I BOUGHT MY BAG ON 17/11/2018 and after one year usage The shape of my bag has started to deteriorate. Pictures attached.I gave it back to shop to investigation why this deteriorate happen on my bag. They sent it to your investigators and result of investigation was it happens just because of my usage.
I am useing my bag for my daily travel from home to my office and carrying with it just my laptop, power bank, portable HDD, my wallet and my charging device of my mobile phone. It weights approx. 4 to 5 KGs.And half of my way from home to office is with my car which means my bag sitting near by me. I never leave my bag down because I'm so particular about my bag. I can either carry it or hang it on my back.I used many bags because of my neck hernia, but the bag I bought from samsonite made me the most comfortable. So, Although I am very satisfied with my bag, it is not possible that the deformation on the bottom and outermost lid of the holding handle is caused by my use.Here i am sharing the ticket which shop gave me and pictures of my bag. I want the issue to be reviewed by you and my grievance removed.you can contact me via my email address [protected]@hotmail.com or my mobile phone# +[protected] at any time.
Wishing all you a happy new year.