I did NOT enjoy spending my time or money for my "photoshoot" with Sarah Cabrera-Hernandez. She claims that she has been doing makeup and photos for "years" and that she is "self-taught" but after my actual experience with her, I see that she has a lot of learning to do. She piled on heavy layers of makeup on my face (WHICH LATER CAUSED ME TO BREAK OUT INTO A RASH) and when I got home, my husband was really upset and disappointed becuase my face looked like it was MELTING off. During the shoot, she would pose me like she has many of the other, MUCH THINNER, clients in various uncomfortable and "[censored]-like" poses claiming each time that they were going to be "great". It was obvious to me that she does not know what she is doing and even worse, she is claiming to be both a photographer and a makeup artist who can "make anyone beautiful" when instead she should advertise that she can ONLY make anyone look like a [censored]. You can also tell that she does not edit all of her clients the same, and is selective about who she actually wants to do a good job for. But my biggest complaint is that she did not take the time to actually consider what I wanted and CONSULT me, her client. Her "studio" is actually a revamped attic and the girl who did my hair even complained about her work. Sarah does what SHE wants and the CLIENT has to pay for her "vision".
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
She looks like a man in drag to me
Sarah, does it hurt your feelings that you can't be as beautiful or as talented as your models like Lourdes? or Dejah? Is that why you are trying so hard to change your look? First it was the GAWD AWFUL blonde hair and crooked tattoos on your chest and hands but now it's the bull ring? LMFAO! And does Aldo know you are trying your hardest to impress some 20 something year old little boy that you were allegedly trying to hook up with your SISTER!? You are pathetic and a hypocrite! Did anyone else catch her fb "apology" for changing (alleged) appointments, and delaying finished product because of her "sick" family? And then a few minutes later, posting that she has "last minute" 100 dollar shoots this weekend?WTF?And I saw your sorry ### at Target and you sure as hell weren't with your kids nor did you look like you were taking care of anyone BUT yourself. Why not FINISH the work that's already been paid for rather than trying so hard to get more! And I just love how this woman no longer has a legal business and is just pocketing the cash.
Whoa, I forgot about how many petty people still troll the internet under the guise of a fake name to talk crap about someone they obviously don't like on a personal level. I wonder how many of you actually own your own business Why don't you post your real name and lets see if you still are willing to put it out there. And I don't want to see all of your fake posts about how you own your own businesses - if you did you'd know how rediculous this whole thing is and wouldn't be bothering with this stupid forum.
WOW! I can't believe how many people dislike this woman! I don't personally know her because she is older than I am but I have seen her around and know some people that she does. I can't say that I have heard anything great about her as a person, but her pictures are OK if you like that sort of thing. What i do know is that she is pretty immature for her age because she tries to be "friends" with a lot of the people I went to high school with (and I just graduated 2 years ago.) and she really does seem to enjoy attention from what I see because she has a lot of tattoos and some bull ring in her nose when she's much to old, giving people a reason to talk. My only advice is that she needs to stop telling people that she is "retiring" every few months for attention because it just makes people like me come to sites like this to see whats going on.
Its all smoke and mirrors. She even edits her cell phone pictures and takes piks of herself in really bright light so that it clears up her wrinkles. She's messy with her work and her personal life. She goes through"friends" like foundation, always looking for the best deal and running through them fast. Her "fan" base is just as sad and can't spell.( RIDICULOUS not rEdiculous brooksie211!) And I may not own a business but I am also not claiming to be something I'm not!
I absolutely HATE going to local functions and seeing this train wreck of a family! Sarah, as usual, dressed in black to hide the weight she has gained since being with her trash husband, hugging and saying hello to the many people that she talks ### about behind their backs while trying to lay her false charms on people who she has only stalked on fb and that haven't gotten to know her yet, putting on terrible act. Her nimrod sister, UNDERAGED and cruising around as if she has a reason to be there because she has a few tattoos? and of course, her regretfully unattractive husband who was obviously on something, with his grown out beard and a permanent look of stupidity on his face. D's grand opening was a 10 with the exception of these guests, but it was a public event so I guess ANYONE could be there.
Sarah Cabrera-Hernandez
You stupid little girls always seem to have something to say about me and you put it out there frequently. So I'm returning the favor and giving you the attention you are so desperately seeking! You claim to hate my work, say I charge a ton of money and Photoshop people beyond recognition...AND? what the f*** do you care, you can go comment on your friends pics and praise them for what THEY do, but shut your f***ing mouth about what I do. If you're reading this, you know I'm talking to you. Maybe when you grow up and you've lived in the "real" world and made friends that don't make it a habit to put everyone else down, you'll understand. Until then, MIND YOUR OWN f***ING BUSINESS.
Oh hey guess what? I don't give a ### if these posts look "bad for business". I'm a human being and I have the right to complain every once in a while. I'm not apologizing for that, if you don't like it, you don't have to work with me. I'll keep working either way, with people who understand that.
Disregard the comments about her weight and personal life, this adult woman is about as immature as a 10 year old who didn't get to go to a Justin Beiber concert! She is highly unprofessional and I deleted her as a friend on fb after reading this. Criticism is part of the field, it is what is supposed to drive us to do better. But in this case, both Sarah and her husband are showing their true colors and lack of professionalism and maturity. And Aldo Hernandez Photography should really read what he writes before publicly displaying his lack of education. His posts are horribly written and I feel like I was "friends" with high school students who don't go to school and can't spell. Pitiful and such a waste of potential talent. And as for your photographs, as beautiful as some may be, your lack of sharpness and overly blurred images exemplify why people in the field are criticizing your work. Real models, not the kind you can find at any tattoo shop from Napa to LA, and professionals pay for crisp images, not something that looks like it was edited on an iPad. Just consider what example you are giving to your own children let alone all the young adults you are friends with. Whining and public ranting is not the most mature thing to do.
WHAAAAAA! Chata's facebook reads like a personal blog of feel sorry for me posts. I personally think she looks like a tranny but thats just me. Fake lashes, fake smile, fake photos, fake fan base. period. and anyone who knows this ### knows that she gets most of her "fake" intellect from movies she sees because there is NOTHING original about her. GTFO SCH
OMFG! Sarah Cabrera Hernandez is a FRAUD! I just saw another REAL professional makeup artist bio and Sarah copied her self portrait with the brushes! Are you KIDDING ME? Sarah, “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." Sad.
Sarah has officially lost touch with reality! She is pathetically trying her hardest to act like she is a single bachelorette, loading on the makeup and trying to wear embarrassingly small clothing, hanging out with her 20 year old sister and flirting with much younger men. Her business has now evolved into her "shooting" her personal friends and family and her marriage is kaput. She is even trying to apply for a real job but anyone who actually works for a living knows that all her ugly tattoos are just going to prevent her from ever being a responsible adult. Most people go to extremes AFTER they've started their careers! Not when they are still trying to figure it all out. She was at my sisters graduation and I can agree with several of these posts that she looks nothing like her photos. She should not wear sleeveless anything and all the tattoos and piercings are just ridiculous. Grow UP Sarah and look around! You aren't in your 20's anymore.
She's so unprofessional it's ridiculous. I did a few photoshoots with her and the first two were great. The third however was rushed and so poorly edited. SHe's overpriced and illegally doing work. PLUS her husband gave me his number and let's just say he acted single and asked me for nude pictures and to have sex with him. CREEP!GROSS! Never goin back to her again. At first I thought she was amazing but she's far from it. I advise anyone who asks about her to not go to her and seek a professional.
I really don't get this. Why do you people care so much. I booked her for my dear friends wedding. It was BEAUTIFUL. and I gladly paid the price . It was a competitive price for wedding make up. It looked natural even stunning. Sarah is an artist ( period) maybe it isn't the "art" you all like ...but that's okay.what's not okay is pushing someone to their snapping point and then when they jump off on you reposting like " hahahaa look how immature she is" but your all grown up? Right? Riiiiight. Come on now. This is a slam page and its really embarrassing right pendejas. Grow up. I would love you work with her again. And as a p.s. btw omg and lmao talking about someones personal hardships and kids and husband is really a new low for most. Bit this wont make a difference to most of you kiddies because being ugly is just to fun isn't it now? Stay up Sarah. If people are hating on you this hard. You have gotta be doing something. RIGHT!
I do not know Sarah personally but attended school with her husband Aldo. I admire Sarah's talent. Since when has being an autodidact been a bad thing? After all do you know that some of the worlds best photographers are indeed self taught. Although I do not expect any unenlightened person that is writing these rants to have any knowledge of that.. Yervant anyone? Anyhow... I believe that most of the comments on this website are written by ignorant, intolerant racists! Most of the people commenting negatively about her work are ridiculous and could have gone elsewhere but chose to go to Sarah. The negative comments are made by people that want what Napa usually expects... Lily white country bumpkins... So they of course attack, ridicule and slander the professional reputation of an artist which she truly is.. Look up the meaning hicks. Napa is a small town with small town views which mean little trim for anything slightly different! The only people that should grow up ate the disgustingly intolerant fascists living there! Sarah I do not know you but let me tell you.. Do not let narrow-minded idiots ever get you down! The only thing you are too big for is the city that you live in! Napans have been and always will be racist closed minded people who have no idea what Art means/is. They want your average farmer girl next door portraits. Haaa sad sad place! Thank God I left!
Excuse my typos! I meant to say " the only people that should grow up are... also that Napa has lttle time for anything different.
Also just for reference people before uttering your opinions, do some research. Do some research on self taught photographers, maybe you guys might learn a thing or two. Have you people ever heard of the famous Me Ra Koh? Completely self taught and famous. Do I think that any of you troglodytes would know of her? No but look her up. Open your minds bigots!
I used to be friends with Sarah until her fake side started to show. So pathetic that you have to lie to make yourself look better. Everyone knows your a fake, ugly person inside. All you do it talk behind everyone's back and think its ok. Your fb that supposibly is used for professional use has become a place for you to complain and whine about your life. Thats why i had to delete! No one cares! You need to worry about your own life! Especially your fake husband that's hitting on 20 year olds telling them he's single and asking my little cousin for her number and telling her she would look great in pics when she's only 16! Creepy! Not professional about that! I thought my photoshoot was a waste of money. I was rushed and my makeup looked caked on. I was not happy with any of my photos either! I love how you pamper and cater to the people that are your friends or you like. But everyone else looks like ###! Not going back again!
Work hasn't gotten any better. Her personal life is way too out of control to even run a business. Sarah keeps trying to hold on to a life that she is well past. Stop living through your sister and your son to make friends because your cheating husband left you! Grow up!
I am from Napa and after reading a few pages of this I am disgusted with the language and lack of maturity from nearly EVERY comment. People outside of Napa please know that this is a gross misrepresentation of the people of Napa.
My daughter has many friends that have worked with Sarah and were happy. When my daughter approached me to do a senior shoot with Sarah, I did my research and ultimately decided that it was not the direction we wanted to go. Consumers have the responsibility to do research before spending their hard earned money. People who make impulsive decisions to work with someone that admittedly has no professional training have no recourse here. My daughter is a professional model and professional model shoots can cost upwards of $2000. What is being offered by Sarah is a mock professional "glamour" shoot for people who want that $2000 experience but can't afford it. It is a market that is in demand, especially for teens. Attacking anyone on a personal level in public is something my 12 year old wouldn't even do. It's easy to be a bully when you are hiding behind a computer and not using your real name. You people need to grow up!
The person above obviously doesn't know Sarah. You talk about being a bully, that is EXACTLY what she is and why so many people dislike her. It's not a lack of maturity to state the truth. She's gross and dirty and has an STD.
It is absolutely a lack of maturity to state "truth" in a distasteful adolescent way on a public professional forum . It does not matter how dirty you think she is or what you think about her personally or professionally. There is a mature and constructive way to present that information that this forum is lacking :/
I loved my photos by Sarah! You all want to talk "unprofessional", look at your comments! Man all I can say is I'll go to a restaurant and order tamales and they are ok, but the ones down the street from the lady that makes them at home are amazing! Sometimes you don't have to go take classes to be just like every single photographer or MUA. She is talented because she doesn't conform. If you want something else, go somewhere else, but no need to bash her. Sarah is awesome at her craft but she isn't a magician. She can't take the ugly out of you! You guys are bullies and cruel. She's just trying to pay her bills like the rest of us!
I can't wait to book my next session with her. Sarah keep up the good work. Haters gonna hate.
The posts on here about Sarah are absolutely disgusting. This is nothing but a 'slam page' by those who don't like her. News flash-- she probably doesn't like you either. Keep your stupid demeaning comments about her personal life to yourselves! This isn't what this page was about. It was about a person who didn't like her work and made a complaint. Not everyone is going to like what a person does. Doesn't mean that person is bad at that profession, it means YOU didn't care for it. Other people love her work. I've seen her work.. its gorgeous. I've seen Sarah both with make up and without. She's also gorgeous either way. Could it be that all you hating, negative are that jealous of her? Jealous that you truly are that ugly inside and out? Don't judge another person until you know exactly what is going on in their personal life and have walked that life yourself. Rumors start by those that have nothing better to do and are so bored with their own non-productive lives.
As for her claiming to be 'professional'. You don't have to go to photography school to be considered professional. A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a specified professional activity. Her photography. Her make-up. SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO GO TO ANY SCHOOL TO BE PROFESSIONAL. She doesn't need and special license to do any of it. All you need is a license from the city you are working in. If any of you were to have your own business (instead of working at Starbucks or McDonalds, you'd know this). You idiots need to learn what the meaning is before you go spouting off. Other 'professionals' do look at others works to get ideas. Doesn't mean you are a copycat. If you say that, then the great works of Monet, Michaelangelo, and others who painted portraits are also copycats and frauds.
You nasty bitter little girls need to grow up. Using this page as your grounds for stomping on Sarah, belittling her profession - yes, her profession - needs to stop. NONE of you are model people who should be looked up to. All of you are examples of what to avoid in life and what not to become.