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Market Force Information

Market Force Information review: Scam 113

Author of the review
3:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Market Force Information, Inc. ripped me off. If you ever decide to work here, you will most likely end up regretting it. Seemed like a great idea at the time-- even fun perhaps. Getting paid for your opinion, experience at writing AND reimbursed for your meals? Hey, I love writing and I give my opinion freely-- so why not get paid for it all, right? Hmph! Was *I* in for rude awakening!

On the initial application they want to know everything there is to know about YOU. Do you own or rent a home, do you have any type of disabilities, what's your gender, your race, are you married or single, what's your household income, what's your birth date, your Social Security number, your hair color, eye color, do you wear glasses, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?! Many of those criteria sounded very suspicious or even illegal to me but I ignored my intuitions. I knew that there were some mystery shopping jobs that were a scam and you had to be careful so I checked them out with the BBB. When I saw that they had a decent rating I eagerly signed up with them. I wanted this job. Badly. It sounded like my dream job so I ignored any skepticism on my own or anyone else's part.

They wanted me to take a written test that would test my attention to detail on the last place that I shopped. Spelling and grammar counts even though when you do the actual reports for them, you have an automatic spell checker-- but yet they still have an actual spelling test on there and they want to know the exact time right down to the very second that you started taking their test and EXACTLY when you ended it!

Then, if you're accepted, you have to read and then take a 35 question test on an 11 page manual. 5 pages of the manual are dedicated entirely on how to start and stop timing the workers at the restaurant. They devoted about half of the questions to things like: What is the timing point 1, 2 and 3 for the walk in, what is it for the drive in... which timing point is #2 and which one is #3 and then what are timing points #1-3 for the drive-thru. You only get 2 chances to get a 100% of all questions correct-- and you must get them all right either the first time or the second time!

When you're doing the actual evaluation at the restaurant though you have to be very discreet about your timings. Can't actually write them down while you're there or you could blow your cover. You're supposed to be able to remember exactly down to the second: "When did you come to a complete stop in the drive thru, what time you stop and pay for your food, what time you did you receive your food and drink, how many cars were ahead of you, what time did you go to the walk-in line, how many people were ahead of you, how many cash registers were open, what time was it when you were told the total cost of that order, what time was it when your food actually arrives... It shouldn't be more than 10 seconds or something's wrong with the worker! There are so many requirements that need to be met, so many questions that they ask, so many details that you have to remember but you are not allowed to bring these list of requirements with you because you are supposed to look and act as if you are an ordinary shopper. You can't even bring anyone else along. You must be alone, pay entirely in CASH, be very hungry, go to a specific location between a specific time frame. You must be able to eat, drink and honestly scrutinize 2 consecutive full meals all by yourself.

The night before my first assignment, I worked on my computer for over an hour downloading and printing out 10 pages of their rules and instructions. The next morning I woke up, got myself ready to snoop, took the time to go to Wawa to get $20 in CASH, (which was all I could spare this week), went to McDonald's and did the absolute best mystery shop that I could do with what I had to work with.

You would think with all of the pages that you have to download and print out, they would actually USE these pages to make it very clear exactly what to order for each part of this review but they are STILL unclear because they REALLY do not want to pay you for all of your hard work! For example, on page 3 of their 10 page "Information Sheets", they said you need to order one sandwich, fries and a beverage-- but it was unclear to me if they wanted me to do that for the walk-in AND the drive thru. They said you need to order: "either a sausage biscuit or sausage biscuit with egg, a sausage mcmuffin or a sausage mcmuffin with egg, a sausage McGriddle or a sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle. Then it says for the second order, (the drive-thru portion) you have to order one of these choices.. either: "a bacon egg and cheese biscuit, an egg mcmuffin or a bacon, egg and cheese mcgriddle." It did not say to order yet ANOTHER side and a drink... and I thought it would certainly be ridiculous of them to expect anyone to eat 2 entire meals all by themselves so I just got the sandwich for the drive-thru, just like it said to do in the upper middle portion of that page.

For each evaluation, you have to answer questions about the server's friendliness, their attentiveness, their communication, their speed, the accuracy of the order, the food quality, the store's cleanliness, how the drive thru was and how the restrooms were. Ok. No problem there. That is what I expected to do but it was disappointing to me that they did not have any space for me to write in my own comments and observations, which I feel are just as important as the other things that they want scrutinized. (I thought the restaurant was fine. The only thing that could use some improvements were the fact that the tray was very wet and so was the counter top in the ladies' restroom.)

I filled out their report on the walk-in, the surrounding area, the drive thru AND the restroom then I scanned the receipts and the "CPI", which is the Contractor Payment Invoice-- the form that they have you sign that you must also print out when you print out the useless 10 other pages of their requirements...and you have to print it out right at that time, not later on.

After waking up early to go to this place, spending my time and my money, doing their report, scanning everything that they wanted, they still have to try to find something--anything that wasn't done precisely so they don't have to pay for all of this.

It took me hours to try to upload my CPI. I tried it a dozen times but every time it just made my computer freeze and then I'd keep getting an error message. I shut down the computer and started it again 3 more times before the site finally said everything was received. By then I was angry, frustrated and was really starting to feel like this wasn't worth my time or aggravation. Not too surprisingly, a few hours later I received an email from Market Research Information saying that they were not going to pay me ANYTHING for all that I did because I only ordered a sandwich, drink and hash browns in the walk-in but I only got 1 sandwich in the drive-thru!

It was a very belittling and condescending letter!

Now if this were a reputable company, they would have prorated their assignment fees-- especially for my first experience working with them-- but they don't. It's all or nothing with these crooks. What I did was surely worth something but THEY acted like all my hard work and money were worthless and they allegedly "could not use it".

Now that I know how crooked they are and all that they demand, I think back to what my husband told me when I first told him about this place. They simply do not pay the reviewers nearly enough for all of this even it was done entirely correct in their mind. I also feel that they expect too much from the McDonald's employees too with what scanty amount they get paid! For this assignment, if I did it entirely how they say they wanted it, they were only going to pay me $7.50 plus the cost of food.

I thought this would be a fun job even though it doesn't pay well but this anal company is clearly not worth the time, money, effort and aggravation.

Update by MrBadgers
Aug 24, 2010 3:42 pm EDT

I have seen other complaints about this company online. I wish I took them seriously. What a waste of time this crooked company has been.

Update by MrBadgers
Aug 26, 2010 7:05 pm EDT

Good for you! I'm happy for you, Observer 101 and Anonymous 1 that you didn't get sucked into their foolishness. :) I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. Luckily for me, I was only out $5.98 plus the cost of food, unlike some of their other victims who I read about who were ripped off over $40 for each mystery shop.

The only thing I got out of this is learning to be less trusting and to have even more empathy for people who work at fast food places. These big corporations expect way too much from them for what little they pay.

Update by MrBadgers
Dec 26, 2010 10:18 pm EST

Great idea! I couldn't agree more! Excellent letter and excellent ideas!

Update by MrBadgers
Apr 09, 2011 11:31 am EDT

! They should have paid you an aggravation fee on top of what they so cheapskatedly cheated you out of. Cheap sneaky ###. It's like they want to irritate their employees on top of ripping them off and wasting their time.

Update by MrBadgers
Apr 09, 2011 9:30 pm EDT

They are SO crooked it still boggles my mind just how low they will stoop. Well I hope you do get a lawyer and take them for everything they have. Perhaps your lawyer could even get them to pay your entire court costs too. For all the people they've ripped off this is what they have coming to them. Good luck and I wish you all the best. I hope you will write soon to tell us how many millions of dollars you took back from their greedy hands on behalf of all of us.

Update by MrBadgers
Apr 12, 2011 10:33 am EDT

I think you're absolutely right. It is both and they ARE like talking to a brick wall. Numbskulls.

Update by MrBadgers
Sep 01, 2011 9:40 pm EDT

Thank you very much for writing and for reading and appreciating what I wrote. I wish you the best with this. Just remember to do everything exactly as they say and keep track of every detail or they'll use it as an excuse not to pay you. You'll probably be videotaped so they can be sure that you do everything their way and are accurate right down to the second. I now think they may be quasi-legit but I just found them to be too demanding for what little they pay. If your interest in doing this is more like a hobby than a way to make a living, this may even be interesting and enjoyable for you. Good luck and best wishes. Let us know how it goes... --Sylvia

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Boulder, US
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Aug 15, 2010 11:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just read this review of Market Force and was very surprised. The headline says "Scam" but this is not a Scam company. I have been a mystery shopper with Market Force for just over 2 years and have done about 250 shops for them including the restaurant this reviewer discusses that requires timing and an exact order; they make it clear to follow the mystery shop guidelines exactly because that is exactly what their client is trying to get feedback on. I have always been paid on time and have found their shops easy to do. Yes, the first one is hard since it is new but after that, you are ready to go! I've made steady side income and as a single mom with a son in Ice Hockey the exra income is great!

They have a nice website with a lot of information -

I have recommended Market Force to several girlfriends and they love to mystery shop. I think all of them use Market Force and I have never heard a compaint. They are a big company but they treat their shoppers well.

If anyone is interested in Mystery Shopping, they can read about all the Mystery Shop companies on MSPA - Mystery Shopping Providers Association - Market Force is listed with them as a member in good standing so this might be a place to find the right company for you.

Best of luck and happy shopping :)

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Apr 12, 2017 11:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Corporate Shill comments above. Beware.

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Jul 17, 2017 11:17 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Agree, , Linda is a SHILL.
She is an office employee of Market Force and posing as a researcher.

Randy C Clark
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Jan 13, 2019 12:11 pm EST

I have completed over 750 mystery shops with this company. They are legit and definitely NOT a scam. I woek for a dozen companies and each set of paperwork is different. I have done literally hundreds of fast food shops and have screwed up a couple. The first time I do any shop is nerve-wracking. So many things to remember. One company does gas stations and each brand of gas has different expectations. One had 60 pages of paperwork - I did my shops but won't do that again for $12.50, but some people do rounds and they become second nature. I do several casual dining shops where I don't blink an eye now. This company pays on time and does listen to objections.

Danville, US
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Aug 16, 2010 4:59 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also was extremely surprised by the complaint. I became a mystery shopper for Market Force this year to earn some extra money, and haven’t had any problems with the company. There are always a ton of assignments posted to choose from, and I’ve been paid for every shop I’ve completed correctly!

I understand why you are a bit frustrated - one of my mystery shops got rejected too, because I ordered the wrong side item on accident. Ultimately it was my fault though, and it just made me extra careful the next time I went through and completed a shop. The assignments for this fast food chain tend to be the most tedious out of all the job options. I suggest checking out all of the assignments listed and picking out another one to see if you enjoy it more! Once you get the hang of it, I’m sure you will be able to complete jobs much more quickly and will definitely enjoy making some extra money too!


Hartford, US
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Aug 25, 2010 10:52 am EDT

I agree. I've worked for them and they are a rip-off! Stay away!

City, US
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Aug 26, 2010 1:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They say that 'The difference is in the details". Rubbish. Like Sylvia103, I was suspicious about the amount of information requested in the application. Then my application was rejected - they sent me an email requesting additional data and - wait for it - addressing me by a name that I had LEGALLY changed over 3 years ago - because my old name was attached to that SSN on an old application. My SSN is tied to my new name on all Social Security and credit reports - not "aka" as MFI had labeled me.

Well I challenged their mail, and their bureaucratic demand for additional information (most of which, it appeared to me, I had already supplied). I had already decided that, if a company cannot even read my application before telling me that I am wrong, then I do not have very much confidence that they will accept and pay my mystery shopping assignments. They telephoned me to explain that this was a bulk mail sent out to prospective applicants when there is missing information, and I only need supply the information that was highlighted in bold.

Ok. Explain this to me. You can highlight something, and you can enter my name as xxx aka yyy (a hybrid of my new and old names, taking much longer to type than to just enter my new name from my application or from any official document), but you CANNOT delete the superfluous paragraphs from the same sheet? Even the DMV can make a better job of rejecting applications than this - that pen-checked box AT LEAST shows some humyn interaction!

I call that LAZINESS and LACK OF RESPECT for the applicants. You're just a number, now get in line. No thanks, I would prefer to stay in the benefits line rather than be demeaned by you.

And, pray tell me, what is to stop Market Force from rejecting a review but yet using it, avoiding the reviewer's compensation while still raking in the profits from their big corporate clients? Call me cynical if you will, but I just don’t trust them. There are other market review agencies out there offering much easier, more streamlined, personal, INTERACTIONS with their reporters. I know - I work for some of them now.

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Sep 25, 2017 7:03 pm EDT

Hi, thanks for placing your review. I was planning on working for them too, but not anymore. Would you mind letting me know what company(s) you're currently work for now? I'd like to apply since you have good experience. Isabel in San Antonio

Fayetteville, US
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Nov 16, 2010 5:05 am EST

I feel your about leaving out a ketchup packet or salt packet in the drive through order...that was grounds for NOT being paid for any of the meals you buy, whether in drive through or walk in. They can go back and view their cameras to determine if you left any of your mystery shop out. AND, they actually call you to verify what you were wearing that day if they believe you were "caught" as a mystery shopper. I quit doing mystery shopping after 5 years of rediculous paperwork and printing on your OWN printer, having to memorize what you need to do while in the restaurant/store, gaining weight from eating/tasting all of that fast food within 30 minutes of each other, then having to make purchases that you may or may not get reimbursed for if you do one little thing wrong. Hmmm...I thought the purpose of a mystery shop was to help companies obtain a higher standard of customer service by seeing if they serve you properly and that the food is of good quality, NOT anazlye to death what type of food you order and how much you spend on it, or what race/gender the cashier or waiter was. And how about what color hair they have, what their body size is, and weather they have long or short hair...seems like discrimination to me.

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Jul 16, 2017 5:09 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Littlejoe

Reading this, I wonder if you've ever opened your take-out bag only to find no one remembered to put in ketchup, or mustard, or napkins, or something else that's required to eat or drink your purchase? It's inordinately frustrating.

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Nov 27, 2010 1:29 am EST

I am just a curious observer looking to keep busy, I have no experience with the program.

The Sylvia103 dissertation was enlightening and revealed valuable information to consider the assignment, it's prerequisite and details of reporting. But to call it a scam was disingenuous.

It sounded like specific details were required to be addressed and if not accomplished the report would be invalid, in total. not in part.

Usually happy shopper
Sioux Falls, US
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Dec 05, 2010 8:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Can I say the name? Golden arches? They use every excuse not to pay you. Ridiculous requirements. I've had two shops rejected, one that I drove over 25 miles to do. I don't eat junk food, but I had to for this shop, then I'm out almost $6 and gas and time. Once I was 15 minutes late. Was it really that crucial? The second, I paid by card because I didn't have cash, so they DQ'd it. What difference does that make? And I bet they still used the information even though they didn't pay me. I don't do food shops anymore. They don't pay anything and will disallow you for the smallest infraction. Oh, yeah, forget the convenience stores, too.

Brantford, CA
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Dec 20, 2010 6:02 pm EST

I have been mystery shopping since September 2010 and in that time I have performed and been paid for 37 shops with 5 different companies.
I did my first shop at McDonald's for Market Force last week. They have rejected my report saying:
Shopper caused delay: You looked at and inquired about menu while at Drive-thru.
Their instructions say to order a Value Meal, so I asked for a McChicken Value Meal. The order taker said there wasn't a McChicken Value Meal so I ordered the items separately. The receipt indicated "McCHICKEN VM" with a single price of $6.39 for the three items listed.
For this they won't pay me? RIPOFF!

no mystery
Nutley, US
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Dec 26, 2010 9:34 pm EST

I was ready to re-register with them and decided to check this site first. Then it all came flooding back. All the negative comments on Market Force are the absolute truth! I think all mystery shoppers who have been ripped off by this company, and others like it, should forward their shop to the Quality Control departments of the companies they shopped and swear to boycott ever shopping at these businesses as long as they employ dishonest mystery shopping companies - for example: never shop at a McDonald's as long as McDonalds uses a dishonest mystery shopping company and forward your shop to McDonald's for proof and post your experience here and tell everyone you know.

In addition, after calculating what you earn, IF your shop is approved for payment and the time it took to complete it your wage is well below minimum.

Wouldn’t it be great if companies looking to hire a mystery shopping company would mystery shop that company to see how it handled their shops?

Orlando, US
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Dec 27, 2010 6:37 am EST

You made a purchase. You received the items. There is no scam involved. This company isn't staffed by crooks. You are being unfair, unjust and misrepresenting the truth. You affirmed with the company that you will follow directions, conduct an evaluation in a specific manner and that your actions will be assessed according to their specific criteria. If you don't meet your obligations to their satisfaction then you won't be reimbursed for the food/service that you actually obtained. There was no deceptive practices. You didn't follow the instructions. You were confused. You were in over your head. You invested too much time and energy into a low paying food evaluation shop. You should only accept shops that have goods or services that you enjoy and desire. This industry is not for everybody. If it is not for you then move on and be at peace. Stop lying to folks that will benefit from working in this industry. There are no crooks or scams being truthfully identified in this complaint.

Richmond, US
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Jan 05, 2011 5:23 am EST

I've worked for Market Force and I made some good money. They don't want you to make money. If they feel you are making too much money, they will web restrict you or remove you as a shopper. It happen to me, my brother, and a few friends. They want give you the real reason. I actually liked mystery shopping. This company do not treat their dedicated shoppers right. I've been down the road on shopping and missing part of the scenario and not getting paid. It is frustrating but I usually learn from my mistakes. At one time it seemed like that was their mission to try to not pay you. As a new shopper, they should understand and not delete you after a month or two. I'm looking to shop again, Any suggestions? I'm in California so there is a chance I will not be working in your area.

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Jan 16, 2011 5:36 pm EST

I have to agree that Market Force has some significant issues. The key thing to realize is that these jobs pay less than minimum wage. If you want to make money work for the restaurant you are evaluating! Here is my take on it...I did a shop for them where I called the store in advance (because it was a snow storm) and they said they were open. When I arrived at the store 10 minutes later I was told they did not have enough staff to open. Outside the store were customers complaining about the same issue that I had. I ultimately wrote up the report, submitted it and provided valuable feedback to the client. They paid me a fraction of my shop fee saying that it took less time to do the report. What they need to understand is the food is part of the compensation and since the store was closed I didn't receive food and now you are cutting my shop fee as well. Ultimately I lost money on the shop. Since then I left market force and found other consulting work.

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Jan 23, 2011 6:57 pm EST

I signed up with Market Force and was emailed saying I would recieve a check to take to my bank and cash and await my first assignment. The next day I recieved another email stating I would recieve two money orders also to be taken to my BANK and cashed, then send the money minus my pay to western union and send it to a person in GA. No real information was provided. The check arrived the next day. I promptly took it to my bank to have it verified, it was a fake. I contacted the local police and FBI to file a report. That day the two money orders arrived written on USPS money orders. I took them to the post office to be told they were also forged. I turned them over to the post master general. For days I was getting emails and phone calls asking where the information and money was, needed immidiately! Do not be fooled, all they want is to get your banking information so they can drain you account, or put you in jepordy of criminal behavior by cashing one of their bad checks. BEWARE!

VickynGarnie Johnson
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Dec 25, 2018 5:47 pm EST

This just happened to me! I plan to turn the check and m.o. over to authorities tomorrow. LARGE checks with the Marketforce logo letterhead. Wanting me to buy gift cards, scratch of the cover of the id numbers, take pictures of the front and back and email to them, lol. REALLY? Is anyone that stupid?

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Jan 27, 2011 8:21 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There are two issues here: Marketforce is not a "scam" they are a real company and I've seen their actual offices in upstate NY in East Greenbush Tech Park for a job interview to design the website. They may have questionable work practices/instructions but that is another story. They have too much at stake to play with banking scams.

To kimkmccauley- you probably filled out a phishing application claiming to be MF. They would never send you money until you complete a job. Make sure when you apply on the site there is an HTTPS://, check the lower right of the browser and click/verify the identity of the site by exploring the dialogs. They are a company and if they collect SSNs they are legally required to protect online personal information as best as they can.

Now the other complaints could be true. They give you very specific directions - if you aren't good at PRECISELY following directions and working very quickly, this work may not be for you. From what I understand from the interview (not to be a shopper but for their business description) I took they pass the report to the restaurant, and if they are happy with the info they get paid and pass it on to you. If you are asked to purchase a specific combination of items its because the store wants to see how their workers handle that situation (for example). Then this info is put into statistics and reports. Exact times absolutely matter. Ever do a science experiment and make measurements? This is the same idea. If I need to know how long it takes a substance to boil seconds count, and if you are off the experiment is worthless, even though you may have spent hours.

If you buy the wrong item or take too long, etc the sample is worthless. Unfortunately, since you are set up as a contractor and not an employee YOU can eat costs if you screw up. Same as plumber who comes to your house and breaks a hot water heater he is installing. Guess who pays for the second one? If he told you I dropped it off my truck and need to charge you twice would you pay him? Honestly, the work at home thing lures lots of people, you would probably be better off with a $9ish or so an hr job in the restaurant.

Monroe, US
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Feb 08, 2011 2:33 am EST

All I know is that some guy claiming to be named Charles Williams sent me a false cashier's check for $3, 565.00, sent me a letter with it to wire $3, 150.00 through Western Union to a woman in Jamaica, pay the $215.00 fee and keep $200.00 for myself. But the check was not real, the company was no longer in business (Shop 'N Chek---a subdivision of Market Force), and the bank that the cashier's check was drawn on didn't exist.
I have put in complaints with the Better Business Bureau, the Georgia state police (where the letter and check came from), and with my local police department. I am a disabled man in my early 40's. TO MARKET FORCE---YOU OWE ME MONEY! I will see you and your lawyers in court.

Kelly Aurora Coleman
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Oct 15, 2017 1:02 pm EDT
Replying to comment of hammer200

@hammer200 They say on their site to beware of scams...that they NEVER pay for a shop in advance and that $200 for a shop...if it sounds to good to be true it probably is...Someone may owe you money but it's not them and the latter advice is something you should probably keep in mind as not to be fooled next time...I have been sent those same cashier's checks and the same offers and no one in their right LEGITIMATE mind would send ANYONE over $3, 000 and HOPE AND PRAY you do what your supposed to do with it...I'm sorry but that kind of gullibility is dangerous as you found out...

St. Louis, US
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Feb 11, 2011 7:49 pm EST

I just filed my complaint with the FBI. Same character, "Charles Williams, " in Norcross, GA. Same scam. Same ripoff.

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Feb 21, 2011 5:37 am EST

oh great i just applied for marketforce hope i dont get scammed i did get a fake email that was posing as sales rep for market force luckily i only filled out my name before i realize he was a scammer.

Kansas City, US
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Feb 23, 2011 3:26 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got an email from Market Force today as well. They offered me this position, but as I kept reading the email there were so many spelling errors and grammatical errors that something told me it was not legit. It sounds like a great idea, and I understand the science behind experiments, but if they don't pay and are constantly lloking for ways not to pay, then forget it!

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Feb 24, 2011 6:38 pm EST

Sorry hammer200, but you admit to your own greed, ignorance and maybe even stupidity if you truly believed that someone just sending you a $3, 000+ check and all you have to do is send most of it to a third party and you make an easy $200. That is a scam that is so old, only someone who never connected with the real world wouldn't have heard of it. It's right up there with those folks who receive notice that they are "winners" in some lottery they have to know they never played and yet send off their "processing fees" in order to receive their "winnings". I can attest from personal experience that Shop 'N Chek was a legitimate company - I shopped two or three dozzen McDonald's shops for them in [protected]. They were acquired by Market Force.
For Sylvia103, all one can say has already been repeated by a number of writers - you weren't scammed; by your own words you didn't follow instructions. However, Sylvia103 is certainly a true, modern-day American; she wants to blame someone else for her own failures.

Anonymous Jane Doe
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Feb 24, 2011 7:33 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Is & the same thing? I was approached about being hired & directed to I'm confused.

Atlanta, US
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Mar 03, 2011 1:31 am EST

I received an email invitation to join Market Force as an employee. The email invitation red flags was the quality of the English and the Grammar used in the email. The email appeared to have been written by someone in their first semester of basic English.
I visited their site and was impressed with their corporate staff. However, their site was constructed as less then user friendly for responding to the email.
After reading the many comments, I think I will pass on this one. It does not appear to be worth the time and effort.

Thanks everyone for the comments.

Atlanta, US
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Mar 03, 2011 1:35 am EST

I received an email employment invitation to join Market Force. The first red flag was the manner in which the email was written and constructed. It appeared to have been written by a first semester English student. The grammar appeared to have been constructed by my dear friend from India, who is learning English.

Their web site contains an impressive corporate staff, however, I did not find it user friendly in responding to their email request: "register and underwrite the application."

Thanks for the comments. I would like to do this type of work on a part-time basis, but it does not appear from the many comments that its worth the effort with this company.

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Mar 04, 2011 5:55 pm EST

I too just received an email from Market Force to be a mystery shopper. My first clue also was the bad grammar used.
One Example:
"For instance, one may enjoy meal in eating house or buy things in online stores reveling in life and assisting entity at the same time."

That is NOT from an educated or legit recruiter!

The next clues were the name and the email to respond to. They ask you to go the website to apply but I always click on the name of the sender, that will show you their email address! The name said Connor Oneill but the email came from a Carlee Farmer at HOTMAIL no less!

Its been my experience that 99% of legit companies will have their own email system! Some small local will use hotmail and others but they use the company name as part of the email name.

I feel so bad for everyone who has been scammed, I know sometimes its tough to weed out the bad ones, but trust your gut! I even googled the company I work for now since I found their ad for help on Craigslist (Another place these scammers try to find you)
The old saying is true: If it seems to good to be true, it probably is! Trust your instincts, then use GOOGLE!

Take Care Everyone!

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Mar 04, 2011 6:11 pm EST

I meant to add that if you google the company Market Force, theres tons of different link names. I dont have any idea if the real Market Force company is legit or not since I never worked with them. Im just saying thats another clue.

When I clicked on the link in my email it took me to I then clicked on the REAL from Google and every link on that website did NOT use the word shops at the end!

Even though the looked JUST like, Im assuming that all the emails weve gotten were from this SCAM company!

I stopped for a moment and looked further! The contact page shows an address in NYC but then had the email .GMX.COM, I looked that up and thats another FREE email service. These are just little things Ive learned along the way of job searching, I hope it helps!

So please do some investigating first, it may seem tedious but it WILL help you in the long run!

Anonymous Jane Doe
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Mar 04, 2011 7:16 pm EST
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Thanks I will!

Bellefield, US
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Mar 11, 2011 4:32 pm EST

Thank you all for your feedback. I got an email (posted below) that contains all the things we watch for in spam/scam emails - spelling, grammer, senders email address, etc. I did check out the site and it seemed legit, so I searched for Market Force scam and found this site. I will not sign up with them. I would like to send the corporate office the email I was sent and ask if THAT is the type of person they perfer to work for them - someone who can't spell, cannot use correct english, etc.
The email:
Our company is deslighted to put forward you the office of Food Critic in Market Force . after finding on your autobiography at CareerBuilder online. Our HR department did its best to study your resume and remained to be pleased. We trust that your experience will be among our most valuable assets.
Necessary Criteria for being employed:
1.Age: older than 27
2.Internet access
3.3-5 hours of free time every day for carrying out your professional capacities
4.Certtificate of no criminal record
Job Benefits:
As it goes, Food Writer is an perfect way for customers to earn revenue in the process of providing feedback, making comments, making of, commenting out to establishment. This is a real potential for you to get to the top of the career delighting in things you like above all. For instance, one may eat in cafe or acquire things in supermarkets reveling in life and assisting corporation at the same time.
Your month salary may amount to $1, 500-2, 000.
Time Limitation of the Position:
On account of the great amount of applicants for this office, this vacancy is time-bound. So, it is strongly recommended for you to provide us the necessary information about yourself ASAP.
To become the employee of our entity:
1.Please go to our site: Market Force
2.Register yoursel
3.Download, read examine carefully a agreement and sign it necessarily.
In underwriting this employment offer, you affirm that your employment will be on at-will basis and give up any lamentations against Market Force and its personnel.

About Market Force :
Our corporation is engaged in work with other companies to perfect quality on an international scale by applying anonymous resources. We deal alongside with over 300 corporations world-wide. Our main work includes marketing and cooperation with merchandising firms, private investigation companies, training organizations and other establishments that are drawn in Restaurant Critic services. Our member firms deal with their consumers in order to establish the system of perfecting level of amenities.

Regards Best wishes

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Jul 16, 2017 5:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of anaon12345

Whatever this was, it did not come from an American company or from any legitimate company. The jobs mentioned--food critic and food writer--are reporting/opinion-writing positions, not mystery shopping. In addition to the spelling, the wording is as bizarre as poorly translated user instructions for Chinese products. It used publicly obtainable information, assuming CareerBuilder is similar to LinkedIn or Monster.

Port Jefferson Station, US
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Mar 20, 2011 10:12 pm EDT
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I just spent about $15 doing a McDonalds shop and spent time filling out their lengthy report and they denied my payment. They said I did the shop at 7 o clock when the shop had to be done at 5. When I did the shop the receipt for McDonalds was in military time, and showed a time of 17:15. Those idiots took this to mean 7 o clock. Just because something has a 7 in it does not make it 7 o clock. You would think someone with some intelligence up there would see the 17 and realize it is military time and means 5 o clock. The exact time required for the shop. I would be very careful doing anything for this company as the staff is not too bright. I am sure my particular McDonalds is not the only store to use military time. How could they not know this or is it truly a scam.

Fostoria, US
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Mar 25, 2011 6:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got a check from blacutt brothers inc from suntrust bank- I called the bank n it ran the account # in said the funds are availiable! So idk what to do- is it krap or not?

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Apr 06, 2011 10:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Based on Sylvia's bad experience with Market Force I decided not to apply for a shopper position. However, in reading some of the other posts, it seems to me that some scammers have gotten in the act by using similar names like marketforceshop, etc. These are criminals that take advantage of people by "impersonating" legitimate companies. It's a real shame that these individuals get away with murder by hiding behind - often untraceable - emails and scamming the public in the process.
Yes, maybe some companies are indeed overly picky in accepting (or rejecting) completed assignments... but that's the nature of the business. Some other posters have had a good experience with this company. Seems to me that if you are not a person who pays attention to detail and/or strays away from the specific instructions of the job perhaps you are not cut up for this kind of work.

Port Jefferson Station, US
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Apr 07, 2011 1:24 am EDT
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Excuse me but I don't know how old you are, don't care either, and I don't know how much experience you have. I am 62, ran a company who hired, trained and fielded thousands of mystery shoppers and merchandisers and so I think I just might know a thing or two about this business. Of course, I don't have a way with the English language as you seem to with your symbols for lack of words but I only gave that business up because I am now happily semi retired from the money I made from successfully running Reliable Merchandising. Market Force should have someone intelligent enough to see the receipt of McDonalds is done in military time and so it is not lack of attention to detail but my exact use of the same military time to send in the report. I deal with many companies and have never had the trouble I have had with Market Force. Did it ever occur to you that since they had the receipt and did not have a problem with any other part of the report that maybe, just maybe, since they had all the information and all the receipts they look for anything to "disqualify" reports and then submit the report without paying the field agent? They could make a lot more money that way and there is always another sucker to replace anyone who does not like it. I took note that although the shop had more time left to be done it was not reposted. I will be you that McDonalds got a very good report in military time and paid Market Force as they don't have any reason nor desire to see if the field agent gets paid. Of course, it is your time and money so be my guest.

City, US
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Apr 07, 2011 6:45 am EDT
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Very true - people could easily be getting screwed without knowing it. I'm glad that this post has so many interested parties. Obviously, people searching for Market Force International and scam are coming across our comments.

Saint Louis, US
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Apr 09, 2011 4:59 am EDT

I was refused payment because Market Force claimed that I "left the counter" without receiving all my orders.

What really happened was that I ordered a McGriddle Value Meal. The cashier rung up a McGriddle sandwich ONLY. I didn't notice until I saw the receipt on the tray. Then I told him I ordered the Value Meal, not just the sandwich. So they set the sandwice on the tray, and I had to wait for the rest of my items at the counter and then pay them extra for the additional items that would have been in the Value Meal (hashbrown and reg. coffee/soda). I waited at the counter for over 10 MINUTES. Once I finally received my drink and hashbrown, I pressed the stopwatch on my cellphone since I had already received the sandwich earlier and now officially had all three items.

Well, since they gave all of these things to me separately, I took several seconds to drop my hashbrown and drink off at a table. Then I immediately went back to pick up my sandwich... and it was GONE.

Anyway, Market Force claimed I left the counter before recieving all of my food items. I did not! In fact, I waited over 10 MINUTES at the counter, doing nothing but just watching all the associates... WAITING. I was making extra sure that I stayed at the counter until I received all items! How was I supposed to know they were going to lose the damn sandwich they had already given to me!

On top of that, the cashier did not even have a cash drawer in the register...

Yet, they are apparently saying my entire report is invalid even though their associates caused all the problems I encountered in the first place! It's like I'm getting punished for the associates being so terrible at what they do! If they had paid attention to me when I ordered, they would have heard that I ordered the VALUE MEAL. And if they had paid attention, they wouldn't have lost my sandwich! If anything, I should have been paid extra for how taxing this shop was. It ended up taking almost an hour to complete because the associates were so inefficient!

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Dec 22, 2019 2:02 am EST
Replying to comment of hibirdie

you contradicted yourself though, if you technically had ALL items you wouldn't have had to go back to a "missing" sandwich.. With all the information you get beforehand and the the details you have to note to put in your report later... Why would you not take a millisecond or two to confirm before you pay that it's rung in word for word to match what you need?
We are all adults and with the as detailed as you are aware you need to be.., I'd do everything I could to make sure there no question a step was missed.. I read somewhere above someone shopped, didn't have cash but paid by card an was mad they didn't get paid.. they clearly knew it had to be purchased with cash, ..I know these companies are sketchy and they probably did wrong but some here lack common sense, ...I just got an email from "CAPITAL ONE" (LOGO all in blue, which it not the real company) saying..I had $90 waiting for me. So with the logic I'm reading from others..I should trust that email, .. knowing the email addresses aren't from capital one.. get information stolen then complain about the REAL capital one..
... Just sayin'.. .
~God bless~ and have a safe holiday everyone ☮️💜🐾

Saint Louis, US
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Apr 09, 2011 12:33 pm EDT

That is exactly what I though!

On of the MF workers had the nerve to send me this guideline quote, as if I wasn't aware of it!:

"Please see the guidelines.
Do NOT go to the drink bar, restroom, or leave the counter area while waiting for your order.
Be sure you have all 3 items (entrée/sandwich, French fries/hash browns, and beverage/cup) before you leave the counter area."

Well, duh! I know that. And I did have ALL THREE ITEMS. My understanding is that when the associates present you with your sandwich, it is then YOURS and you officially have it. It is clear that I was aware of the rule about waiting at the counter until you received all items because I waited freaking 10 minutes to get the other stupid items.

I just can't believe how MF is reacting to this particular case. I have even thought about getting a lawyer to help me straighten this out. I have done McDonald's shops before, but this was by far the most difficult because the associates were just all over the place! I put in time, money, and patience to complete this assignment. I had to wait an obscene amount of time for them to even ring up the sandwich, because the cash drawer was missing from the register! And when I finally got my sandwich, I had to reorder the other two items because they DID NOT LISTEN when I told them I wanted a VALUE MEAL. And it took 5 minutes to place my order and pay for the hashbrown and drink separately... and then ANOTHER 5 minutes for them to get me the damn hashbrown! All the while, I STOOD BY THE COUNTER. I had to step aside from the registers to let other customers order... but all the while, I stood at the counter.

Saint Louis, US
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Apr 12, 2011 5:54 am EDT

Yeah. After conversing with them back and forth about my specific case, I am trying to decide if they are either extremely stubborn and crooked or just plain stupid. I have a feeling it is both. It would be one thing if I blatantly did not follow the directions, but the fact that I waited over 10 minutes to make sure I had received all 3 items before leaving the counter makes it clear that this was not the case.

The point of having that rule about not leaving the counter until having all three items is for timing purposes--to make sure you aren't jipping the place and you are there and ready to accept the order as soon as it is out. They are misusing this guideline as an excuse to not pay me. And at the same time, they are too stupid and hard-headed to see the big picture over their useless magnifying glass. They are distorting their own picture carelessly yet purposefully. All the while, they are unable to give me any good explanations to my inquiries. It's like trying to communicate with a brick wall!

McKinney, US
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Apr 13, 2011 9:57 pm EDT

Received today a cashier's check for $1, 460.00 from Finance Central Federal Credit Union though signed can not make out Signature. Letter attached has "Sarah Hayes" as the Training Coordinator at [protected]. Letterhead has the name of "marketforce" in all lower case. Have not researched Market Force to see if the company logo is the same as reflected in this letter. Email sited in the letter is "" The letter and cashier check amount seemed unrealistic. Perhaps a copycat company scamming is my guess. Thanks to all who took time to post to protect those of us that followed.

Elgin, US
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Apr 17, 2011 3:24 am EDT

I received the same letter. I'm trying to figure out the same things as hawkeye2011. What is going to happen if the check is cashed?

Audie F. Villanueva
Antioch, US
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Apr 19, 2011 12:07 am EDT

I too was a victim of money order scam by an individual posing as a employee of Market Force. I am now $10, 000 debt. I was instructed to wire transfer thru western union and money gram after i received the money order that they sent me. I recieved 18 counterfeit money order in all, by the time I realized they were fake money oder I have cashed 10. They use multiple names, emailaddress and phone number, and all are impersonating that they are employee of Market Force,,,,,, here are the phone number, [protected]) 446-6379

cant scam me
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Apr 19, 2011 7:34 am EDT

I receied an email from market force, thank you for your advice. I did not respond and deleated their email.
When you put your resume on line, scamers will respond. If it sounds too good to be true, beware.

Port Jefferson Station, US
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Apr 19, 2011 2:39 pm EDT
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I did a Panera shop for Market Force and they pay $7 for the food and require you to buy 3 items. Much to my surprise the first item came to $6.99 before tax and so I lost money on the shop without even counting my time, gas, and time entering info. online. What a rip off. You could not possibly know you were going to lose money on the shop. When I saw the prices I thought for sure I just read the assignment pay incorrectly. In my 20 years of doing mystery shops I have never been asked to do a shop where the minimum costs were not met.

Port Jefferson Station, US
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Apr 20, 2011 2:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

ban this schmuck and be sure to talk up online about avoiding the store being pushed

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