Dear Friends,
I have approached Abhinav Consultants to take services for CANADA immigration in Jan 2010, but they mis guided me from first day and took 40, 000 INR service fees to start my documentation in April 2010 .
Till Aug 2010 they kept my documents and did nothing to proceed towards immigration and in the end of the day the returned my contract saying that I am scoring 66 points ...
Despite the fact that from first enquiry onwards they saw my resume and had all the details about qualificationa and my work experince but still their counsellor misguided and claimed my case clear in the assumption that I will score remaing marks in IELTS ...which is not possible till, the person give the exam and score the number ...on their assumption they assured me that my case is clear and now at the end of the day they are not admitting the mistake of their counsellor and even not returing back my money ...
Please be aware from them before taking their services, they have office in Nehru Place Delhi, India .
I have all the corresspondance of the counsellor and case manager convincing my case genuine and later denying their negligance for my case .
My bike TVS SR 125 creates problem in starting. Neither self start nor Kick start occur. Also no display in the digital meter when the key is on. I face mo & more problem in traffic or in crowdy place when I ride the bike. I have purchased before 2 months. I have not got any satisfactory service.
1)In the absence of full name and email ID of the complainant, how can company respond to the complaint and its contents on the complaint board? This is one clear way that internet is abused as a medium.
2) AT ABHINAV, every client is informed about the IELTS score that he must meet BEFORE he/she pays. The client signs a contract that advises him/her of the test score that he must score. The client has every option not to sign the contract and not to pay for services if he/she first wishes to give IELTS test first. This is just like paying for Tuition and examination fee and then asking for its refund because the applicant could not clear the final examinations.
3)What has happened since the complaint was posted? Is there a possibility that the client has taken the refund and still misusing the medium of internet?
4) How can client blame ABHINAV for failing to score the required score in IELTS test?
5) Was the refund due under the contractual terms and conditions? If yes, ABHINAV will never say no. If no, should the complainant get the refund even if contract says that he does not deserve the refund? In that case what is the value of the contract one signs for any purpose?
Yes, I agree with the lady who has complained. I have had many of my friends who have had real bad experience with Abhinav Immigration. They are no different from the crooks of the lowest order except that they wear suit and tie. People who are planning to file for immigration with Abhinav, please be aware and do not go to Abhinav immigration services. You will only lose money and gain absolutely nothing. Your application that is submitted to Abhinav, will end up in the muncipality garbage bin finally.
Finally, I would say that the only safe way of going about filing an immigration is by doing by YOURSELF AND REQUIRES NO HELP OF ANY IMMIGRATION CONSULTANCIES. Most immigrtion consultants in india are 100% fraud. Please be aware and save your own money. Good Luck!.
I have also suffered loss with Abinav and they are a very unprofessional organization just waiting to make quick money on other people's dream. They have some connection with their lawyers in Canada and other countries and get you an initial approval like a file number and then say that it was rejected because they did not care do their homework.
Do not waste your money on such organization and file it yourselves and the process is the same.
Please see email correspondence between Amit and rohit from and also see the langauge he had used for replying email.
'Amit; is also cheated by, please be aware from this fraud company...
-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 08:22:18
To: Rohit
Subject: Re: Mis Guidance
Dear Rohit, As you are heading this organization you need to learn some basic courtesy of writing professional mails..You need to look the situation from the other point of view as well who has given his hard earned money in your organisation.And do you really read all the instructions n manuals before signing a MF etc?How much time you give to your clients to read the manual?..And you very well said that our country Law is equal for everybody and on the basis of that only I will take the help of our law who can look at the situation from a different approach..And lastly I am not asking you to refund my entire money which I deposited but requesting you to deduct your percentage as per your company laws and rest you can give it back to me..Hope you will take my feedback in a positive approach and will work on your writing skills specially with your customers and also consider the percentage of the total amount I am asking for refund..Regards Amit Gupta-[protected]
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
-----Original Message-----
From: "Rohit"
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 13:23:53
Subject: RE: Mis Guidance
Dear Amit,
Consumer forum?
What is our mistake?
If you think we are unjustified towards you then you should proceed to
consumer forum. The law of our country is equal for you and us. We shall
take the necessary legal steps as well to protect the reputation of our
It is strange that for your own fault you are blaming us today. It was your
failure to score in the IELTS and NOT ours. You failed to do your part of
duty. Your quote that you are misguided or not been told about IELTS is
completely false. Please find attached the contract of engagement signed
between us. Please look at the annexure v(j)and Annexure 7(4) which not only
elaborate the requirement of an IELTS test but also of the minimum band
score requirement. How much MORE transparency you expect from us when we are
giving you in WRITING about the requirement. The same is elaborated in two
different sheets of the contract. We are telling you in WRITING and you are
blaming us that you were not told about the said requirement.
We do not agree with you comment and are rightly declining your request of
refund of the paid consulting fee.
Rohit Sharma
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:11 PM
Subject: Mis Guidance
Dear Rohit, As per our conversation held in Delhi on 21 May'13 I would like
to address the missell which happened during my registration for canadian
immigration as your staff never told me that if I will not be able to score
the desired IELTS marks then I will not qualify for immigration and if they
would have told me this thing then I would have cleared my IELTS test first
before paying you for the enrollment. So I would request you to plz process
my refund process on priority else I will be forced to go to the consumer
forum for the same. Regards Amit Gupta, Kanpur-[protected]
Sent from BlackBerryR on Airtel
Given below email from Mr.Ajay Sharma, from Abhinav Immigrationn Servies, its website,
mention about opology and legal action.
I accepted his challange and would like to see what this fraud company can do.but yet nothing happen.
on what basis this fraud company will register legal complaint, this company itself is fraud.
As happen always big company and people always try to dominate small people, thinking they cannot do anything.but as an normal public/people i accepted his challnge and ready to face legal action because iam confident that legal court will banned and close this company and all the people involve in this fraud scam and cheated with public harwork money, verysoon they will be behind the bar/jail, should be like terrorist or criminal.
Iam sure i will get support from all the Indian public to flight against this fraud company, inform your all friend and family and send this message all over you can, we cannot accept any more people get cheated by this fraud company.
We should fight untill this fraud company close/banned and save our people from getting fraud and cheating.
If anyone need more information or help from my side, please contact me on, or on my mobile-[protected].
Thanks and Regards,
Sudeep Jadhav
fromAjay Sharma,
dateFri, Nov 25, 2011 at 2:08 PM
subjectFW: Beaware of Immigration fraud company, ’’
Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
hide details Nov 25
Dear Mr. Jadhav,
You areREQUIRED to send an apology note to the company for all your actions directed towards creating falsehood, lies and misleading information – against the company - within 12 hours of this mail. Non-receipt of such an apology note will force the company to take all legal actions – including criminal - permissions under laws to stop you from committing these actions AND hold you accountable in all aspects.
Best Regards
Ajay Sharma
Principal Consultant
UGF-5, Devika Towers, Nehru Place,
New Delhi-110019
Phone- +[protected]
Fax: +[protected]
Skype: ajay.sharma1962
Yahoo: indiancontact2002
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Complaints Intake
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: Beaware of Immigration fraud company, ’’
To: sudeep jadhav
Dear Sudeep Jadhav,
Thank you for your communication concerning Ajay Sharma and Abhinav Outsourcing PVT. Ltd. Please be advised that Ajay Sharma has never been a member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants.
I note that you have included Annex III from your retainer agreement that identifies Rhonda Williams as the immigration consultant responsible for your matter.
You may wish to visit the website for the body that currently regulates immigration consultants, the ICCRC, to determine if Rhonda Williams is a member. If she is a member, you may wish to file a complaint with the ICCRC.
CSIC-Complaints Intake
On 2011-11-19, at 1:58 PM, sudeep jadhav wrote:
This email to make all of you aware about the Immigration fraud company, name ’Abhinav outsourcing pvt ltd’, its website is ’’
Given below mail mention its details, Its a fraud company cheating with public hard work money in name of immigration services, Iam the one who was cheated and iam sure there are many more people’s. who was get cheated by abhinav outsourcing pvt ltd.
Please check below mail we already inform to consumer court and police station to make them aware.
As they refused to give refund money back, by sending this email we would like to make everyone aware of this fraud company and no one get trap by them again.
If anyone need more information about this do not hezitate to contact me.
As i was requested for canadian permanent residence under section for skilled worker, Please find attached copy from canadian immigration consultant.
Thanks and Regards,
Sudeep Jadhav
Abhinav Immigration Fraud Company,
Posted on Dec 22, 2011 under Fraud Immigration Company
First of all i would like to thank you all of you for sending me lots of mail regarding abhinav immigration company and how to prevent to get trap from this fraud company.
Friends we need to understand one simple thing ’prevention is better than cure’, it means not to involve or contact abhinav immigration company of which website is,
many people send me email asking how abhinav will cheat them
let me tell you all how abhinav can cheat.
First of all abhinav using inniovative idea to cheat people, as you may seen in news paper many company cheat people in name of investment by saying they will double your amount, abhinav is same, only difference its not playing game on name of investment company but in name of immigration, as you know many people in India had dream to go abroad and work and earn money, abhinav play with people feelings and dream, initially they come up with immigration plan like visa or permament residence and they will ask you to pay consulting fees which is nearly 55, 000 to 60, 00 rupees, and they will ask you to sign contract letter while making the payment, this is the time you will get trap in there fraud because they have tricky contract clause of which in future you will not have any thing to ask them for getting refund money, they will ask you to submit some document which is not simple and easy to arrange for working people in India, like transcript letter, birth certificate, employee letter etc..etc.., all this will take atleast 3-4 month as normal working public in Inida need to take holiday from there job to achieve all the documents, then they will ask you to apprear for IELTS exam, to book the seat for exam will take 2-3 month and if you get less marks they will ask you to reappear again, again it will take 2-3 months, and if you get less marks, again you have to appear, then they abhinav will tell you your fime will go delhi to verification and this time they will come up with different ideas to delay your fime by saying your documents is not proper or insuiificlient and it will take atleast 6-7 months, total they will delay your for more than 16 month after that normal public will fedup and giveup they will ask abhinav they want there money back, but this time abhinav will tell you you had already sign the contract and as per contract if you take your file back you will not get any money and you will loose your money.
They had already use your money for 16 month and at last you loose all your money.
So firends never contact this fraud company and loose your money, and inform all your friend and family about this company name,
Please see comments from miraj he posted his comment on,, he was also cheated by, and loose his money.
bad experience with abhinav
guys.. pls be warned about this company, they are only interested in money and provides no service, I was asked to pay rs.15000 for a canadian immigration service, i never received any call or email from them for almost 3 months since I paid. on follow up they had various excuse to give. now neither they have returned my money had initiated any service as promised. their so called coo one mr. rohit keeps telling that money once paid cannot be refund irrespective of service given to customer or not.
Jun 11, 2013 03:20 PM
Please see comments from minaj he posted his comment on,, he was also cheated by, and loose his money.
bad experience with abhinav
guys.. pls be warned about this company, they are only interested in money and provides no service, I was asked to pay rs.15000 for a canadian immigration service, i never received any call or email from them for almost 3 months since I paid. on follow up they had various excuse to give. now neither they have returned my money had initiated any service as promised. their so called coo one mr. rohit keeps telling that money once paid cannot be refund irrespective of service given to customer or not.
Jun 11, 2013 03:20 PM
Which is the right company for visa and immigration permits..
Help pl...
Thanks guys...i had just made my mind to apply for Canada pr through Abhinav ...but i wont be doing that now...How about Xiphias they are based in Bangalore...Any -ve review about this consultant...Please update if there is anything
Hai Guys...
Thanks for all this comments...even i was thinking of applying for Canada PR visa through Abhinav...I dont have any idea whether they are good or bad...but reading all this comments its little scarry to apply through them...Guys please update which immigration consultant would be best to interact with...I have two immigration consultant in Bangalore One is Xiphias and the other Universel there any feedback about this consultant...please guys comment...i don't want to loose my hard earned money...
Please DO NOT waste your precious time and hard-earned money on this bunch of unprofessional and uneducated people. One they take your money, their priorities change and then (1) they are not bothered about you, (2) do no answer your phone calls (3) misguide you, because they themselves do not have any clue of most of the things (4) misplace your documents ... and most importantly delay the whole process with their casual attitude and if you miss the cap they will blame you for that.
Ooooooops, i just made my mind to proceed with abhinav by seeing his you tube articles. I really dont know how bad this company is. Thanks to you all, you made my mind change completely to not step up with Abhinav. Thank you guys keep up/
I was about to engage them but according to comment raised here, I think it will be wise of me to learn from others and that is pure NO to Can someone please suggest a legit site for me please. Thank you.
pls post about xiphias immigration company trusted one or not?
Abhinav Consulting does it again. When I approached them for the Canadian PR visa, the counselor said 60000 would be the consulting fees and in case the visa gets rejected, they would re-apply for the same and I would not have to pay any consulting fee for it (barring the courier charges). Today, when I had been to collect the original documents back (the quota was filled and my documents were sent back by CIC), the same counselor says "You have to pay 35000 + taxes to re-apply under Express entry system". Isn't this a daylight robbery/fraud? I sincerely wish people learnt how to run the business while being honest and not making money by cheating the customers. Hopefully, Abhinav consultants would not cheat any customers further. I would not even recommend Abhinav to my enemies.
Please help me where to compliant to get refunds from Abhinav immigration ?
Same thing happened with us too! Had I did little research we would not have lost 90K in this. We were planning to apply for immigration and somehow we got only good reviews about Abhinav ( May be they only put some positive reviews in the forums to attract people). On the very first week itself we paid 60K INR as their processing fee... I sincerely regret for not having a second thought on that. As said above, its difficult for us to go and collect transcripts as we are living and working in different state. Somehow arranged that through friends and next step is IELTS. Believe me I thought I would easily score above 8. But I got just 6.5 in all four and since my husband was primary applicant, he missed to score .5 in one category. Again he took, he managed to score 7 in speaking both the times but he missed the cutoff by 0.5. So we totally spent 30k in IELTS plus 60K given to Abhinav. All they said is you shift to Australia for which we will deduct 20000Rs. What they did for deducting 20l INR? just one mail stating the list of documents! which we would have easily got by 2 minutes of googling. I really feel all my education has gone waste, not to sense the fraud behind this. We do not want to spend more on IELTS. It looks very easy, but always end up in missing the cut off by 0.5. Atleast cant they return a percentage of money back? Is their rule so strict or this is how they manage to do a living by cheating people? Please please please be aware and do not go to any consultancy. Clear IELTS get the transcripts and the proceeed further.
Pl post about Xiphias Immigration?
Pl its urgent
Xiphias is considerably new entrant to this field... two years back when we enquired they had sent only nurses to canada.. No clear information on other skilled workers. They may perform better since they have to gain customer's confidence.
The worst responsible people . Thank god I didn't pay any big amount to them . Just paid the registration fee 1000₹ . I got a first mail that my documents are not qualified for visa process then after a day I got a mail stating that I have score to get visa and asking to pay 3.25 lak of amount and the processing time is 18 months. I asked why the two different mails was received the first person talked with me telling that both are different visa and then I Called to manager he is telling it's some server problem . After that I left .
Today after 20 days they calling and asking when will u pay money . They are simply money bugs . Don't believe and spoil your future .
ABHINAV IMMGRATION CONSULTANTS BANGALORE( MG Road) are total crap. They are unprofessional and just sitting there to make Money out of nothing. Their Counsellor Alex and his assistant Ramya both are dumb and know nothing of procedure. I was so prompt in submitting my docs and kept them on alert next steps or any other doc to submit. They never followed up. Despite having seen my resume and details. Mr. Alex who is counsellor in Bangalore office never guided me to right path. AACA Happily swallowed the money and said rejected without saying what are the reasons. Abhinav says they will not tell the reasons.. that's it! Guy who initiated my case process quit the company and Manager lady Tabassum does not want to talk or reply back to the emails. Very Diplomatically case is then pushed to the third person whom we never had come across in the whole process and she start talking to me about policies and procedures all of a sudden. as usual. That's about it. Not sure how much of my complaining here on complain board is going to help but such companies should be shut for ever...
I am asking 100 % refund which I paid ABHINAV for their Mis- handling the case and Mis- guiding. But they are rejecting to pay.
XIPHIAS is good as far as i know. You can trust them. They are real.
@medhini : Can you please state out any living example for XIPHIAS company ? because I am looking forward to continue with that consultancy.
The Best Immigration company in India is Melbourne Migration and Education Consultants, Chandigarh Contact Name Mr Amber Gupta [protected]
Hi all, going through a consultant is mere waste of time and money . No consultant will guarantee any job or visa. It's the Canadduan government or embassy who decides not the person who is sitting at consultant office. All that you need to go is research in CIC website and you would get 100% idea on the procedure . Do spend some daily and come to a decision if the immigration is possible for you or not . Consultants are just people like us who does their research the same way we all do. Have patience and apply it yourself
my name dhaniram /sri bhola dutt #1027/1 H B C Dhanas chandigarh pin 160014, plz sir my phone [protected] this no is not working befor 7day .and all id proof is all ready come fore your office .
I was about to call them for immigration help. these posts and comments have changed my mind for indefinite time
Here i faced the same situation.the consultancy people calculated assumed ielts score and asked us to score.They dont asked us to bring ielts result first, they would rather ask you to pay money first and then appear ielts.when we failed to do so then they will start ignoring...please everyone beware of consultancies.please do apply only when you have ielts result ready..Now you need not to choose consultancy, , if you are planning for canada they have their own govt.portal or website to apply.please visit waste your hardly earned money...go to this website and get your assessment done for free.
This is a formal reply from the ABHINAV.
The name and identity of the person who made this post is not clear from the mentioned ID alone and hence we unable to match it with our internal client records. We have requested for full name by sending an in mail using the website facility. If and when the reply is received, we shall offer appropriate response to the person who made this post as also post related and appropriate response on this website.
We have received your comment. Thank you!