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CB Hotels and Accommodations Review of Lord Charles Hotel
Lord Charles Hotel

Lord Charles Hotel review: Meraki WellnDispute with Lord Charles hotel small business owner becomes victim to bullying by Lord Charles Hotel’s, general manager Julia Ward

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12:33 pm EDT
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Cape Town, 10 June 2024: According to Stats SA the current unemployment has increased to 32.9% in South Africa in 2024. Entrepreneurship has shown to assist in alleviating this. However, (owner of small business) Meraki Wellness, Soraya De Beer-Steiger, her efforts to contribute to employment and the economy, have become futile. This is due to a dispute with her landlord, the Lord Charles Hotel. Due to this, there is a major risk of the closure of her business.

“In a country of opportunity and hope it saddens me to think that the old system of oppression continues to thrive. I entered in to this contract with the Lord Charles Hotel hoping that I would be able to employ a number of young women in the Somerset West area to not only sustain myself but others too,” says De Beer-Steiger.

In 2023, De Beer-Steiger entered into a contract with Lord Charles Hotel with the understanding that operating a wellness centre within their premises would be mutually beneficial. The agreement stipulated a monthly rental payment of approximately R16,100 for the use of their wellness centre facilities.

The contract commenced on June 1st, 2023, and was valid until June 2025. Based on the discussions with the General Manager (GM), Julia Ward, it was understood that Meraki Wellness would operate as an added service of the Hotel, benefiting from the 198 guest rooms and the potential flow of business through the their switchboard, concierge desk, and marketing efforts. Specific arrangements included:

- Meraki Wellness would operate as an added service of the hotel

- Meraki's business would go through Lord Charles' switchboard

- A concierge desk in the foyer to assist guests and offer spa treatments

- Placement of marketing materials in various areas

- Front desk staff promoting Meraki treatments to guests during check-in

- Inclusion in special offers and other marketing efforts

Unfortunately, the reality was far from the agreement. No marketing materials were allowed in public areas, and reservations were instructed to refer guests to external treatment facilities. No desk was allocated for Meraki, and we received no referrals from guest rooms, as most guests were unaware of our services located at the back of the premises.

To make matters worse, in September 2023, after just three months, the GM offered De Beer-Steiger the opportunity to get out of the contract when she refused, the Hotel cancelled her lease due to renovations they had planned at the hotel. However, up until today, the Hotel has been incapable of providing these plans Despite De Beer-Steiger’s lawyers requesting this numerous times.

Thereafter, the Hotel, requested that De Beer-Steiger leave at the end of 2024, however, she refused, as she rerouted her entire live to the Somerset West area. De Beer-Steiger requested a meeting with the owner to find out why the wanted her evicted as the renovations did not seem like it was true – the owner refused. When she refused the owner of the Hotel, offered De Beer-Steiger a sum of money, but this was not a fair amount due to what she put into to this business.

Legal proceedings were initiated, but the costly and prolonged nature of such action, potentially spanning three years, would only compound the negative financial implications. Further to this, De Beer Steiger confirms that: “Regrettably, we had to retrench the six therapists trained by Meraki due to the unprofessional and malicious conduct of the General Manager at Lord Charles Hotel.”

Now the business is not making any income, and has been unable to pay the rent since April 2024. This is due to being continuously blocked by the GM’s actions in every possible way. Alarmingly, Meraki's business that came through the switchboard was also turned away, with the staff claiming the treatment centre was under renovation, despite our active operations from the Lord Charles premises - this was instructed by the GM. In addition numerous false allegations was made of which there is proof and recordings.

Due to the failure to pay the rent to the Hotel, Lord Charles has found a loophole and has changed their eviction order from them needing to renovations to an eviction due to none payment.

“After attempts to discuss this matter directly with the owner, I now have no option but to take to the media to expose this hotel. It really scares me to think that big corporates can operate in the way that they do. They have completely crippled me financially. When I started the Wellness Centre at Lord Charles, my intentions were to do well there and partner with the Hotel to provide their guests with a high standard of service. However, the push-back from them has seen the opposite,” says De Beer-Steiger.

“This nightmare experience, fuelled by malicious intent, has left me feeling hopeless. As a determined woman of colour and an entrepreneur striving to inspire others and achieve success, I seek a fair and just resolution to this unjust situation. My rights as a small business owner have been blatantly disregarded, and this is simply unacceptable,” says De Beer-Steiger.

Claimed loss: Approximately R200 000 per month x 12 months thus far

Desired outcome: Settlement for losses incurred of approxmately R2 <span class="replace-code" title="This information is only accessible to verified representatives of company">[protected]</span>

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