I bought my first Samoyed puppy from this kennel, a little over three years ago, and I brought him to my vet back in the St. Paul, MN area the next day they were open. On the initial inspection my vet determined that he had some problems, I believe it was kennel cough, and that he had these issues before we ever picked him up. I informed the breeder of this, which she denied could be possible, but did agree to pay for 1/2 of the vet bill, which after 6 months she never did and I just paid it all because I didn't want to deal with her anymore. In addition after further research I firmly believe that she is running and upscale puppy mill. I believe this because she always has puppies for sale, I think she had 4 litters within the past 10 days when I got my puppy. Which does not happen with reputable breeders. Next she had no interview process and fairly little concern about where the puppies went compared to other Samoyed breeders I've spoken to since. I could go on and on, but the stuff I've mentioned thus far is what I really had concern with. I ended up getting another puppy, which I found out when I picked him up happend to be the former chair for the Samoyed Club of America. She asked where I got my other sammy from and when I told her she just said oh and that she was not surprised I had issues with that breeder. She was very respectable and didn't go into why she had problems with them, but I got a strong impression that I was not the first and have not been the last people with problems. She claims it is not a business for her and she looses money, but with as many litters and the price she charges I hardly believe this is true. I STRONGLY recommend you get one from a reputable breeder it will be worth the wait. My second puppy was cheaper than the one I purchased from her and is much more distinguished looking.
Oh, forgot to mention, my vet was so upset with her she wanted to report her to the authorities as my vet was serving on a Minnesota board, maybe animal cruelty, but cannot remember, at the time.
@Kris I'm glad you are considering another breeder. I got my second one from the Milwaukee area, from the former president of the Samoyed Club of America, and have been more than happy with his show quality and health. I'd suggest possibly contacting the current president of the Samoyed Club of America if possible to see who she would recommend, I'm fairly certain Teresa will not be one of the breeders they mention.
Just one more item for those considering getting a puppy from her, she has an F rating by the BBB. http://www.bbb.org/chicago/business-reviews/pet-shops/kabeara-kennels-in-lockport-il-88033654#ratingdetails You may get lucky and not have an issue, but do you really want to take a chance when you can easily find a better breeder? Help out others by finding a reputable breeder that does it for themselves, not to make money, which I can only assume someone that has 2-3 litters a week does.
@ Jean Orr, just to be clear I'm glad you got a good puppy from her and I do hope people would reconsider getting any puppies from her. Why play the lotto when you don't have to in order to get the prize. Finally, if you look up my comments you will see that I am more than willing to stick up for buisness, but she just had too many negative things going on for me not to say anything and after seeing the responses from others I wish I had made this comment years ago.
@ Steve, I'm glad you got what you feel is a good Samoyed puppy, but just ask you to consider two things. Why would a reputable dealer ship a puppy? Could the vet give a glowing review based off of business decision, not saying it is the case, but if a she is having a litter every other week that is a lot of money a vet could be passing up. Just some thoughts for you to think about.
@ BaileyBoy, I can assure you I'm not a breeder, my concerns with her come solely from my experience in purchasing a puppy from her and seeing what her facilities were like in the only transaction I will have with her almost five years ago. Her operation may be different now, but if you look around you tend to find that most breeders only have a handful of litters a year and typically have wait lists. What I encountered is someone that really didn't seem to care where the puppy went or have a wait list as she had three litters available to chose from during my visit with an average of about one litter, or more, a week. Not every puppy is going to have issues, best of luck to anyone that decides to buy a puppy from her. I just hope my Samoyed will not suffer health problems later in his life.
I decided to check back up on this "kennel" after my Samoyed passed away recently after developing hip dysplasia. Found this article about it being now recognized as one of the 100 worst puppy mills, too bad it couldn't have been recognized a decade plus ago. https://patch.com/illinois/plainfield/horrible-hundred-report-includes-2-puppy-mills-illinois
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I am a reputable Samoyed breeder of 43 years and am a member of the Samoyed Club of America. I show my dogs in Conformation, Obedience Agility, and also started a Samoyed rescue in 1983.
At one point, Teresa Heaver contacted me about breeding to my Champion dog. I told her he was not available, and she persisted. Finally, she told me that she had sold a female to a local girl here, and the girl wanted to get the female spayed, as she only wanted a pet. Teresa had sold this female, (and apparently all of the ones she sold at that time, with the requirement that she get a "litter back" from every female she sold. This was in addition to charging top dollar for the females at the time of sale, as a puppy)
The girl(owner) was desperate, and Teresa kept pursuing me. Finally, she admitted that the female was only a year and a half, and did not have its hip x-ray clearance, (done at 2 years). That gave me a good opportunity to let her know once again, that I wouldn't breed to her female, and she showed up ON MY DOORSTEP, with the girl and the female, totally uninvited, and wanting to breed the female! I told her no, again, and I guess she found someone else to breed to that female.
Do you mind sharing your website? I am looking for a reputable breeder, such as yourself.
Here is are wesite Kabreara Samoyeds
Parvovirus in my puppy from Kabeara almost killed my puppy after showing signs the day after we brought her home. 4 vet visits in 5 days as she deteriorated to the point of the ICU vet suggesting euthanasia. The only thing that kept her alive is even though she wasn’t tested for a Parvo and diagnosed until the ICU clinic, I’m a vet tech and gave the dog the supportive treatment as if she had Parvo. Once she was diagnosed, she spent three days in ICU, needed blood transfusions and her blood vessels were leaking due to lack of protein. All hallmarks of Parvovirus with a positive test. Teresa denies it was Parvo even though 3 veterinarians confirmed it and even called the ICU clinic to tell them that they didn’t know what they were talking about. Funny, though when I initiated an inspection of her facilities she admitted to her puppies having Parvo. Very very sketchy vaccination practices. Was forced to have her dogs Rabies vaccinated as required by law but didn’t do it at all for some and was overdue 3 years for others.
We purchased a Sammy back in 2013 . His name was Kayak 0 which we renamed Max. Max was diagnosed within the first year with a heart murmur and IBD. Max struggled for 9 1/2 years with IBD before developing stomach cancer.Teresa doesn’t care about the dogs she breeds since it’s a business for her. Max was everything to our family and his lose has left a massive void in our hearts. Please do your family a favor and research the breeder. You are bringing a new family member into your home. If people stop buying from puppy mills like Teresa runs, maybe we can put an end to the suffering dogs endure due to puppy mills.
CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP? me and teresa are friends we made i deal to get a female big dog
she did not scamed me the cages are big as H*** you. i work with her you guys are not welcomed
to are beautiful place BYE!
I work with Teresa i think you guys need to SHUT UP RIGHT? YOU guys are not welcomed to are beautiyful place me and teresa made a deal to get a big dog and i got 2 1 golden doolde and samoyed here are people that are not welcomed
Reinheimer THANK you so much for your kind words we are so glad that you ot a samoyed form us your welcomed anytime THANK YOU here are people that are not welcomed
U have not been there that i can tell for sure.
email me at s8005@students.dist159.com
My name is Mila shaaban hi teresa!
this is my dog i got a samoyed
Its me mila iare dogs me and teresa are dogs are not cared for in smail cages this a false