Home Builder, RW Hertel & Sons of san Luis Obispo, CA built our home in the rancho Obispo Development today I learned most the homes have massive defects with Leaks, and TOXIC MOLD, my neighbor at 1720 Singletree Ct has Smith & Sons MOLD people at her home all day I asked what for and the pace Suit guys said the Homes are FULL OF TOXIC MOLD the builder concealed it from us renters and that the State has told the builder to re-do all 53 roofs since the entire development if DEFECTIVE and has MOLD.
We have been cheated and lied too by RW Hertel & Sons.
It is unfortuneate that nothing on this web site has to be true to be blogged! As with all of the opinions and information on the internet MUCH of it is FALSE and FABRICATED! Many people use these blogs to satisfy a personal agenda against companies and people. Which is the case with RW HERTEL. They are being attacked by a man who was an unhappy homeowner. He has gotten a few others to jump on his bandwagon in search of money from the builder. He poses as different people on these blogs and writes stories about the owners of this company. He takes pieces of public information and creates stories from them. He is very tricky and manipulative and will stop at nothing to ruin the name of this company. He has been involved in NUMEROUS scandals! The truth is, yes the project in SLO had a few homes that had issues with the roof flashing and they leaked. The company not only replaced to leaking roofs but the entire project. There have been NO LEAKS since! I know this for a fact! No matter what this guy or his made up blogs say! Another point is that there are multiple lawsuits against this company. What construction company doesn't have lawsuits. Do reasearch on other builders. You will find that all of them have suits against them. Because there are people who see deep pockets and a potential to get easy money from the big bad builder. It is very sad and frustrating to watch somone spread all of these lies all over for the public to read. My point is this, none of these sites should determine anyones opinion or decesion about buying a home by the builder RW HERTEL. They are a victim of slander by a few people. I am sure there will be many resopses to this entry, I expect them to spew thier rhetoric about all of the lawsuits and CSLB. But to anyone who is just a normal reader...please take what i have written into consideration. Thank You!
Dear Realist
I read your posting with keen interest, I checked two things first the Hertel is NOT allowed to build in California since his license is Invalid. I wonder why ? then I checked the posted Law suit and learned it was HERTEL who sued his own buyer to apparently cover up the leaking homes.
No excuses I agree all builders have issues but why did the builder sue the owners who complained and according to the Court records Hertel lost and yes is now facing a fraudulent suit against the company all because according to the CSLB and the Johnny Zamrzla reports the homes you mention are in fact defective. Finally why are their so many complaints State wide against Hertel Homes from San Jose to Ventura and in between ?
Rather than spew stuff you all should in my opinion read the public reports on Hertel and the Lawsuits against him, he is in deep water all over the place. I did check the facts and their is a problem with Hertel State Wide this is not just rumors. Oh why did it take the CSLB to get the homes fixed ? and your wrong three more homes are leaking according to sworn affidavits on file with the Courts.
Hey now, think Realist is right you should stop picking on poor little Ronald W. Hertel and partner Robert Fowler, they can not help it they build moldly, leaking, cheap, shoddy, below acceptable standard homes and take the money and run leaving the owners to live in sick homes.
So stop picking on these poor guys after all they are now going Bankrupt and have to switch over from Building crappy homes to making crappy wines . 5 Mild Bridge Wines to be correct.
So be nice to them ok
The entire facts and truth are all public records not only in the Courts but in the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the Contractors Board. So much so you can see the public press release the State of California did against Hertel . It all is a matter of public records.
Forget the blogs just look at the many Law Suits Hertel has they had one just this morning against Hertel over the illegal Toxic Dirt Dumping he got caught at. Shannon Bennett v RW Hertel et al
So facts hurt don't they. Hertel is a ### lying cheating person and oh who i can not wait to testify in one of the many cases against him. I was glad to see his license is no longer valid, Tom good luck on your suit against Fowler and Sterling as well.
In comparison to other builder this RW Hertel is nothing more than a Insurance con man and rip off, are all aware his insurance companies and bonding companies have had to pay out massive bucks all because Hertel CAN NOT build a home right.
Jim Burns Hertel's project manager admitted recently he has been lying for Hertel's building [problems} for the past 8 years so that says it all. He even admitted the first 7 homes down in Rancho Obispo on Tonni all had to have the internal wires redone since they were all done wrong and could have caused a fire. So what else has he done ? and covered up ?
We know Fowler had to buy back Jane Morton's home due to it being full of TOXIC MOLD what else is being hidden.
I too learned it was Hertel who sued not the other way around, as you Mr. Realist tried to say. So sounds like Hertel will have his day in court and oh do I wonder who is going to go to Jail.
I must say it sounds like Hertel's sales person is posting a bunch of BULL ! you say not one home now leaks well you idiot they never should have leaked in the first place. What a stupid admission to make. But they do leak that is why you fool your being sued are really that stupid ?
But one thing your right about is all one has to do is check the history of Hertel with the Courts, BBB, Local Building Officials, Consumer affairs and CSLB they ALL report years of problems and verified complaints of shoddy deceitful building and cover ups by RW Hertel & Sons. Thanks for exposing there wine business, I will make sure my business does NOT carry 5 Mile Bridge Wines.
If Rw Hertel is a good builder then why did he loose his License ?
Why does if have so many unpaid bills ? and I saw the county recorders office has him having massive mechanic Liens for unpaid bills. Bottom line is Ron Hertel and partner Robert Fowler are both Liars and a fraud. The Ripon, CA project is a bust and there bond insurance company still has pending claims for their defective building. It might be a Good thing they are going under in the Building business, but i suspect the wine business will as well go bust.
Their Name speaks volumes as a bad boy builder and con man.
Oh just FYI. I really DID go to the CSLB site and guess what I found ? That thier license expired due to "paperwork recieved, not processed yet". Check for your self.
http://www.cslb.ca.gov/ Lic.# 683494.
Dear Tka,
For the record I am not and never have been involved with Hertel or any members of the company. I am just a citizen who finds this onslaught of lies repulsive. I think that free speech is a beautiful thing! However, when it is used to slaughter other peoples reputations and business I believe that it is a crime. I actually stumbled onto this saga while looking for a home to buy. I am a neutral party who has no interest in anything but the truth. When I fact checked many of the claims made against Hertel I found that some were only partially true. Little bits of public record twisted to sound FAR worse than reality. And still many were not true at all. So I read more and researched more. And what I found is very worrisome to me and should be to the rest of the people in this country. Blogging forums are a tool to communicate a personal opinion or feeling to masses of people, yet there aren't any regulations on the content. You can say whatever you want about people and nothing can stop you. ANYONE could fall victim to this! What kind of regulation can be put into effect to control the content with out infringing on freedom of speech? I don't know... What I do know is that people SHOULD NOT be using blogs and the internet as a weapon. Which, sadly, in this case it is clearly being used as such.
Lastly, in response to your question, no I am not "that stupid".
I am a victim of RW Hertel and his well known and factually documented lousy building. If any of you are buyers check for yourself, some questions not answered were why Again in the past 30 days did Hertel have to once again return to Rancho Obispo and AGAIN repair leaking homes ? long after they said they fixed them ? they still leak. Bit the real issue is why does Hertel have so many justified lawsuits against them ? and so many mechanic liens for unpaid bills ? why did CSLB investigate them state wide and found them to be a bad builder ? far to many questions this builder is a Fraud, con man and scam artist. Bottom line just watch his trials he has now been ordered to face trial in many cases. More owners have filed claims against his bond for you guessed it DEFECTIVE building. The facts do speak volumes
RW Hertel & Sons has defaulted on there Diablo Grande Legends Projects too. Fraud is the name of the Hertel game
I know of two friends who got cheated by this Ron Hertel of RW Hertel & Sons. The PIH-Diablo Grande, LLC was a scam from the get go. I now see the entire project and all three loans from Point Center Financial are in default. Hertel i note is also liable for ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES for dumping toxic dirt in the river and then trying to cover it up a Criminal Investigator from the the State said he interviewed Hertel's puppet man Jim Burns who admitted Hertel tried to conceal the toxic dumping but that he was told by his boss Robert Fowler to blame Whittaker Contractors.
The State has issued a public notice that RW Hertel is a poor substandard builder and is under an ongoing investigation for Fraud. So it is no surprise he is defaulting on all his projects they are all a cheaply built homes with TOXIC MOLD in many of them.
Attention all those who have information or have been defrauded by Ronald W. Hertel or Robert JS Fowler dba RW Hertel & Sons, Inc. et al their is a Major Prosecution against them for Fraud, Unfair Business practices etc.. Please reply to posting or send information to
Also any information on their illegal dealing and defrauding banks and investors etc. I have recently located massive Mechanics Liens on all there New Homes in Las Lomas for Atascadero Ventures they are not paying even the simplest of bills from Contemporary Home Services to Cinderella Flooring, Whitaker Contractors etc. We need information as well on there defunct projects in Alamo, CA to Diablo Grande as well. If you have information on Robert Fowlers recent dealings with KITCO Holdings, LLC please post or send it to me asap. Any one with default information on the following loans from Point Center Financial, Inc.
Loan # 205199
Loan# 405095
Loan# 205201
Let us know a major prosecution is taking place against them and their fraudulent schemes.
I am also a victim of Fowler and Hertel con games, do any of these names ring a bell on the fraud.
Bank of Scotland
Peter DeWitte
Lydia Miller
Point Center Mortg.
Vincent Rover
Tim Fowler
David Fowler
Marjorie Fowler
Walter Fowler
Ed Fowler
Tina Fowler
Ron Fowler
Steve Burke
The list goes on but they are all in a big scam and Diablo Grande was one of many rip offs.
Yes, they are all involved in the Hertel and Fowler fraud, I am sending you the info via email. There is a bunch of it Hertel and Robert Fowler with Sandra Fowler and Tim, Tina, David, Walter Fowlers etc.. are all in the con.
I live in the neughborhood where Bob Fowler lived in Sterling Hills, which was built by Western Pacific (interesting he decided to live in a house built by another company...) The Fairways is another development nearby which was built by his company and is being sued. His house was just put on the market for sale. He was a jerk and I am delighted he has moved away. He was indeed a bully and a liar, but I had no idea the extent until I read these blogs. Fowler tried to run for the Board in our HOA so he could allow homeowners to move their fences out onto the golf course (he was part-owner of that too) and charge them around $25,000 each. When they didn't approve his request, he extended his own fence anyhow and currently has a $100 per month lein assessed each month for non-compliance, so whoever buys his house at 2997 Patina Ct in Camarillo needs to be aware. In his defense, I find the child porn and gay lover comments to be slanderous and hyperbolic.
I assume this is the very same Fowler who did a similar thing with his home at 1771 Singletree Ct., San Luis Obispo, CA ?
This is a Hertel built home sold originally to Jane Morton however once Toxic Levels of Dangerous Mold was found and massive defects Hertel ie.. Robert Fowler had to buy it back or face prosecution and lawsuits. When he also moved the fence line to claim more property and the HOA is now seeking legal action against him.
I only know as an investor one thing Ron Woolsey Hertel and his partner Robert John Samuel Fowler are in defaults state wide and have indeed scammed many good people.
Many who i know i would NOT ever do business with this bunch of poor and dishonest business people. By the way you should use spell check. Fowler may or may not be gay or into porn, he is a member of the Log Cabin Republicans.
You people really should get a life! I was wondering why Hertel would allow this to go on and on but wouldn't defend themselves after such brutal accusations on these blogs. But I realize that you people are very pathetic and bored. Don't you realize that you are lowering the values of your own homes? The people who are on the HOA at Rancho Obispo should really be after the man and his cohorts who lied about the problems and lied to the press. HE is the one who has made your homes worthless. HE is the one who is draining your funds to pay his legal fees. HE is the one who is homophobic and a racist! Just read his entries! He makes all of this up! Names, charges, cases, "facts" they are all pulled out of thin air! There were a few entries from an andy or sipowitz,even an email address, a_sipowitz. Andy Sipowitz is the detective from NYPD BLUE the TV show! The guy posting all of the BS is nuts don't believe any of it! Also, what kind of people post other peoples full names and addresses, their family, friends , childrens names and personal information all over for any one to gain access to. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. I mean really why would people who had leaky roofs or whatever the truth is, why would you go to such lengths to slander these people ? Do you not have ANY sense of forgiveness or peace in your own hearts? I FEEL VERY SORRY FOR YOU.
As one who has had the sorry experience of having a family member live in Rancho Obispo she had to move out due to the ongoing leaks. The Builder Hertel never did fix them correctly.
But on a factual note, the truth is on the many webs site Including the State of California who issued a very well documented and factual report the Hertel homes in Rancho Obispo are defective. That is a public fact, then you go to City Hall and their are volumes of investigative reports saying the same thing.
But do not stop their, go to the Court House and you can see all the Lawsuits Hertel has had to face all due to defective building, environmental crimes, oh not to mention it was Hertel who sued owners in the project who complained of the leaks and defects. Why did Hertel ie. Fowler have to buy back two homes 1771 & 1769 Singletree Ct ? the owner says all due to TOXIC MOLD and Leaks then go to Hertel own hired expert namely JM Reiss who admitted in a court filing the Hertel homes in Rancho Obispo are built to FAIL>>>
Then why did so many owners file complaints with the City, State over the Defects and others lied and failed to disclose the leaks and mold and defects they will now be facing legal action and finally Hertel own inside broker who is under investigation has admitted she failed to disclose hertel homes did have leaks and mold yet she sold them anyway. There are several court cases pending against Hertel the facts are surfacing and i would recommend you attend the public trials over Hertel's Fraud and Lies. It is Hertel who has devalued the homes . His scams are soon once again coming to light..
Well Kathy or who ever you are, I would agree people need to get a life, and for one it is Ron Hertel and his associates. One only has to go to the County Hall of Records to see their are massive Liens in over 6 Counties against Hertel for failure to fix homes, failure to pay vendors, failure to pay subs and many tax liens as well.
That is a sign of a deeply troubled and very deceitful builder, if you believe all the many and their are many News Stories all over the State who have investigated Hertel and his many issues to think everyone is wrong or misguided is nuts. The Insurance and Bonding companies have had to pay out to many owners all due to Hertel's Defective building. World famous Barry Stone was told by Hertel he could NOT inspect any New Hertel Homes ? Only because he did not want owners to find the defects. Talk to the many owners in over a dozen of Hertel's projects who have had to hire lawyers, file complaints etc, and live in his lousy homes. You either naive or living in a dream world. I agree the Court Trials will reveal plenty of Hertel's poor building. When the CSLB issues a Warning about Hertel i take it most serious or do you think everyone is out to get him ? maybe it is a vast conspiracy ? yea right. Kathy go back on your meds.
I can tell you why Hertel can NOT do anything and it is because it is all true and backed up by official records and evidence.
As for Slander their is NO slander when what is said is True and Verified as such. Thus according to published records and the many investigative Media reports that go back many years before Rancho Obispo was ever built indicating RW Hertel & Sons, Inc. has had many verified complaints and thus no slander that is why.
I too would recommend attending the Fraud Trials against Hertel et al it will be revealing. Just for the record their is several ongoing Civil, Criminal and Administrative Investigations still ongoing against this builder had his over 30 different Companies, Partnerships and LLC's.
It's funny how the last few comments are all posted within a few hours ...amazing! You all must be on very similar schedules. You "people" must have gone to the same school as well because it is remarkable how similar your writing style and rhetoric is!
I am sure that there are a few blemishes on Hertel's record, as there are with EVERY BUILDER. SO many different hands go into building a house. My house wasn't perfect..but I haven't waged a personal attack on the owners of the company that built it! Homes are not perfect they are built by human beings who make mistakes (allegedly).
I am not exempt from mistakes and neither are any other people in this world. But luckily most people, good, kind, decent people let others move on from their past mistakes. Only VENGEFUL, LONELY, GREEDY people keep pursuing them and bringing them to light. Obviously you "people" fall into the latter category. However, I am not taking any more time demonstrating what appear to be your personal qualities. Again I feel sorry for you and anyone else who is a "follower" of this ridiculous path. Spend your time and energy on something meaningful!
RW Hertel once again and again you have NOT paid your many bills now again your being sued in SLO Courts by Aspire Creations case # SC-080010 so the real question is why ?
Does Hertel and company so many Lawsuits ? so many complaints with the BBB, CSLB and Insurance Bonding compaines ? answer is he is a bad builder not just in SLO but State wide. Why do his employee's have so many criminal records ? why is he facing and now has been ordered to stand trial for FRAUD. Simple answer Hertel is a con man and why did his last girl friend have to get a TRO against him for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
Kathy, I do not know you or care about all this mud slinging, but what i do care about is the vast amount of families, children and owners who have been lied too and cheated by RW Hertel & Sons.
Granted builders make mistakes but the issue here is Hertel has a well documented long History of doing this to people from the Bay area, Central Coast, to the Valley and then some.
It is a Court file fact Hertel threatened several of his own buyers and then sued them to silence them from complaining about the defects and the utter failures of Hertel to fix them.
Hertel started this mess by filing what we now know was a false and perjured case and now that the authorities are involved and the courts my advice is to come to the trial's facing Hertel for his what is called in the Media as Dirty Deeds. The truth and facts will all be exposed in an open court under oath and those who lie will be Prosecuted and the jury will render a just verdict where the evidence takes them.
I too fully agree RW Hertel and Sons, Inc. is nothing more than a Total Fraud and Con Man. Here again Hertel in yet another Criminal Case against them is due to stand trial again case # 070372 the cases keep piling up against this Rip Off company. I did speak to one official who showed me their are dozens of lawsuits and liens against Hertel all for fraud and skipping out on loans. He also failed to pay his vendors and subcontractors who did the work yet Hertel failed to pay them.
Hertel and Fowler are both cheap lying CON MEN..
You all need to check under the name HERTEL GROUP as well their is several issues with the parent company as well same old owners are scamming on loans...
Thank you all for your information on these people and companies, if any of you has additional information on the following companies and person's they are now listed as Person's of Interest to me. Send me an email.
Robert JS Fowler
Ronald W Hertel
Norte Homes, LLC
Atascadero Townhomes, LLC
Giordano-Fowler, LLC
Hertel Group, LLC
RW Hertel
Thank You
I have so much stuff can you email me either a fax number or a address to mail you the volumes of information i have.
We also have names and numbers of others who have been cheated by these guys and their associates. Let us know.
Thank You.
Great work folks,
Here are some more names and companies they are hidden under and scamming people.
Thomas Crozier
William Zech
Thomas Habbick
Dana Levy
Beachport, LLC
Pismo-Vista Pacifica, LLC
KITCO Holdings, LLC
Hertel Group, LLC
More to come.
This Hertel builder failed also in patterson, ca DIABLO GRANDE has now gone Bankrupt they filed ch 11 as all of us knew they ripped all the investors off. Hertel pocketed the monies and is concealing them but awe ! the IRS is on to his scams
I think your money went into his new boat in Florida Hull ID #ARS1351 follow the money trail.
Your right on the money, Ron Hertel who has failed to pay his bills, has massive Law Suits for Fraud and Defrauding people, major Liens against him for failure to pay his vendors and subs yet he goes and tried to buy a yacht for $ 14 Million dollars in Florida go figure what a lying cheap con man.
Mr. Defillipe, Please contact me via e-mail. I have a lot of information for you regarding this business.
TO EVERYONE reading this blog:
I am just writing to let it be known that these postings are being written by ONE man. He has been trying to slander and wreck this company for years! He writes under many many names, (any that pop into his balding little head) He SPEWS LIE after LIE! He has found every possible site he can to post hurtful untruthful statements about this company and its owners.
Unfortunatley these sites and their operators feel no obligation to post truthful or accurate information. This site has become a feeding ground for a GREEDY< IMMORAL
In am not interested in the spewing, however facts are facts and I 'm seeking ONLY facts and evidence for a case against Hertel et al.
I am looking for any infoirmation on Michael Sihilling,William R. Zech aka ( Billy Z, BZ) and John JS Fowler with Ronald W. Hertel Ronald L. Hertel, and the following firms.
RWHP Fort Lauderdale Florida, L.P. R.W.H. Properties, L.P. R.W.H. properties, Incorporated, LLC COOKHAM HOLDINGS, LLC as well. Any information as well on Lawyer Peter Ostroff who works for Ron Hertel on his Florida deals including the Yacht he is currently involved. All your other posted information is helpful and most all has been verified. But am interested only in Folrida wrong doings. All the other you can report to the FDLE or your local IRS, DEA FBI offices. just let me know.
Saw your request here is what we know, and more is coming in each week on the Hertel clan or con artist's.
As you seem to know Hertel sued in here in Federal Court case file #07-61031 over a $ 14, 000,000.00 Yacht against several people now he is in bed with MRDF his daddy is Ron L Hertel founder of the Calif firm now known as RW Hertel & Sons, Inc. who started this suit that being son Ronald W. Hertel.
Ron W. Hertel is a con man and we will fedex you all the records on Tuesday. He also has another con suit in a federal Court in Calif. Case # [protected] with Arch Specialty Ins. a fraud case as well. Ron W Hertel's main parnter is Robert JS Fowler together they do many con's and scams. One is Verdot Group L-Partnership as a winery with Hertel Group LLC. His dad Ron L. Hertel is using a charity to conceal stolen and laundered assets, ( VCCF) Ventura County Community Foundation Fed ID # [protected]
Hertel's collect many expensive cars etc. all will be in the packet next week. I am told some investigators are going to get footage of him next week under oath so we can get it as well good job exposing these con men. Here in Florida they use the name R.W.H. Properties, LLC daddy ron is the alleged Manager. The California Board of Equalization number for the winery called 5 Mile Bridge is BOE# [protected] i do hope the investigations are looking at the Yacht scam as well.
I checked with the San Luis Obispo, CA County Clerks office and there are many Mechanics Liens against Hertel and according to Scott Bales Hertel in fact has failed to pay Service Master whom they hired to remove Toxic Mold from several of Hertel's Rancho Obispo Homes so no doubt Hertel is in some poop !
However if you have financial information on his Georgia, Florida, Oregon dealings and any information on Money Laundering and Illegal activities could you be so kind to email me or post it so that i can have my investigators follow the Money as they say. This is for a matter of utmost important to gather evidence for a Criminal matter. Ronwald W. Hertel, Robert JS Fowler, Willaim Zech ( Harvard Law ) and Thomas Habbick.
It's on the way. Thanks for exposing these slizzy people. I hope to face them some day in a court of law and reveal all the mounting evidence against them.
For all those who have been cheated or screwed by Hertel, Little, Rossi etc... Go to Google and or Central Coast Housing bubble death watch of Alan Little homes. The information to file formal complaints is now listed. It is wonderful there really is a Criminal Investigation ongoing.
I was told by a former employee in the building Trades that the good news is investigations are getting close to these con men and there rip offs the other news is both RW Hertel and his associate RRM Design of San Luis Obispo have laid off many people or some are talking to the Police so that too is good the hammer is coming down.