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RGIS review: Management 14

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11:04 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I dont even know where to start. I do know this: If there isn't a law against what I went through with this company there should be. I have been in a state of depression that I can't even begin to explain. For 6 years I went the extra mile and tried to prove myself to this company that I was more than qualified to do the job at hand. (management). I watched as they promoted people that just did not deserve it, were not qualified, and I could have ran circles around the managers they did have. I could go on and on, but there was alot of hostility, favoritism, discrimination, etc. I knew this job and I knew it very well. I was the victim of hostility on occasion, equipment thrown at me, yelled at. I watched as these people were being promoted and given every opportunity to advance and they did just what they needed to get by. It just isn't fair. I worked so hard to get somewhere with rgis. I guess I didn't brown nose enough. I'm still a firm believer in hard w0rk will get you to the top, however I have yet to see that happen. If anyone knows where I can turn, for help with this, please let me know. thanks


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Denver, US
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Jul 15, 2010 9:25 pm EDT

I am in total agreement with you on all. I to believe in hard work and have seen similar things happen in my district. I too have been discriminated a pone. Not given opportunity to advance in RGIS. Given low quality stores/inventories to work and even been put in low APH area's so I have a unsatisfactory APH to be sent home early from the inventory. Low quality inventories and low APH area's to work so as to not be able to achieve a higher satisfactory APH to advance to higher asset levels to increase your income and to hold you down. RGIS and management play with and manipulate the APH system to not let someone advance in there job.

One thing you have to do is contact the Law firm in San Fransisco that is Part of the law suit against RGIS for pay violations. I have sent them an e-mail concerning discrimination and manipulation of the APH system regarding are pay. If more employees submit complaints to them they may be compiled to look at are concerns and may probably add them to the current law suit.

Schneider Wallace Cottrell Brayton Konecky LLP

winston salem, US
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Aug 09, 2010 4:37 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well I work in district 460 out of greensboro, nc. And you are absolutely correct on how they do things at RGIS. Its just absolutely unbelievable. I am what they classify as a TOP GUN. But they pulled a fast one on me, and reduced my all ready pitiful salary to expert level, without giving me any type of warning, written or oral. So I reported them to the Human Resources Dept. Well they finally returned my hourly wage back to $11 per hour, instead of the expert wage of $9.50. So the hours I would have made at $11 an hour, I was making at $9.50 instead. And some employees, they make sure they stay at TOP GUN level and others, they just seem to jerk around. And they do stupid stuff like leave employees without transportation to stores a lot of times, So they are just sitting at the meet spot waiting for hours. And some how they blame the employees for their screw ups. Its just ridiculous, and yet entertaining. Its like the blind leading the handicapped, so to speak. Now I see why they have minimal/non existent hiring qualifications.

Kizzy V.
Brooklyn, US
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Mar 08, 2013 8:04 pm EST

I hate RGIS. This company is the worst. I am looking to possibly find a law that goes against what they they do. The only one is the equal pay act of 1963.

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Sep 04, 2013 7:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi RGIS haters I'm here to spread some hate with you, my name is Kevyn. Now let me tell you my story of why I hate RGIS...
This job is absolutely horrible we worked 2 Walmarts in one night with a travel of an hour and a half in between stores, the meet time was 6 pm. Got to first store around 7:30pm, we got done with the first store around 9:30 pm, (also to give you an idea of their time estimation, they said we should be starting the second one at 9) got to the next by 11 and finished it by 1 am. After we were done though I had to stand there and wait for the Team Leader to transmit data to the laptop, no big deal right. You stand in the back room of a Wal Mart at 1pm, no luch breaks, no stops at this point, last time I ate was 5pm by this point. Well here's where it went from bad to so much worse, for some reason the memory stick wasn't transferring any of the data off of my machine, this RGIS "team leader" stood in the back room f*****g with the computer not letting me know what was going on at all, letting me stand there like a f*****g ### for 40 minutes (mind you I still had an hour and a half drive home after this bs as well) he turns to me and says, ever so non chalantly, "you have to re-scan everything again", not "I'm sorry", not "I'll do it or help you out, not "forget this crap I've kept you standing and waiting for almost an hour extra now let's head back and I'll just figure it out" NO just basically "hey you know what you just spent almost 2 hours doing? go f*****g re-do it all the f*** over again". I damn near almost lost my head right there and had I had my own car and not been 90 minutes away from home I would've just left on my own right then and there, so after I flipped out for a good 10 minutes because of being accused of this being my fault and that I was the one who messed up (when I clearly know that I did everything by the RGIS book because it was only 3 buttons that I had to hit... a monkey could work the machines BTW) by the wonderful "team leader". By this point (after cooling my head only slightly) I tried to start scanning things into my machine again but I am so stressed I can't focus on crap, so I literally kinda just stood there looking at things and not trying to make a scene or anything for 10 minutes. The RGIS team leader comes running out of the back room saying that he got the memory stick to work randomly and we can go home, (finally at 2:15-2:30) noted still no apologies or anything even after I apologized for flipping out, before he even said anything about the stick working. So there I was felt taken advantage of held hostage a little and completely devalued and depreciated as a person all because the RGIS equipment sucks fat ### and anyone that works there with any type of management is a cold shell of a horrible person who has no emotion, apathy or understanding of simple common sense (usually in my case over 100 pounds overweight).
Also I have had to message them multiple times, almost like pulling teeth, to get the next weeks schedule for the last 3 weeks and they throw me on for times that are outside my availability. Like I said before, sick of these bs games, it's getting ridiculous.
So in conclusion F*** RGIS! If any of you have some kind of case going please let me know I want to play a part in taking them down/ taking my money back.

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Sep 04, 2013 8:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yeah from what I have gathered with my own personal expierences and now knowing that the CEO, Bruce Barkus is the former CEO of Family Dollar, GNC and Ulta, and in every instance, lawsuits followed him out of his career. I believe there needs to be some kind of force gathering of people who are sick to their gills of this ###, like me and all of the others I see on here to bring this whole corrupt company down.

Modesto, US
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May 29, 2015 5:05 pm EDT

RGIS is one of the most disgusting, discriminatory company I have ever applied at. I was
given an appointment for an interview in Modesto Ca . I appeared on time and was greeted by a young male with glasses that threw me the most disgusting look I ever seen when I walked in . There were 2 female employees that instead of acknowledging my presence basically just looked at me like I was dirt. All 3 of them went into a back room and shut a door and you could hear giggling and laughter coming out of the office they were in. The young male then came out and informed me unfortunately I won't be able to interview you today because something has come up but you can reschedule next week if you like . I have never been so disgusted with such incompetent people in my life this company should be investigated incompetent idiot employees and actually hire people who know how to be professional.

Modesto, US
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May 29, 2015 5:15 pm EDT

This is one of the dirt bags that should be let go . This disrespectful, disgusting little worm has no business interviewing anyone or working in a place like RGIS. This is one of the rudest most disrespectful people I have ever met .

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concerned wifyyy
Columbus, US
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Jul 02, 2015 1:49 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

the weman that work for this company thanks its ok 2 send nasty text and durty pics 2 my husbends phone just because they have 2 pass out there phone # this has happen every sents he started 8 years ago and till to this day. i need a lawyer.

Shelbelle Gemelin
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Jul 30, 2015 6:01 pm EDT

I worked for this company for 10 years, everything was great until my gay boss got "married" if you didn't attend this ceremony you were discriminated against, I was lied to for 3 years about why I was unable to get a raise. From everything to "we only give raises in August" to "we're doing things different this year (told to me on Aug. 31 when still no raise) we are doing evaluations in Oct. Oct. came and no eval for me and no raise...I called HR and was then ripped apart for "throwing him under the bus" When I hear over and over him telling people "you didn't go to my wedding, so why should I do you any favors (like time off) I knew full well why I was passed up for a raise over and over again. Watch out people this discrimination from gays is going to be the norm. God help us! And RGIS doesn't care as long as their s*** gets counted. Oh and another person who worked with me in the office who did go to the so called "wedding" was getting paid 2 hours for every phone call she made from home...yep 26.00 for a stinkin' phone call when I would commute 1/2 hr. each way and make 11.25 per hr. after 10 years...

Randy Waves
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Dec 07, 2015 12:42 pm EST

RGIS Ottawa has a very unethical work policy, you show up at work even if they don’t plan on paying you. You may have got up in the morning at 5 AM, paid for a bus fare in the middle of a cold winter, arrived at work on time when they ask you and wait for a supervisor who is two hours late, you don’t get paid! Another time we waited two and half hours due to computer problems and we did not get paid. RGIS worker are so angry when they don’t get paid they take merchandise from the stores they are working at.

Alexandria Dressler
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May 11, 2016 8:36 pm EDT

RGIS in Toronto is just as bad, the work was terrible for hours and the people there disrespectful and it came to the point where i had to phone them when i was mad and find out why they didn't send my weekly email for work, they then proceeded not to give me any hours and the guy who makes the hours said so you still want to work here? i said no I quit! If you don't want me there, just fire me instead of giving me this kind of treatment, this place is horrible and I am surprised that they can get away with this garbage. Everything and more that is said about RGIS in the comments is true, believe me!

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Jun 12, 2016 8:13 pm EDT

I worked for RGIS for two weeks and it is by far the worst job I've ever had. First of all they are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of quality, they will hire anyone with a pulse, they perform no drug tests, do not do a criminal background check and don't even seem to screen applicants, I was hired 45 minutes after applying to this piece of ### job. On my first day at RGIS we went to a sporting goods warehouse and it was easily the best day I ever had working here even though no one ever explained how my machine worked (fortunately I could ask my brother who worked here) and I had no idea how long my shift was going to last. The first day started at 5:30 a.m. and ended around 2:00 p.m. and it was a roughly two hour drive (so I got home around 3 - 4) and was exhausted. My 2nd day was much, much, [censored]tier, I was taken to a BIG LOTS where I was told to scan an aisle of candles, no one explaind if packaged items were counted individually or as a unit, how the shelves were divided, how to change the machine from automatic (scan each item) or quantity (scan an item, count it manually and type in the number) or how to delete errors that I made on my machine. My ### boss who trained me felt the need to check on me constantly to see if I was "doing okay" I asked him a few questions which he brushed off and told me I was doing okay before telling me to move onto another section of the store. Near the end of the day (3 hours later) he told me that all of the sections I had done were counted wrong, to clock out, ask some guy for the keys to the van and to go wait out in the car... was I fired? After one mistake?! I wasn't told I was so I later discovered that I was not, needless to say this was an enraging experience and it was only my 2nd day. My third day I rode their bus at 2:30 p.m. to a JCPenney's 2 hours and 45 minutes away, it was 2 stories and there were a million of us there... I started at 6:00 p.m. and we finished at 1:00 am and I got home at 4:00 a.m. I worked 12 god damn hours at $9.50 an hour and this was for me supposed to be a part time summer job. Two days later on my 4th day I left at 5:00 a.m. (the driver was late so more like 5:20) and we got there at roughly 7:00 a.m. but because we were so understaffed we didn't finish until 8:00 p.m. and worked 14 hours, no lunch, and one 10 minute break. My 5th and final day I headed to their van on a Sunday at 5:00 p.m. and only 4 people showed up... the van was nowhere to be seen, around 10 minutes later it finally showed up, the 4 of us sat in the van wondering if we should go because if we showed up at the store with less than 10 people they will turn us away... we waited 15 minutes and the driver called our boss who then told us to wait 10 more minutes, it was now 5:20 and he wanted us to wait until 5:30 to see if he could roust 6 more people so that we could drive 2 hours to a store in the rain and work until 2:00 a.m.

I left, I went home, on my way home (not 10 minutes later) I get 2 angry phone calls which I ignore, followed by a text message "you're 5 minutes to return to the meat sight or i am firing you" at this point I pretty well thought that RGIS can burn in hell and that I'm sorry I ever wasted a second of my time there.

They treat their employees like indentured servants, you will never know how long your shift is, you won't know how many people will be there, if you're going to be allowed to eat, when you'll be home, or how much work you'll be doing. Frequently you will be scheduled to wait in a Wal Mart parking lot at the ### crack of dawn to work until dusk and THEN come back the next day at the same time, the evening or the middle of the day. Shifts can range from a paltry 4 hours, to an excessive 15 hours.

At $9.50 an hour (this actually is more like $8) its not even worth it, its not worth crawling around on the ground for an entire day or more after commuting on a disgusting piece of ### van with ex-cons, the elderly, college students, stoners, and losers.

Screw you RGIS

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Jul 29, 2016 8:57 pm EDT

I worked for RGIS for years and under many districts (both travel and local) They are all the same, cannot keep managers for more than 8 months, seem to take pride in breaking every rule under the sun and promote the wrong people. The only way to get promoted is if you suck at counting and kiss your ops managers ###. Division 8 has had more DMs/AMs go out the window than I have ever seen in any job. However, somehow the OPs manager keeps his job. He is rude, and the way he fires is disgusting (I'm sorry I don't have a review for you). They allow people to become AMs who sold drugs on hotel property to other RGIS employees, they allow people under the influence to drive, and if you need sleep after god forbid working 36 hours straight well your job is on the line. HR in Michigan is a laughing matter, they protected a DM they knew was going right out the door. This company has lost any credibility to most companies because they can never show up on time or count right. The whistle needs to be blown.

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Jan 01, 2019 2:16 pm EST

I agree with all the bad reviews about this company. After Blackstone investment group acquired the company, it continues to slide downhill. The turnover rate for CEO for the company is incredible. The company continues to lose its market share in the inventory world. The company only cares about making money, not the hourly employees. One has to count fast to make money for the company in order to get pay above the starting wage for each district.