SCAM - Key World Media (Matchmaker Marketing). This company (disguised as Matchmaker Marketing) have obviously renamed themselves after all the bad press that they have received, and continue to scam people claiming to be a reputable Google company, when they clearly are not. How do companies like this not get closed down. My brother has been at the sharp end of Matchmaker Marketing which cost him his business. When claiming that they woudl charge one months money, they took over a 12 months and then liquidated! Never do business with this company.
I'm so pleased this post helped. Do you mind me asking what country you are in please; I understand that they call all over the world?
WATCH OUT! Has anyone heard of STORM MEDIA? I am being contacted by them with the same (awful) sales speel as I was with MATCHMAKER MARKETING and KEY WORLD MEDIA... Are they somehow related? As one company stops calling, all of I sudden I hear from someone else?
That's becasuse they're all the same company? You're the gaffe!
"Give your head a wobble"? You must be the brains of the operation.
I've heard they've had to leave the country because the police are after them! Not surprised... They're all uneducated fools who can't get real jobs.
That's really interesting; Luke Osborn from Matchmaker Marketing? Is he the manager of Key World Media?
Something tells me that by your illiteracy, you work for keyworld media (that means your bad spelling by the way).
What a pile of sh"t! You must be Andrew Bridge!
I can't believe you took so much time to write such utter rubbish. You really are a prize illiterate. Your peers secretly must be laughing at you behind your back.
Me too. My brother is a tit. LOL
Yes you're right. By the way. What kind of ### moves to Malta by the way? That must be the highlight of anyones career? Bet you're well proud. What a loser.
drick, remove the r = you are one!
speaking of r's get your head out of your own.
I'm laughing at ripping your brother off. I laugh before I sleep about it and you are next!
Get a job or a real hobby you are a waste of oxygen you fool!
why have my comments been deleted.
I said reveal yourselves and I prove you all know nothing about business. Some of you have just popped on as ex-employee's and some really have nothing better to do Tom Faulkner is a prime example. Look at his obsessions with a another company who probably sacked him! lol.
You all need to understand if you call people scams karma will get you. If I do not first that is!
you are a tit drick. that is for sure
Scam Key Media LTD, Key Media Scam is now the new Key World Media. Change of name, Change of Directors, Not a change in Scam however. Watch out for Key Media Ltd Manchester, Key media scam, key media scams, key media ltd scams