Lifetime TV’s earns a 1.1-star rating from 230 reviews, showing that the majority of viewers are dissatisfied with programming.
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Kay Michelle — what a disappointment that lifetime has her on for young girls
Kay Michelle represents such an unethical, lack of poise and lady-like manner that I cannot watch lifetime when she is on that channel, and so can’t several people in our homeowners' association expressed it as a joke in the side? She worked so hard to become a figure for young girls with “ho” mentality, and it is not good for lifetime viewers to see her in that show? She has bad management advice possibly but it is her personality to be nasty, confrontational, cursing and bringing up men private parts, etc. All the character traits and qualities mothers and parents do not want from their daughters? She does not represent lifetime well at all? Not sure who is doing the casting for lifetime but that channel is not love and hip-hop? You are loosing viewers daily bc of poor insight by staff in the recruiting area and casting department? Last two years have been really, really disappointing! Only thing saving them are true love story movies and married at first sight show!
Desired outcome: Kay Michelle to go back to LOVE AND HOP HOP AND I AM A BLACK FEMALE along with the group who supports this she is not a decent representative for black women and women period!! Sorry👍
You have a commercial for February is black history month and than you state every month is black lives month, I find this very racist. Now you lost a large group of people who looked at your channel everyday, but no more.
I’m passing this information around to my friends and family.what about Italian, Spanish, Puerto Rican, German, and other nationalities.
Don’t we matter!
Closed caption
The closed caption missed a lot of the conversation of the movie. I was watching with my 85 year old mom and she pointed out that the closed caption did not deliver all of the words. She was correct they left sentences out. A lot actually. I was very disappointed in this. I wanted to bring this to your attention. I sure hope that this can be improved. Thank you.
Lifetime network
Lifetime started showing castle last fall, stopped to show absurd christmas movies and finally got castle back january 22 and what should have been final episode on feb 7 th but final episode season 8 was not shown... Why not?
And now you are starting the whole series again... Boring... Where is episode 22 season 8?
Now you are starting over 2/7/2022 but no season 8 episode 22... Why not?..
Desired outcome: Lifetime aired Castle but failed to air season 8 episode episode
To diverse & Woke
Your movies have gone from good & tasteful to "way to diverse, to much male/male & female/female showings. To culturally "out of the Realm" of what people want. This past Christmas the only movies I watch were on GAC Family. They at least had what you used to. good tasteful movies.
I will never watch another lifetime movie/show again. I've seen some of the "new" shows upcoming. Who wants to see nothing but mean people fighting, violence and way to much homosexual/bisexual kissing & more. Sick, it's so sick. You may as well label yourself an adult TV station.
Perpetuating stereotypes
OK. I just happened to be scrolling through my TV guide, just now, and starting at 1:00 pm, going all the way to 3:00 am, here is the lineup on this network: 1) Wrong Stepfather, 2) Wrong Stepmother, 3) Evil Stepmom, 4) Killer Stepmom, 5) Beware of Mom (which isn't about mom, per se, but a neighborhood mom), and then these movies repeat, to 6) Killer Stepmom, and 7) Beware of Mom.
Evidentially, this network felt it could captivate audiences everywhere for 14 hours with nothing but the Evil SP stereotype, with Evil SMs being the bulk of course.
So, when I hear there is an unabashed negative prejudice toward SPs (SMs in particular), here it is! Out there for all to see!. Wow!
I mean, maybe they've done 14 hours of Killer or Evil Grandpa or Grandma movies? I don't know. But, Grandpa and Grandma don't have the stereotypical burden of being thought of as evil right-off-the-bat, either. Apparently, this network thinks nothing of perpetuating a stereotype, especially if they can make a dime off of it.
Desired outcome: Apology and explanation.
Incorrect Season and Episode Information
On several series such as Castle and Grey's Anatomy the season and episode information appears to be made incorrect with intent. For Castle the entire day was coded season 1 episode 1. For today's episodes of Grey's Anatomy the shows are all coded season 7 episode 12. I believe this is being done to subvert the DVR from recording the episodes for viewing at a later point in time. It also forces a viewer to watch episodes they may not have to catch one they may have missed. I believe this to be a coordinated effort for viewership.
Desired outcome: Put the correct season and episode information on the shows
Married at first sight boston
Last night the 3 hour special with your predictions was SO LAME! Why would we want to watch predictions by 4 women of who will stay together when the season hasn't even started! We know nothing of substance about the people getting married, and your crew is already saying who they don't think will survive!
It was a complete waste of time and shut it off, but really, put your ducks in a row! Made me feel I missed something, when in fact your programming order is whacked!
Desired outcome: Play later in the season, like mid-way.
Content on channel 406 lifetime channel
There are TWO instances that I strongly object to:
1. The blip where a man in a laundromat wanting to help a woman who lost an article of clothing. Her response to him was disgusting and rude. (She called him bucko)
2. The blip where a woman is moving into a neighbourhood and greeted the next door neighbour. The next door neighbour was awful almost accusing the woman of seducing her husband and she might set fire to her house.
What kind of image are you trying to convey. This is disgusting and I heard kids say "I thought you are supposed to greet new neighbours with KINDNESS "
Desired outcome: I insist that you remove these two (whatever you call them???)
Christmas holiday movies
Hello. I would like to ask if next holiday season you show some old classics on your station. There are too many repeats of the same shows. Also, can we have the same sex movies after 10 pm? Young children are with their families enjoying the Christmas shows and do not need to see same sex scenes. It's not your place to bring those type of shows into the family environment.
Let's get back to basics and the classics! PLEASE. Thank you so much
Desired outcome: Show more classics
Under the christmas tree
I usually like the movies, but boycotted viewing all yesterday due to the female on female kiss.
When scanning channels to see what was showing just now I happened on that scene and it turned my stomach. Disgusting viewing when children are not in bed yet.
Keep the trash viewing and violence off your programming.
I am so turned off your movies now.
Desired outcome: Leave it to parent's discretion by keeping sensitive subjects out of your
Lifetime Movies background music
I would like to know why you have all this background noise in every movie. The noise drowns out the dialog and I cannot follow the story. I used to enjoy most of the movies but now I turn them off because I cannot follow the story. Don't the directors watch the films? If they do they must surely realize that most of the dialog is wasted since you cannot hear what is said.
Please stop the noise and music? so I can hear the dialog.
I am in total agreement with Ray Buchianico regarding the loud background music used in the newer movies. It is so loud and disturbing I have to watch with the closed caption on. Sometimes I've just turned the movie off because the music is so annoying.
Prescription ads
Really they have to show two guys kissing in a commercial? Not what I want my kids to see!
I think Lifetime can have more integrity than that. Our world is messed up already without having to confuse it anymore. I am very disgusted with this! Lifetime needs to monitor them instead of worrying about making $$$$. I would expect something better from this channel!
Talts commercial keeps freezing up so can't watch little women la on your site. Can you fix that one or remove it. So I can't continue to watch.
Look above you can not contact you at bottom of site. This is the reason for this complaint. Talts commercial freeze's up my screen on little women la. Question.. can you fix ?¿?
Desired outcome: Fix it
Movies on a family network
I am writing to you today regarding the gay Christmas movies on lifetime. I'm not racist and I don't have a problem how people choose to live their life, but when you put shows like that on TV I'm having to explain to my kids that I have raised to believe that a man and a woman are the right relationship not a man & man or woman & a woman. You are advertising and promoting this on a family channel and with Christmas shows. I will not be watching this network anymore because I believe in values that I thought this network had.
Desired outcome: Explanation
I agree with the above. Promoting alternative lifestyles like this is not something that should be exhibited for family viewing. Children have so many concerns already without more confusion about the family raising experience they are going through now with their own parenting.
I will not be watching Lifetime shows that depict this. What's the next thing Lifetime, is it going to be a story with polygamy ?
Women's lingerie commercial
On December 2 as well as November 30, my husband and I were enjoying a Christmas movie on the Lifetime channel. It was prime time, from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. It was a CHRISTMAS movie! Kids watch Christmas movies. Kids are up and awake at 8:00 pm. In the midst of commercials for toilet paper featuring cartoon bears and household cleaning products pops up this commercial. The camera zooms in on the woman's cleavage as well as other body parts. She is posing as if doing a layout for Playboy or some other seedy mag. My husband, who has had pornography issues, got up and left the room. I actually could not believe a family movie would have commercials like this! Then, last night the same thing happened.
If Lifetime uses bad judgment in their sponsors such as what I described, then I won't continue to use that channel, and I'll definitely make sure all the folks I know learn the content of their ads and so avoid the channel as well.
Please tell me the rationale used.
Rosalie Olson
Desired outcome: Remove that commercial
I have a few issues with Lifetime Movie Network that I just have to get off my chest, These have really been bugging me to the point that most of the time I just turn off the movie and watch another channel instead. First of all, why so many commercials between such a short time of movie content; second, the continuous background noise and music is so loud and distracting I find it necessary to turn on the closed captions because I can barely make out the dialogue; third, can lifetime not afford to have their actresses wear better wigs, especially the people of color actresses; and finally, I find it somewhat ridiculous to see obviously older actresses attempt to play the part of a teenager or young adult, they look downright silly. I realize Lifetime maintains a limited stable of their own actors/ actresses with limited acting capabilities but surely they can afford to branch out a bit and hire a few new faces with the huge amount of money they are making from the vast number of commercials that are shown on their channels. Thank You, I feel so much better just unloading these issues that now maybe I will be able to just sit and enjoy a good Lifetime Movie.
For many years i've been taking care of a woman who suffers from epilepsy. She has sexual abuse in her background as well as growing up in a narcissistic environment. Very sweet innocent kind-hearted person. We are learning now that the epileptic seizures are a product of the violence and the neglect she experienced growing up. She can't be exposed to violence and cruelty whether in real life or on TV without increased risks of seizures.
We have been watching your christmas movies that you're playing this time of year which are enjoyable. It's not difficult to recognize that you are trying to break down cultural barriers and racial barriers. Mixed ethnic families, hanukkah movies, gay couples. I think this is a bold and needed change in programming. The stories in the christmas movies are positive and uplifting.
Then you have advertising in between the programs that depicts violence and cruelty and manipulation. The ugliest aspects of human beings. These these advertisements are for shows that you run on your station. Quite a contrast to the efforts you're making with your christmas stories. I literally have to change the channel during your advertisements for your own TV shows so that it doesn't upset this 43-year-old woman that i take care of to avoid her having seizures. I can't stand watching the advertisements much less the movies that you're promoting. With all the violence in our society, january 6th insurrection, trumpism, racial hatred. I question whether there's any constructive value in promoting more violence and disrespect and cruelty in your programming, which appears to be only for entertainment value and ratings.
If this shows, and the advertising for the shows can affect this adult woman so dramatically, that they can affect her health, what's it doing to young people? I'm old enough to have been watching vietnam on the news every morning as a little kid. That and having grown up on the fringes of detroit in the '60s and 70s had left me hardened and fearful about the violence in society. But i wouldn't say that that was constructive. I find it ridiculous that you can't show a naked human body, are intimacy, our love on TV but you can show someone getting their head cut off or blown off! It's okay to show intolerable violence and cruelty to each other. I hope you're advertising dollars and ratings are worth it!
Greg Mottin
I agree with the above. I hate seeing this. I worked in a prison for many years, I was happy to
leave that environment and not have to see the violence anymore. I have to close my eyes and shut down the volume when these violent ads come across the screen.
What a Lifetime? Someone else needs to be on the panels that approve of this content.
Noise that you call music
Please stop putting your annoying noise on your lifetime movies! It serves no purpose, but is very annoying! I cannot hear what the actors say! You play the noise over the movie! I am about to stop watching all your movies as you have started putting the noise on most! Very annoying! Are you secretly brainwashing us with the annoying noise? What other purpose could it serve?! I don't need music to tell me how I should feel about certain scenes in the movie! But you don't just play at certain scenes, you play the noise all through the movie and my husband is so disgusted with this noise that he has quit watching lifetime movies with me! Is that your objective? Fewer viewer?!
Desired outcome: Stop the music/noise! Thank
Carly Hughes
What does she show her tongue so much as some sort of tool when she acts; it's very distracting and after sometime it's very annoying.
I watched the Christmas Edition and a lot of her scenes she was in, there was her tongue. Maybe she has no idea she shows it so much just a bad habit?
Maybe the director didn't notice it. Who knows it seemed to show up when her character was flirting. Sorry Carly but a little is OK but a lot of it wasn't very attractive.
Thank you for reading about my disappointment.
Dr Peggy Locke
Your lack of diversity in race on your shows
I wrote out a long comment. I am concerned about your lack of diversity in the people on your programs. There are people of all colors in this country and one of those groups are AFRICAN ANERICANS. I wrote a very long comment so I will not repeat it BUT I will say again the absence of many people of color on your shows is disturbing. We are everywhere in this country BUT I can turn on TV and see shows where are not even present on the streets and as people walk. WE ARE HERE AND HAVE MADE MANY GREAT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS COUNTRY. ACT LIKE IT BY SHOWING THAT WE ARE HERE EVERYWHERE.
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