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9:19 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more Avoid buying from!!! Extremely bad experience!!!

Hi all,

So I just needed to share my extremely bad and negative experience by purchasing from so that others will never have to experience what I had.

I was looking for a replace CPU fan for my Asus K401 laptop as it started to make weird noises while spinning. Tried to dust out the fan but it was still making noise. Went online to search for replacement and I saw exactly the same part number listed in and they stated that it is Original and New, hence I decided to go ahead and make the purchase. As I needed the replacement fan urgently, I opted for DHL Express shipping which I paid for as well.

The following are the expected processing and delivery duration: Processing Time upon payment received: 1 to 3 working days
DHL Express Shipping Duration: 4-6 working days

However, I never expected that after paying for both the item and DHL express shipping, I received the worst after-sales customer service ever from! They have a office number listed on their website but calling that number is futile as it seems like that number is disconnected.

These are the timeline of events that transpired:

Aug 24, 1.27pm: Purchase made and received system generated confirmation and purchase receipt.

Aug 27, 3.33pm: Customer care of emailed me to inform me that the item I purchased, there's no more New condition one but they have Used condition one. I was provided with 2 options:

Option A: Accept the Used condition item and USD $7 will be refunded to me.
Option B: Cancel the order and they will make a full refund to me.

Aug 27, 3.56pm: I replied to and inform then that I will accept Option A. Addtionally, I inform Customer care of that I need the item to be shipped out ASAP as it is a Friday already and on top of that, I need the item Urgently.

Aug 27, 5.31pm: Customer care of replied and informed me that they receive my option and they will ship out my item within 2 days. I will receive my item in 5 days time from today.

Aug 27, 7.14pm: Customer care of emailed me to inform that they have found a New fan for the item I ordered from another source. The item will be shipped out next Monday and will be shipped from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, DHL will take over to ship to Singapore.

Aug 27, 7.25pm: I replied to Customer care of and thank them for the update. I also inform them to hurry and get the item packaged and ready for shipment. I re-iterate in bold words that I need the item urgently, otherwise I woudn't have choose DHL Express shipping option. I also highlighted to them that my item should be pick up by the courier in Shenzhen on early morning on Aug 30 at 8am.

Aug 28, 4.49pm: Customer care of replied that they acknowledged and noted all my points made in my email reply on Aug 27, 7.25pm.

Aug 30, 7.12am: I emailed Customer care of to enquire if my item have been picked up by Shenzhen courier yet. If not yet, what is the scheduled time for pick up by the courier in Shenzhen.

Aug 30, 5.11pm: Since no response from for 10 hours, I sent email again to Customer care of informing them that I have not received any updates and I need to know where exactly is my item now.

Aug 30, 6.10pm: Customer care of finally responded and email me to inform me that my item is on the way and that is shipped out today.

Aug 30, 9.30pm: I replied to Customer care of informing them that I am extremely disappointed with the after-sales service I'm receiving and the lack of and slow response and updates of my order item. I included 3 very basic and specific questions that I need answer for:

1. What time did the courier in Shenzhen pick up my item for shipment to Hong Kong
2. What is the tracking number of my item from Shenzhen to Hong Kong
3. Where is the exact location of my item now

Aug 31, 1.12pm: Customer care of replied and inform me that my item have just reached Hong Kong. They also inform that for the questions I raised, they are unable to response to me promptly. Additionally, there could be additional delays on the shipment as well. Since is unable to provide me with a satisfactory customer service, hence they have cancelled my order and made a full refund.

I need to highlight throughout all my email correspondence with, I have never typed any words in caps nor any of my emails tone were aggressive. All my emails words and tone to were professional.

I am utterly upset and disappointed with mainly for the following reasons:

1. As I have highlighted to about the urgent need of my item, they did not provide prompt updates and response to me especially on Aug 30 where they took 11 hours to update me.

2. My request to know where exactly is my item now from my email to Customer care of on Aug 30, 5.11pm and the 3 very basic questions from my email to them on Aug 30, 9.30pm, I am extremely disappointed that they could not provide me with precise answers to those basic questions. I am also surprised that after the courier in Shenzhen pick up the package en-route to Hong Kong, was not able to provide the tracking number. This means that if the package is lost during transit from Shenzhen to Hong Kong, will have no clue about it!

3. They went ahead to cancel my order without checking with me first if I want to cancel. This is extremely ridiculous and totally un-professional! What puzzles me is since the item had already arrived in Hong Kong, they should have continue its transit instead of "taking the initiative" to cancel it.

My overall experience with from this incident tells me that never ever to look at them ever again if I ever need any laptop parts. I implore anyone who read my above experience will steer clear of too.

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12:43 pm EST They sent me broken speakers and now they don't answer my emails

I'll never bay anything from them again! They sent me broken speakers and now they don't answer my emails.

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Singapore, SG
Aug 31, 2021 4:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi all,

So I just needed to share my extremely bad and negative experience by purchasing from so that others will never have to experience what I had.

I was looking for a replace CPU fan for my Asus K401 laptop as it started to make weird noises while spinning. Tried to dust out the fan but it was still making noise. Went online to search for replacement and I saw exactly the same part number listed in and they stated that it is Original and New, hence I decided to go ahead and make the purchase. As I needed the replacement fan urgently, I opted for DHL Express shipping which I paid for as well.

The following are the expected processing and delivery duration: Processing Time upon payment received: 1 to 3 working days
DHL Express Shipping Duration: 4-6 working days

However, I never expected that after paying for both the item and DHL express shipping, I received the worst after-sales customer service ever from! They have a office number listed on their website but calling that number is futile as it seems like that number is disconnected.

These are the timeline of events that transpired:

Aug 24, 1.27pm: Purchase made and received system generated confirmation and purchase receipt.

Aug 27, 3.33pm: Customer care of emailed me to inform me that the item I purchased, there's no more New condition one but they have Used condition one. I was provided with 2 options:

Option A: Accept the Used condition item and USD $7 will be refunded to me.
Option B: Cancel the order and they will make a full refund to me.

Aug 27, 3.56pm: I replied to and inform then that I will accept Option A. Addtionally, I inform Customer care of that I need the item to be shipped out ASAP as it is a Friday already and on top of that, I need the item Urgently.

Aug 27, 5.31pm: Customer care of replied and informed me that they receive my option and they will ship out my item within 2 days. I will receive my item in 5 days time from today.

Aug 27, 7.14pm: Customer care of emailed me to inform that they have found a New fan for the item I ordered from another source. The item will be shipped out next Monday and will be shipped from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, DHL will take over to ship to Singapore.

Aug 27, 7.25pm: I replied to Customer care of and thank them for the update. I also inform them to hurry and get the item packaged and ready for shipment. I re-iterate in bold words that I need the item urgently, otherwise I woudn't have choose DHL Express shipping option. I also highlighted to them that my item should be pick up by the courier in Shenzhen on early morning on Aug 30 at 8am.

Aug 28, 4.49pm: Customer care of replied that they acknowledged and noted all my points made in my email reply on Aug 27, 7.25pm.

Aug 30, 7.12am: I emailed Customer care of to enquire if my item have been picked up by Shenzhen courier yet. If not yet, what is the scheduled time for pick up by the courier in Shenzhen.

Aug 30, 5.11pm: Since no response from for 10 hours, I sent email again to Customer care of informing them that I have not received any updates and I need to know where exactly is my item now.

Aug 30, 6.10pm: Customer care of finally responded and email me to inform me that my item is on the way and that is shipped out today.

Aug 30, 9.30pm: I replied to Customer care of informing them that I am extremely disappointed with the after-sales service I'm receiving and the lack of and slow response and updates of my order item. I included 3 very basic and specific questions that I need answer for:

1. What time did the courier in Shenzhen pick up my item for shipment to Hong Kong
2. What is the tracking number of my item from Shenzhen to Hong Kong
3. Where is the exact location of my item now

Aug 31, 1.12pm: Customer care of replied and inform me that my item have just reached Hong Kong. They also inform that for the questions I raised, they are unable to response to me promptly. Additionally, there could be additional delays on the shipment as well. Since is unable to provide me with a satisfactory customer service, hence they have cancelled my order and made a full refund.

I need to highlight throughout all my email correspondence with, I have never typed any words in caps nor any of my emails tone were aggressive. All my emails words and tone to were professional.

I am utterly upset and disappointed with mainly for the following reasons:

1. As I have highlighted to about the urgent need of my item, they did not provide prompt updates and response to me especially on Aug 30 where they took 11 hours to update me.

2. My request to know where exactly is my item now from my email to Customer care of on Aug 30, 5.11pm and the 3 very basic questions from my email to them on Aug 30, 9.30pm, I am extremely disappointed that they could not provide me with precise answers to those basic questions. I am also surprised that after the courier in Shenzhen pick up the package en-route to Hong Kong, was not able to provide the tracking number. This means that if the package is lost during transit from Shenzhen to Hong Kong, will have no clue about it!

3. They went ahead to cancel my order without checking with me first if I want to cancel. This is extremely ridiculous and totally un-professional! What puzzles me is since the item had already arrived in Hong Kong, they should have continue its transit instead of "taking the initiative" to cancel it.

My overall experience with from this incident tells me that never ever to look at them ever again if I ever need any laptop parts. I implore anyone who read my above experience will steer clear of too.

Oct 28, 2015 3:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You are correct. This company is a fraud. It's been over a month that I have ordered my hardware. They shipped from an ordinary air mail from Hong Kong to India. The tracking no. they gave us is invalid on all the postal service websites include Hong Kong Mail. It looks like they never send any parcel otherwise it wouldn't have taken 30 days for an air mail to come.

London, GB
Mar 04, 2014 4:29 am EST

Do not buy from this company!
They sell used items but do not mention it next to the price, or anywhere visible on the page until you scroll down quite far to discover it written in small characters. This is not all, they give short dates but they are actually talking about "processing" time... which has nothing to do with the time it takes to come to you. It takes weeks!. Do not expect a delivery in 3 to 5 days. Actually, when you look at the page, everything is made to mislead you. I fell in all their traps. Mind you, I thought I was buying from an American wholesaler...US flag at the top, all prices in US Dollars.. Then I discovered too late that they were based in Singapore. Singapore has not bad reputation, and I thought it was probably ok, but when the item came, it was from Hong-Kong! So they are yet again one of those ### Chinese companies hiding their real location to look legitimate or reliable... Don't be fooled just like me. When I buy something online, I want to trust a minimum the company I'm buying from. I am not dissecting the website to find where I am going to be ripped off. These guys should not be allowed to trade out of their borders, this is not the way we do business over here. Now you have it: The best is to stay away from them!

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