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CB Bad Business Partners Review of Janice Picconi Of Ph Talent Now
Janice Picconi Of Ph Talent Now

Janice Picconi Of Ph Talent Now review: ph talent and zaaz movement 4

Author of the review
9:28 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am younger and was very gullible when I went to work for Janice Picconi who owns pH Talent and hires people for road shows for a company called ZAZZ.

I feel like the sucker who ordered the X-ray glasses from a comic book, or believed those Sea Monkey's would actually train. I went to work for Janice Picconi and pH Talent Now.

Instead of X-Ray glasses and Sea Monkey's I believed that the THE ROADSHOW LIFE BROUGHT:



-Online and Remote Support and Collaboration




​Instead, I worked over 130 hours, and wasn't paid either my promised hourly wage or commission. Worse, I had to pay for my own gas, and drive over 7 hours to a city and when I was robbed one night while walking to the room they provided ( they refuse to pay more than $50 a night ) which literally was in a crack neighborhood with Pimps and Ho's on the sidewalk.

They refused to pay me because the police transported me to the hospital, and I missed the 7th day in a row or my road show because I had a concussion, and they used that as an excuse to not pay my hourly, commission and mileage.

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ZAAZ Ripoff
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Dec 14, 2017 6:37 pm EST

Janice, of, is the squeaky-clean front person hiding the misdeeds of ZAAZ which is ran by the Gypsy Mafia aka Ian and Cara Cruickshank. The best way to stop victims is by reporting directly ethics issues with Costco. I have an attorney willing to put a constructive trust in place to freeze all the monies being generated by ZAAZ and the Costco Roadshows. Attached is the contact information for the owner of whose defrauded myself and many others, perhaps calling her other business phones will cause her to change her tactics.

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Brand Ambassador
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Dec 06, 2019 12:42 pm EST

This company lacks business professionalism! You are hired into the company, have to fight and call more than five times to get a training schedule, you send emails with NO REPLY until you finally call office, and office refers you back to a gal names Michaela, who NEVER responds to emails. (She should be fired for not doing her job and communicating with the staff) Now fast Forward you are trained, then SILENCE for weeks. You send 10-15 emails to this Michaela person, over the course of the next 3-4 weeks, and AGAIN no response, then out of the blue you get an email (4weeks later) stating you have a roadshow to go to! However by now, due to lack of respect from the company by acknowledging your existence and responding to your attempts to contact them regarding shceduling and training, you have moved on to another PAYING job, I don't know, one that actually communicates with you and sends you to work. Yes, so out of professional courtesy you let this company know that you are unavailable for this gig as due to lack of communication on their part, you have accepted employment with another company, and guess what? 4 emails sent regarding this matter, NO RESPONSE (surprise!) This is NOT a goo company to work with, they are unprofessional, and do not consider their employees rights or financial well being. Oh and just to be clear, all of this they did to their staff over the HOLIDAYS...yes no income for the Holiday season and No communication as to why or what if or we are slow, or you are fired or we shut down...NOTHING well until 4 weeks later when hey . need you to go across the country at he drop of the hat on Christmas week. If you are considering working for them, think real hard, #costco #Sams club should rethink their contract with them...ZAAZ / phtalentnow, needs to be retrained as a business.. or simply shut down. Treatment of their New people is horrendous.

David Zilenziger
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Dec 27, 2022 5:20 am EST

Ian Cruickshank is the defendant in multiple lawsuits and foreclosures against his company Catskill Ventures LLC where the company owes well over $1million. Personally he’s acknowledged owing over $1.2m to Wells Fargo in what appears to be check-kiting. His company Zaaz is being sued by Lakewood, NJ factoring company that got bilked for over $1m in receivables. He and Cara Cruickshank are to be avoided at all costs.

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David Zilenziger
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Dec 27, 2022 5:23 am EST

Ian Cruickshank is the defendant of multiple lawsuits involving foreclosure and what appears to be fraud in the case of Wells Fargo.