Jennifer Robinson AKA Jennifer Beck, Jennifer Wall and will scam you out of money. She runs/owners an internet adoption research site. She prays on those whom are looking for birth parents or children given up for adoption.
To hire her it cost $200.00 + dollars. She will tell you how many people she has located and make you believe that she is able to find who you are looking for. Within 24-48 hours she calls you and tells you she has great news she has located them and has already made contact. She goes on and on about how the person you are looking for really wants contact but first you have to pay another $200+ dollars before she can give you any information. You get so excited so you pay...
She will then call you back telling you that birth mom/ adoptee called her back and wants NO contact and yelled and screamed at her and said they would sue... the lies go on and on! She will give you a name but the name is made up... I was told that my birth mother's name was sarah but after contacting another search group find out that my birth mother's name is really Julie. She lies! Don't use her! My birth mother was never contacted by her and was VERY happy to have contact!
Save yourself the tears! Because it hurt really bad to hear my birthmother wanted nothing to do with me and then find out she really did!
I have a listed of people right now who have been scammed by her... Stay away!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
You people seem nuts.. If you are true people that are placed for adoption or birth parents then you know how very hard it is to find your families. I went through a company and they charges me 1, 700 to find my son, I was so scared when I paid them and kept calling them over and over and got nothing back from them I went to because I was looking for a scam that this other adoption company caused me, and read about this, I asked Jennifer what to do and she told me that she felt that she could find my son, I did not pay her up front she did not ask for money up front and she found my son as she said she did, I know it is my son because we look so much alike. I have read all these things that you people are writing and I started thinking it must be very hard to be a adoptee, I know it is hard to be a birth mother, I had positive results from, but, no one can be perfect no one, if this women has made mistakes some mistakes I think that it could be possiable that she did not do this on purpose. I just want to say I am very happy with this company and going out trying to destroy someone takes away from the good work givenright does for people like myself. Please feel free to write me at
Floria, If you were in the same situation that us victims are in, you would NOT be feeling the same way. What I'm sensing is that you think it's OK to scam the adoptees when the birth mother cannot be found? It's one thing to be open and honest and tell people that there are no guarantees... maybe even say that the services would need to be paid for with or without results. But that's not what she does. She makes up stories to make herself sound good. It is NOT OK to lie to someone and tell them that you found their birth mother, spoke with their birth mother, even give you stories about how the conception happened, collect the money, and then dissappear. I was ready to pay someone else more money that had no guarantees. I would have gladly paid her for her time ahead of time if I knew upfront and found out that she couldn't do it than get scammed in this way. Jennifer Robinson thinks that its better to lie to adoptees when she can't resolve your case to get paid. It's not about the money. I'ts about the emotional rollercoaster she put us through. Imagine if she told you she found your son and you had to pay to get the information... you knew that part. Then after you pay, she says he doesn't want contact. Or says he needs a few days to tell his family and then after two weeks you find yourself BEGGING Jennifer for the phone number only to be told that she lost it. You do hours and hours of research on the name she gave you with no luck. Then you do some research through the adoption agency and find out that the name she gave you IS NOT even your son. All of a sudden, she just stops taking your calls, doesn't respond to emails. Can you just imagine how you would be feeling at this point? It's just not right. So excuse me for saying that I don't care who else she has helped. It certainly doesn't take away the fact that she's lied and lied and lied to us victims. There are many other reputable companies out there that will be honest. She doesn't need to be in business at all!
I would agree with you, if you were remotely right. But first of all, don't call me names. If I were nuts, I would have flown out to Federal Way, WA and dealt with Jennifer myself a year ago. The fact that I have taken other avenues at a slow pace confirms I am not nuts, just pissed.
I am a "true" person who was placed for adoption. I know how hard it is to find biological families because after Jennifer gave me fake information, including that my mom didn't want to speak with me, I did the search myself. So I know how hard it is to drive 3 hours to the Office of Vital Statistics and search through micro film, line by line, name by name, looking for a name that you don't know. I am sure YOU don't know that because Jennifer didn't screw you over.
Turns out, my mom did want to know me. She was thrilled to hear from me and we speak almost every day now.
Further, again, I find it interesting that every person who defends Jennifer and Givenright cannot spell or properly punctuate a sentence. Either Jennifer has something against educated people and that's why those she screwed can form a proper sentence, or, the same person keeps responding.
I am sadden to read all these bad experiences with I had a wonderful experience with Jennifer's service. She provided a lot of detail in the beginning of my search and also made first contact. She was always honest and upfront with me and I am truly sorry that many of you did have a bad experience. I was reunited with my birth family. My birth mother and father eventually married and I have found them and my two sisters. Thanks to Jennifer, I was able to say thank you to my birth mother and my birth family was able to release a lot of pain. Again, I am really sorry for those of you who feel that you were scammed, but my experience was positive and I would recommend her service to anyone.
Have proof? Emails? Anything?
What would you like?
Anything... Emails from Jennifer? you can email them to I'll believe it when I see it. And even if she DID help you, that doesn't for a second take away from what she did to all of us! Read OUR stories at and then tell me if you still think highly of Jennifer Robinson!
Also... you were adopted in TX, right? That's one of the easiest states to do because they have a birth index that is public record. We are PA, OK, CA, OH... and WE WERE SCAMMED!
I have already visited your website and I understand your concerns. But it is hard for me not to think highly of Jennifer. She helped me reunite with my family and provided us with a lot of joy. I know that is a very selfish view and I do feel bad that your experiences were so unsatisfactory. I was adopted in Texas and Jennifer said she had access to my baptism certificate which is how she found out information for me as well as using the non-ID information. Again, I am sorry for all of you, but I appreciate everything Jennifer did for us. I have sent you and e-mail and a link to pictures for your review and confirmation.
There is were you are are incorrect about what you are talking about Texas is not the easiest state to do adoption searches. I am a adoption searches myself and I know that there are birth indexes for every state that you mentioned in your last paragraph.
I work through the Texas count system and I have been doing adoption searches for more then fifteen years before that I worked for a attorney in Texas, Texas is not the easy state to do searches in California is, and they have a birth index. I find it really strange that you state that you were scammed by this women I work with her on a weekly basics and I have seen her do wonders for the adoption community and not just for Texas for Oklahoma as well. It seems that you have people on your website very angry and they state that they are from years past but, were is Jennifer's side of the story, and why would you post things like this if you were not sure that they are the true facts. I will tell you from a searchers view that there are mistakes in the birth index's, records, courts records and more, we do not do searches alone, we are a community and help each other.If there are a view bad apples in the bunch and upset people, look at all the good apples that this women has made. Every searcher and I mean every searcher makes mistakes and as many years as Jennifer has done this she has bound to make a few as well, I do not believed you were scammed by this lady I know her a wonderful person and I see many others writing as well that she has helped them. I am aware of one of your stories on your page and I was involved in helping with one of them and believe me the lady got the correct information, so, you are stating incorrect information on other's behalf that is false. I am just stating to you that you do not know that facts and to judge someone on a couple of searches is wrong when you look at the big picture this women has helped a lot of people and myself in many happy searches. Unless, you are a adoption searcher you can nopt say what is easy or hard, and until you are a adoption searcher you will have no idea how diffucult it is...Thank you for being in the adoption community... Look up the states you are mentioning they all have birth indexes
Because of Jennifer I was able to find my son and I myself am a adoption searcher, I am very happy and have reunited with him, I have been a searcher for years yet, I was not able to locate him, yet, Jennifer and her other connection that she had I was able to reunite with him. You state that you are pissed that Jennifer gave you incorrect information but, I read what Jennifer's office manager said and you gave Jennifer your last name at the time of your birth and last name only and she found your adoption information and addresses and marriage records of your birth mother and provided it to you isn't that true Judy.. You are reunited due to the information she provided to you. There are many people backing Jennifer and I am one of them she has helped me and I have worked with her on searches and she has always done a wonderful job.
Jason, I read your emails... FROM THREE YEARS AGO! We are very recent victims. Within about the past year. What brings you to this complaint site anyway looking for Just curious. But anyway... sounds like you had a last name on your information too. Which would make your search a whole lot easier. So, I read your story... and your emails... now read mine and tell me what you would do? Would you stand for someone making up stories about your identity? I am 100% POSITIVE that Jennifer NEVER spoke with my Birth Mom... or other birth moms as stated in our stories. 100%, Jason. Why is it ok to do that to people, regardless of how many she has helped? Why is it ok for her to lie to me about my identity and keep my money? Why is it ok for her to create a false sense of hope that she ACTUALLY FOUND my birthmom? It's not! And if a person doesn't have enough business sense to deal honestly and fairly with EVERYONE, they don't deserve to be in business AT ALL! Especially when dealing with a matter as sensitive as this! So again, if you were me, or Judy, or Erin, or Heather, or Geene, or Mike, or Mark, or Daniel, WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN OUR SHOES?
First you are a customer, now you say your a searcher yourself? I've learned A LOT about PA adoption law in the past few months and as it turns out, it's NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION. There is NO possible way jennifer could have called "a friend in vitals" and get my information based on a birth index. The state of PA closed all records to the public in 1985. Look it up. And, as far as my researching goes anyway... there is no National Vitals Office that she would have a 'friend' in. As for my website... I've done my due diligence by asking everyone that wants their stories posted to send me their stories and keep it to facts only. I know my story is all facts. And I know many others are facts also because I've seen emails etc proving this scam. So, think what you may... but being a searcher yourself... read my story and tell me, would you do this to someone? And... if you were in my shoes, or any one of us victims of her scam, WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN OUR SHOES?
And as for Jennifer's responses... there are none because she will not answer any of our calls or emails. If she wants to email me her side of the story, I'd be happy to post it. Even Alicia stated that she would testify in a court of law regarding this stuff... and that's her old office manager. Trustworthy? Never!
If you contact the state she does have a Lisence, her L.L.C. is expired, You have it under Givenright she has a Lisence under Givenright Research. Many searcher has contacts in state departments and other resources, there is nothing wrong with that if that is how they get their information they will, she is not the only search company that has resources places. If Alicia wants to testify that she was her office manager and she paided her to send e-mails and other things that is great, how is Alicia going to testify that Jennifer scammed someone, was she the office manager when she did your case? Let's get Alicia on this subject and have her write about Jennifer being a scammer... So, Alicia, If you are reading can you respond to these comments you know Jennifer is she a bad person or a scammer? Did she pay you to do office work? Did she find your daughter? Will you testify that Jennifer is a scammer? Did Jennifer give any of these people information and if she was not responding to e-mails and you did the e-mails why were people not respomded to. Also, what do you know about Jennifer and her being ill that was mentioned. Also, what did Jennifer do for these people? What did she not do? Did she help them find there families and send them information. Marie, Jennifer has a company with office managers to respond to e-mails...this is all strange because this is not the Jennifer I know and have known for years...
First of all... you avoided my questions... what would you do? What would you think? How would you react? Would YOU do this to someone as a searcher? No find, No fee means just that... she didn't find ANYONE for us... why did she keep our fees? And as for her license... if you click on the link on the "just the facts page" you will see that the license IS expired and NOT renewed. It is Givenright Research and I did call and it's no longer valid. Trust me, I wish it was because I would think that she would need some type of insurance to have a business license (I'm not sure about this) but if she did, I'd be contacting them too!
I understand that you feel bitter, yet, have you contacted Jennifer and asked her to refund your fee's it seems as if a short time between the time she has done your search and now. I am just telling you that I know the lady well, and she is not at all what you are saying, I have talked to her about the problem, Do you know she is getting death threats from people related to your site and even I read on your site that someone posted for her to die and rought in hell, I captured the page. Jennifer is very good at what she does and that is all I know, she does the best that she can do in the situtions that are faced with adoption. Here is what I think I would do, let's say I went out to dinner and I spent money on dinner and they said they had special sauce and the best burgers in town and that they could prove it to me, and I went and my family spent a lot of money there and I hated it, I probably would tell my friends I hated it and it was not a good resturant, yet, I would ask the resturant in writing to repay me or give me something and I would give them a proper time period to do so, if they did not pay me then I would be angry, but, I would not allow people to send death threats and everything that is going on through your site and here. I back Jennifer and many others do, if I look at the big picture of things I see were you are mad or upset but, I wopuld send a registed letter to the company and ask please to refund my money. If you do not know who she found you can not state she did not find anyone for us, that would be a untruth, even her old office manager states that to you on here and on your site.
You state that you are recent victims but, on your site I see that these four of your people on there are from a year ago up to three years ago so, why try and state that comment to someone. Let's keep everything to a truth here! For some reason it would not let me complete the statement that I was typeing so, I will type a new paragraph. Marie, I see were you feel hurt, I am stating to you only what I know about searching and correcting some statements that are not correct that you do not know about because you are not a searcher. No one
excepts that you will know how to translate searching for birth families. We as searchers very often consult with a wide wide variety of searchers including underground people. We get our information through sources, widely recognized searchers, birth index's, newspapers, voter's records, and more. The object is to find the person that you are looking for and sometimes not that that often but, it does happen we get the wrong information from one of these sources, it not only makes the searcher look like a fool but, the adoptee or birth family feels they have been cheated or lied to. Let me tell you about a case that I have had for three years, I was sent a file by the court and I opened it up there I saw the birth mothers name her name was "Carolyn" do to her privacy I will not state her last name. I ordered marriage records on every women with this name that fit her age to compair signatures since I had her signature on the adoption papers, one lady fit everything, her old address matched, names on the court records matched, when ordering the original birth certificate they indicated her name was different, the questioned I asked was how in the world could her name be different when everything seemed to match this lady I had found. The answer to the question would come in the form of D.N.A. so, I stated to my adoptee "you need to do D.N.A with her and see if it matches and he did and it came out she was not the birth mother. Later the same year this women contacted my adoptee and stated that she had someone else take the standard DNA home test which was a swab test doen by the mouth and she wanted to reunite, the pain the adoptee caused me by comments and rude phone calls, letters to the judge saying I scammed him and more almost cost me my job. This is not the only birth mother or adoptee that denies who they are I have many stories similar. On any day of the year there can be many adoptions on that date and it can be very confusing on which adoptee or birth mother it might be, the state can change birth dates, I even had a adoption agency change a little girls birth date and the mother still had the paper work from the day she had the baby so we could prove it was changed. There can be all different things that happen. When hiring someone to find your birth mother they are not responsible find everyone or anyone else in your family and if they do that it a bonus to you, if the searcher is given a name then that is what they have to go on, the reason I state this to you is there might be some cases on your website even yours sorry to tell you that is very explainable, But, to a blind eye you and others have made it look like Jennifer and Given right are a scam. Look at the mother from Oklahoma did she give Jennifer the correct date of birth or was the index incorrect? You state the indexes are not public they do not need to be every state holes a birth index, it is just getting a hole of it and knowing were to get it is the main question. The states that you state do not have a index do and I can tell you were each one of them are held. I could go on and on for you Maria and others but, all I can do is tell you that I have been in Jennifer's shoes and they are hard I have also seen the madness and the raw emotions of someone that felt I screwed them over then I did not, I also, understand your point of view. I know Jennifer and know what kind of person she is, I have been screwed over by another adoption company out there and did not get any results I was told they could help me and at the time I did not know anyone in New Mexico to help me that is were my baby was placed for adoption, even I as a searcher had no resources there, yet, Jennifer did and found my son. I have worked with Jennifer on many cases since she found my son, I believe in her and trust her. This is my view but, I do not have time every day to read your comments or opinions, I wish you the best of luck finding your family and hope you do get back your money. I just thought I would give my two cents. God Bless
By the way Judy my spelling was incorrect on somethings they do not have spell check on here, it does not mean I am not educated!
But, I guess you have to be slandering or making fun of people some how! alittle high schoolish we would say! You have the right to your opinion you how ever do not have the right to make fun of people's education or their their background, you said "Further, again, I find it interesting that every person who defends Jennifer and Givenright cannot spell or properly punctuate a sentence. Either Jennifer has something against educated people and that's why those she screwed can form a proper sentence, or, the same person keeps responding" You are trying to make people believe that it is the same person writing in defence or Jennifer... Not cool Judy! Keep to the facts that you believe in and let people share good and bad experiences. NO ONE IS PERFECT! These people including yourself have the right to a opinion let them share it with cyber bulling read up on that one while your at it. Everyone has the right to their opinion but, they do not have the right to cyber bully anyone that includes me!
I did ask for my money back. Several times. I've sent email after email and have read receipts for them, no response. I've left her messages (when her phone was on) and no call back. You said yourself that you did indeed help that man find his birth mom... offered assistance, suggested DNA. Jennifer said my birth mom admitted that it was her. But yet I have NO contact information. Why is that? We can't even get to the point of DNA because Jennifer will not give me the info she promised. And... it has been confirmed that she IS NOT my birth mother anyway. By your story, you didnot give up on your client. You made suggestions, you helped him. Jennifer fell off the face of the earth and just avoided and avoided. There's a big difference. As for threats, I'll make it well known right now that I'M NOT THREATENING HER LIFE. There are legal ways to handle this and that's what I'm doing. My website is not illegal and nothing different than this one, except it helps her victims know where to file their reports and gives facts of her company. As for others threatening her life... she has caller ID. She should report any numbers that call her with threats to the police. Carma gets people. Just seems to me tht carma is catching up to her for what she's done to us. And just because someone thinks she should die a slow death doesn't mean they will make it happen. It's just a comment. And one last thing... if you think that hating a restaurant is the same as what Jennifer did to us... you have no heart. She hurt us emotionally, sent us on wild goosechases and broke our hearts. There is no comparison to that. She is a scam. And I will never feel any different. and Jennifer Robinson scamed me and others. Like it or not. And I will not stop until she can't do this to others anymore... legally, not physically.
I made a point with the resturant I did not say it was the same, you have no idea how big my heart is and to say that I have no heart is completely incorrect, as for some other statements you have made. If I were you just a suggestion, I would send something she has to sign for so I had proof she did recieve it, e-mails can be lost and they can also not be recieved, I am only trying to suggest ideas not try to degrate what you are stating in any way shape or form. I know that Jennifer did change her number because I did try and call her, I wrote her and asked for the new number her office manager sent it to me and I called it, I talked to her office manager and she stated that Jennifer was sick, not trying to blow any light bad or good on your sitution but, Jennifer does get sick and I have permission to state her illiness, Jennifer has sarcoidosis it is a very bad diseases and conditions are not always well with her, the illiness can be terminal and causes many problems such as tumors and kidney stones and extreme pain, weight loss and can be terminal I asked her why she changed her number and she stated because of these death threats given to her by someone on your website and yes, she has the number and police have been informed and they can prove it is this person, I listened to the messages one by one she had saved on her answering service they say the person is coming to KILL HER AND HER CHILDREN yes, you heard right her children, I heard it with my own ears! This is the same person that you say is so credible I did ask about you and she stated that she was in contact with you through myspace and did not recieve any e-mails through her normal e-mal that she knew of and would check up on it when she was back to work again. Finding the incorrect person is not a scammer is all I am trying to state to you if this is the case which I am not stating it is, I feel your pain and I feel Jennifer's as well, I am neutral in the sitution, I am here to tell you a searchers, birth mother's and a person that knows Jennifer point of view. I agree with a few things on your website and I have suggestions if I may to people out there always read the complete website of the person you are hiring, read their disclaimers, contracts and statements, ask for a referral list up front with names and addresses of past cliental, sign a contract and have the searcher sign it as well. As for search angels some are very good but, some are very bad and not everyone of them do not take money or donations and they normally are people new in the searching community trying to start their own business in searching, a search angel also can reunite you with the wrong person and at that point your heart will also be broken, not saying this happens but, I know it does because I have straightened out a lot of these cases from search angels. Make sure that when hiring a searcher that you ask them if you can get you money back if they find the incorrect person, what they do incease the person is not living, do they contact other relatives and have the searcher put that in a contract signed and notarized, ask the searcher if they have a disclaimer in their contract and to explain the disclaimer to you in full, also, this should be on the searcher website the presence of a disclaimer in a legally binding agreement does not necessarily guarantee that the terms of the disclaimer will be recognized and enforced in a legal dispute. Also, another suggestion is ask to seek to the owner of a search company and ask them how you will be updated on your search, it is better to have things in writing sent to the person adopted or a birth families home address. The cort system is the best way to do things if it is available please check the court house you were adopted in and ask for a "Confidential Intermediary" but, be aware that they can not tell you anything with out the person adopted or the birth mother's permission through writing and legal documentation. The reason some people go through genealogy companies such as Givenright and others are do to the low cost of a search and the fact that they will usually communicate effectively with the cliental, they have been known to tell you things they have been told or what they have learned through the search, they should have a business or professional license yet, most adoption searches do not have one and they are not forced by law to have one they are not private investigators they are normally genealogist that do not carry any insurance, yet, private investigators do and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars more. These are some of my suggestion to you that you can post on your website if you want to, I am just trying to help you. God Bless and by the way my heart is open and full of love for adoption.
My sincerest apologies if you feel my comments on grammatical errors are "bullying". I do not have spellcheck on these posts either, but I always make it a habit to proofread my comments before posting. I had no idea that those types of comments were bullying.
I will not make any further comments concerning what has happened after this post. I am sure she has helped people. For whatever her reasons were, she lied to me and I have it in writing from her. It is what it is. I asked for my money back and when she wouldn't return my calls or emails, I filed a Paypal dispute. I won my Paypal dispute but I still have never gotten a cent back and she never completed my search.
Since there is no rhyme or reason as to how/why she helps some and hurts others, I would suggest just not taking the risk. I sincerely wish I was one of the people singing her praises and talking about what a great experience I had. For me, this is not the case.
In terms of people calling her and making threats...that is unacceptable and I do not condone that, nor do I want to be associated with anyone who would sink to that low, classless level. In my opinion, we ruin our credibilty when we do things like that. I will warn others about what she did, I will post what she did to me, but I will not associate with people doing ignorant things.
Thank you for your apologies. My suggestion to Jennifer was to put the threats on a clip some how and post them on here so people just can hear how far this has gone, the women states she will come to her home and that her address is posted on this site and the other and she will kill them, I was so shocked when I hear it, it when to the length of saying watch your back because I am coming for you and your children and you will die. I also spoke to Jennifer about refunding your money and she was under the understanding since you won your pay pal dispute that they had refunded you. I am trying to be a go between and trying to help some of you people that have stated your concern. I hope that you did over all connect with your birth family. I will try and proof read my concerns in the future. I am sorry you did have a bad experience with Jennifer we are not all like that in the adoption search community. I have always had a great experience with Jennifer, but, not everyone might not have that experience. I have people mad at me sometimes because I am not allowed to tell them anything until I find their families and connect them. There all no laws in adoption searching except for the program I below to which is a Confidential Intermediary and it is a very hard way to do searches because people want their information fast, fast, fast, and want everything told to them and I am not able to do that. I have used Jennifer for look- ups she has a lot of birth index's and records, I have spoken to her voicing my concerns and I feel she has concerns as well. Marie stated Carma is a what she needs, well Karma, is one they but, death and cyber bulling is another. I am trying to help Jennifer put these statements online and you will be shocked! This person is on Marie's site and on here. My statement to this person is if you feel you have been cheated, lied to, or abused, then file what you need to to try and get your money back, yet, I have reviewed your case through e-mails only I was not privy to phone calls and I believe Jennifer and her old office manager did give you the correct information. What you are doing through these threats and cyber bulling have been reported to the police in your idea and Jennifer's area. This is why Jennifer changed her number Marie and changed her cell number, plus she is battling with her disease that has caused her many eliminates. I think she is faces with many different things, so, I agreed to try and help both the people on her and her try and get some of these things resolved. As I stated before cyber bullying and voice opinions can be close to the same thing everyone has their own opinion in this matter with Jennifer and Givenright, good and bad. Maybe you all can get together and make some laws for all adoption searchers this could help all adoptees and birth parents every where. I will try and help as much as I can for the cause.
I'm not for anyone making any kind of death threats. Please email me in private (not on here) and let me know who it is and I will be happy to call and ask them to stop. I'm not cyberbullying either. Just telling the truth as I know it. That's all. And as for her address... it's not on the website. It states that the address listed for the phone number is a residential address, but doesn't list it. And it wouldn't matter if it did anyway because Jennifer has it as public information. I cannot take the blame for someone finding it, it's not hard to find. As for her illness... sad to say if its that bad that she feels she has to scam people to get money for whatever reason, then it's time to quit and file for social security. I myself have a medical illness... I actually DIED, TWICE. I certainly don't use that as an excuse for anything! And I'm the one that's supposed to limit stress... yea right! Not when it comes to the emotional rollercoaster Jennifer has put me through. I almost ended up back in the hospital myself due to it. How is that right?
I stand by what I orginally said, It doesn't matter what "good" Jennifer did, the bad far outweighs it. The inforation that she gave to people could have probably been recieved by paying 19.95 to David Gray's website. Yes, she had contacts in the state, but once she started running her mouth about who they are, those contacts disappeared. We know of 4 other people who were given the exact same name for their birthmother. We are one of the "difficult"searches, Born after 1975 and therefore not in the index. Being that we are out of San Antonio, we are screwed as far as going through the court, because the Bexar county court doesn't open records to anyone except that ***** of an intermediary, who charges an arm and a leg, and is very proud of that fact, and in the end, has complete discretion about what she will and will not tell you, so in the end you run the risk of being screwed over again, just like what Jennifer Robinson did. We even gave her another chance, being as we have 2 adoptions that we were working with. I figured the first one was just a fluke, well, I was wrong and she got us again on the 2nd one, and I have serious doubts that she even did anything on that search. Oh and WE DID ask for a refund, that's when we found out about this new Stephanie Cruz character that is "working" for her. FYI, if Floria is who I think she is, she is an intermediary out of Fort Worth, who as I have been told, is good friends with Jennifer Robinson, if I am mistaken I apologize.
sfachik... please contact me so I can include your story on our website- Or email me at There are MANY others... 16 I've found so far to be exact! Join us and lets put a stop to this scam!
I will say for the record that Jennifer helped me and I was adopted in San Antonio and I was born after 1975. That does not mean that what she did to any of you was okay, but this information may help define your complaints. It should be noted, as stated earlier, she did help me 3 years ago.
My name is Michael..
I have been trying to find my biological birthparents for about 10years now off and on getting no where it didn't seem like I did try 1-800-US-Search and you people think Jennifer has done you wrong. I'm here to tell you SHE HASN"T! US-SEARCH Ripped me off big time told me to give them as much info as I could and they would go from there. Yeah they went all right. Took my money from me and left me high and dry, told me they didn't have enough info to continue.. HELLO aren't you the "Research people".. S0 now I'm up to Given Rights and Jennifer Robinson and my story with her. One day I was online doing more "research" and noticed a add for Given Rights" I clicked on it and read it over and talked it with my wife.. I called Jennifer that night and told her what I was up against. She was very understanding and more than willing to help me. I made my first payment to Jennifer and she started the search. Within 3 days she had called me telling me that she had some good leads. I was excited and she told me that she would be in touch soon. She was, 2 days latter she called me and told me that she had possibly found my birth mother but I had to send off and petition the court (in Texas) to open the records, That cost me $25.00 total for them to open the records and then in return send me the info they had so that Jennifer could compare the records with what she had found. Ladies and Gentlemen... My birthday is May 2. On May 3, 2008 I received the records back from the courts (I live in Kansas City) I then called Jennifer and give her the info that I had and it was a MATCH! Jennifer had FOUND MY BIOLOGICAL BIRTH PARENTS! I Stood there in shock for a bit and then Jennifer asked me if I wanted to make the first call or if I had wanted her to make the first call. I told her I wanted her to do it because I wasn't sure what I was going to say.. (I didn’t know she was going to do it right then) I swear to this day I will never, ever forget that call. Jennifer made the call with me still on the line and the lady answered the phone and Jennifer asked her if her name was ***, and if she and given a son up for adoption in 1967 in Dallas, and she said yes that she had. Jennifer told her that she had her son on the phone as they spoke. My mom cried but with joy, and all she could say was they found my baby, she found my baby boy. Thank you from the bottom of my hart Jennifer. Not only did I gain a mom, I also have a younger brother and sister. My wife and I and our two kids went to Dallas in June of 2008 and met my family for the first time. Since then we have been back a second time and they have made a trip to Kansas City to visit us. I talk to all of them at least twice a week if not more. Without Jennifer Robinson and Given Rights I would have never found them and never had closure to that part of my life.
I really feel for you in your journey and I hope it helps you feel more of a person to do what you are doing. I just got off the telephone from a lady in Fort Worth, Texas and as weird it it seems the conversation was about Jennifer and This lady was in tears she stated to me that she had been contacted from you all and that she had not been scammed as Alicia had stated. She told her story to me and she was asked to write on your website about Jennifer. The questions I had for her is how did they contact you can you please send me the e-mails that were sent to you and she did. Jennifer did look up her information and her mother had a fake name she told me, Jennifer had her file and has had it for a long time, Jennifer continued to work on her case and found this ladies mother (by the way through the fake name she had) she felt very angry at givenright at first and though she had been scammed yet, she opened up the court records and the fake name was o n the records and Jennifer still was able to find her mother and her biological full sister.
I listened to your stories and I respect your feelings all of you. I do feel that sometimes that a person might feel quote scammed if the information that was given to the researcher or yourself does not fit your puzzle, this does not mean someone scammed you are lied to you. The problem that I am having with this situation at this time is that you and Alicia are trying to hunt down people and writing to them through Jennifer's records that Alicia had as a office manager these records were told that they were CONFIDENTIAL.
If someone is upset because a person could not be found and a case could not be solved it does not mean that anyone scammed someone nor does it mean someone scammed someone if a birth mother gave a false name, or the searcher was given a false name by another searcher. Many birth mother's used fake names when coming to the adoption agency so their privacy and file would stay a "CONFIDENTIAL FILE".
This does not say much for you and your website that you would try and get someone to write on your website because they were upset with Jennifer or Alicia. It would be one point if someone came to you, yet, you are coming to people. I have read your website and you state that you want people to stay true and that you would like to see if this company is a scam or legitimate yet, when someone post in Jennifer defense you call names such as she is a devil. You stated to me that you are not cyber bullying yet, It's so blatantly apparent how biased you are about the situation.
Also, another searcher contacted me this morning stating that a past client had called them for a search and stated that Alicia gave this person the name of this searcher that Jennifer supposably had done a search for, yet, this searcher is not a open searcher and Alicia had no right to give her name out to anyone. This is not only harassment to searchers. Adoptees and birth parents have the right to me confidential and by contacting them with your so called revenge is wrong.
The myth of the Internet is that you can call a person a monkey, with a purple tale, and thumb in their butt and whatever else you wish and get away with these statement yet, laws have been past to protect people from Internet harassment.As a community in adoption I am overwhelmed that a person would contact adoptees and birth parents and ask them to write bad comments about someone for your own agenda, that is truly trashy. This is truly vindictive to adoptees, birthparents, searchers, and Jennifer. Please feel free to contact me if Marie or Alicia has contacted you asking you to do these things.
My response to your first paragraph... I was given some contact information anonomously through the website for other possible victims. And yes, I contacted them. Only ONE person felt violated, which I'm sure is the person you are referring to, and if you read the emails I sent to her, I only stated that I was searching for victims and if I offended her in any way, I apologized. Not once, but twice. As for who she actually is, I have no idea. I was not given that kind of information. And I'm very happy for her that she could find her loved one. However, I do feel that I need to create awareness regarding Jennifer Robinson's scamming and wrong doing. Because when she CANNOT do the job she was hired to do, she fabricates stories and lies. Helping the woman in TX does not discount the stories and lies she told all of us. And those of us who HAVE found their lost loved ones have more proof than anyone else that Jennifer lied and fabricated a story because the names and stories given by Jennifer were not even close. And for all of us, when Jennifer makes up a story and gives us false information claiming she 'spoke with the lost person', she can never provide the contact informaton for the person she supposedly 'spoke to.' Read our stories, Floria. Many similaraties there!
Second paragraph... I've never met Alicia. I have spoken with her... maybe three times total. She's not feeding me anything other than apologies to the people that she had contact with that were scammed by Jennifer.
Third paragraph... I agree. That wouldn't be Jennifer's fault. However, that's not what she told us. She made up stories of finding the person we were looking for and then made up lies about why she could not provide contact information for those people even know she had claimed to speak with them. I would have been totally fine with Jennifer saying "your case is too complicated, I can't do it." I would keep my money and move on. I would have been ok with Jennifer telling me "your birth mom is found but doesn't want contact, but here's the address and phone number if you decide to go further." That's what I paid her for... contact informations. But that's not what she does either. She fabricates a story that she wants you to believe so you pay her. Then she stopps taking your calls or responding to any emails, leaving you right back where you started and a few dollars shorter.
Fourth... I mearly responded to a post that Jennifer is an angel by saying she is the devil. That's my opinion. In previous posts, I told one person I was happy for them that they found their lost loved one too. My cause is my cause. Of course I'm going to continue to feel that Jennifer is scamming people, because she scammed me and seventeen others I've found. I never made claims that Jennifer never helped anyone... only that it doesn't make up for the fact that she scammed us!
Fifth... I know absolutely nothing about that! I'm not sure who contacted who there but if that person is a searcher, maybe Alicia was trying to help someone by passing along their information? I can't really comment because I don't know anything about that one.
Sixth.. and in my opinion most importantly... we are not being vindictive to adoptees, birthparents, legitimate searchers... we are trying to PROTECT those people who may fall victim to Jennifer's scam. I believe there are legitimate searchers out there who do the job they are paid to do and I praise them. I believe there are still honest people in this world including some search angels that I have come across that are willing to drop everything to help someone find their identity. I do NOT believe that Jennifer Robinson fits into any of these catagories. And I know SEVENTEEN other victims that would agree with me!
In short, if Jennifer Robinson is such a good person, really trying to do good and help people, there wouldn't be SEVENTEEN of us with similar stories of deception, fabrication, and lies.
PS- I'm far from trashy! LOL. And thanks for the name calling you are so against. I haven't called anyone anything except for the person who scammed me.
you can state whatever you want about Jennifer but, i know what Jennifer did for my family and some of my friends that I past on to her.
Jennifer is a caring and loving person.
here is my story with Givenright . I hired Jennifer about a year ago, and she called me and talked with me. She was nothing but, a sweet heart and made me feel great about doing a search. I used another companyand they stold my money one thousand dollors and some change.
Jennifer told me she would help me and she did she found my family and I did not have anything to go on. I was born in new yoek city. Jennifer worked with me and found my family in 2 weeks i had every one in my family reunited with me. i now have my birth records and everything.
i know jennifer has contacts she calls because she used them in my case and found my family as for alicia i could not stand her i told jennifer i did not want to work with her because she was rude and distasteful
jennifer robinson helped me and i will forever know that my family would not be found if it was not for her and givenrigt
“…You anoint my head with oil"
(Psalm 23:5, NKJ)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In the Bible, oil is symbolic of the anointing of God. Do you know what oil does? It makes things flow. Whenever there is friction or something gets stuck, putting oil on it makes it become more fluid. That’s what God wants to do for you. He wants to anoint your head with oil. When he does that, notice what David says in Psalm 23, “Because God anoints me, because I walk in His favor; surely, goodness and mercy will follow me everywhere I go."
His anointing makes things easier. People will go out of their way to be good to you for no reason. You’re going to have creativity, wisdom, and good ideas. God’s anointing on your life will cause the right doors to open. It will bring the right people across your path. It will make things go smoother. And the good news is, all you have to do is ask Him for it. Remember, He longs to be good to you. You can trust that His anointing will make things easier, and He will lead you into the abundant life He has in store for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your favor in my life today. Thank you for causing me to be at the right place at the right time. Anoint my head with Your oil so that I move forward in the path You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Wendy, I'm happy for you. I never claimed that Jennifer didn't help ANYONE... we only claim what she did to us, which in my opinion takes a lot away from the people she did help!
So my questions for all of those that she DID help...
What about us?
Does that fact that she may have helped you make it right for her to do what she did to US?
Was it right to fabricate stories and pretend to find our loved ones and then stop taking our calls, our emails?
Better yet, since I do believe she helped some people, don't you think you would feel differently if you were on our side of the fence?
Our stories are not about being rejected by the person we were searching for and blaming Jennifer for that as Jennifer would like most of you to believe... our stories are about the lies and fabricated stories Jennifer made up to get our money. There's a big difference there! All it takes is to read the similarities in our stories to see that... Go ahead...!
you can really only talk or write for yourself, you can not talk for others the big difference it is your website and you can put as much stuff as you want to. if someone was going to steal money from someone they would not ask for 200 dollors they would try and take more money from you. i do not believe you there are silimilar stories probably because you are alicia made them up. i do not beleiev you at all i know she has helped my friends and i am we have pictures. why would alicia do what you say unless she was mad at jennifer because last i heard they were bff but i think that i am with the last women this is all probably a way to gain business for alicia or yourself
go they are the best thank you for finding my family thank you jennifer you are not a scam and we are backing you [protected] perfect i will give my number to anyone that wants a great referral on givenright com send me a personal message
Wow, I hope nobody I know used her!
I think we can all agree that Jennifer has in fact completed searches, no one is arguing that. The point to us posting here as well as on is this... we know that Jennifer made up information becuase she couldn't/wouldn't finish our cases. If the information in my husband's file was incorrect I would have been the FIRST person apologizing but that is not the case. She flat out made up information. I have an email from Jennifer stating that the name Zara Roy was the name in my husband's file. She also stated she paid someone in the courts $100 to get his name and the name of his birth mother. She made up an entire story about how she spoke to Zara countless times and then spoke to her husband. When I called the number later neither of these people had ever had any contact with Jennifer. Further more, my husband's mother was found by a search angel and has a name NO WHERE CLOSE to the name we got. So to repeat myself for those of you that think I'm "disappointed that Jennifer found the information that the mother provided" I have proven that she made all this up. It's not a matter of misunderstanding, or of the mother fabricating information. It is that Jennifer didn't want to refund the second payment after she knew she was wrong so she continued to lie. When confronted with her lies she avoided us.
Please stop discounting our pain and anguish becuase you refuse to see that there are two sides to this. I am so happy for those of you that Jennifer was able to reunite but by continuously calling us names and discounting our experiences you are only fueling our deep desire to make sure Jennifer is put out of business and jailed.
Wendy, I don't just speak for myself, and I don't doctor anything on the website... even positive comments that were made. I speak for all of the victims involved. As far as I'm concerned, belongs to all of us victims. Each and every victim wrote their own story and I did not change any of them. As for the money... people are much more willing to sue someone when they are out thousands of dollars then just a couple of hundred. Charging only a few hundred dollars keeps her low key. I'm very happy she helped your friends and you. That's great, but you didn't adress any of my questions above?! And Alicia is not in the search business, nor am I. If I was, I would have done my own search. I have tried to help other victims search but I tell them upfront that I've never done it. I also refer them to others that may be able to help them for free, and I assure you that none of those people are referred to Alicia because again, she does not do searches.
Very well said, Erin!
Wendy, you prove your ignorance and inability to feel emapthy when you completely and totally disregard all of the pain that Jennifer Robinson has caused for myself and everyone on here. I would be willing to bet you were an easy search, one that could have easily been completed by a search angel for free, as those seem to be the only succesful searches Jennifer did. COngratulations, I'm glad you found your birthmother, that will never ever ever ever ever ever make what Jennifer did to the rest of us right.