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CB Internet and Software Review of Secure Resolutions Douglas Cottle, Paughco, Inc Ron Paugh
Secure Resolutions Douglas Cottle, Paughco, Inc Ron Paugh

Secure Resolutions Douglas Cottle, Paughco, Inc Ron Paugh review: Fraud - BEWARE - Psychopath Business Practices 1

Author of the review
5:48 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Secure Resolutions Inc. CEO Douglas Ronald Cottle Fraudulent Fund Raising / Investment Practices. Misleading Sales Data and Debt Default Status to Investors and Channel Sales Prospects. Illegal Revocation of Investor Shareholdings. See current AZ, CA, NV, HI, OR, WA, and Federal Investigations including Arizona Corporation Commission and Shareholder Actions Mesa Arizona

EXTREME WARMING about doing business with this company - Sales. Partnership or Investment. Complete thorough due diligence and contact investors, employees, prior employees, and vendors, and the Arizona and Oregon Corporation Commission before making any written or oral agreements with the dictatorship of this organization.

Several initial and subsequent investors are pursuing suite for fraudulent fund raising and misrepresentation and nondisclosure of debts as well as wrongful investment and SEC practices. See Arizona Corporation Commission investigation. See also numerous claims awarded to prior employees and vendors. See also public records of CEO's prior history with SRI, FutureCom Global, McAffe, LDS Church, and family records regarding civil claims.

If you believe you have experienced fraudulent and/or misleading representation from this company whether sales related, investment related, employee related, vendor related, please immediately contact any of the following:

Phong (Paul) Huynh [protected] [protected] Atty Securities Division

Guy Phillips [protected] [protected] Special Investigator

If you have received any documents, records, or emails, between 2001 to current, please foward to the above.

Bradley Gardner, and the Udall, Shumway & Lyons, P.L.C. [the firm] claim they represent our investment, Secure Resolutions, Inc. while simultaneously representing Douglas Cottle, personally. Gardner and his firm have placed themselves in a major conflict of interest and liability position. We recognize both Gardner and the firm as an avenue to reclaim our investment funds and damages. This is additional evidence of Cottle's self interest and not the Corporation and investors.

Cottle has employed a Personal Injury attorney, not a Corporate or SEC attorney to represent our investment, and handle the investigative matters with the Arizona Corporation Commission. Gardner, and [the firm], have accepted the conflicting responsibility of representing our investment, Secure Resolutions Inc, as well as Douglas Cottle, personally - contrary to the obvious conflict, by signature to the Response above.


The conflicting interest possibly includes Cottle's wife, COO, and BOD. Our Private Investigator (PI) suggests but not yet confirmed that Gardner's firm represented Cottle's wife in a personal auto injury case. Employees and former employees of the company claim she misrepresented her injuries with comments and physical actions at work. Details will be made available as soon as compiled. Character issues regarding historical ethics and honesty are a concern as this Corporation, through both the husband and wife team has not been cooperative and honest with investor information and disclosures requirements.

Search has found that Kyla Cottle also uses the fictitious surname Sassar (hyphen) Cottle on the corporate webpage and in investment materials, inconsistent with her legal recorded name. All known legal recordings of Cottle's wife is Kyla Cottle. Investors are concerned about this name change, or represented name change on the corporate website and investment materials vs. corporate legal records, legal records reflected in lawsuits, and public legal documents; our concern is in investment fund transparency as we are aware that Kyla Cottle has sole availability to the investment funds of the corporation. See conflicting name usage examples:

(1) Kyla Sassar-Cottle represented on the corporate homepage

(2) Kyla Cottle legal name usage on a private property recording:

(3) and Kyla Cottle (not Sasser-Cottle) recorded on the Secure Resolutions Inc. foreign corporation registration with the Arizona Corporation Commission:

Further comparison of Secure Resolutions investor packets and presentation material used in California and Nevada reveal conflicting representation of Cottle's formal education. Cottle claims to have obtained a degree from Brigham Young University, a private Mormon college, then he presented to others a degree from Utah State University, and now the corporate website reflects something vague. If you have received any investment material that conflicts with this information, please forward investor presentation copies to the Arizona Corporation Commission. Contact information is located at the top of this webpage.


Gardner “To set the record straight, there have been no lawsuits filed against Secure Resolutions, Inc., by an investor or shareholder requesting monetary damages".

Bill: Gardner's attempting to mislead the investors of this Corporation for personal gain, or simply teamed up with Cottle for mutual gain. Example:

1. Former President and shareholder, Mr. Ken Tam, filed a labor claim in California in 2006 and was awarded the complaint, plus damages. Cottle's wife was responsible for this accounting/payroll issue. Cottle's were found negligent and retaliatory. Search Tam's 2006 archived case at:

It was learned that board member and million dollar investor Ron Paugh personally paid the Bill (clue for Gardner) for Mr. Tam's court win since Cottle claims to not have funds for the Plaintiff's victory against SRI. The question every investor is asking is why wasn't this disclosed to investors and prospective investors? This lawsuit information and funds status was not disclosed to over 50 confirmed investors. In fact very different funds information was presented to investors for this time period. This question is also directed to Mr. Paugh who the investor's see as negligible for not overseeing disclosure as a board member.

2. Another example in Arizona courts includes Mr. Tom Adams, a former employee, and investor, who was wrongfully fired by Cottle. Mr. Adams' law suite may be viewed at:

Subsequently, Mr. Adam's parents, also significant Secure Resolutions investors, were allegedly successful in a refund of there investments within the same settlement. We are confident that the ACC will subpoena this family and truth will be told under oath regarding misleading and fraudulent fund raising by Douglas Cottle which forced the settlement – hint, under oath to get around Cottle's gag agreements.

3. Another employee lawsuit is rather confidential at this moment and includes a former female employee who was allegedly assaulted during an out of state trade show. Concerns go back to Cottle's roots and character where a similar incident led to his excommunicated from the Mormon (LDS not the FLDS) Church for misconduct with an underage member while serving the traditional young men's mission. Evidently Cottle later regained membership in the Mormon Church; however, the façade continues and Cottle went on to conduct investor and sales presentations for Secure Resolutions in strip clubs and men's clubs. We are concerned that Cottle is using investor funds for his personal pleasure, legal defenses, and under the table settlements.

4. Another example of potential investor fund use for personal legal defense includes another legal case against Cottle having to defend himself in the Future Com Global vs. Douglas Cottle case. Cottle won't release financials to investors showing financial accountability but we are confident that the ACC will conduct some forensic accounting over the 2004 – 2006 time period.

Cottle used investor funds and USDA funds to invest in a personal interest, Future Com Global, against USDA loan rules. Cottle was fired from Secure Resolutions for misuse of company funds. Cottle went to work for Future Com Global. While at FCG Cottle was working to regain his position at Secure Resolutions. Future Com Global fired Cottle for work performance. Cottle managed to get reelected to the board and raised funds for Secure Resolutions and it is alleged that Cottle used investor funds for his legal defense against the Future Com Global complaint. Again, Cottle will not release these financials to investors. The USDA has conducted an investigation. USDA is in first position. Cottle did not disclose this to investors. He also did not disclose that he improperly moved the corporation out of Nevada to Arizona against the USDA loan requirements, putting the loan in default and not disclosing this to investors, and potential investors.

5. Another law suite filing example, whether employee (w-2) or contractor (1099) this example shows that although Cottle is the Plaintiff suing seven vendors over the same contract issue, truth is in the numbers! Every vendor reports the same issue that the product does not work; hence the service contracts are void. Many other vendors are experiencing the same issues and lack of support from Secure Resolutions. We are seeing an implosion and are concerned that several critical issues were not disclosed to investors.

Evidently the original programmers of the product left because of Cottle's interpersonal ineptitude. Cottle doesn't have the aptitude to program or lead the programming team to maintain functionality.

We understand this led to the loss of the only potential money generating partner, Panda Software. See End of Life Notice effective end of 2008.,
Our PI also confirmed that Cottle employed several individuals, in the states of California, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Florida, and Hong Kong. Each state confirms that Cottle failed to file the administrative L&I requirements including fees and payments. A recent discovery includes a former employee in Illinois who had an unemployment claim issue caused by Cottle's failure to file a WC application and fees with the state (oops there's another technical example of an employee filing a legal claim). We anticipate several states pursuing action to claim fees and penalties. Again, Cottle's negligence with our investment.

We've also learned that under Cottle's direction and wife's accountability, Secure Resolutions continually fails to properly file corporate docs with the Arizona Corporation Commission. See consistent delinquent status every year. This is alarming as we are concerned about potential delinquencies with the IRS and state, and sales tax filings.

(Click on gray button - if present - to view notice - will open in a new wind
Notices of Pending Revocation
Date Reason




Here's a topper for investors, and this shows the collective (not the Borg Cottle) brainpower of Cottle and Gardner, the Personal Injury attorney, who made the response statement:

“Finally, 'Bill' makes reference to an investigation being conducted by the Arizona Corporation Commission. Since such investigations are considered confidential under Arizona law, Secured Resolutions, Inc., is not in a position to confirm or deny that such an investigation exists. Having said that, Secured Resolutions, Inc. and Douglas Cottle unequivocally state that no court or governmental agency has made any finding that either has engaged in any misconduct or any act or fraud.

Oh boy, where to begin? First, the company's name is Secure Resolutions Inc, not Secured Resolutions, Inc. And to help Gardner speak English instead of misleading our investor group, YES, the Arizona Corporation Commission is investigating Secure Resolutions, Douglas Cottle, Lang Dao, and a few others involved in potential investor fraud. Simply see the link below where Gardner actually sued the Arizona Corporation Commission -who is protecting investors. So clearly, who is Gardner representing? Cottle, and not the investors.

Gardner's legal maneuver failed to quash the ACC investigation. Another example of a waste of investor dollars. Who in the world would sue the ACC to stop the agency's fundamental responsibility instead of cooperating? Answer: An attorney (Gardner, this is where the word “pathetic" may be inserted) ambulance chaser aka a personal injury attorney, who has something to hide.

Meanwhile, back to the concern, if you are an investor, vender, employee, former employee, or anyone who may support character claims, or investment fraud allegations, please assist this investor group by submitting emails, documents, contracts, written or oral, to the Arizona Corporation Commission. Contact info is listed at the very top of the report.

Update by TheWho
Feb 02, 2010 5:16 pm EST

Arizona Corporation Commission

Corporate Status Inquiry
File Number: F-[protected]

This Corporation is NOT in Good Standing for the following reasons:
2009 ANNUAL REPORT WAS DUE ON 05/17/2009

To re-print a previously generated Certificate of Good Standing click Reprint Certificate.

Update by TheWho
Feb 02, 2010 5:19 pm EST

Call this man and ask him for your money - He has it.

Date of Taking Office: 03/31/2002

Toll-Free at [protected]


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Phoenix, US
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Sep 17, 2012 3:58 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There is too much information about Secure Resolutions, Doug
Cottle, Kyla Cottle, and the ResolutionsMSP Scam to detail here. I have started
a site where I will post all the details.