native American association of Germany is running an online scam to spread lies using a fake name on a website called new fraud age
Ingeborg the author is native American association of Germany
they also publish on another website that is illegal in Germany psiram
The Native American Association of Germany is making fake accounts
to destroy American Indians
Carmen Kwasny is actively fighting native Americans who practice their religious faiths outside of the united states . and even posting openly on facebook
Contact in Germany -
Kontakt in Deutschland :
Carmen Kwasny (Deutsche)
Chairwoman - 1. Vorsitzende
Eisackerstr. 7
67734 Katzweiler
Languages - Sprachen:
German and English
deutsch und englisch
Tel.: [protected]
(for phone calls from inside Germany)
Tel.: [protected]
(when you are not in Germany)
marketing up false stories and lies about Native American Indians