I purchased a product from thee company and accpted the auto ship order to recive th product every 360 days.
Naturally I (as would evryon else) forgot about this situation, then on or around august 2 I receivd an email that the product has shipped, and since it shipped I couldnt stop it, till it would be delivered.
The product arrived and I called th company to get a return authorization number, I was then informed that if I returned the product I would be charged a 20% destruction fee.
Now her coms the qustion, why couldnt the company send an email to me 2-3 days befor shipping it to remind me of the shipment?
They informed me that I signed up for auto ship, I asked them can you remember what you bought or did 360 days ago?
Nobody can!
They could not give me a direct answer why thy couldnt send a reminder email.
I will tell you why they don't because they know that people will forget about the autoship and this way they will make the 20% for every item that was not cancelled ahead of time.
Look at yelp ovr 400 complaints from customers and how they were treated the same way as I was, and we all lost money
Poor, custmer service, unethical, and no regard for people!
They should be investigated for their terrible return policy.
If they would have sent m a email 2-3 days before I would have cancelled the order completely and I would not be writing this letter
Desired outcome: not be chargd a destruction fee, and that anyone who gets on a autoship should get a reminder email 2-3 days ahead of the shipment