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The good, the bad, and the ugly - discover what customers are saying about Mphasis An Hp Company

Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Mphasis An Hp Company. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Mphasis An Hp Company.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Mphasis An Hp Company's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Mphasis An Hp Company, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

Please feel free to browse our reviews and complaints and share your own experience with Mphasis An Hp Company. Your feedback is an important part of our community and will help others make informed decisions.

8:10 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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my name is Noel Misquitta and I have reigned from Mphasis in June 2013 and my employee id is 2145005 now it is going to be nearly one year and I am calling Mphasis customer service every day nd they are telling thy dont know when the Karnataka Government will give the money but I doubt that it is Mphasis which is involved in foul play and running a scam to...

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2:50 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Mphasis An Hp Company PF Not processed

I was working with Mphasis an HP Company from 20th June'07 to 14th April'11. My PF Number is "KN/16573/10383", I Submitted my PF Application form on 17th July'11 as per the guidance received from the Mphasis HR helpdesk associate but missed to elcose the cancelled cheque. After confirming the same with the Mphasis HR helpdesk associate i sent the cancelled cheque along with a letter on 23rd July'11. Between 30th July'11 to 27th September'11 i called them more than 10 times to get status updates and everytime they assured me that thay have my PF application form and the cancelled cheque and would send it to the PF office in Oct'11 due to workload on the Govt org. On 3 calls that i made to them specifically i confirmed that they have checked my application form and everything is order and the HR Helpdesk associate confirmed the same. However when i called them on 27th Sept'11 i was told that a tracker was updated on 26th Sept'11 and it mentioned that the cheque was not enclosed and the form missed signature at one place and was not in the correct format.
I wish to lodge a complaint as to why was not informed about the same on my previous calls to the helpdesk, I have wasted 2 months waiting for a response and would need to wait another 6 months to get my earned PF money since the process would start all over again and people could not do their basic job.
I would also like to highlight a point that 2 of colleges who filled their PF application form after me and having their PF office centres at different locations (for one in Pune & for the 2nd at Delhi) are treated differently. My College who's PF was in Pune office has already received the PF amount and he Individual who has his PF with Delhi office has his application with the PF department.
I m in need to money desperately and Mphasis is not helping to my cause. This has been a mental harrsement.

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The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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