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Nexon America, inc

Nexon America, inc review: stealing from my PayPal acct 59

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9:34 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This company blatantly STOLE $60 from my PayPal account! I do not even know WHAT Nexon America is! I filed a complaint of unautorized charges with PayPal, and if this is their 'business practice', they need to be arrested. They are practicing fraud and are thieves. I called the one number that I found for them, a 213 area code, as well as the "customer service" line they apparently provide to paypal [protected]), well, surprise, surprise, they lead to NOWHERE. No one picks up, they are disconnected lines.

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Indianapolis, US
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Dec 16, 2008 1:41 pm EST

I agree nexon america which I never heard of are thieves..They stole two 30 dollar transactions out of my account. They also used the fake phone number. After dealing with paypal and got absoulutly nowhere I called my bank, those proffesionals new what to do...Paypal is a great tool, But there security and knowledge remind me of a 5 yearold running a lemonaide stand...Nexon America Inc, is evil and Paypal Security is a joke!

Carlsbad, US
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Jan 09, 2009 7:24 am EST

This just happened to me yesterday. There are two transactions made yesterday for $30 each. I barely ever use my paypal account and I know I never ordered from Nexon America. I let paypal know the charges were unauthorized. What happened next for you?

What tipped me off is a couple of emails I received in a foreign language that looked like an email to confirm my order for $30. I couldn't read the text but the name and the amount and just the look of the email looked like an email confirmation and receipt of purchase. I got two of them back to back. At first I thought it was spam and deleted it. And then I checked my bank account online and noticed there were two charges pending in the exact same amounts. I logged on to my paypal account and they were there as well.

I will cancel my paypal account because I am not going to let this happen again. I don't even know how they got my information! I haven't used paypal in a long time.

Oneonta, US
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Jan 11, 2009 1:15 am EST

hhanlon, what a coincidence it just happened to me yesterday too and I searched on google to see if anyone else got hit. I havent used paypal in over 5 years, i was stupid and shouldve removed my credit card. The email i got was in chinese too. I have to call PayPal tommorow because customer service is closed now.

Washington, US
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Jan 11, 2009 1:41 am EST

Nexon America is the U.S. side of the company the runs such free to play games as Maple Story.

Austin, US
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Feb 06, 2009 7:24 am EST

I also had two $30.00 transactions show up on my paypal account this morning. I'm going to call my bank. I have no idea who this company is. Paypal needs to put a stop to this!

Los Angeles, US
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Feb 17, 2009 8:27 pm EST

Most likely your credit card information or paypal account is hijacked and compromised by fraudsters. Nexon does not initiate any charges. That has to be done by a third party (you or fraudster). I've been playing Maplestory for almost 2yrs and I've never had any charges done that was not initiated by me. You guys should really check a couple of things: do you have kids that play Nexon Games, do you have kids, have you been in websites that might be dangerous, did you check for recent virus updates. I have been a victim of card fraud but from another company but it was probably my fault since i did a free virus scan that probably imbedded a virus in my computer. Had to reformat my hard drive after and get a new credit card.

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Feb 18, 2009 11:33 am EST

This exact same thing happend to me in the past few days. I made a complaint to Paypal and they said they would take care of it, so I hope they do!

Van Nuys, US
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Mar 02, 2009 9:44 pm EST

I'm in college okay. Economy this day is horrible. And rent was due today. Thanks to Paypal's lack of security and hackers, spammers, "Nexon Games, Nexon America Inc", whatever you wanna call it I suffered tremendously from there actions. Rent was due yesterday the 1st right? Well Thanks to "nexon" whatever that is, I didn't have the money in my acct. Not only would I have been stuck with over draft fees, bounced check fees, etc. I would be completely broke and negative in my bank. Now I'm stuck thinking how am I going to eat the rest of the week? Yes its that bad, money is tight and there's noone out in the world who can help a 20y.o. college student from starving. Thats the point my anxiety has reached. I'm so frustrated. I'm just glad my bank knew what to do. But there should definitely be something we can do about this. Its stupid to have to file a complaint through paypal and have to wait 10-12 days to get that money back if it really wasn't you. Come on now. Thank you to my bank and legit people out there. Why should we be victims of fraud and nobody gets into trouble? All they do is "give you your money back" thats ridiculous. There should be a lawsuit. This website needs to go down.

Dallas, US
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Mar 03, 2009 10:54 am EST

This past weekend I had FOUR separate charges for this stupid Nexon thing taken out of my Paypal account! I had a total of $75 taken out of my checking account for a company I've never even heard of. I filed claims with Paypal and they responded yesterday saying I would get my money back but I don't feel better about this. I asked Paypal how this happened and they told me someone got a hold of my password and logged in as me in order to initiate these charges. I regularly run security updates on my computer, am the only user of it, don't click on links in my emails, and don't go to weird sites like Nexon. This doesn't make sense.

I understand that people can get your login information and steal your money but it just doesn't seem right that we're all having the same charge amounts taken out of our Paypal accounts from the SAME company. What is this?!?

Was anyone else able to find out more information on what's happening?


Las Vegas, US
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Mar 04, 2009 12:55 pm EST

Correction to email address from above post:

Anyone interested in getting involved with pursuing a class action suit against paypal regarding these fraudulent charges stemming from nexon? if so, email me at

Menomonee Falls, US
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Mar 10, 2009 2:42 pm EDT

Everyone who keeps saying Nexon Inc is a company of thieves is wrong, if you would look at the comments before you post you would see that the money charged to your account was prob your own fault, most likley indirectly, but still your fault, i recomend weekly virus scans (if not daily). I have played all of Nexon's video games, but have only stuck with maplestory, i am still playing it and am going on my third year, nothing like credit card fraud or pay pal fraud from this company has ever happend to me, whatever happend is your own fault. Please do better reasearch before you accuse a perfectly good company of anything bad like fraud. Thank You for taking your time to read this.

Not telling, US
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Mar 17, 2009 1:49 pm EDT

Ok, listen here Gema. You're dumb. Those games you're playing are probably dumb too. This has happened to plenty of people including myself. You're saying "you would see that the money charged to your account was prob your own fault." Why? I have virus scans and theirs nothing on my computer. I've even done my own manual checking. The thing is, with the amount of times this has happened to people and all are unauthorized transfers from Nexon America Inc, it has to be a company of thieves. The proof lies in the pudding and Nexon America's pudding came out their ###.

Los Angeles, US
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Mar 31, 2009 4:05 pm EDT

This happened to me yesterday afternoon and today in the early morning hours I got hit again, but this time i got charge from different various people one of them was Daniel Kim, the supposed CEO owner of NEXON in South Korea. I made the reports with my bank and paypal, they are investigating. Then my account was placed under limitations due to the heavy payments being sent left and right from the third party host. I dont have any viruses and I dont visit dangerous sites. I live in LA and I know the right resources to find out where Nexon America Inc. rest. I shall visit them tomorrow and see what there about. haha dumb ### lets see how much you laugh then...

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Apr 04, 2009 7:21 pm EDT

This happened to me as well. I practice safe computing habits, and I am running Ubuntu Linux, so there is no chance I have spyware/keyloggers/etc. I was surprised to find the charges today, and I first thought it was an isolated incident with some kid brute-forcing my password.

The password is 14-character and alphanumeric, so I have no idea how it was cracked.

I filed a claim with PayPal and I emailed Nexon. Hopefully I get some kind of reply.

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Apr 05, 2009 1:48 am EDT

Happened to me! Two transactions at $30 a piece. This is ridiculous! I'm a broke college student and I had to stop payment on some bills because once this money leaves my account I won't have anything left! I haven't opened any suspicious emails or visited any unusual websites. I don't know how this happened. These people need to be stopped.

ouiouoiuo, US
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Apr 09, 2009 2:35 am EDT

yet again it attacks, today at four pm two 30 dollar withdraws from my paypal. Something really needs to be done about this!?!?!

Nashport, US
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Apr 09, 2009 4:27 pm EDT

Another one bites the dust... I had 2 $30 charges to my Paypal account this afternoon. I have filed complaints with Paypal. Can anybody give us an update on if they ever lost or had their funds returned to them?

monrovia, US
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Apr 19, 2009 9:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just had this happen tonight. Two amounts for $30.00 each! I sent an Unauthorized report into Paypal but its Sunday night.There was only $7.00 in my paypal account. I checked the bank account that it said it was to come out of and nothing is going on there. This is an account I only use for Ebay purposes and there was only 6.00 in it, so if 60 were to come out, its not going to work! But again, its Sunday night. Am I supposed to get to the bank tomorrow armed with copies of emails and such? I have never had this happen before.

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Apr 19, 2009 9:53 pm EDT

My money was promptly returned, and Nexon claims to have not initiated the transaction themselves. Maybe a player?

monrovia, US
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Apr 19, 2009 10:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

A player for what? I have not *played* anything. Anywhere. I just happened to get an email tonight showing a receipt for two 30 dollar transactions coming out of my paypal. How did these people get my info?

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Apr 19, 2009 10:07 pm EDT

That's what I mean. Nexon is an MMORPG web site. I am guessing someone who plays a Nexon game is doing this stuff, and after googling for Nexon and Paypal, apparently this is a somewhat rampant problem. Nexon has banned players from their games for this type of stuff apparently. Clearly that isn't enough.

In any case, Nexon got back to my email promptly. I guess nobody else has had that kind of luck.

monrovia, US
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Apr 19, 2009 10:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Who did you email? And what did you say?

an itelligent person
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Apr 23, 2009 10:14 pm EDT

some of you guys are a complete sack of ###...

Dartmouth, CA
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May 27, 2009 10:48 pm EDT

You guys are really really REALLY unintelligent..
Somebody is using your account to purchase money from the site.
There have been lots of cases of people stealing money from parents paypals or other people's paypals to buy things on online games such as ones hosted by nexon and the 30 dollar transactions are PURCHASES, not donations.

If somebody found out my credit card information, and started renting pool tables from a company, I would not simply say "SOME COMPANY IS TAKING MONEY FROM MY ACCOUNT"

Dartmouth, CA
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May 27, 2009 10:50 pm EDT


You're just as stupid as they way you type...

Butler, US
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Jun 08, 2009 7:57 pm EDT

I work with computers for a living, so this is not my fault. I had the same thing happen Sunday 06/07 at 10:30PM; 2 charges of $30 to Nexon and another for $10 to david frank at Nobody was even on the computer here at that time. I was able to get the $60 reversed before my account went negative. I wrote to Nexon and asked them to remove my PayPal from the payment method and asked them to tell me who was using my PayPal account. I was also charged 1.33 for ebay sellers fees and I don't even have an ebay sellers account. I should report it to the police.

Here is the reply from Nexon when I asked who opened the account using my PayPal:

Unfortunately we do not have the information you seek. Our service is free to sign up for. All that is required to register a Nexon game account is an email address. The information provided by those who opened the Nexon account used to fraud your PayPal account is all fake. None of the personal information they entered is anything more then random letters. For further information regarding these fraudsters identities you will need to speak with PayPal. As we are sure you are aware, one of the selling points of using PayPal is making transactions without revealing your financial information. Because of this shielding which PayPal provides to its customers, we are unable to see any identifying information beyond the information initially provided when users sign up for a game account.

--Nexon America Billing Department

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Jun 13, 2009 8:28 pm EDT

I too was charged twice for $30 each. I have filed a claim with paypal to refund this. I do not know how they did it because my password is different than any other one i have. Thanks for posting your experiences or people will not know before its too late

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Jun 15, 2009 2:39 pm EDT

More then likely your children *could have* stolen your PayPal info. I've seen many idiot kids in game brag that they steal from parents. Usually they want to look "Sexy" and act like tramps.

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Jun 15, 2009 3:49 pm EDT

Again I want to thank some of the people who have posted intelligently. Without this site pulling up in google i wouldnt have known other people had the same issue. It didnt come from my end because only I know my password for paypal not even my wife. Paypal has corrected the problem today but I hope someday soon the guys doing this stuff get caught.

Saint Peter, US
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Jun 25, 2009 3:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Same thing here. Unauthorized $30 charge. Complaint file with PayPal. In my case, I used to play MapleStory (an online Nexon game) but I haven't used it in well over a year. SCAM!

Claymont, US
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Jul 16, 2009 12:16 am EDT

I was hit with 2 $30charges today, as well as an $166 charge from a company called digitalriver. i did submit the claim to paypal, did others get their money back?

Santa Cruz, US
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Jul 20, 2009 2:23 am EDT

Usually I'm inclined to agree with the victim. I have to agree with the few people that say Nexon is not scamming. The possibilities people listed are valid man thing happen but having seen that everyone that post is being charged twice for 30 dollars leads me to believe it is some hacker. Or pure coincidence. To clarify why it is in 30 dollar increments its because Nexon offers a shop in their games such as Maplestory to use real money to buy NX, which act like money/tokens to buy mostly cosmetic applications to a players avatar. Nexon gives the option of buying in $5, $10 and $30.
To many who are not in the video gaming loop Nexon is a rising company having commercial ads all over the internet (mostly anime oriented sites) and occasionally TV. The NX mentioned earlier is available to buy in gift card form like xbox live, World of Warcraft, Itunes, etc. They can be bought at I believe every 7/11 Store you can go check for yourself. Nevertheless I do hope everyone resolves their problem I know what its like to have your money stolen due to unauthorized charges. I have had Housemates whom i thought i knew steal my checks and cash them in. I have since then resolved my issue and I am much wary.

Naperville, US
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Aug 04, 2009 9:23 pm EDT

Nexon is a terrible company. They host "free to play" video games. Players can charge real money for "NX Cash" to buy in-game items for their characters.
Look in all of your PCs' [Programs] folder for a folder called Nexon.

If you have any Nexon games and kids, you know whose door to kick in.

1. You have kids and they're stealing from you.
2. Someone cracked your Paypal password and is making fraudulent charges.
Doesn't matter if you give out your password, someone can hack the account.

People hack Nexon's games constantly and Nexon does very little to help their own players. They treat their own customers like garbage, I hate to see how they treat others. Nexon America has a super low rating on the BBB, it had a F for a long time.

Same goes for Paypal. They absolutely suck.

Both Paypal AND Nexon are infamous for having crap security and poor, at best customer service so you're twice screwed. Congrats to the lucky few here to get their money back.

Call the police if the two [censored]bag companies don't do anything.

Saint Peter, US
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Aug 04, 2009 10:03 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

With regard to my comment 40 days ago, PayPal tossed the case and wouldn't refund the charge. NO EXPLANATION -- just closed the case. So I talked to my bank and they reversed the charges. I closed the PayPal account and didn't look back. PayPal has sent me 2-3 emails about it since then, saying they were looking into the chargeback, but I've ignored them. The account is closed and they can't get the money from my bank account (again) so to hell with both Nexon and PayPal, bloody crooks.

Weeping Water, US
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Aug 10, 2009 6:31 pm EDT

Same thing happened to me today. Two $30 payments to this Nexon America Inc. and I have never heard of them and I have never played any of their games. Something needs to be done! I just called PayPal and did a
"Dispute Resolution"... we'll see if anything actually come of that. If not, I'll close my PayPal account too if their security isn't any better than that.

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Aug 12, 2009 1:54 pm EDT

I had this happen to me, two $30 charges on my Paypal account by Nexon America. Paypal refunded my money within days (I caught the transaction right as it happened).

Nexon America isn't responsible for initiating the transaction, but they should be tracking where these unauthorized purchases are coming from, because they're the ones getting screwed. The purchase are probably for in-game currency for their MMOs. The thief (if you play MMOs, they are called goldfarmers) steals a random person's Paypal information, uses it to purchase in-game currency, then takes that currency and sells it through their goldseller website. They then sell the currency for less than Nexon America sells their currency; it doesn't matter if the goldsellers mark down the price of the currency they purchased when they sell...since it was purchased on someone else's dime. Money for nothing for them.

Then Nexon loses out because unless the victim is stupid or doesn't notice the charges, the victim immediately claims to Paypal that it was an unauthorized transaction. Paypal is actually pretty good about handling these types of disputes; they handled mine pretty quickly. Nexon is forced to refund you your money, and the thief has already received the currency and probably sold in the end, victim gets repaid, thief gets paid, and Nexon loses virtual currency that it should have received money for. Not a huge loss since it's fake money, but it's definitely a great inconvenience for victims (like us) and Nexon (who thinks they made a sale only to find they have to refund the money).

Our paypal accounts are getting compromised in one of two ways...either we are getting trojans/hacked/keylogged or someone has access to Paypal's account holder information and decided to use it to sell virtual currency or is selling the info to someone who does.

It sucks a lot but I don't really know what you can do to prevent it except keep your computer clean and free of trojans/keyloggers (unless someone is selling our info, then we're kind of ### out of luck unless we could identify who).

Ed Stevens
Mesa, US
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Sep 09, 2009 2:27 pm EDT

This just happened to me yesterday(9/8/09) two different charges for 30.00 each. Haven't used pay pay in sometime and now four charges show up on the same day at almost the same time. Called paypal and one was refunded immediately the other three have been "accepted" and are pending.

Ed Stevens
Mesa, US
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Sep 09, 2009 2:41 pm EDT

I read above about our kids being responsible, well I have no children at home(all grown) and I DO NOT play online games and never heard of Nexon or David Frank before yesterday so someone hacked! my paypal account.

Los Angeles, US
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Oct 21, 2009 6:51 pm EDT

I’ve had the same incident of getting my Paypal account hijacked and charges were made to Nexon. I was digging around Nexon’s site and found an email address: I wrote a letter to them, gave them my Paypal transaction number and they refunded me in 2 days. Maybe you guys should try that. Worked great for me =)

Gainesville, US
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Feb 26, 2010 3:41 pm EST

Your kids used money from your paypal account to buy NX the currency of nexon's gaming products, these come in 5 10 and 30 dollar increments. Looking at all your posts, the clues seem to add up that someone you know, or some that knows your paypal account used it to buy their gaming currency.