My daughter is conscientious and thoughtful in all that she does. She is getting married in June 2005, and had been looking for some shoes and gifts for her bridesmaids at J. CREW'S website. Incidentally, she spends a considerable amount of $$$ with them least SHE USED TO!
The order was for a total of $140. The shoes did not fit well and the purses she received were poorly made and much smaller than represented on their web page. She immediately returned the order, the same day in fact, using the enclosed "smart label". The paperwork she left me made no mention of any penalties for returning items and simply noted the procedures to follow.
Imagine my surprise when, having waited a FULL TWO WEEKS, the credit was issued in the amount of $118.75. This represents a loss of a full 15% of the original order cost. When I called J. CREW, a CSR politely informed me that this was their policy and the charges ranged from shipping, to a return fee, to some mysterious tax on the whole deal. I thanked him and suggested that J. CREW might want to look at NORDSTROM'S policies and adopt their strategy, which is returns are welcomed with no strings attached.
I asked for a manager, however, I was informed that the manager was "busy"; so much for customer service. I offered my e-mail address for management to follow up with but I don't think I'll hold my breath.
Caveat: Be sure of what you order from J. CREW, because you will pay handsomely if you receive something junky and then opt to return it. Their prices are on the high side, I think high enough that they should offer PREMIUM customer service not MARGINAL customer service as we have received.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Just yesterday I purchased a seersucker blazer from the store. While sitting at work today, I felt something poking me underneath my arm. I took the jacket off to look what it was. I had assumed it was a loose fiber that I could easily cut, but to my disgust and surprise, as I looked closer, thick black hairs were poking through the liner. I thought maybe there was only one hair, but as I looked past the liner, I noticed there were MANY black hairs sewn right in the seam. They're on both sides of the jacket.
I don't know what kind of conditions these people are working in while they make the clothing, but it seems as though they're losing their hair and not caring about whose $198 jacket it is sewn into. This is disgusting and as soon as their human services dept. picks up the phone, I will let them know my outrage. Wish me luck sitting through the rest of the day at work with short black hairs poking at my arm!
I disgree with this complaint. J Crew offers the option to return any online purchase to any J Crew retail store. If Walter's daughter had chosen to do that she would not have been charged the shipping fee. And, as for the quality of the products - J Crew uses the best materials out there which makes the product last for years. You won't get that from something bought at nordstrom even though you will be paying about the same amount. She would have noticed that if she had actually kept the shoes and purse and given them a try.
I disagree with the complaint as well. J.Crew has always gone above and beyond with customer service. I've witnessed a woman returning a sweater that was SEVERAL years old and full of moth holes who still received credit (she claimed she 'only wore it once') with no questions asked. Like any store, it's important to actually read the return policy, which clearly states than returns can be made in-store with no shipping cost. On a side note, as someone who has worked in retail, managers are often on the floor assisting customers and aren't going to stop helping someone to answer a phone call. (Imagine how you would feel if someone walked away from YOU to answer the phone). Just because the manager is busy does not mean there's no customer service. In fact, it's more than likely the opposite.
Hi, my name is Raymond Jallah. I have tried for several yrs. To get in touch with a major label and so far have not heard back from any body. I have a jacket/ sweter I really won't but is not made by any u.s., French or, British company's. i realy need a gray hooded pea coat styled With two hand pockets and two inside breast pockets. I really thought 4 traditional braids on front and back of the coat would set it apart from every other jacket that is out. The suet style outer chest flairs would put a sophisticated. Touch to the coat. While wood pop out bubbal buttons to conceal the metal ziper witch gives a secondary. Sence of warmth to the coat. A hood to help sheald the ears from all the girls screening "who's that guy in the sexy cloack" would totally make my Minnesota. Winter a success. I am a advertising student who will finnaly get a chance to work with Manny up and coming fashion students, but I need something in my wardrobe to make me feel comfortable and better than them(jock srry.) I am looking forward to herring from you soon. This advise is coming at no expense to expense company considering I have pitch it to no avail for the past 3yrs. I just ask that if made the price does not exsead $300 there is a lesser desirable virsen of it going for $125 from for ever 21 that I am discussed to be considering. But if my idea is made I have no problem spending for it in every color you see fit
Thank you and I hope my other 2 emails didn't go through
My email is I am really intrested in what you think if you are not going to produce it so one of my dissingers can have a blast with it thanks and have a dutifull day
P.s. CEO on MSNBC was a real eye opener
Currently the J . Crew policies are not followed by employees such as Angelic John who utilized her office manager position to patrol for flings with involved / married men. As a quote " god fearing woman" she should uphold those values of J Crew instead of [censored] within the office.
I placed an order for 5 pairs of men's pants for Christmas
I only received 1 even though the email says they shipped all 5
I have tried calling...impossible to talk to anyone...on hold forever
I have sent 4 emails
Please help.
Sales associate Agata was being unprofessional to customers by approaching them inappropriately. Filting and flaunting customers. I love shopping at j-crew, but i am very unhappy with this.
J.Crew changes their coupon codes and policies frequently. I paid full price for an item and the next day it is eligible for a 40% discount and J.crew won't honor it. This type of customer service is what drives customers away from the store.
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