Well I work in district 460 out of greensboro, nc. And you are absolutely correct on how they do things at RGIS. Its just absolutely unbelievable. I am what they classify as a TOP GUN. But they pulled a fast one on me, and reduced my all ready pitiful salary to expert level, without giving me any type of warning, written or oral. So I reported them to the Human Resources Dept. Well they finally returned my hourly wage back to $11 per hour, instead of the expert wage of $9.50. So the hours I would have made at $11 an hour, I was making at $9.50 instead. And some employees, they make sure they stay at TOP GUN level and others, they just seem to jerk around. And they do stupid stuff like leave employees without transportation to stores a lot of times, So they are just sitting at the meet spot waiting for hours. And for some reason, they try to blame employees for their screw ups. Its just ridiculous, and entertaining at the same time. Its like the blind leading the handicapped, so to speak. Now I see why they have minimal/non existent hiring qualifications.
You said it so right. I work for RGIS also. No communication, no knowledge of anything, people get different meet times and grey shirts think they are the ###. They like to change up times on us and not let the A.M. running the stores know, just make him think HE messed up. It is a big joke. Our first 2 hours of travel, or our first hour and last hour, are free. Should be illegal. IF I am up, in a vehicle loaded for work, but waiting for 30 extra minutes because somone needed sleep! And NOT getting paid. ###. We have had 5 D.M's since Jan. 2010. We have lost alot of Top Guns due to them dropping their wage, which again, I do not see how the hell that is even legal! But...its RGIS.
This job is absolutely horrible we worked 2 Walmarts in one night with a travel of an hour and a half in between stores, the meet time was 6 pm. Got to first store around 7:30pm, we got done with the first store around 9:30 pm, (also to give you an idea of their time estimation, they said we should be starting the second one at 9) got to the next by 11 and finished it by 1 am. After we were done though I had to stand there and wait for the Team Leader to transmit data to the laptop, no big deal right. You stand in the back room of a Wal Mart at 1pm, no luch breaks, no stops at this point, last time I ate was 5pm by this point. Well here's where it went from bad to so much worse, for some reason the memory stick wasn't transferring any of the data off of my machine, this RGIS "team leader" stood in the back room ###ing with the computer not letting me know what was going on at all, letting me stand there like a ###ing ### for 40 minutes (mind you I still had an hour and a half drive home after this bs as well) he turns to me and says, ever so non chalantly, "you have to re-scan everything again", not "I'm sorry", not "I'll do it or help you out, not "forget this crap I've kept you standing and waiting for almost an hour extra now let's head back and I'll just figure it out" NO just basically "hey you know what you just spent almost 2 hours doing? go ###ing re-do it all again". I damn near almost lost my head right there and had I had my own car and not been 90+ minutes away from home I would've just left on my own right then and there, so after I flipped out for a good 10 minutes because of being accused of this being my fault by the wonderful "team leader". By this point (after cooling my head only slightly) I tried to start scanning things into my machine again but I am so stressed I can't focus on crap, so I literally kinda just stood there looking at things for 10 minutes, after that the RGIS team leader comes running out saying that he got the memory stick to work randomly and we can go home, (finally at 2:15-2:30) noted still no apologies or anything even after I apologized for flipping out, before he even said anything about the stick working. So there I was felt taken advantage of held hostage a little and completely devalued and depreciated as a person all because the RGIS equipment sucks fat ### and anyone that works there with any type of management is a cold shell of a horrible person who has no emotion, apathy or understanding of simple common sense (usually in my case over 100 pounds overweight) .
I totally agree with complaints. I currently work with them now I'm finding there work ethics a little contradictory and not accurate . There machines dub your actual put it to you this way I took every count and wrote is done as i was writing it on my area ticket----my machine read 1302 I only worked 4 hrs. my count was actually 8009 which IPH divided by my count compared to there machine was totally off . It don't matter what all happens in a hour---SKU checks---Machine malfunctioning---Time from on area to next ETC... Still if you divide hours of work by count there machine said 1302 IPH 4hrs. divided by 8009 is 2002.25 actual count per hour. Somethings not right with this picture
I was hired and attended a 3-hour training session in Tulsa, OK. The trainer was rude and condescending. Three hours training was just not enough time to know how to work a piece of equipment I've never seen before . I felt I could not go to my first job assignment being confident with my equipment and the procedures . The trainer made it clear she did not want to repeat anything. She talks down to me like I was a child when I asked her to clarify some things . Definitely not the job for me !