Jennifer Robinson AKA Jennifer Beck, Jennifer Wall and will scam you out of money. She runs/owners an internet adoption research site. She prays on those whom are looking for birth parents or children given up for adoption.
To hire her it cost $200.00 + dollars. She will tell you how many people she has located and make you believe that she is able to find who you are looking for. Within 24-48 hours she calls you and tells you she has great news she has located them and has already made contact. She goes on and on about how the person you are looking for really wants contact but first you have to pay another $200+ dollars before she can give you any information. You get so excited so you pay...
She will then call you back telling you that birth mom/ adoptee called her back and wants NO contact and yelled and screamed at her and said they would sue... the lies go on and on! She will give you a name but the name is made up... I was told that my birth mother's name was sarah but after contacting another search group find out that my birth mother's name is really Julie. She lies! Don't use her! My birth mother was never contacted by her and was VERY happy to have contact!
Save yourself the tears! Because it hurt really bad to hear my birthmother wanted nothing to do with me and then find out she really did!
I have a listed of people right now who have been scammed by her... Stay away!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
it states on your website scammer or legitmate company i think that is why people are responding.also, on here they have the right to talk about rights and wrongs it is freedom of speech and you all have called jennifer names so i am sure that is why peole have called you names it is childish yes i agree marie you know nothing about alicia she is a mean person she treated me very rudly telling me things as if i was a dog and treating me so rude.
how do you know she is not a searcher i am sure jennifer did not know so many things about the person either you do not know she is not in the search business. i am happy with my search and givenright and have the right to tell people about it just like you have the right to tell people what you feel
Erin and Marie, I would only ask that each of you do the same as you write; not all of us who were helped by Jennifer are resorting to name calling. We are only sharing our story as you all have shared yours. Please do not include "all" of us in your negative statements.
Jason, my apologies if you feel I wrote something inappropriate towards you. It was not my intention. You have been very nice. I'm just getting so frustrated because Jennifer is sending people to this site and and asking them to post in favor of her. Which, I can understand, however, she is telling them that all seventeen of us were "rejected" by our birth parents or child and that is far from the truth... so people are commenting without even reading our stories... they are just assuming that what she said is correct. If you read the comments on the comments page of the website, you can see for yourself exactly what I'm talking about. Also, she's trying to pass the blame on Alicia... I had NO dealings with Alicia and even if I did, Jennifer owns the company and it's her responsibility if she found out one of her employees was not doing right to fix it... But again, Alicia had nothing to do with my case as she was already gone.
The biggest difference between us victims, and the one's she helped is that we AGREE that she may have helped some people. We have never denied that. But the people she has helped won't even give us the courtesy to read our stories and make their own judgements instead of listening to Jennifer's stories, let alone believe that we have been scammed. I believe that Jennifer can find people sometimes... it's what she does when she CANNOT find them is the problem! Make Sense?
What meakes sense it that you have no idea that all those stories are true and you are producing that on your website like you kow that is a fact. How much do you think a search cost? yes, some people do it for free for some people yet, it is never for free they take time and money out of their pocket to help one search, how much do you think web fees and search engines for people cost a month, how much do you think a manager cost to run a company,
how much do you think people phone and internet cost a month. You add it up and tell me why someone would cheat someone when sometimes they have to reach in their own pockets for a search.
They would not, so, you know this is hard for me to believe at all. i paid someone before jennifer and got told my mom was not able to be found, but, jennifer found her and new york is not a easy state. The reason that people are acting mean is you are also acting mean, you call jennifer names and let people refer to her a killer.
i know i could not help people find their families i would not know were to start, and i bet people get mad all the time, you can not please everyone in life.
have you ever had to go through another search company and pay thousands to have them take your money some of us have and lost thousands, so, we are grateful when someone found our families for us. i am sorry if i said any name calling if i did i did not mean to.
you have to see our point too.
i have nothing good to say about alicia and either does my sister that used givenright alicia was not nice and i asked jennifer if we could not talk to alicia anymore and she said yes, we worked with jennifer only. i do not know why you had a bad experience with jennifer but, do not blame us for telling our side of happiness.
We have rights to tell our views as well.
I'm in no way shape or form taking away your rights to tell your story. Imgine though if that first company you hired decided to fabricate a story to tell you instead of telling you the truth that they could not do the job? Can you just imagine how that would make you feel? Take jennifer completely out of the story and pretend that my story is from a searcher or company you don't know... read it that way and come back and tell me if you think that's right? I would have much rather been told the truth, then to be lied to to get my money. The emotional stress was just not necessary!
@ Reunited person view: I can tell you exactly how much it costs to run a search company because I was the one paying all of Jennifer’s business expenses for several months and have the credit card statements to prove it. As far as how much an office manager who works nearly full time, after loss of all the expenditures I put into the business, I earned less than $350/mo. That is less than the cost of one of Jennifer’s searches.
@ Wendy: I am not a “mean” person and was never “rude” or “distasteful” to any clients, but there came a point where there were those that I was incapable of helping, through no fault of my own. I can’t provide information that I do not have access to. I am NOT a searcher. I do NOT currently work for a searcher. I do NOT own my own business or website. I have no reason to “recruit” anyone for business purposes.
@Floria: You seem to be under some false assumptions with regard to me. You also seem to have more knowledge (although it be incorrect) than someone who does not work directly for Jennifer, or Jennifer herself, should have. You speak of confidential information, and yet you speak as though you have first hand knowledge of many cases. How confidential is that?
The fact that some people from years past have suddenly popped up on Marie’s site only goes to prove that this has been happening for quite a long time. It does not invalidate Marie’s statement that she was only recently taken advantage of. That some people were given fraudulent information before I worked for Jennifer, while I was working for Jennifer, and after I worked for Jennifer…..hmmmm what is the common denominator here? It sure isn’t me.
You obviously misread my statement to Judy. She did NOT provide her name at birth. Judy went to the court house in Ohio and found her birthmother’s maiden name on her own. This was AFTER Jennifer had already given her false information and refused to refund her money. I passed Judy’s birthmother’s maiden name on to Jennifer who then found her married name. From there, Judy was able to locate the individual. Jennifer is now claiming that she thought Judy had received a refund because she won her case through paypal. This is a lie because Jennifer knew there was no money in the paypal account, as she had already spent it all, and then the paypal account was shut down due to too many complaints and requests for refunds.
I certainly do not condone violence, but maybe if Jennifer wasn’t taking advantage of so many people, she wouldn’t have to worry about death threats. She has supposedly been receiving death threats since before I worked for her. You would think she would stop giving people incentive to make such threats.
Jennifer didn’t change her number, it was shut off.
Jennifer’s business license, under the name Givenright Research, Inc. is not just “expired”, but according to the state of Washington,, the business was dissolved on 10/03/2005. Although some woman by the name of Stephanie Cruz (who incidentally lives in the same apartment complex as Jennifer) is now listed with the BBB as the owner of givenright, Jennifer still claims ownership of the company per her threatening phone message to me two days ago.
Anyone that I have contacted was not done so through givenright’s records, and I have not contacted a single individual and asked them to post anywhere. Many people have continued to call me, as my phone number has never changed.
Any names of searchers that I have given out to those who are still searching are either publicly listed search angels, or searchers with websites.
I have not stated anything against Jennifer for the purpose of revenge or vindication, but in order to be honest and set the record straight and apologize for my involvement in anyone feeling they were taken advantage of. I never knowingly provided fraudulent information to anyone, only the information provided to me by Jennifer, as was my job.
However, it was often quite difficult to respond to emails when Jennifer would not keep me updated on cases, or would change the password to the email account without notifying me, or would simply disappear for days/weeks at a time (yet never neglected posting current pictures of herself on myspace, even while claiming to be in the hospital at the time).
As I previously stated, Jennifer did find my daughter for me and I know of many others who found loved ones through Jennifer (mostly Texas cases), but isn’t it a bit coincidental that most cases (mainly those claiming to have been “scammed”) were suddenly “solved” right at rent time?
I am happy for those who did find their birth families through Jennifer, though.
p.s. “Tina McKee” who posted earlier is one of Jennifer’s friends in Federal Way, Washington. However, the wording, spelling, and aggressiveness used in the posting are all Jennifer.
Oh, and Bonnie, I am sure that if the Tarrant County courts knew of the information that you pass along to Jennifer, you would probably be out of a job. Please stop attacking me with fabrications when the truth against yourself could be much more damning. You really aren't fooling anyone with your alias.
I apologize for that you think I am fabricating anything. I am responding to your complete and udder bull ### about Jennifer. You state things about her myspace does anyone care about someones myspace? No, Are you a freaking stocker trying to tract her MySpace, and if she was in the hospital have you ever heard of Internet on a cell phone? Because most people upload pictures from their phone.
You are only looking out for your self Alicia, yet, you are slandering someone else in the process to make yourself look better. I fully think it is for your own revenge or vindication. I have read the Marie's site and there has been post that state you contacted people and ask them to write about Jennifer or join the site. It also states you organized so called Victims. If you were not doing the searchers and had no knowledge of anything as you claim then how can you make a statement that someone scammed someone.You have made statements that you were not vindicating yourself yet, you have repeatity slandered Jennifer with your statements.
You even placed this site on your comments for people to read and stated Jennifer placed post on this Website about herself yet, do you watch Jennifer's computer, that is slander saying statements in this manner. You are admitting to the fact that you controlled Jennifer's bills and her business by stating you paid her accounts. If you paid her e-mail accounts then you would have control of her passwords.
You have stated that most of Jennifer's cases were out of Texas and were easy to solve yet, if you are not a searcher then how would you know what are easy cases are not easy cases. Not all Texas cases are easy and to make that statement is truly prosperous unless your specialty is in adoption searches.
As for death threats against someone's family members is grossly unfair, hateful, unreasonable, and pure wrong. There is no reason for anyone to make a death threat against another person. But, personally, it seems to me that you just thrive off the negativity or you would not be spending so much of your time conducting negative comments about another person. Getting caught up in others negativity and adding your own comments into the mix of things to make you look as you have no knowledge of anything. You counteract your statements with other statements to make your self look as a better person. Giving out personal information about Jennifer or others could cause risk to them and that is wrong. Your statements have listed addresses and phone numbers and other personal information to the public.
I am only stating what I know about Jennifer and Givenright and what I know is she has done great work for me and many people including your self as you stated. I think Jennifer is a wonderful person and I have never had trouble with hr before ever. I have worked with her in my own search and many other searches. I know many searchers that use Jennifer to help them solve searches. I have spoken with them and they to back her one hundred percent. There have been searches I have not been able to solve and Jennifer took over the case and solved it finding the correct person. I have personally seen Jennifer solve cases from other state besides Texas. I was talking with a New York Searcher last night and she uses Jennifer for searches, and has been very satisfied in the results she has had.
We should make a searcher and search angel site and let people know what we go through everyday helping people. It is not an easy task or job to have. There are fake names birth mother's might use, there are people that do not pay for their information, there are families that do not want contact. There are birth mother's and birth father's that lie about who they are. I even had a birth mother tell me she was just a egg donor for the adoptive parents. We are all connected in the process in trying to help get adopted adults and their families together. I have received incorrect information from different resources before, yet, this does not mean I am a scammer or a liar as a searcher. Sometimes adopted Adults and Biological families get upset when the information does not go in their favor.
I even had a official in the state of Texas tell an adoptee her mother used a fake name yet, this was not true at all I located the birth mother and came back to this official and let her know she was incorrect in her statements. I do not think the official was scamming someone or trying to get over on anyone. I have also had adopted adult adoptee's born on the same day up to eight of them and it can get very confusing on which one was the correct adoptee I was looking for I have at time to time found the incorrect one, I was not scamming anyone. The people that are bashing and slamming Jennifer have no idea what process she went through to try and help them.
Another point searchers that are not private investigators to do not have to have a business license or investigators license to do searches.
Many Searcher's almost 99% of them including myself work out of their homes.
Alicia, Everytime I have ever called Jennifer her phone was working not disconnect.
It would only be slander if it weren’t true, and I have not made any statements against Jennifer that could not be proven, ergo, not “###”, as you so eloquently put it.
My point regarding Jennifer’s time on myspace when she was supposedly in the hospital is to state that if she were capable of posting on myspace, she should have been capable of contacting her “office manager” with updates. And since her business is conducted online and over the phone then she could have just as easily been solving cases during that time as well.
Maybe you should re-read Marie’s website, because I have yet to see where anyone has claimed that I have contacted them and asked them to write anything about Jennifer or join the site. I did tell a couple of unhappy clients that I had seen a complaint regarding the same complaints as they had, they took it from there. As far as whether Jennifer is “scamming” anyone, all I can say is “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” I believe the number of complainants alone would justify such a claim.
I have no way of watching Jennifer’s computer. And no, just because my credit card paid for the business email account, does not mean that I had access to the password if it were changed (which it often was). The account was in Jennifer’s name, not mine, I only paid the bill.
You appear to be misquoting me yet again. I said that most of the cases that were solved without complaint were Texas cases, not that they were easily solved. But, I guess if I had someone working within the court system, such as yourself, then those cases might very well be easily solved.
From the number of negative comments you have posted on this forum alone, I can only conclude that you are the one thriving on the negative. I posted my apology on here and then stayed away until I saw all the accusations being made against me. I have not given out any personal information. Besides, all of Jennifer’s information is listed with the BBB as public record.
I understand that some cases are not capable of being solved, but that does not give anyone the right to make up information and claim to have spoken with someone they have not, or tell someone that they will receive their information as soon as they have made their final payment and then take the money and run.
p.s. the more Jennifer slanders and threatens me, the more incentive I have to post more of the verifiable truth
You are talking about myspace again like it is a big factor in your life. If you were not next to Jennifer or had a problem with her you could have stopped working for her yet, you worked for her for a year. Now, you are complaining about someone being on myspace when they were in the hospital or how they could have completed searches instead of being on myspace. Alicia, What you are forgeting was Jennifer was your boss or were you the person who ran the show.
My son keeps on his myspace twenty four seven it does not mean he is looking at it all that time, he has it connected to his phone. You are now blaming Jennifer on being on her myspace in the hospital and not solving searches. Get a life Alicia! Do you have children? If so spend some time with them and stop making excusues for yourself or your conduct.
I do searches from the courts yet, I have any searches that are not from the courts too, but, that is not any of your noisy business. Jennifer is not slandering and threatening you, your doing that all my yourself by your comments.
You are the person that is doing that to Jennifer I have not seen or heard anything she has written about you, but, I have seen you write about her. Collectively known as defamation, libel and slander are civil wrongs that harm a reputation; decrease respect, regard, or confidence; or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against an individual or entity. The injury to one's good name or reputation is affected through written or spoken words or visual images. You have done that yourself to hJennifer and now others.
You are the person that makes comments after comments that are negative and I have not seen anything that has been written from you positive.
Show me something Jennifer has written about you and I will fairly read her comments and yours and make my own mind up who is slandering whom.
Actually, myspace is not a major factor for me. I mainly use mine to communicate with my daughter. It seems like a waste of time to me, otherwise. No obsession here, thank you. I am not complaining that someone was on myspace while in the hospital. I just don’t particularly believe Jennifer was in the hospital as much as she claims. I would be happy to see documentation proving otherwise. Jennifer was in charge of the entire operation. All I was responsible for was phone calls and email interaction with clients. Hard to do when you don’t have communication from the person in charge.
First of all, I am not making excuses for MY conduct. For that I have apologized. Yet again, I refuse to accept responsibility for Jennifer’s conduct.
Bonnie, Jennifer has slandered, defamed, and libeled me all over Marie’s website under the alias “Nikki”, as can be proven through IP address of origin. You know what an alias is, don’t you? Of course you do, it’s what you are doing right now. Notice that I have no reason to hide my identity and am using my own name. This is not a sign of guilt. As for the threats, I have kept those on my voice mail for evidential purposes.
Please tell me what positive can be said about someone taking money for services not rendered?
p.s. Bonnie, although you have no firsthand knowledge of me whatsoever, and all that you have stated is false, you have slandered, defamed, and libeled me on this website. Do I sense a case of "the pot calling the kettle black"?
Oh, one more thing, Bonnie. You seem to be having difficulty with vocabulary. Therefore, I have taken the liberty to gather the definitions of the terms you have been misusing. Please take note that for any of my statements to be deemed as defamation, slander, or libel, they would have to be "false or unjustified" or "misrepresentative". None of what I have stated meets these requirements. Your claims against me, however...
ˌdɛf əˈmeɪ ʃənShow Spelled Pronunciation [def-uh-mey-shuh n] Show IPA
the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny
ˈslæn dərShow Spelled Pronunciation [slan-der] Show IPA
1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.
3. Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.
ˈlaɪ bəlShow Spelled Pronunciation [lahy-buh l] Show IPA noun, verb, -beled, -bel⋅ing or (especially British ) -belled, -bel⋅ling.
1. Law.
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it.
c. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.
Thank you for finally speaking up. I'm sure you've noticed that several of us who got scammed have remained quiet, myself included. Know that I am following these comments.
Find peace in knowing that we don't need to prove ourselves to anyone except those assigned to the case, and we all have the emails and other records to prove what we need to.
Gather your evidence, send it to the appropriate person (email me personally if you don't know about this), and read Romans 12:19 and Luke 20:43. It's not ours.
At this point, those who were hurt, including you, know who did what. These other individuals did not go through or experience what we did and will not see our point. Therefore, it's useless to argue the point. We know what happened and we have the evidence to prove it.
Be patient and don't let people who have had no experience like ours engage you. And again, thank you.
I agree with Judy... I am also reading this site often to watch for new victims of Jennifer. I believe in my heart that you are truly sorry for any pain you caused those you came in contact with. And that is the first step to forgiveness!
In my opinion the only reason you keep defending Jennifer is because you know that if she goes down, you may just go down with her. Don't think for a minute that Jennifer won't bring anyone and everyone down with her that had any part in her scam. She only cares about herself.
WE HAVE ALL THE PROOF WE NEED TO PROVE OUR CASES! And as I stated before, this is NOT a case of "birth family refusing contact" or "birthmother giving false information". This is a case of FABRICATED LIES AND STORIES TOLD TO CLIENTS TO GET MONEY. It's as simple as that!
Thank you Alicia for finally speaking up, I always believed that you were as much a victim to Jennifer as we all were. I am also glad that someone else was able to see who "Floria" really is. Check out my earlier posts on this thread, the second I read her post I knew it was Bonnie. Bonnie seems to only be able to attack other people, of course, with the exception of Jennifer. This is only natural as she and Jennifer are good friends. It is obvious that she has no clue what she is talking about and I sincerely doubt that she even reads the posts before she hits the "post new comment" button. I completely agree that Bonnie is shaking in her shoes, along with a few other people in Austin, because if Jennifer truly is implicated in a crime, you and I and everyone on this thread knows that Jennifer will sing like a bird as to who her contacts were.
You bring up a good point about attacking other people. I think it would be help to those of you who have complaints to focus on those rather than all these personal attacks back and forth. You are reducing your creditability if you fall into this game. Focus on the issue and your facts but ignore those that come on here to just attack another person not their story. If those users feel they need to attack each other they should do it outside this posting form through e-mail as maybe many of you are tired of reading personal attacks rather than actual complaints.
Jason, you are right, I am usually not one to get in to the "name calling" game, I guess this whole subject stirs up an ire in me that I have never dealt with before. It angers me beyond recognition what Jennifer did, and seeing that anyone would defend her, especially a SEARCHER defending her, just makes it worse. On the good side, a searcher that Marie set us up with was able to help us find my sister in law's birthmother, (another scam Jennifer took us through, because we paid for it since my sister in law was unable to.) Sure would be nice to have the hundreds of dollars that we "donated" apparently, to Jennifer, it would really come in handy in all the things that we are doing now to try to find my husband's birthparents.
In continuation to Jason,
Don't take this wrong, but you have no clue what the rest of us are going through. She did right by you, did your search, completed your search, and you had a good ending. She didn't take you for hundreds of dollars, you haven't had to watch your husband, a grown, strong, man, almost brought to tears because of her lies and manipulation. I still stand by what I said that the searches she did do were the "easy searches." Easy by Tx standards anyway...I.E. born before 76, in the index, have a birth certificate, any of the things that you can find off of the birth index, if not, I am TRULY SHOCKED. My husband is one of the "hard" ones, Born in 81, MMH, Bexar county, who opens to NO ONE, except Patricia Dorner, an intermediary, and that's a whole other soap box... So please, enjoy your happy ending, I am glad that someone that came in to contact with Jennifer can have one, but don't undermine what the rest of us are going through.
Lady, you are the liar- you can't have any of her other contacts b/c that would be breach of HIPPAA and and client privacy acts! Just cuz you ddn't get the results you wanted, don't make up lies! Many many others- my sis-in-law included are very happy with their givenright experience!
I do not intend to undermine what you all are going through. In fact, it is the complete opposite. I was just making a point, as a shocked client of Givenright, that while you had my interest in the beginning; the back and forth off subject bantering is starting to take its toll. I have no way of understanding what you all went through with Jennifer and I am not trying to make light of it either. However, I am trying to understand it. It just seems as if your points were more firmly made when they were on topic. You had the attention of at least one successful client of Jennifer's then. As far as my situation, I cannot do anything about the fact my Texas adoption in '78 in Bexar Country was successful. Nevertheless, I am interested in your side of things and that is why I continue to return. I am for sure not a fan of Patricia Dorner.
It just seems to me that the petty name-calling and whatnot is coming from those in support of Jennifer, who have failed to see any side other than their own. Yes, I had a successful search with Jennifer as well, however, I was in the position to see that was not the case for all clients. No one here has any information other than their own. All I come here armed with is personal knowledge from the vantage point of a previous employee of Jennifer's. I have not resorted to the name-calling, cursing, fabrication of personal information, and long tirades because that deters attention from the case at hand. I will, however, defend my good name from the defamation, slander, and libel being brought forth against me on this forum, because I am an honest individual and will continue to be such despite the threats being made against me.
Jason, were you or were you not asked by Jennifer to come here and speak on her behalf?
There are no HIPPAA laws regarding adoption files. No one here is lying, simply because their story is different from your own. I am glad you had a positive experience and wish all of givenright cases were just as successful, however that is certainly not the case as evidenced by the multitudes of complainants witnesses here.
Ok Who's Joey and what the heck is he talking about? Whew, I'm confused?!
Jason, I tend to agreee with you that we need to stick to the facts. Even for me, being the person that has spoken with or had contact with each and every one of these victims, and being a victim myself, I can truly understand why emotions get the best of us. I've cried so many tears over when Jennifer scammed me. At first, I was just going to give up completely. And then I decided to stand up strong. I've cried more tears each and every time I speak to a new victim, or read the story they send me. It's all just heartbreaking. So much so that I have devoted my time to actually helping with these searches (with someone giving me direction of course).
And you have not been one of the "Jennifer Supporters" per say. I asked you for proof, you emailed me proof, and I told you that I was very happy for you. But you still seem to be open minded about what Jennifer has put us through. There are some people on here that defend her as if she is related to them or something. I just don't get it. I believe, truly, that Jennifer once botched a search, probably accidently, and nothing happened to her. Maybe she did it again accidently. But then she realized that if she needed money, it was easier to scam someone because there would be no recourse for her actions. Do I think that she was ALWAYS dishonest? No. But its just like the little kid that steals for the first time. He gets away with it. Then he goes back and it just gets easier and easier to do it again and again. Until he gets caught, and suffers ramifications for his actions, he will continue to do it. As with Jennifer. It's very difficult to get anything done in the legal system with this because of the amounts of money she takes. However, I HAVE found a way and I am working very hard on it.
One last thought... if a firefighter saved 100 people from burning buildings, and then kills a man who was messing around with his wife, do the 100 people he saved make up for that one life he took?
In this case I believe the firefighter saved about 40 lives and killed 100 people messing around with his wife. Jennifer has contacted every happy client she has ever had and asked them to come here to offset the complaints. Many of these Jennifer supporters are from several years back. However, those who have been taken advantage of managed to find this forum all on their own. Imagine how many have not found this site or others yet, or who are so fed up with the entire notition that they simply have faded away. It's truly sad.
On another note, the only problem I see with this forum is that Jennifer always maintained that "bad publicity is still publicity" and that she would have more clients when there were complaints out there on the internet about her. I hope that those reading these pages realize that it is a crap shoot with Jennifer. You may be one of the lucky one's who gets the information you pay for, OR you very well may be one of the ones that is available right before eviction notices are sent out. Are you really willing to roll the dice with those odds?
I find it amazing that people are coming out of the woodwork to defend Jennifer. It seems that people would be sitting back and enjoying their reunions rather than googling Jennifer's name and finding out that she is a scam artist. I'm sure all the people defending Jennifer have the SAME IP address but alas, we will never know.
Actually, Jennifer has been the source of many successful reunions. She simply asks those she has helped in the past to come forward and post on these complaint sites when things get too hot to handle on her own.
My wife and I have just finished a inquiry about her birth mother who she had been looking for. 18 years passed with no connection being made until we met Jennifer. Within 2 phone calls, which Jennifer propmplty made, she was able to locate my wife's birth mother. 4 hours is all it took (seems unbelievable, I know) but completly true to the minute. Yes like many other people I'm sure read these complaints attacking Jennifers character. In my personal dealings with Jennifer I found her to be the total opposite. She was caring, very professional, concerned about the "Right Person" being found, and by the way was totally up front about the negative image given to her on the internet. She was willing to search my wife's birth mother FOR FREE until we were satisfied with the result. She, by faith, contacted my wife's birth mother and allowed us to speak to her, allowing us to ask personal questions to the birth mother directly so we could be definitely sure that this was "A Match". Again I say this was all done by faith on Jennifer's part that we would pay her. I ask this question, "Does this sound like a women that is vendictive, like these negative post describe?" You can only answer that question yourself. As for me, my wife and the rest of my family and now my wife's birth mother, brother, sisters and so many more that prayed diligently for so many years they would one day be together (in their words, "Be whole again") I SAY IT WAS DEFINITELY WORTH IT! I just feel sad that Jennifer could not have the opportunity to reach more people with her ministry that she has, because of the meanness of a few people.
PS...Before you make judgement upon this being a letter from a close friend or family member that is has much time invested in Jennifes life. That is not me. We just met over the phone less than 2 weeks ago. Some people are truly sent for this special reason, to reunite and "Make Whole" families.
Just another note...We will be going to have a wonderful family reunion in July. Truly for my family life could not get any better. All thaks to Jennifer being willing to still search regardless of the negative comments and harmful accusations to her and her family.
Ryan "Magic32"
I am so happy for you, I truly am. God blessed you and your wife by not having to go through what I and so many other had to endure.
Please let Jennifer know that her idea of suggesting that people who she helped reply on here about their great news is only rubbing salt in the open wounds she left so many people with.
Your news has made me wonder again why she chose to do to me what she did. And it hurts very much. Perhaps she would be better of not rubbing it in to the people who have emails from her containing fraudulent statements and fake names. It only inspires us to keep our mission going.
Enjoy your reunion. I still only have a fake name. Since she was able to help you, can you please ask her to finish the searches of the at least 20 people she screwed? She knows who we are...she has multiple unreturned phone calls and emails from us. Thanks!
Seriously, did that guy just refer to what Jennifer does as a ministry...Please hold on while I go vomit.
You all know that she is CAPABLE of performing a search with satisfactory results. You also know she is quite convincing. The problem is that she isn't consistent.
I am very happy for you that Jennifer was able to complete your search. And I'm going to say this once more.. in writing... I believe that Jennifer Robinson IS capable of completing SOME searches. However, the problem is what happens when she CANNOT complete a search. We all know there are NO guarantees to our search. And we all went into this process knowing that. But to fabricate stories, lies, and deceive people when she cannot complete a search is just immoral. Imagine how you would have felt if you paid Jennifer BEFORE you got the info because she told you she was 100% sure this was the right person because she spoke to this person. And then you pay and get NO INFORMATION?!?! Only excuses... and then she just stops taking your calls/emails. All the while you are thinking that Jennifer KNOWS who my birth mom is because she told you she spoke with her. Why isn't she sending the information? What's going on? I want to make that call now... The emotional turmiol she had caused us has even put some poeple near the verge of suicide! That's pretty serious stuff. So please, Ryan, read our stories first if you are going to make a judgement call. There are OVER 20 of us, all with very similar stories. NOT stories of loved ones that CANNOT be found, but stories of lies and fabricated stories fed to us by Jennifer Robinson so we would believe she DID find our loved ones just to get our money. You can read OUR stories there.
And BTW... Jennifer told me about the complaints against her also... AFTER we got started. And I remember thinking "how could someone do that to a person that is trying to help people?" Well, now I know the truth. She left out the part where she makes up lies and stories to get the money.
Just out of curiousity... was your search a TX search?
I am so sick of people discounting what the rest of us have gone through just because they had a good outcome... Let's say I bought a Ford truck. Lots of people drive Ford trucks and all is well, then Ford decides they can't afford to make a certain part for ALL of their trucks so they only put it in some of their trucks... my truck happens to be one of those without this particular "part" and my husband dies in an accident because it didn't have this part, as well as many other people who got the defective truck. Do you then as an owner of one of the "good" trucks stand in judgement of me trying to make Ford responsible for their actions? Do you tell me my feelings are not valid just because they didn't happen to you? How dare you call us "mean" when you have not walked in your shoes! Good for you that your wife had a positive outcome, I am truly happy when any adoptee has a sucessful reunion but that does not mean that Jennifer is a good person or that she always completes her work or that she isn't a liar! She obviously asked you to write this because it's not a normal thing to search the internet looking for negative comments about a company you are happy with. Please, I beg you to stop judging 24 of us that Jennifer has clearly lied to and decieved just because you had a 4 hour connection with her, it's just not right.
I know I am going to hear that what she has done is not the same as my "ford killing people" story but I think there are people that just aren't getting it, what she has done to some of us was TORTURE! One of the women Jennifer lied to 2 years ago was told that her mother was dead and that none of her family wanted contact. Her REAL mother was just found by a search angel and guess what? She is alive, the name she was given by Jennifer was fake and there was NO name on her non-id that could have been mistaken, there was no fake name given by the birth mother like Jennifer likes to blame, the dates were all right.
Please in the future think about what it would be like if your wife was told she wasn't wanted, that her mother rejected her yet again but then 2 years later she found her and all of that was a lie! Think about how hurtful it is to hear that you are just being mean or spiteful because you are trying to stop anyone esle from being hurt the way the rest of us have.
A general response,
I thought it only appropriate to respond in generality, because many of the comments made to me were of the same theme. Let me make this clear to all. I was in no way asked to post by Jennifer on this website. I personally decided to post our experience and dealings with Jennifer that we personally had. Our buisness relationship (I hope that was more of a proper term rather than "ministry", I hope the one that became sick because of the word ministry is feeling better :) was a professional one. Even before we spoke on the phone we were well versed in the comments made about Jennifer on the internet. She added insight into some of our questions and we were still sceptical. The reason we decided to follow thru with the search is that we did not place any banking info or any personal information with her. She was doing this for all she knew for free. We could have skipped out on paying her. Not discounting any of your stories or what you are going thru, but I think you can understand why the confusion is there on my part between are dealings with Jennifer and these other dealings. Why did it work out for us and not for someone else? I wish I had that answer, because I have not "walked in anyone's shoes" except my one. And as for ones saying that "I am judgemental" you need to read a little closer my post. Yes, I do find some reteric mean, but I say that not knowing the other person on the other end of the computer and also not knowing how I would feel if the story is true. (Not saying there not true!) I am not standing in any final judgement on any one. As you can see these things become confusing to any person who reads them. Words like: inconsistent, cannot complete a search and many more are words used by people that have posted...not me. I find it a bit inconsistent to say, "me using the word mean is harsh", but people can feel free to say what they want and how they want under the umbrella they have been hurt. I am just pointing out that the rules must apply to both who hold the standard. I can only speak for one, me how things happened. This I am sure of. I do from the bottom of my heart hope you will find your families. How could I wish any ill will or hurtful words on any of you that are looking for the same thing my wife and I were looking for, the happiness that your families will bring you? Why would I want to rub salt in wounds? Thats just mean! I dont want that ! SIDE NOTE: Thanks to each who wished us well. It means alot. I apprecitae the feed back and will be checking back soon. Ryan
I believe "inconsistent" to be an accurate description when some claim to have had a good experience, yet many others have not. It certainly does not indicate the 98% success rate boasted by the company. I am sure that everyone here representing various facets of the adoption triad is pleased that you have had a successful reunion, they simply wish that their experience were the same. If that were the case, they would have no need to come to a complaint forum to vent their frustrations.
Then why are you here, she did your search for free and found your daughter Alicia and you are happy
Well in my opinion that should raise A LOT of red flags for anyone who is considering hiring Jennifer, Floria. Here's a woman who had a successful search but because she knows of the scam going on, she is telling people to be careful. That should tell you something! She's got morals!