 pm EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks a&e network volume

The ridiculousness with the ever changing volume really needs to stop. Sooo annoying that it is not even worth watching the shows anymore ! I wonder what your advertisers think about that. Lowering the volume during the show is worse than just raising it during commercials. So unfortunate as your programming has greatly improved over the past few years.

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Minneapolis, US
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Dec 12, 2017 12:12 am EST
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Unfortunately it is not uncommon for television shows to be quieter than the advertisements. It certainly isn't unique to the A&E.

11:04 am EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel is not history anymore

Your history channel I just want to say I'm disappointed that the history channel is no longer history I'm disappointed that all is the history channel is anymore is a bunch of reality shows that has nothing really to do with history.
I truly do believe the history channel needs to go back to its roots and actually be history where you actually learn something.
I really miss turning on history channel actually learning something I always see your advertisements for stuff and to learn a great deal and then I turn on the history channel and it's constantly nothing but repeats of reality shows please bring back the history channel to what it once was where his men who built America where it was modern marvels where is mail call and so on and so forth where you actually learn something where there was something about a holiday or something about a day that happened or what happened on this da I really miss turning on history channel actually learning something I always see your advertisements for stuff and to learn a great deal then I turn on the history channel and it's constantly nothing but repeats of reality shows please bring back the history channel to what it once was where is men who built America where it was modern marvels where is mill call and so on and so forth where you actually learn something where there was something about a holiday.

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1:41 pm EST
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks lifetime membership fail

I, too, have been duped and ripped off. I have just filed a complaint with the Minnesota Attorney General's Office:

Paid for Life Membership (and was a Charter Member also) in 2005. Was supposed to receive a monthly magazine. That stopped in 2007.

Apparently the Club was disbanded or abandoned around 2008 or so, no contact numbers or email addresses available since then.

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Update by histryguync
Nov 24, 2017 1:43 pm EST

I, too, have been duped and ripped off. I have just filed a complaint with the Minnesota Attorney General's Office:

Paid for Life Membership (and was a Charter Member also) in 2005. Was supposed to receive a monthly magazine. That stopped in 2007.

Apparently the Club was disbanded or abandoned around 2008 or so, no contact numbers or email addresses available since then.

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Francis Korzenko
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Dec 04, 2021 1:32 pm EST

Paid $365 for lifetime member, received few small things, sword letter opener, wood key chain, n large globe on pedastel, n bimonthly magazine's, , , , how can History channel just cancel out club membership, n not be liable for all of us that joined for s large sum of $$$ to join.I was a proud member, n worst of all friends asked me how to join, , , well those friends don't talk to me anymore. How can they not offer some kind of reimbursement?, , , guess big companies can just rip off its members n get away with it.Hope this is remembered for ever, n goes down in History.

4:53 pm EST

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel app on ipad

I'm sorry but this is the worst app when it comes to ads. It is ridiculous how often, how long. You have such awesome shows but if you are streaming and back to back episodes the ads/commercials are abundant and way to long. There has to be a better way. Picking 3 Mins or 30 secs doesn't matter because it's inconsistent and they both happpen to often.

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12:53 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks channel glitch

Hi your network is glitching really bad. I had my cable service check everything out and the cable and box is fine and the tv is new. It only does this on your channel I'd like to get it fixed. It's been doing this for about a month and I think the problem is on your end cause everything checks out here. I'd like you to fix this problem. Please and thank you

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4:38 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks 'swamp people' needs to get taken off air

I really really hate everything about the show 'Swamp People' in general. It promotes violence and lack of compassion towards animals, which has been clinically proven is one of the first warning signs in minors who are/have developed sociopathic personality traits. "Animals can feel pain and suffer, just as humans can, but since sociopaths have a general inability to empathize, they are able to inflict pain and agony on sentient beings with no feelings of remorse"hence the increased probability that cruelty to humans is a next step... ...For example, serial killers such as Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Richard Ramirez as well as countless other serial killers, murderers, and rapists all abused animals as children, and that behavior escalated into harming humans."
If Steve Irwin was still alive, History Channel wouldn't have the balls to broadcast this kind of garbage

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Update by Shoshi
Oct 20, 2017 12:32 pm EDT

The show has as many people currently protesting it as it has viewers. Not saying anything about the family, but i do have a serious issue with the way they cull animals and how the show presents it to it's viewers. I know Steve Irwin had nothing to do with History Channel, but was a champion for animals (esp crocs and aligators) and he would have been the first up in arms about this show

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Minneapolis, US
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Oct 20, 2017 12:59 am EDT
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The show will be taken off the air when it's not pulling in sufficient viewers and ad revenue. Until then, it's popular enough with others to keep on television.

Also Steve Irwin was typically associated with Animal Planet, not the History Channel.

1:03 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks ice road truckers season 9

I am unable to buy season 9 of Ice Road Truckers on dvd. The only thing available is shipped from a foreign country and it won't play on any of my dvd players. I had one shipped from Australia and cost me $10.00 shipping and it would not play on any DVD players.
Why is this suddenly a problem, I purchased all other seasons one thu 8 with no problem at all? I would appreciate a response. I hate to not be able to continue collecting this series.

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12:20 am EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel on sky

Channel keeps jumping in sound constantly drives me mad needs fixing cannot watch with this fault please fix! have no other problems with other channels on sky this has bean like this for last few weeks was fine before now does it all the time.

If you could please contact me or let me know what can be done as I do like watching your channel contact on email [protected]

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8:45 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks history channel app

What the heck with blasting the volume when the commercials come on! That’s ridiculous. I turn off the volume as soon as they come on. Pretty much defeats the point for your advertisers. If you kept the volume at the same level as the show I would be less likely to turn it off. It’s bad enough that it’s the same commercials over and over again.

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10:56 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks complete lack of editing narrators' grammar

I understand when ALL the people on History and Discovery channels speak English poorly, from Pawn Stars to American Pickers and every show shot in Alaska, an ocean, or wooded climate. But when the narrators increasing speak with less than middle school-level grammar, it's just beyond sad. On the season opener (S1 E4, 9/28) referring to an Ice Road Trucker, the narrator said some thin ice "could send he and his rig through the ice". Seriously? Ice can't send "he"! Ice can only send "him". This subject/object prepositional mishap usually only (though quite often) comes from the cast. Mike Wolf on American Pickers wouldn't know when to use "me" instead of "I" if his life depended on it. But now it's just crappy grammar by everyone, all the time! Very sad, very pathetic! Editors most be beyond the shows' budgets!

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1:16 am EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks tourism

With due respect to all the program directors of the History channel, there is one question that i want to ask as a viewer and a citizen of a country. Why should We being citizens of India see something wrong and abusive about our country. Can any person be able to see any program which just depicts the wrong and bands oh their country, even if its had the most advanced and great culture.
I got the same feeling when i see few of the programs depicted of my country . I request the program directors to go to the positive side of India where the rich culture and advanced technology has changed the people life. come to the metros and states where people live like family . do not make fun of my country . I am pround of it and expect others to see my country in the way i see. I request the program directors to make sure no country, religion and language is shown down.
thanking you
A citizen of India

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10:08 am EDT
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I can't believe that you would televise a show in support of Global warming. If you did your homework you would see there is no concrete evidence that this is going on. What you are doing is fear mongering. I will no longer support or watch your channels. You should be ashamed of yourselves for getting politically involved and taking Such a Ridiculous stand!

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12:30 am EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks the commercials on a&e app

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that I have to continuously and constantly sit through a 5 minute long cosentyx drug infomercial while trying to watch live pd on your app. It's one thing to sell out to drug companies but if this becomes a regular constant miserable commercial method you use I will no longer watch the channel or the app. Seriously?! A slow moving monotone description of side effects of a drug I do not care about nor need? It's like literally reading the 20 page long legalities and warning label to your audience? Quit singling out your audience as only old people?! You really need to get a handle on this please.

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Sep 14, 2017 12:04 am EDT

Same issue with History Channel- It's one thing to sit through commercials, but this is torture!

1:28 pm EDT
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History Channel / A&E Television Networks pawn stars

I as a viewer of this show am upset that the History Channel has decided to continue with the bad example from Chumlee. First, as to his work on this show and back talking to his bosses leaves a bad example for younger viewers. it shows them that it is alright to get away with not working . I believe he is led by your network with this way of acting to pull in younger viewers who will become employees that I would have to fire in the real world. Then he is arrested for drugs, fire arms, And I think a sex charge, and your company thinks its alright to still let him be on the show, again showing younger viewers acting out, doing any crimes you want is alright
and if someone you know has enough money that they can buy you out of trouble than by all means do what ever you want. Many other actors and reality stars have been fired for much less. I don't care that he still works there, but for your allowing him to still play a major roll on the TV show does not say much about the morals of this network. Ray Atwater ray.[protected]

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11:59 pm EDT

History Channel / A&E Television Networks false statements

On your show road to 9/11 you reported that somalia's 14 deaths were the largest loss of life since the Vietnam War I beg to differ I was a marine stationed in Beirut Lebanon in 1983 when the Beirut bombing happened in 241 American servicemen were killed by a terrorist attack don't forget our fallen Brothers it's a disgrace try showing a road leading to the Beirut bombing maybe the American people will see the honor and what are Marines are doing.

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About History Channel / A&E Television Networks

Screenshot History Channel / A&E Television Networks
History Channel, part of A&E Networks, offers a range of programming related to historical events and figures. Its services include cable television broadcasting, online streaming of historical series, documentaries, and specials. The channel also provides educational content and resources through its website.
How to file a complaint about History Channel / A&E Television Networks?

### How to File a Complaint with History Channel / A&E Television Networks

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2. Navigating to the Complaint Form:
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3. Writing the Title:
- Summarize the main issue with History Channel / A&E Television Networks in the 'Complaint Title'.

4. Detailing the Experience:
- Provide detailed information about key areas of concern.
- Mention any relevant transactions with the company.
- Describe the nature of the issue, steps taken to resolve it, and the company's response.
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6. Filling Optional Fields:
- Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to state any financial losses.
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Overview of History Channel / A&E Television Networks complaint handling

History Channel / A&E Television Networks reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Jan 10, 2011. The latest review Disappointed with the Shift in Content was posted on May 17, 2024. The latest complaint swamp people was resolved on Mar 16, 2015. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 269 reviews. History Channel / A&E Television Networks has resolved 9 complaints.
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