Jennifer Robinson AKA Jennifer Beck, Jennifer Wall and will scam you out of money. She runs/owners an internet adoption research site. She prays on those whom are looking for birth parents or children given up for adoption.
To hire her it cost $200.00 + dollars. She will tell you how many people she has located and make you believe that she is able to find who you are looking for. Within 24-48 hours she calls you and tells you she has great news she has located them and has already made contact. She goes on and on about how the person you are looking for really wants contact but first you have to pay another $200+ dollars before she can give you any information. You get so excited so you pay...
She will then call you back telling you that birth mom/ adoptee called her back and wants NO contact and yelled and screamed at her and said they would sue... the lies go on and on! She will give you a name but the name is made up... I was told that my birth mother's name was sarah but after contacting another search group find out that my birth mother's name is really Julie. She lies! Don't use her! My birth mother was never contacted by her and was VERY happy to have contact!
Save yourself the tears! Because it hurt really bad to hear my birthmother wanted nothing to do with me and then find out she really did!
I have a listed of people right now who have been scammed by her... Stay away!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
What's the matter? Didn't get enough air time on the rip-off? Looks like somebody needs a hobby.
I had a great experience with I hired them to find my sister that was placed for adoption before I was born and they found her. I chose givenright because their rates were much more reasonable than any other search company I found online. I got more information than I ever hoped for (sister's name, address, phone number, adoptive parent's names, brother's name, myspace page with pictures, etc). I feel like I ripped them off!
I know you signed a contract just like I did. The contract said they had 90 days to work on a case and that the retainer was non-refundable. Just because you didn't get things your way or in your time doesn't mean that this company is a scam.
have never used this company but to be honest with you the feed back has to be written by the owner of it or someone who works for them. How would any one besides the company have information about contacts unless this company gives out personal information about other clients. I did some searching and found that Givenright research inc AKA givenright does not have a corp. business license here is that information. You also check it out at the address for yourself
UBI Number [protected]
Category REG
Profit/Nonprofit Profit
Active/Inactive Inactive
State of Incorporation WA
Date of Incorporation 02/14/2005
Expiration Date 02/28/2006
Dissolution Date 10/03/2005
Registered Agent Information
Address 2211 S STARLAKE RD 27-103
State WA
ZIP 98003
Special Address Information
View Additional Information »
I have heard some really sad stories about this company! If you are looking for your birth family or your adopted child I would be VERY careful when using her service. Claims to have inside information at Edna Gladey's in Texas ( which is not legal to do)
I am sure this company has been able to help some people, but there is a VERY large group of people out there that have been lied to. before using givenright's do your homework! This company is doing business without a license. corp. license has been expired since 2006 and here it is Oct of 2008. city DBA is expired and has been for over a year. If this is a legit company it would not have expired license's. So this company is not only given out bad information and lies they are lying to the government.
I would also be interested to know how a customer would know so much about the interworking of this company, unless it's the same people whom own or work for the company that is putting this information out there about how great of a job they do. I would think twice about useing a company that will tell your personal information to another customer if this is the case...
Something else i would like to add is if you go to look up it will take you all the way back to 2003 when this site was set up. Scroll down and you will see this company tells people they have reunited over 2900 people.. lets do the math here that is over 291 families a year. The going price just to start the search is around $200.00 that is $58, 200 a year. Then another 58, 200 a year because after the person you are searching for is found you have to pay an extra $200.00 dollars. People if this company was making that kind of money they would be up to date with the state of washington.
Don't be had, save your money! There are so many different ways to find whom you are looking for. If you want to use this company great! but in 3 or 4 months you will find yourself right back here upset and kicking yourself in the buns because you did not listen!
I completely understand a contract and was more than happy to agree to losing it if the party wasn't found. The problem is, Jennifer called back 48 hours after we signed the contract and said she found my husband's birth mother. She asked us to pay the second $250 through paypal. After the payment was made she told us that the birth mother wanted no contact and was denying she was the mother, she then gave us the woman's name. After I did a little research myself it was clear Jennifer had just picked a name randomly out of the birth index. She gave my husband information about his "grandparents" but didn't bother to see that they never even lived in the same state with each other. After I confronted her she apologized and made excuses but promised to continue the search since we had already made the SECOND payment for WRONG INFORMATION! My husband was devistated and wanted to give up but Jennifer didn't want to refund our money so she and I continued(I did any way) to search. Jennifer stopped returning calls and emails and I finally found a search angel to help me. We ended up finding his birth mother and NONE of the information given right provided us with about his mother, grandparents or family members was even close to correct. I tried for months to peacefully resolve this with Jennifer. I even had several conversations with her office manager Alicia, who told me that there were MANY of us in the same situation right now but to please not pursue it legally because Jennifer is threatened all the time and no one follows through. She has been banned from paypal for unlawful business practices under more than 3 names, is that the sign of a legitimate business?
This was the most horrible situation for my husband, who as an adoptee already has dealt with so much pain. To be told your mother wants nothing to do with you, and then to find out you were lied to about it just so someone can keep your $450 is absolutely unforgivable. After doing the research on given right that I should have done BEFORE we hired her I found many, many people that were told the same thing... they get a call that their loved one is found and told to pay. Then when they pay they are told that the loved one refused contact. I have all the emails from Jennifer and Alicia I would be happy to share with anyone who is skeptical. I beg you to please not give this woman any more business. She may have started out with the right intentions and I have no doubt she has helped SOME people but now her business practices are pathetic. If she can't solve a case in a few minutes its just not worth it to her! Don't let her further hurt adoptees and those who love them.
All I can say is check the Better Business Bureau report on my company. It speaks for itself.
Several of these individuals whining today have filed reports against my company and the BBB did a thorough investigation of each case. I was able to provide documentation supporting my side and the BBB ultimately ruled in my favor and closed the complaints against my company. Because these individuals did not get the desired outcome through a reputable entity such as the Better Business Bureau, they have since resorted to smearing the reputation of my company across the internet on multiple complaint boards such as this one.
My company provides a service at a much more reasonable rate than most search companies. Not everyone can afford $1300 for a search. I provide a genealogical search for comparitively less ($300 retainer/$300 upon location) and there are plenty of satisfied clients out there to corroborate my claims. But of course, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so you all can just go on squeaking.
The BBB did NOT in fact, find in your favor. They found there was nothing further they could do to satisfy me. You have NEVER been a member of the BBB, or responded to your many complaints. I was unhappy with the outcome Jennifer because you lied to me and then stopped returning calls and emails. All I wanted was for you to admit you gave me the wrong information and move on. Instead, you insisted you were still working on it, you were sick, you were sure you were right, you have every excuse in the book. There are more squeaky wheels than an 18 wheeler out there now trying to let people know what a fraud you are. I beg those of you that have been screwed over by Jennifer to contact the FBI at this is internet fraud. She can't even use paypal now she has had so many complaints, she now only takes personal checks! Again, signs of a legitimate business?
I guess because this so called "company" does not charge as much for it's service it's ok to rip people off.. Just be happy it was not $1300.00 they scammed you for..Ha-ha
Jennifer PLEASE tell us why your corp. business license has been expired for over 2 years? Why your county License has been expired for almost a year?
All you had to do is refund the 250.00 dollars that you charged AFTER you called and said that you had found my birth mother and birth father. You lied to me about who they were and that they wanted NOTHING to do with me. Why Lie? If you can't find them that's cool but man lie to me and everyone else that you have spoken to them and they said they would sue you for given out their information?
Straight from the BBB:
"we believe that your company has made a good faith effort to resolve the matter and we have closed this case."
On the BBB website:
"Contract Issues BBB Definition:
Contract Issues - Claim of alleged failure to honor contract or agreement, work performed without authorization, or invalid contract.
Administratively Closed BBB Definition:
Administratively Closed - The BBB determined that the complaint could not be satisfactorily settled using standard methods of voluntary dispute resolution
2 - BBB determined the company provided proper verification that indicated there was no obligation to resolve the issues of the complaint. "
I will use my last dying breath to ensure that this conartist rots in jail. I am infuriated by her disregard for simple decency, and conning so many heartsick people. Jennifer, if you truly believe in God, as you claim, then you will surely BURN IN HELL!
Jennifer, You lied to me once again in your email dated October 24, 2008 7:50 AM "This business has been dissolved. All money has been exhausted. I fail to see what more we can do."
Why is the website still up if "This business has been dissolved"?
I have filed a complaint with the FBI and I too hope you get your just rewards!
Ha Ha Jennifer what has happened to you? You were so proud to have your name all over the net about how many people "jennifer robbinson" has helped.. If i see another freaken ugly picture of you i think i am going to puke...
Just admit it, you are like herpes just when we think you are gone you pop back up again to scam another person...
I too was lied to and scammed by Jennifer, Alicia, and I screwed up and told Alicia the name of my b-mom after I completed the search myself. I asked Alicia not to tell Jennifer the name of my biological family and she said she would not tell. Alicia, who clearly approves of Jennifer's actions, told Jennifer anyways. (Alicia is also the same one who provided me with connections to other victims of Jennifer. Your information is obviously not safe with this company.) Jennifer then emailed me the information that I had provided Alicia with and used that in the BBB case, stating that she found the name. The name I found and confirmed was a far cry from the fake names Jennifer told me prior to me giving her the information. Prior to getting the information from me, she gave me fake names and said she spoke to my grandparents, though they are both dead and have been for years. She of course said they wanted nothing to do with me. She claims she completed my search, though she has not. She promised (in writing) to tell me my biological father's name. The name she gave me she has yet to confirmed. If she is so good and really found my mother- surely she could locate my father. She said his name is John Turner (and Jeff Turner) and lives in Cleveland. Confirm it Jennifer-since you are so good! You have the name! Or refund the rest of my money ($200). It's been over 90's been 6 months.
Wow, let's all take a look at the BBB now for given right. It has an F rating. Finally everyone that they screwed over are starting to complain to the FBI and the BBB. Every time I read this or anything else about Jennifer it truly makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder how many of us there are out there? How many people have you emotionally destroyed for your own selfish gain Jennifer? I know you read these because you respond as yourself and as others. Your new website is a JOKE, you changed your name to "she" now? The testimonials say they have not been altered in any way, yet Jennifer's name is gone from them?
I seriously hope the money is worth it. There are enough of us out there now that will not stop until your business is GONE and you are in jail. You should be ashamed of yourself! Jennifer, Alicia and whoever else is aware or involved in this horrible scam. You should have given ALL of your children up for adoption, you are a poor excuses for human beings, I can't imagine what kind of mother's you are! Let's hope you get sent to prison close so they can visit!
Where is Bethany and Sally Smith now? How sad Jennifer they have left you... oh maybe they did not leave you they are still in your head
For what it is worth, I no longer work for GivenRight/Jennifer Robinson, I don't even know how to contact her at this point in time. She did find my daughter for me and I know of several others that found loved ones through Jennifer, and for that I will forever be grateful. If not for that, I never would have worked for her in the first place. I did the job that I was hired to do, which was to interact with clients on Jennifer's behalf. I found this impossible to continue doing when I felt that cases were not being handled appropriately. I firmly believe that Jennifer is a capable researcher, but I would not wittingly be party to any "scam". I am truly sorry for the connection I have to anyone feeling defrauded or hurt, that was never my intention. If you feel you have been taken advantage of, please contact me and I will provide you with a free list of search angels I have compiled for the state in which the birth/adoption took place.
p.s. Judy, it was my goal to get your information for you and I did the best I could to do so. I provided you with your birthmother's current information. What more can I do? I have no control over the actions of others, only my own actions. My hands were tied, as I was not the researcher and I was not privy to any findings by the researcher unless she chose to disclose her findings to me. When I was provided with information, I forwarded that information directly to the clients. I wish I could do more, and would be happy to help in any way that is within my capabilities.
I've just come to the difficult realization that the search results given to me by Jennifer Robinson, are incorrect and likely fabricated. What a joke and a complete sham! One year after being told that my birthmother is deceased, not being given the obituary (as promised by Jennifer), and not being able to verify any information that Jennifer provided I am back to square one.
It's not about the money lost in this deal...Its the disgust that any person who claims to be an adoptee / birthmother would flat out lie about such a deeply personal, emtional topic to another adoptee / birthparent!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT, pay this woman or anyone that represents Jennifer any money to do ANYTHING. I spoke with her for years before I finally agreed to pay her to do a search, one that she ASSURED me would be quick and easy. First off she doesn't like to answer the phone or return phone calls. Then she lies to you. She claims to have inside information on just about every adoption agency in Texas (LIE) as well as having contacts within the State of Texas Health Services, Vital Statistics Department, which houses birth records, and that is also a LIE. She plays on peoples emotions to get money, that's it and that's all. She woo'd us with her success stories too, I guess we should have asked for actual people to attest to her success as a "searcher" and I use that term loosely, and then maybe we would have known better. I am sure that she has helped some people, but by using resources that are available to anyone with internet access and for much less money than she charges. If you ask any reputable searcher, counselor, intermediary, etc in Texas, They will all tell you to stay as far away from Jennifer Robinson as you can. I personally could not agree more. She'll promise you the moon, and deliver nothing, after you've paid her several hundred dollars.
Jennifer duped me out of $200 2 days ago. She had told me I had a BM that was living in Oklahoma and she also had 2 other girls and a son and they were all married and had kids. I was ecstatic! She even said one of my sisters was named Vicki (my name) the other one was (Frances) which is my MOM's name and then told me Jennifer's daughter's name was Elizabeth (my granddaughters and my MOMS name). She played every card to touch my emotions. After I realized the numbers she had gave me were both disconnected, my heart sunk. What's worse is if I had of called my "siblings" it could have caused a very hurtful time in a family that was never related to me. That to me is evil to the core. I was very upset and called and left voice mails telling her how I felt. Before I could file a fraud charge the next morning with my sherrifs off, I recieved a call from the police dept in Federal Way Wash advising me she had filed a case of Threatening her. After I explained to him what was going on, I file my case of Fraud with my local Sherrifs off. Next I'm Filing at the FBI level and the BBB too. It's not the $200 now, It's the fact that she does this to other people that have to scrimp to gather the money just to have her devastate them. I was raised by 2 of the best people on earth.I've been truly blessed and I feel this has happened for a reason. GOD is telling me "you're parents were the best, be happy with their memories" So thanks to this wicked evil unGodly mean con woman, my search is over. The hurt is not worth it
I was taken in a very sad way by this woman, or monster as i would like to put it. My hopes of finding my mom were so high when she said she had talked to her. And as soon as my final payment was in then i could have her info and contact her. Well it was all a lie all info was false and i filed a IE3 with the feds and they wont get anything done. So dont be a victim i cant afford to pay any other company and my hope is my mom wont die before i can have the money to do it again. If any one has info on how to file any more to get my money back pls contact me at
There are people like myself that used this company and that are very happy, I FOUND my birth mother through this company and had a very great reunion I referred Jennifer Robinson and Givenright to a friend of mine and she was reunited as well too. I think that adoption seaarches can end up good or bad, I know that in the past she has had some trouble with her employee's but, all companies do, but, when I contacted her I asked for references first and she gave them to me freely. Jennifer Robinson reunited me and I am very happy and I think some of this stuff on her is made up. Stephanie
It is so sad to read these lies that have been written by Jennifer. I am a birth mother, and 6 years ago I decided to search for my daughter. I found Jennifer, and she had literally found my daughter in less than 15 minutes. I was amazed! I had only given her the date of birth of my daughter and the county where she was born. I asked her how she did that so quickly, and she simply said that my daughter was the only baby girl born on that date in that county who did not live in that county. It was a good start and I was extremely hopeful. The next step was contacting my daughter. When I called, she answered the phone. I asked her if by any chance she was adopted, and she said, “YES!” We talked and cried for three hours. We sent pictures to each other, and we look exactly alike, except that her eyes are brown and mine are green.
It has been so healing having my daughter back in my life. It has been extremely helpful for her as well because she did not have a clue about her medical history.
I understand that I am lucky that my search went so well, and that my daughter was wanting to have a relationship with me. Other people’s searches might not go as well, i.e. phone numbers get disconnected, or birthparents/ adoptees do not want to have anything to do with the other, or in cases where the birth mother lies and says that she never had another child. I had my baby through Gladney, and my roommate has literally lied that she never had a daughter, even though I was there and we shared a room for five months! I just think that she wants to forget the entire experience, but it is hard for her daughter. Jennifer helped me find her as well and I have given her pictures of her birth mother. Jennifer also helped me find her birth father, and he and his daughter from his current marriage have a wonderful relationship with my roommate’s daughter.
To summarize, Jennifer is an honest, caring person. She has been in our boat as an adoptee and as a birthmother. She knows the “void” that we feel, and she would never mess with our emotions. People are lying about her. Please do not believe them!
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Have any of you nay sayers actually used the Givenright service?! Both my older adopted brother and myself used the service of Givenright and we were both reunited with our birth mothers. Jennifer was able to find my brother's birth Mom within minutes! As for me, she spent two years searching for me and she never gave up. She took the initiative to check in with me periodically and as new resources became available during the course of that time. It's been several years now since she found my birth Mom and I know her resources and knowledge have grown considerably! I am greatly upset by the nasty remarks here and I don't believe them to be true after having been in touch with Jennifer for so many years. We are not friends, she is someone I hired who did her job right! That is what I am here to say. Jennifer and Givenright have been blessing to my whole family. Jennifer is an honest and caring woman who is passionate about her living as someone who reunites loved ones. Perhaps Jennifer made one mistake, she is one person and she is entitlted, no? I know of a few people who have also used her service with great results. Just check her myspace page! Thank you Givenright!
I had NOTHING but a good experience with givenright. Jennifer called me 2 days after starting my case, and gave me my BM's name, #, address, and sibling info. She DID tell me that my birthmother was very excited to talk to me. I called, and it was indeed the right person. I have since met the entire family, and I have a half-sister & brother. I have NOTHING but good things to say about this company in my experience. I don't know what happened with these other cases, and I'm very sorry to all of you. I spoke at length w/Alicia, and she was VERY helpful and supportive. Although I don't know Jennifer personally, she definitely helped close this chapter in my life!
I personally have used and have spent countless hours on the phone/ email etc. with Jennifer Robinson. I am on both sides of the coin. I am adopted AND a birthmother. Jennifer not only helped me locate my BM, but helped me locate my daughter as well. My daughter was located in a few days. The search for my birthmother took EXTENSIVE research. Hours of phone calls, emails and filtering through information. And believe me, this had to be tough, as I was adopted from a VERY private agency in Texas. Jennifer would be up at three o'clock in the morning at times, working for me. And she DID NOT and WOULD NOT take money from me until things were complete and satisfactory. Then, she offered to help my brother. FOR FREE ! She found my brother's birthmother and it has changed his life. As has finding my daughter. Is there any amount of money that can do this for you? No. I'm sorry if anyone has a negative feeling, but this is not the case for me. As far as the Paypal and other stuff. So. Let's be honest. Being adopted raises alot of emotions. To those of you that are mad, are you mostly mad because this probably is not your first attempt at searching and once again, you have not gotten the information you want? Once again, you feel as if nobody is on your side? Believe me. It is devasating. I've been there hundreds of times. Just when you think you have it, nope. Gone. Adoption is a tricky process. And let me say, though Jennifer found my BM, the woman spoke to me and didn't want to have anything to do with me past our one conversation. So in life, there are no guarantees. It is what it is. Be honest with yourselves. Why are you truely mad here. And Jennifer, thanks for changing our lives. I'm forever indebted. And for you nay sayers...I don't work for Jennifer, I've never seen her face to face. She didn't ask me to write this. It's by my own choosing to do so.
Wow I honestly cannot believe anything negative would come out of Jennifers services. I am a birthmom, gave my son up privately. I was given her name from a friend and called her. She was also a Gladney birthmom as was I. She was caring, honest, and yah maybe sometimes didnt pick up the phone, but people DO have lives, and I know she has several children, so do I, so that in itself takes alot of work. She did my search within days, and with NO names, only a tiny bit of info and luck we found him, and I confirmed on my own that it was him. We have been reunited for 2 yrs and have a good relationship.
I have ALSO done free searches ON MY OWN for friends, and have found their birthparents for them, with little or no info. BOTH times the birthparents rejected the child and wanted NOTHING to do with them. SO if Jennifer called the birthparent, it is VERY possible they wanted nothing to do with the child...therefore she cannot give out a # for privacy purposes...adoption is a funny thing, some want to find thier parents, some dont, some parents want to find thier child some dont, and some siblings do some dont...and SOMETIMES it just does NOT work out, but the work on her end was STILL DONE. Searching takes alot of time and effort, its not just plug in a name and boom it happens, its hours and hours at the computer, trust me Ive done it. Most of the time their is NO info to go off of, and its a search with nothing...and that is even harder.
For me it worked out, but it could have easily, and I mean EASILY gone the wrong me she is an angel...she gave me something back I thought would never be possible...and for that, I will be eternily greatful.
To those of you who are mad, I can understand, your mad, you didnt complete your search, you paid for it, you want your money back...she pays for that software, she pays for her time. There are other ways to search...the internet is FULL of ways, trust me.
Jennifer knows alot, if she didnt, she would not have found my son from zero info, in less than 2 days.
I just got an email from this company and spamed it right away because I started with a blatant lie. That I had contacted them recently. Since I am only interested in finding my birth parents if they are seeking me, Why would I want to pay to find them? About 10 years ago I went through an emotional time and posted some inpassioned pleas on web sites. I have since then found peace in my life and realize that I am missing nothing in my life. So Other than occasionally updateing my information on FREE search sites, so if they want to find me the information is available. But I am in no way activly searching nor would I contact a search company. They claim to have "already reviewed my case" how can they do that if they have not even talked to me. And the email was a totaly generic no names, CLEARLY SPAM and came in the form of a reply to a posting. They are spaming adoptees who post on search sites.
The letter they sent me is from a "Shannon" who is supposidly the new office manager.
Shannon Tomsic
Givenright Office
ph. [protected]
Claims to have a 98% success rate and most cases are settled in DAY. If you know anything about adoption searce this should be a clear red flag. And listed an April 15 dead line no cost search unless they find the person. But if you do a reverse look on the phone number it is not a business phone number at all.
Robert Morse
22860 30th Ave S
Des Moines, WA [protected]
Type: Land Line
Provider: Global Crossing Local Servcies, Inc
Location: Des Moines, WA
Google the address you find a skanky apartment complex in Des Moines.
All I can say if you pay these people anything ask for referals from at least 10 past clients that you can actually talk to because All I can see is huge red flags. I tend to be an investigator myself.
My name is Kelly and I would like to tell you my story about and Jennifer Robinson, I called Jennifer Robinson last month and talked with her new office manager they were very professinal. I was looking for my birth mother aand birth father they did not ask me for ANY MONEYup front for I thought about it a few days and discussed it with my husband and then I called them back within five days I got the results I was looking for and she stated she had found them. I was in shock and I read all this stuff on the net about the company so I did not want to pay them at first because I thought I might be getting scammed but, then I said you know if this is a scam they would have taken my money from the start. I paid and got my results and it was not a scam company. I did a swap d.n.a. test that took a week with my birth mother and it came out with almost the same markers as me. it was 99 percent my birth mother! We look just alike and my non i.d. from the adoption agency matches totally. I am happier then ever thanks to and you people almost did not give me the chance for my happiness due to back stabbing and lies about this company. I can not believe ANY of this stuff, I looked up Shannon Tomsic and there is a real person named that and called and spoke to her and she is the new office manager. Thank you Jennifer Robinson and
Does anyone find it funny that as soon as someone posts a negative comment suddenly someone comes up with a wonderful testimonial about how great this group is. JUST LIKE THEY ARE MONITORING THE COMMENTS. Just like it is the company posting under different names not real customers. Because I find it strange that the only good comments I found online were in response to bad comments. With hundreds of satisfied customers you should have tons of rave reviews. But all you find is the same type of "I can't believe that you would write bad things" All with first and last names. And detailed information. All the letter are in exactly the same style, like the same person is writing them.
All I said is be careful and talk to people in person BEFORE you pay any money. As I said it talkes nothing to do a reverse phone look up and then google the address. Professional business do not run out of run down appartment complexes. Especially with such a record that they claim. They would be bringing in tons of money.
And just another comment. In a professional business shouldn't the phone number be listed to the Business if there is an business licence. Please tell me who is Robert Morse. And why can't Jennifer get a phone in her name? Unless of course Jennifer is a fake name? Humm something to ponder. Please please Please
Go to white pages and do the reverse look up. Go to the given right web site and copy then number. why would you trust me. As they say I am just trying to Bash their busines. SO do the work yourself.
This is the link to white pages reverse look up but you can just as well google Free reverse phone look up.
When you get the same information take it over to google maps .com and you will see what I am talking about.
Why am I doing this? Because I am an Adoptee and I know how emotional it is to be an adoptee. And it discusts me when sick people take advantage of our emotions. We have already been hurt enough.
If you really want to give this company a chance. Have it added into the contract that you pay onthing until the paternaty is CONFIRMED by DNA test. And that the DNA test is to be taken at the lab of your choice. See how quick they jump at this clause. My guess is they will not.
Now, Who ever you are you are a total ###ed person, you have time to bash companies that you know nothing about, I contacted this Robert Morse person and it is not even his number anymore. The number belongs to Jennifer Robinson with Givenright, so you again are a ###. Also, the address is listed incorrectly your fake crap you are writing. I am a adoptee too and you know you are so stupid that you have time to bash companies yet, you say yopur name is what ladybug not even real name. You are so dumb! As for Robert Morse who the hell said he was with Givenright dumb a** the number is not even his any more... you are A ### WITH TO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS! They should call you fly crap unstead of lady bug! Hmmm ... Maybe you should bonder this ladybug ### sucker! Bored Lier! hmmm ponder this you are stupid!
What I find utterly amazing is that those of you who have said all the negative things, don't take into regard the POSITIVES here. Jennifer Robinson and Given Right have helped MANY people, including myself. Not only did she find my birthmother, she found my brothers birthmother and a friends birthmother. And for those of you that don't realize how stringent Edna Gladney is, call them. Ask them their policies. I have called them since I was 18 years old. I am now 41. I have even had a critically ill child and BEGGED them to locate my birthmother to get health history. What a joke. Whatever her methods are, Jennifer is the best around. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars searching. Not only for me but for my child's welfare. Nothing. And Jennifer prevailed. For those of you that feel as if you got fraudulant information; I can't tell you whether you are right or wrong. But is this a perfect science? For anyone in my age range, remember this. During the adoption process 40 + years ago, it was LEGAL for a birthparent to give FALSE information. Social security numbers were a joke. Fake names were common. So for Jennifer to be able to "break the code", facing circumstances as those mentioned, well, it's amazing. So lighten up people. I have faced the rejection, the pain, the hurt feelings...all of it. I have been told by NUMEROUS other adoption search companies that there was "no hope". I've even hired an attorney to petition the court for my child's health. No go... But it is what it is. This is life. Back off of the poor woman. Turn your hatred and bad energy into something positive for yourselves. It takes to much out of you and your family to be so angry. Go on and try another avenue. Or don't. But don't harrass the woman, make attempts to ruin her business, call her names, or otherwise. If Target or Walmart sells you a product and you don't get what you thought you would, do you harrass them and bash them online? No. You know you don't. And I'm not minimizing or trying to compare scenerios here with Target or Walmart. I HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE ! Just think a little. Have you been hurt? Maybe. Have you gotten angry? Probably. But here is the positive. She has helped countless people and can do more. Don't ruin the opportunity for someone else. In this world where so much is bad, find a positive.
First of all, the fact that givenright hurt anyone is reason enough for them to be questionable. I have every email from Jennifer and givenright saved and printed out, ready to go. I guess she picks and chooses who to hurt. Unfortunately for her, many of us have found a way to connect and we are still out here, warning whoever we can. If I can save one person from the mental anguish she put me through, it was worth it.
It is ironic that someone from givenright can't spell worth a lick and that same language and spelling errors come from the person using the the very uncouth and ignorant word, "###". It says a lot when that type of person is on your side. I guess the apple doesn't fall far does it? The cussing shows the level of class.
Now, if someone had such a great experience, why keep going to complaint websites unless you are from the company or a relative of the owner trying to clean up? My purpose is to warn others from going through the emotional anguish Jennifer puts some people through.
Those of you who had great success with givenright, please, contact me. It would be great to hear from you.
Alicia, I mentioned to you several times about "driving the get away car" and your association with givenright. I told you you were as guilty as the owner for hurting people. Yet you stayed. You were very aware of what was happening and gave me ways to contact other victims, so don't act like you didn't know. But the final act that proved you were as horrible as your coworkers is the fact that when I called you with a name and asked that you NOT give it to Jennifer, you did anyways. You were clearly deeply involved with the situation. Your name is on almost every email that contains one lie or another. It's unfortunate. I feel sorry for you and don't believe for a minute that your intentions were anything but evil.
So you made a list. Big deal. Anyone can locate search angels and we have been putting that out there. Return people's their search...rectify the situation. That would be nobel. How about...don't lie, don't be a part of a scam, don't get people's hopes up on knowing their identity, or how about REPORTING WHAT YOU KNOW TO THE FBI. You told me a lot about what was going. Step it if you feel so guilty. If not, stop blowing smoke. I'm tired of hearing it.
I am far from a ###ed person.
But I have to say you are tripping over your own lies.
"I contacted this Robert Morse person and it is not even his number anymore. "
If it is not even his number anymore how could you contact him? Unless of course you know him! Your boss maybe?.
And if it is an old number why is it that Birthright has an unlisted number. Any reputable business would like to have as much visability as possible. And not the kind of visibility that you are getting right now with your unprofessionalism.
I find it funny according to the email sent to me "you have reviewed my case" And since your email was sent to my ladybug address you should know exactly who I am if you had "reviewed my case" when I supposidly contacted you.
But if I am right and you emailed dirctly through a post on another site you will have no idea who ladybug is. Because we both know it is just spam.
The fact is she may have helped a very few. But her business practices are wrong. Any Good business person delivers the goods BEFORE they expect payment. You see what you are buying before you make payment. They write a contract that holds the person to pay for the services once rended. Then they can go to court if the person tries to stiff them. But most people are honest and would gladly pay if you really found their parents. The only reason a company would expect a person to pay for good sight unseen is because they know that the goods are not up to par. Sometimes she may get lucky and find the information through public records. But that does not mean all of her cases are honest.
Any contract that requires that you pay before the person has actually recieved the information is expecting problems. If this company was behaving honestly they would not have to worry about payments. The way a business conducts itself can tell you everything. This business is expecting you to be unhappy so they are getting the money first.
I got A email from your company, I felt uncomfortable because you claimed to have "Reviewed my case" And I was curious how a company may have gotten my email. So I did my research. And I found this site. Along with sites saying the business had been shut down "because of people bad mouthing the business" another lie. So yes I agreed and urged people to use caution because there are many red flags. You can attack me and call me ###ed but anyone out there with any common sense can see that you are the one who is not professional and not business like. I did not even say not to use your service, I said be careful. But I guess that is exactly what you do not want. People to be careful and think. You want them to sign a contract and be emotional. is a SCAM! Totally and completely! It makes me sick and I'll stop her if its the last thing I do! Contact me if you are a victim... Let's talk.
I had no problems with Jennifer/givenright! She found my birthmom for me in 3 months. When she found my birthmom, she made a 3-way call to her, so that she could assist me with my first phone call because I was so nervous! I will forever give credit to Jennifer for finding my birthmom and for helping me reach out to her! I have one of the most positive search/reunion stories in the world, and I give thanks to Jennifer!
I'm so glad you didn't have to go through the emotional damage Jennifer put so many others through. As I mention above, please contact me directly at I would love to see any emails and other documented proof you have of your great experience.
Everyone she screwed over has all the emails saved and are willing to share, but I have yet to see anything from someone she "helped".
I'm taking action! Victims of please visit my website at Send me your story and I'll post it! I can be contacted through the website also!
Victims of, contact me. Go to my website at and contact me! We are taking action!
Victims of contact me. We are taking action- I can tell you the proper authorities to contact... let's put a stop to this scam!
I think all of the victims of this should come together and file a civil class-action law suit. With all of the money she is making off of people, she should be able to pay out a handsome reward to all the victims. And for most it's the principal and not about the money, but why not take everything from someone who is taking so much from people who have already lost so much. I have worked on many class action suits and it's not a hard thing to get started and most come out with great results. To all of the people she may have helped, good for you, but for those of you who were taken advantage of, you need to do something about it.