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CB Residential Sales Keller Williams Realty 6005 Hidden Valley Rd, № 200, Carlsbad, CA, 92011, US
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Keller Williams Realty

6005 Hidden Valley Rd, № 200, Carlsbad, CA, 92011, US
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Keller Williams Realty - bad mentorship

Keller Williams Realty Inc
Complaint Department
1221 South Mopac Expressway, Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78746

Iryna Iniguez-Snehirova,
Real Estate Agent, DRE # [protected]

My Experience at Keller Williams Real Estate Agency.

To whom it may concern,

I recently got my real estate license, and, on August 20, 2018, I joined Keller Williams office as a brand-new agent at 6005 Hidden Valley Rd #200, Carlsbad, CA 92011. I was assigned Wade Blair (DRE #[protected]) as my mentor. The reason I chose Keller Williams is because they are number one on education according to online reviews. I joined them despite the high split they offer hoping to get the best knowledge and a strong start of my new career. Unfortunately, I got very disappointed with their approach of teaching new agents, especially with my mentor's approach.

On September 2018, I brought my first listing. I went to the listing appointment with my mentor Wade Blair. I let him to do the talk and fill out the listing agreement. I totally relied on his expertise. This is what happened after we signed the listing with my client.

First, Wade put the date of the listing to go live in MLS October 13, 2018 which was Saturday. I have a good friend, realtor, who is doing very well in this business and I always kept in touch with her and was sharing my progress. She is not from Keller Williams. When she found out that the first live day of the listing will be on Saturday, she strongly recommended to change the date to a week day, so I'll have more time to get people for my open house on first weekend, otherwise the weekend would be wasted. I called Wade and asked him why he put listing on a weekend day. He said he didn't check calendar and he was in a hurry; he just wanted to sign the listing ASAP and leave.

Second, I told him I will do property pictures myself. He didn't say a word. My friend, instead, suggested to hire a professional photographer because it will be my portfolio for next clients and it should look representable and professional.

Third, Wade suggested to order a sign with my personal information and pay to install it in front of the property. My realtor friend shared that I am selling a condo and HOA would never allow me to put that sign on a common area of the property. I can only put it on the window.

Fourth, Wade never voluntarily offered to go over the steps what to do after we signed the listing. I had to chase him asking questions and asking him to assist me to input property information in MLS in order to post it live.

I felt like I was not receiving any help or mentorship. I felt like I just annoyed my mentor. I realized that I am going to pay commission to wrong people and I should just join my friend-realtor who deserves to receive mentor's commission because she is the one who was helping me all the time, not Wade.

I came to Jim Crotwell, the office manager, and told him I want to leave to other broker and told him the reasons why. He said that the listing was signed with Keller Williams and I will have to pay them 30% commission anyway even if I leave.

Fortunately, after I reviewed the listing agreement, I found a very sloppy and careless mistake that my mentor made. He put expiration date of the listing April 30, 2018 instead of 2019. It made the listing agreement expired and no longer valid. I notified Jim Crotwell and Wade Blair via e-mail that listing was made incorrectly, and that I am leaving Keller Williams.

The next day my client called me and said that Wade stopped by at her house without proper prior notice. She was not at home, so he left her a hand-written card with his contact information and solicitation message to sign listing agreement again with him. She called him, and she said he was very pushy to set up an appointment with her next day. He didn't mention that he made a mistake in the listing agreement. She refused to make an appointment with him and called me instead. I told her what happened, and she said she would sign a new listing with me again even if I change a broker. Even after my client refused to meet with Wade, he still emailed her a letter why she should sign listing with him and not me.

Unfortunately, the story didn't stop there. My friend, also a new real estate agent, who is no longer with Keller Williams, kept going to Ignite classes and said that Wade, who teaches Ignite classes, in front of all class said that the new agent Iryna was a destruction for him; that he has to drop everything and go to sign a listing agreement with her. For the record, Wade and I set up an appointment date a week in advance not in the last moment.

From what I've described above, I would like to say that Keller Williams runs unprofessional and unethical business. I can't imagine a person like Wade Blair teaching classes and being a good mentor! This person told his students not to disturb him on Sundays because it's his church day. And this person is doing such unacceptable things behind another person's back such as humiliating agents in front of the class, trying to steal listings, charging mentor's fee and not giving any support and knowledge in return, etc.

In addition, when all this happened, I was pregnant, and it caused me extra emotional distress and anxiety. The reason I wrote this letter is to raise the issue in front of the proper authorities and take action against people like Wade Blair so they won't take advantage of new real estate agents. I do not wish anybody to experience what happened to me in their fresh start in a real estate career.

Please find the attached card and e-mail that Wade Blair wrote to my client.

Your time and attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions regarding to this matter, please contact me at [protected]

Iryna Iniguez-Snehirova

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