Kayley Lynn Corse who is now Kayley Raley after marrying is not who she wants people to think she is. She tries to portray herself as a church-going and decent person since she told me she goes to Gateway Church, but that isn't the case.
Let me just say this, less than 3 months before she got married we had an ongoing friends with extras thing going on, at the time she never told me she had a boyfriend otherwise I wouldn't have. Well turns out that she ended up pregnant from one of the times we got together and called me about it panicking and yelling. I told her that I would take care of the baby, but she insisted that she get an abortion because she didn't want her boyfriend who she told me was named Brad to find out about it and that her parents wouldn't approve of her having a black kid or being with a black guy. Now I know why she never introduced me to any of her friends or family.
I was against the abortion, but she yelled about it and said she was going to do it anyway to keep Brad and her parents from finding out that she was messing around on Brad who she then married. She didn't want the church that she told me she goes to, Gateway Church to know since she works with children at that church as the elementary arts producer. Ironic how she works with kids, yet aborted her own child. You would think that Gateway Church wouldn't allow her to be around kids. She said that no one would believe she had an abortion even if someone found out because she said they think of her as an innocent church girl.
I kept telling her I didn't want anyone to be getting an abortion since it's against my religious beliefs. She got mad and called me a racist name I would rather not repeat. Then when I told her "so, what are you a racist now" she said that no one would believe she is because she keeps black friends. I guess what she meant by this is she has black friends so if she is called out for being racist she can just say she has black friends and that would make her look like she isn't one. Another thing I didn't know until later was that she pops pills. I don't see how Kayley has any business being around kids after she got an abortion.
I am posting this because I didn't agree for her to have an abortion and I am a deeply religious black man who is against abortion. She will likely deny this and pretend it didn't happen and pretend like she didn't abort her own baby, but that's just to keep up the innocent act that she has been putting on. Kayley seems to have serious issues going on.
Kayley Raley is a hypocrite who pretends to care about the word of God only when it's convenient but doesn't actually live it. This girl is bad news and fake as anyone I have ever known. I guess she takes pleasure in fooling people. Seems like a complete two faced person.
Can you post her number? If she's that free wheeling, I'd like to get a piece. Thanks.
How old is this person? They have crazy forehead wrinkles and huge ugly nose. Looks like typical trailer trash that thinks they are hot, but aren't.