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CB Beauty and Well-being Review of NuBrilliance

NuBrilliance review: Damage to face 103

Author of the review
2:43 pm EDT
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I ordered a nubrilliance microdermabrasion (Home use) unit from their online site recently. It describes the unit as: it deminishes fine lines, discolorations, give skin a young healthy glow and smoother skin. Came with two diamond heads to use (Fine diamond head for face & neck) and regular diamond head for arms, legs etc. .)
I ordered this unit on a trial offer for 30 days. I received the unit this past week, read the instructions (Followed them carefully) the first use, my skin was red (Longer than the "minutes" it spoke of and a bit tender, there was some flaking of the skin, but i applied the two creams sent with the unit and it helped with the flaking and figured that was part of it. I waited (As recommended in the instructions) a few days and used the unit for the second time. This is when my skin became very red and irritated. Again after this i applied the creams and realized my skin was raw in many places and the creams only made it worse instead of relieving the discomfort. My face felt as though it were on fire, with pins sticking me all night. I tried to rinse off the cream for relief with just plain water and this burned even further. Upon getting up the next morning (After a painful night) my face looked as though it went through a briar patch. I am horrified! I am attaching the photos of the next morning after the second use the night before.
There are only positive testimonials on their site, nothing on their site or in the papers they sent prepared me for this outcome. I will not go outside of my home nor answer my door until my face heals (If it will) and the pain still exist but today i can put ointment on (With discomfort) but i am worried about infection (If i do not) and of course, permanent scarring. This product is not for everyone and unfortunately they do not include that others have had very bad outcomes from the use. I feel very disfigured for someone who only wanted the deminished lines and smooth youthful skin the product claims to give you. I feel like a monster and can only hide out in my home until my face heals (And i pray that is the case) can you help? I have since found online many complaints that are like mine, with damage to face from use of this product. I wish i had thought of that before trying this product, but trusted the website which claimed dr. Approved and safe.


Deonna hampton

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Update by deonna
Sep 21, 2010 1:13 pm EDT

Upon contacting customer service at NuBrilliance, I told the woman on the phone of my horrible experience and she stated, " I am sorry you were not happy with the product"... I told her I absolutely was not, and then she stated..."well, it doesn't work for everyone"... REALLY? I asked her WHY is that not stated on the website? She did not reply. She really just rushed to get off the phone.

That was the first I heard that the product did not work for everyone, the website is full of "positive" testimonials, all positive statements about the product with NO negative. All about what wonderful results this unit gives. NO disclaimer, no statements from those who returned the product or why. Just the ole "bait and hook"

This absolutely does not work for everyone (it did not work for me) and there are others... Don't take the chance on this! Look at my face, the pictures are very real and this was done by the NuBrilliance microdermabrasion unit. I have photos of myself before use of the unit and the photos posted are after.

I am currently seeing a doctor and awaiting appointment with dermatologist and pray that my face can be repaired. This unit did nothing of what it states on the website or in the paper work sent with it.

Very deceptive practices in order to sell their units with disregard to the damages that the product can do to others. Because this product may work for some, it should not be at the expense of the others that it does harm to. They simply don't want to hear about it, don't care.

People matter, I matter. I am currently using prescribed creams and cannot go outside in the sun (not that I want to be seen) I cannot participate in activities involving family, friends, school. I am a shut in, hiding in the shame of how I now look. Mortified while sitting in the waiting room of a doctors office (with my head down, and hair hanging over my face) so that no one could see my damaged face.

Please, do not use this product, do not take the chance that it may work for you, as it may not (as with me) and is that a chance you are willing to take? I am telling you what they will not, it DOES NOT work for everyone. It has been painful (physically & emotionally). I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

The photo below is BEFORE use of the NuBrilliance microdermabrasion unit. Compare the photo with the ones previously submitted and ask yourself if you want to take the chance.

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Update by deonna
Sep 23, 2010 3:18 pm EDT

Company information who owns this product and patent: Wellquest International Inc. based out of New York.

There has been court action against them in the past for deceptive business practice, false statements etc... by consumers. And the Federal Trade Commission has taken action against them as well. It is online under Wellquest International Inc.

NuBrilliance and Wellquest International Inc. (ARE THE SAME)

Update by deonna
Jan 21, 2011 2:02 pm EST

Thank you, for the kind words. I have reported them, in hopes that they would pull the product, and have told my story in hopes that it doesn't happen to anyone else. I am healing (except for a few scars that will be left) from where I started, and for that I am grateful to the doctors for all they have done.
I will never buy another product online that is not offered in reputable stores, as you stated, at least you can take the product back to the store and speak to someone in person. Thank you for prayers, that is the one thing that has gotten me through this...all the prayers.
God Bless

Update by deonna
Apr 06, 2011 1:30 pm EDT

The results are in fact from the use of the NuBrilliance at home use product, and it was the second use with the correct tip (fine) and used exactly as recommended by the instructions, dvd and a step further by calling customer service after the first use and face was red longer than stated in the instructions and dvd... they said it was "normal" and wait a few days and use again, it was part of the process. Not so. The second time, was the last time and the photos reflect the outcome. I am not the only person who had injury (no, before you ask, I have not hired an attorney) I documented every step and had photos taken as well, I posted and reported to keep anyone else from having injury. While this product may work for some it does NOT work for everyone. That is what should be stated in the paperwork and website NuBrilliance has. It is great that it worked for you, but it is very tragic that it caused damage to others.
Because it worked for you and you had a positive outcome, you have no right to insinuate that I am not being truthful, I am 100% telling the truth, my dermatologist looked at the unit, the tips (which I still have) as well as my family doctor (you know, the professionals) and both stated, this could and did cause harm to individuals, the tips are not the same as used in the dermatologist office (this from my dermatologist) and the fine tip was the only tip used (twice) the other tip has NO use at all (no dna at all on it) so as far as the wrong tip... sorry but no. Over use, not at all.
The ONLY thing I am trying to do, is to change the way NuBrilliance advertises the product, to include the negative outcomes of those who did not benefit from use of this product, and to include the statement, "this product can cause damage to skin, to some individuals".
For information purposes check out the Wellquest International (NuBrilliance) they have many products on the market, they have been in legal trouble for making false, misleading statements about products, including the clinically tested, doctor approved... that is fact, but then NuBrilliance doesn't state all the if you are trying to dig up dirt, start there, the dirt is with the company (Wellquest International and their products) I did far more than NuBrilliance "Wellquest International", I told the whole truth about the product.

Update by deonna
Apr 15, 2011 1:53 pm EDT

You are welcome, it was a very bad experience and to add insult to injury, the company never even acknowledged my complaint, no letter of apology, no phone call, the customer service was very rude.
I sent before and after photos to the company along with doctor statements of my injuries but they did not nor have not changed their reviews of the product to include "may cause injury" and "not everyone has positive results" they only appear to acknowledge those positive reviews, and disgard the negative reviews (that does not line their pockets) instead of trying to use those to correct any problems with the product... or to include those statements (mine is not the only negative outcome) and I did not hire an attorney to file suit, I paid for all of my medical and it is an experience I will never forget. But shame on NuBrilliance (aka Wellquest International) for not being professional enough to acknowledge those of us with negative outcomes from use of their product. And I am so very glad that you chose NOT to make the purchase on the "possibility" that you could have been injured. I will never again take a chance on something like this.

God Bless,

Update by deonna
May 20, 2011 3:42 pm EDT

Thanks for the tips on creams. My dermatologist did prescribe the hydroquinone (the triluma had a manufacture recall at the time and the pharmacy would not fill it, so my doctor prescribed the hydroquinone.
I did as directed on the nubrillance, and even called customer service after the first use and skin stayed red for longer than stated. They told me to wait a few days and then use again (fine tip) that some people are different. I did and stopped very soon and put the creams on (that is when it became horrible) my skin just came off in areas with application of the cream and burned like fire. The combination of the unit and the creams seemed to have been the problem (according to my dermatologist) and seemed to have been a defect in the fine tip (which I kept both to take to the doctor). I am better now, I still have some light scarring (discolorations) but they are fading with the use of the bleaching cream prescribed.
The unit works for some, I have read that. But not for everyone (I am an example of some) I have learned that anything to do with my body at all, I will always go to a qualified doctor. I am doing well and moving on. I really appreciate the tips on the creams and your kind words, I hope the unit works well for you and am glad you had not had issues with it. Thank you for being kind and considerate of my experience.

God Bless,

Update by deonna
Jun 22, 2011 4:11 am EDT

Thank you for your comment. I am doing well though I do still have some scarring but not as bad as it had been so it has gotten somewhat better. For a while it was just awful. Make up covers the scars that are still left I am using a cream the dermatologist has prescribed which lightens the scarring.
I am glad that you have decided not to use the creams with the device. I firmly believe that the creams that came with the device made matters far worse for me. My skin literally felt like it was on fire upon using the cream after the machine use.
And you are correct in your statement of my not using any harsh products on my skin, just facial cloths and my hands. I did use the fine tip, but between the device and the creams... my outcome was not a good one. I do hope that you have much better luck than I did. Just always check your skin for any sensitivity after any use.
I have stayed away from any products like this. I will only go to a professional from now on. I learned a hard lesson and I am bouncing back. I thank you so much for asking. Good luck and I wish you all the best with the product.

Update by deonna
Jul 01, 2011 10:39 pm EDT

Thank you too. I learned a hard lesson and glad it is behind me. I will stay far away from anything else like this or even close... like you, those that have had good results, I am glad but not for me... lesson learned.

Thanks for the kind words!

Update by deonna
Jul 05, 2011 12:28 am EDT

You are welcome and I am glad that you have done some research before trying. I have since found that dermatologist are reasonable for this procedure... there are some who over charge but I have been treated for the damage caused by this by a very reasonable dermatologist. Haven't had it done as I am a bit gun shy and want to completely heal (just some scarring left which I am using a prescribed lightener.

I am glad that you did some checking and made your own decision, I would never want this to happen to anyone else.

God Bless,


Update by deonna
Jul 06, 2011 12:15 am EDT

Glad that I can help in some way. Perhaps that is why I had the experience (everything happens for a reason) I am grateful to be much better now. It could have been far far worse and I am thankful that I am healing very well as of this date.
There is no miracle cure out there for anything. A good dermatologist and they are out there and there are some very affordable ones I have found and am quite happy that my doctor has helped me to heal from this experience. I am so glad that you decided not to buy the unit. I do not have sensitive skin and you can see what happened, that is what I did not understand... but it is over and I am much better. Thank the Lord. Good luck to you Rae, I hope you will check into some dermatologist and that you have only wonderful success.

God Bless, Deonna

Update by deonna
Jul 11, 2011 3:21 pm EDT

You are welcome. And it is best to pay a little extra to have this done professionally and safely. Trust me, it has cost me more than if I had just went straight to a professional first. Best of luck and I am happy you decided to leave this to the professionals.

God Bless,


Update by deonna
Jul 12, 2011 1:18 am EDT

I hope that you can get your money back, but I am glad you have chosen not to use the product. Please see a dermatologist about the dark brown or red areas because there are a couple of creams they can prescribe that will give you results in weeks. The longer you use the creams the more results you will notice. As you can see from the photos after I used the Nubrilliance product... I had damage, and once the dermatologist was able to help me with the healing process, he prescribed the creams for the scarring left behind and I am quite happy with the results. I hope you will check with a local dermatologist to find out about the bleaching cream and other creams they can prescribe.
Good luck and God bless.


Update by deonna
Jul 16, 2011 11:02 pm EDT

Sorry for the troubles you have had with the multiple phone calls from other vendor Gaotgirl, that is one of the other draw backs with these companies. Just doesn't pay to order things on television or online these days.. I hope that your do not call list works (some ignore this) good luck to you and I know what a headache that can be.

To vampiregirl: glad that you did not make the purchase. Better safe than sorry. I regret my purchase, and my experience... but if I can keep one person from having the same bad experience and suffering any pain or damage, it is the good part of my awful experience. Everything happens for a reason. I am grateful to be healing up and getting along quite well now. It is a shame that the company refused to acknowledge the problems with the product and not one word of apology (I am not a sue happy person) I just wanted to have them to talk to me... did not happen but that speaks volumes as to what type of company they are. You are correct when you say it is all about the bottom line, money... not a good way to run a business.

God Bless,


Update by deonna
Jul 26, 2011 1:16 pm EDT

Thank you and I am glad that you searched the internet before your purchase and did not just look at the reviews on NuBrilliance web site (as it only has the positive remarks) Wish I had done that... But you have made the right choice in my opinion and it was your choice to make and at least you got ALL the information both good and bad before making that decision, even though you had to find the information for yourself.

God Bless,


Update by deonna
Aug 01, 2011 2:21 pm EDT

Don't give up and contact your credit card company and they will stop the re occurring charges. It is a shame that people do business this way and without regard to anyone else. I hope that you get your money back and I am glad you changed your mind. I would never want anything like this to happen to anyone else. I am hoping you come out well with the refund. Good luck and God bless.


Update by deonna
Aug 07, 2011 3:48 pm EDT

Maria, I am the woman in the photo. I did watch the video and did use the correct tip. I did in fact have damage from the use of the unit as well as the creams I used after the use which intensified the injuries and pain.
I am glad you had good results but I can assure you I did not. It does not work for everyone and while most choose to believe the only comments and testimonials that NuBrilliance advertise on their site... they do not post ALL comments especially the negative ones. You should not jump to the conclusion that my post is inaccurate, it is my personal experience and the truth, the complete truth. I posted on this site because when I contacted NuBrilliance directly they would not take my statement by phone or in letters. Which tells me they do not want to tell the public that this product does NOT work for everyone. And no, I am not the only one with a bad experience with injury from the use of the unit. I can read and I did use the product as directed and took the unit and the tips to my dermatologist for his "expert" opinion... Guess what... he agreed this was NOT like the unit they use in their office nor would he advise anyone to use it. And the tips were flawed (in my unit) according to my doctor who treated me after the use.
My post is accurate and true and I assure you I used as directed as well as contacted Nubrilliance for advisement...they only wanted to push their product, regardless of damage or injury. As a matter of fact, they told me, "it does not work for everyone" and to try it again! Funny, that their website nor brochures do not mention that...

Update by deonna
Aug 09, 2011 2:31 pm EDT

Thank you silly me, I am doing better now and I am glad that you did research online to check for complaints on the unit (something I wish I had done prior to using the unit)

God Bless,


Update by deonna
Aug 18, 2011 1:51 am EDT

Thanks Shellide3669, I am glad that I have been able to share my story and prevent anyone else from the same experience. I know not everyone has such a bad experience but there are those who have including me.
I am happy to say that I am much better with only a few light scars now, but it was bad in the beginning. Thank God, I have gotten better! I tell everyone talk to a dermatologist first before buying anything online or by mail... learn the hard way, I did.
God bless ya!


Update by deonna
Aug 22, 2011 7:34 pm EDT

You are welcome MB... Going well for me and I am thankful to have come so far. God Bless

Update by deonna
Aug 27, 2011 1:02 am EDT

Thanks Fuming! I am doing much better, and if there was one thing I was going to do after this horrid experience... that was, be sure that I let others know BEFORE they made the same mistake. It was truly horrible and painful for a while, but I thank God every single day, for the improvement, I have a wonderful dermatologist and he is very reasonable and put me on creams and antibiotics immediately. Now, I have a few scars left behind that I continue with a cream to lighten and deminish them. But I am grateful I have just that left from the condition it first left my skin in.
Sad that companies are only about that quick buck and not the consumer. They care only about lining thier pockets and not the people. What a world we live in...

Update by deonna
Sep 19, 2011 3:40 am EDT

Thank you Tecla. I did contact the customer service after the first use, and they advised me that this is "common" and to wait a few days and use again, because you are exfoliating the skin and there would be reddness and irritation at first... well, after that second time, it was horrid. My doctor said the fine tip seem to be "not so fine" I kept both tips so as to show them to my doctor and let him tell me what happened. I am healing and very few scars remain and with makeup, not noticeable so I am much better than when this happened. I am thankful for that. I will never buy another product unless I can see and touch it in person and research the heck out of it from now on.
Thank you so much for your kind words and I am much better now.


Update by deonna
Feb 25, 2013 1:21 pm EST

Master Estetician... No, I am not a liar. Everything that I said was pure truth as to what my experience was with NuBrilliance. My doctor and dermatologist even wrote a letter to the company so that they would do more research and check packaging so as not to put wrong pads in boxes. Quality control. And NO I am not out to make money on this experience. NEVER filed a lawsuit (and that is very easy to check) it would be a matter of record (look online). I paid for my own medical bills and all expenses incurred because of the damage done by this product. I am not a suing type person. You do not know me at all. I use very good hygene and I know how to care for my skin, the worst thing I could have done is to use the lotions that were included in the kit... HUGE mistake and if NuBrilliance did not put in the paper work and on the dvd included in the packaging the customer service number, I would not have even had a much worse experience... the woman told me to continue in a couple of days... I even sent them photos... so before you slam me, understand I am not a stupid woman. I am college educated and very honest. But no worries... I know and God knows the truth. I am much better now and will have some discoloration for the rest of my life, but as I said, my doctors were wonderful and they saved me from what could have been so much worse. I am blessed for that. And for those who have asked. I am attaching a photo of myself with my husband. No serious damage left (discolorations from scars but they are not so obvious with a little makeup) again, I am grateful to have gotten past a bad experience. Thank you to those who supported me and I am glad if my story helped someone. That is ALL this was about. No financial gain (because I had none, nor did I seek to gain any)

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Update by deonna
Feb 26, 2013 10:38 am EST

K.B. Thank you for your very kind words. Yes, everything has a risk and this did not work for me. In fact, it had a very adverse effect on me. And I have heard from a couple that they had success with this product and I am happy for them and grateful that they did not have the experience that I had. I am very thankful for where I am today and for my wonderful doctors who helped me to get here. To sue this company would have gone against everything that I am... my only goal was to share my story so that I could make others aware of the negative possibilities of using this product. Everything happens for a reason and if I helped one person, then that was the reason. I cannot argue with the path that God wants me to take. I am blessed and that is it, I cannot control what others say, do or believe. I can only control my reaction to them, I choose to take the high road, to be an example. Thank you for making me smile today...God Bless


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Tempe, US
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Oct 31, 2012 7:44 pm EDT

I just bought this and my skin is feeling great. yes redness after. How about dieting and working out along with taking care of the skin.
As for all the "Negative" comments, I feel bad for those who post those because they are just complaining that it didn't work.
More like "Dream Stealers".

If I had not seen this infomercial on TV. I would not be feeling great about my skin. I had a lot of clogged pores which ended up as acne and whiteheads and such.

If I had done research and came across these negative posts, I would have backed out on what has now become of my skin.
Everyone is different and reacts differently. Because this product doesn't work on 1 individual doesn't mean it doesn't work at
all for ALL people.

Be careful what you post. I understand your Angry.

To those who are looking into this, Just buy it and test it out. It is all about "testing". Just like a movie that your friends like and you
want to do your so called "research" before watching a movie. Who knows, you might like it. I say do it. If you don't like it. Don't mess
with it. NuBrilliance does work. Just take your skin so delicately. Just like working out, don't expect to hit the gym and next day
lose 20 lbs.

Tire of fake product
Houston, US
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Dec 21, 2012 3:01 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thanks for posting information I also have sensitives skin these product maybe is tested on animals. I question rather-ed you can't mix the cream with previous facial. Murad facial product the first three days was great there after my skin started to peel and burn . I was weird days later side effect. I want perfect skin but not horrible product just to make a buck.

Rockwall, US
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Jan 28, 2013 7:20 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Los Angeles, US
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Feb 01, 2013 3:08 pm EST

NuBrilliance is absolutely the WORST company ever. HORRIBLE product and HORRIBLE customer service.
Made to cheat people out of money.
I bought NuBrilliance and two uses later, the suction was gone. I called customer service and they said it was my fault the suction is gone.

This is how our conversation went:
ME: NO there is no filter stuck in the tube. NO there's no crack on the tube.. I've used it twice.. and YES the rubberband is still there. Can I send it back to you to fix? or have it replaced?
NuBrilliance CUSTOMER SERVICE: We don't fix or replace your products here because you're not the manufacture
ME: WHAT? you don't fix or replace your products here because you're not the manufacture? Do I need to call the manufacture?
ME: you just said you can't fix or replace it because you're not the manufacture...
NuBrilliance CUSTOMER SERVICE: correct
ME: so can you give me the manufacture's number?
NuBrilliance CUSTOMER SERVICE: no, I can't do that
ME: **Confused** is this customer service?
ME: ok, then can you service me, your customer at all?
NuBrilliance CUSTOMER SERVICE: sorry no I can't do anything for you, have a nice day. *click*

Louisville, US
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Feb 26, 2013 2:17 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Deonna, I want to start off by saying that I am so very sorry that you had to endure such a horrible experience but I'm so very happy to hear you say that you are doing better! Secondly, I want to personally thank you for having the strength and courage to share your story with others, trying to keep them, and me as well, from suffering the same fate. As we all know, every product that's out on the market is NOT for everyone and whenever we use them we do it at our own risk; furthermore, anything that we do in life is a risk but that's life and it's full of trials and errors. Now, for those who have tried this machine and it works wonders for you, then just be extremely thankful to God and show a little more understanding and compassion for those that can't say the same! Seriously! IT COULD HAVE EASILY BEEN YOU! Last but definitely not least, thank you so much Deonna for having the strength to respond to all the negative and inconsiderate responses with CLARITY AND TACT, for these are the characteristics that only women with CHARACTER AND CLASS possess! I learned a long time ago that people have a right to their opinions, but hey, opinions are like "[censored]S" and everyone has one! Sweetie you just continue to do you and let them do them and if they still don't like it then just let them build a bridge for themselves and get over it!


P.S. Great picture of you and your husband! You look beautiful!

Fort Drum, US
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Mar 09, 2013 1:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have bought the unit a year ago, still using it, no problem with the unit nor the cream that came with it. In fact i order more cream coz it really make my skin glow. I follow the instruction as the dvd said.So far I'm happy with the result.

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Mar 18, 2013 12:07 pm EDT

I had professional Dermabrasion done after a car accident had damaged my skin as glass particles worked their way out of my skin. After the Dermabrasion was done ( in hospital and under anesthesia) I developed a huge thick scab over the whole area done. The doctor explained to me that the scab would "break off" naturally and to not pick at it nor go in the sun as the new pink skin was revealed. This being said, I think it's very risky to have this product for consumer use without having professional instructions. Just a DVD isn't going to do it in my opinion. So your results are not surprising. This is not to blame you at all. It's me saying this product could be dangerous no matter who is using it. Good Luck!

Indianapolis, US
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Apr 02, 2013 3:05 pm EDT

I have one of these machines and have been using it for more than 2 years. I have never had an issue with it. I absolutely love it. I can see where someone might injure themselves with it though if they don't follow the instructions exactly. If you press too hard or keep the tip in one place too long, you could cause some major damage. But fortunately, it works for me. I used to have a little line starting between my eyebrows, but now it is completely gone. I use the machine about twice a week.

Clearwater, US
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Apr 11, 2013 11:09 am EDT

I was about to purchase this item this morning. After reading this--- no way. Thanks Deonna- sorry for your pain and anguish. I'd get a lawyer involved!

Maggie 01
New Baltimore, US
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Apr 16, 2013 10:36 am EDT

SUE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Im sorry for you my dear. I just got it&the worst that happened to me is they sent me the same tip instead of having the course tip also. Thank God, scheesh! Good Luck to you. - Maggie

West Allis, US
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Jun 03, 2013 4:15 am EDT

I just received my unit and haven't used it yet. I am anxious and will admit that due to the horrible skin problems, i.e, scarring from unknown reasons, dark spots that are absolutely unsightly and this all over my body has caused serious self confidence issues to myself appearance...however I am going to still give it a try on the worst areas of my body which I already cover - my legs! I will keep you all updated as to how well or any problems I encounter and look forward to if it works or is actually "a nightmare about to unravel!" I will keep you all posted. I guess My appearance can't truly get much worse than what has already "naturally" occurred, I have accepted my flaws until this point by hiding them as best I can and just always reminding myself that it is "what is in my true personality and inner beauty that is most important no matter what the outcome, and just remember that always. I believe it is natural as humans to want the forever looks of a fashion model and to be viewed as attractive to others. I was fortunate to have been born a very attractive person, but accidents, illnesses, and nature have disfigured me in ways one can only see for themselves. Large dark scars all over my body, legs, arms, face, back, etc.! But facing the age of turning "50" this year and wanting to think about dating again (it's been ten years since I have even thought about it because of my appearance - and what a waste of time!) I will admit that at the age of 38 I began to have these deformities affect my life and my looks were let's just say very unsatisfying. I also suffered a severe depression as a result of a lot of this trying to be attractive anyway I could only to lead me down some pretty dark places. I guess what I simply want to say is that no matter what scars you may or may not have anymore - the only important thing is that you love yourself for whom you are and not what shell we wear! I know several people who are let's just say not the most attractive to the average person, but once given the opportunity to know them...I saw more actual beauty all through they're appearances, that after I once got to know what was in they're hearts, I saw more happiness and beauty in them than plenty of the top models you see on bill boards everywhere! I hope the results I get will be satisfactory - however, reasonably my expectations I know will not make me America's next Top Model...Ha ha ha, but will give me any positive results possible. I am sorry for what you experienced, but again, these products we purchase on television or the internet, etc. all make claims that may sound ridiculous...blame the people marketing these claims and always buyer beware! If it sounds to good it usually is. It sounds like you may have looked for an affordable solution to achieve your goals instead of using a professional physician who practices on skin issues everyday, which can total up some large costs. NuBrilliance I believe has nothing but good intentions with they're products in offering someone like myself an option to get some improvements to ourselves affordability. Again, we get what we pay for and sometimes we get more than we bargained for? I truly wish you the best and I hope you are feeling better inside and out! As for myself, I'm going to check with my physician now that I have read the cautionary statements I felt were appropriate found on the packaging. Good luck and I sure hope I don't have any of the problems you had. Sincerely, Robin

Tampa, US
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Jun 29, 2013 2:09 pm EDT

By the looks of your pictures, you already have/had bad skin prior to trying this product.

LaPlace, US
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Sep 20, 2013 9:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We all need to understand that everything you purchase online, in a reputable store, and even prescribed by a doctor does not always work for everybody. It's obvious that it didn't work for Deonna but it is working for a numerous amount of other people. I am very sorry about the reaction Deonna had but everything you purchase is a risk no matter what guarantees a company gives you. Are you willing to take a risk? That is the question and depending on how desperate a person is about their issue of concern, a whole lot of people are willing to take the risk. If it doesn't work, then move on to the next product with hopes of finding the one that works for you.
Sincerely, Lady Dee

ravenswood, US
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Nov 10, 2013 3:21 am EST

Again these product are not for everyone. Deonna truly sorry but that's the gamble we take as women. Looking at your before and after pictures you seem to have fair skin and in my opinion didn't need the product in the first place :) We all have different ethnic backgrounds(I'm in the medium to dark skin tone which is usually less sensitive so I'm giving it a try. Good luck to everyone! Deonna there are a lot of natural supplements and treatments. God Bless

1478, US
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Nov 25, 2013 11:41 am EST

I have been hearing the same complaints… My friend has the exact same issues. I was almost going to buy Nubrilliance until she told me about her experience lately... in the end i bought a machine from amazon called vacubrasion.. It's amazing! It doesn’t have any of the problems Nubrilliance does, i have very sensitive skin and it has never made my skin red or irritated. it doesn’t lose any suction because you can use your own vacuum to attach to it, and you don’t have to replace the tips like with nubrilliance. Their tips are forever diamond so that eliminates the constant cost. I’m lucky i figured out the better machine before i bought the Nubrilliance!

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Nov 27, 2013 10:54 am EST

Love this product. I want my skin to be a little red because it rejuvines better, just like in a salon. Salon treatments are stronger and your skin will be redder but that's how your skiin rejuvinates. Go get a laser peel and try to sue the doctor. Guarantee you will have redness and worse. But that's why it works! I bet you were very pleased with how your skin healed and are not complaining now.

erie, US
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Dec 03, 2013 5:26 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Thank you Deonna! I will not be purchasing this product. I do believe you should take legal action against this unethical company.

Constance Suezette
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Feb 20, 2015 3:44 am EST

I'm so sorry, I myself have very sensitive skin, I use a Dermawand, also a as seen on tv, but this isn't microembration, sp chk. It really works, its a smooth tip, and it does reduce lines and opens my eyes, I was skeptical, but if you start out low 2x a day, just because I like the way it works, it works with your own products, no reason to spend the extra for their products, maybe once to chk it out. I use what came with plus my own toner and olay of okay, I'm 44, &no one has ever guessed my age..5 to 7 MN 2x a day so worth it!

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Mar 03, 2015 5:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I ordered this product four years ago. At first I couldn't be more in love with it. It worked great, left my skin smooth and removed so much dead skin. It was my new best friend. The suction worked like a charm. Over time, I noticed the suction's intensity decrease. I would use the highest level and it felt like I was using a level three. I just wasn't getting the suction that I used to. I called their customer service department. The gal said that since I didn't get a warranty, there was nothing I could do about it. I let it go and just used it every 6 months from there on. Just the other day, after taking a 7-month hiatus from the product, I decided to use it. The suction cup was just dead. It did not even feel like a level one. I just got off the phone with their customer service department and spoke to Suzanne. She was less than friendly and helpful. I told her of my complaint. I stated that losing suction is one of the biggest complaints that I have been reading online about this product. She said it wasn't a motor issue and that it had to do with the tube being clogged up with dead skin. She stayed on the phone and walked me through what I should do. She suggested I remove the tube that is attached to the handheld device and to blow real hard into it. After giving it all my might, I told her I am not sure how this is supposed to work because I am blowing air into the tube which goes into the machine. I can understand if the air was coming out on the other end, then this would be feasible. But the tube goes inside the plastic machine so I asked her that rather than blowing it out the other end, I feel like I'm blowing more into it, pushing the dead skin more deeper into it. She then said that the machine's motor will evaporate all the dead skin. Really? If that was the case, they would not receive a tsunami of complaints about the suction. I think the only thing that evaporated was her brain because the idea she gave me was just silly. The peachy part was that she told me that my 3-year warranty had expired last year and that there was nothing I could do about it. Funny thing is, that I never got a warranty. Last year their other customer service rep told me that since I didn't get a warranty, there was nothing I could do. And today, Suzanne informs me that my "warranty" had expired last year. I never once told her that I had called before because I wanted to see what this rep's excuse was going to be. I think no matter what the problem is, they are finding any excuse to not replace the product. I told her that my daughter's toys are better quality than this plastic piece of junk. $250 for this was not worth it. And to those who have watched the DVD that came along with it, nowhere in there does it say that the tube fills up with dead skin and will decrease the intensity of the suction so you have to blow in it. I told her that I was going to write a review about this horrible experience and her attitude was just, "Oh well." She didn't give a crap.

Ocala, US
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Mar 06, 2015 6:03 am EST

I'm writing this after watching the NuBrillance T.V. presentation. Obviously any complaints about the system hasn't stopped the demand or hurt sales. My comment is simple, people want to look young for as long as possible. From makeup to surgery we will try anything to maintain youthfulness and that's not a bad thing. The danger comes when people and/or products offer that result at a price generally not affordable to the average person. How many people ordered this unit and then offered services to others maybe charging a small fee for replacement supplies? Make money and skip any schooling needed for licensed dermatologists? You can see Deonna suffered damage. At the same time I wonder how quickly she was wanting results? The sanding and suction of skin is an irritant, skin types are different for many reasons, and test areas are a good idea just like coloring your hair. Anytime I see a product like this introduced, I wonder how long it will take for legal action due to injury. I hope that all ends well and that no permanent damage has been suffered by anyone who has used any product like this. Now I'm going to watch the Genie Slimjeggings that promises to magically hide anyones imperfections no matter how large or lumpy. I hope home liposuction never becomes available.

Chicago, US
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Apr 03, 2015 7:08 am EDT

I received my NuBrilliance yesterday. after viewing the Dvd tutorial and reading some of the reviews, I had success with my 1st treatment. I used good light, and my up close magnifying eye glasses. My own mother who lives with me, thought I was wearing facial powder.
I've never gone to a spa for Microdermabrasion before. Now I will never go to a spa for it.
I would use a facial cloth and rub peeling skin, but with nubrilliance my neck and face look radiant. If mom sees the difference and thinks I'm wearing colorless facial powder. then Nubrilliance is the product for me. The before treatment along with the other maintenance
creams that were sent are just fine. I had no complaints there either, however I stand accused and still find "Proactive " skin products excellent too.

Renee H.

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Aug 09, 2015 7:51 am EDT

sorry to hear about your experience and hopefully you healed quickly. I've been using this machine for over a year and I am used to micro dermobrasions in the doc office as well. I'm fairly aggressive w/my use, highest setting, multiple passes etc - I've never had any problems or skin damage. You must have very sensitive skin or perhaps you were using other topical products prior to the machine's use which unknowingly made your skin sensitive (such as Retin A or something). For the average person, I can not imagine how the machine alone would cause this if following directions and starting on the lowest setting - this is not typical. I like the machine and am pleased with the purchase, though I would not say it is the same strengthen as in the doc office.

Kristie Lynn Hutchens
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Nov 04, 2015 11:28 pm EST

Jesus Christ... Just reading what your women are doing is crazy. I'm a Licensed Esthetician with a certification in microdermabrasion. I studied for 750 hours, had to pass several state exams, get licensed, and continue Rio get continuing education every 2 years. NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING THIS AT HOME. MADNESS. GO TO A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL FOR PETE'S SAKE.

Also, please DO NOT use Hydroquinone without DIRECT doctor supervision. You will hyper/hypo pigment your skin your life. You can burn yourself. I'm just appalled they let people buy these without licenses.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but would you try to change your car motor after watching a 5 minute toy tube video on how to do it? Or maybe neuter your Dog because you have the same knifes the Vets use? SERIOUSLY. INSANE