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CB Mortgage Companies Review of Servisolutions / Alabama Housing Finance Agency
Servisolutions / Alabama Housing Finance Agency

Servisolutions / Alabama Housing Finance Agency review: Counseling assistance / services provided by my mortgage company

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5:28 am EDT
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I was sent modification letter showing my current mortgage 861.00 monthly increased to 1035.00 due July 1, 2024

480 term. I don't understand. Thought mortgage monthly amount was going to decrease and due immediately 7./1/2024 , 8/1/2024, 9/1/2024. trial payment. Im behind in other bills too. Mortgage is not my only bill monthly. Just got my light down from 2600.00 to 800.00. Water 372.00 got down to 0.00. 3/14/2024. Now water 304.00 and lights 700.00. I will never get back on my feet like this. according to your requirements. I will always be stressed on pins and needles. This is no way to live. No time to even breath and I'm disable. Please see attached and previous emails.

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: sheronda banks

To: Shereese George ; Loss Mitigation (Servsol) ; Lou Sivulka ; Issac Reyes ; Jackie Salvati

Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 08:07:15 AM EDT

Subject: Loan modification

Servicer will discuss options with homeowners and determine eligibility. No documentation required fo.

Nothing was ever discussed with me at all. When my mortgage payments first started being late I contacted my mortgage company and informed you that I had 4 major surgeries. back to back, covid twice. Second time I had covid and the flu at the same time. Then MyI daughter tested positive and my mother and submitted several medical documents. I had hearing loss, several medical durable equipment, mobility and walking was way off. First I was on FMLA and applied for short term disability through my job. The Medical Review Board automatically approved me for Preliminary long term disability for a year. A letter dated 6/22/2022 was mailed to me and my employer and I sent mortgage company also. My job approved me for short term disability and I received a separate letter from my job. For months I went back and forth with my job regarding short term and long term and the requirements for each one and that I was approved for preliminary long term. They demanded that I was short term and had to do monthly requirements. Long term there are no requirements unless Medical Review board requested me to. 6/22/2022 A approval letter for short term through my job had the wrong name on it and the application I submitted was e-signed. They do not accept e-sign which I found out after waiting 2 months for processing. The Benefit representative I had no longer worked at my job. I receivd and email from her stating another lady would be handling everything. for me. One day I decided to call and check my status and was told nothing had been done after waiting 2 months because i need ed wet signature. They told me that they have been emailing and calling my old Representative who no longer works there. That day I was able to wet sign and return. A month went by. Now Ive been waitng almost 5 months. Called to check status and was told I had to start my waiting period 90 days over from the time I wet signed. Still not 6/22/2022 long term. They After some time I inquired about status and payment. Recieved repo court date letter for my car. My HR Benefit Rep. Gave Me a letter for court that I would get paid on a certain date. Court honored letter. Some time went by and I called Rep said no payment until monthly requirements are completed. which I was not required to do. So I scheduled appointment with doctor to completed the monthly form I suppose to submit every month. The appointment was the same day as court. I didn't get paid like the letter stated. Went to appointment and I had already let my doctor know Im no t required to have her comlete this form every month so my doctor didn't complete theo. Im checking my payment every minute. Hour before court I lost it. Hurting, crying, yell ing Iat I my doctor office. The Director At Wake Med gave me 400.00 cash app to sa.e my car. I began filing complaints with HR, Gov Roy Cooper office, CFPB,Office of treasuryI called benefit rep and she said we just did'n't get to it and I had to wait until next payment which was 30 more days . When my complaints was know they retailiated and mailed my check to the wrong address,and did not respond to my calls or emails. I went through rep, supervisor, and supervisor supervisor. We had team meeting and I was assured they was expiditing the issues. I waited 4 days and email says I will be out olf the office for all 3 of them. Im so stressed, lights/water , phone, HOA, Home ,Warranty ,life insurance , applied food stamps , car insurance lapsed, tubes put in my ear Rotator cuff surgery, 2 weeks later Brain surgey (CSF Leakage), third degree burn my hand,4 months later disc fusion surgery and massive thyroid was found in my throat, chronic pain, lacerations, infections fromsurgery area covid/flu, Step Dad died, HVAC went out, 22 year old cousin die from fentynal, daughter covid, mom covid, washing machine overflowed and leaked douwnstairs through kitchen, damage 1200.00 laptop, tables barstools, etc... then my real dad died. All thishappend in 10 months. There was absolutely no healing time , physical therapy, chropratic, and 17 different medications. , failed fit for duty requested by employer, All and back to back these things hapened to me in a 10 month perioperiod and I shared this with you Ms Shereese the first time I ever talk to you. To top off everything you check my account and told me I completed and submitted the wrong kind of ppaperwork . Ms. Sheerse you stated you was going send me the correct papers and contact the wrong department explain and have it expidited once i complete the correct palI Ihavers. My job calls me says it's my responsibility to update my address in Beacon. WHY! I haven't moved in 6 years and hasn't changed. So I have to wait even longer to have them stop the check and issue another. Second payment was on time. Didn't get third check I called my benefits rep and she said they just didn't get to it but payroll information was submitted before cut off time because I called payroll department so what's the problem. What happened. Job requested medical certification document. My doctor submitted 54 pages with 8 accomondations. I was only given one accommondation. Then I filed 6 charges at EEOC I was given the rights to sue. Still not acknowledging long term requirements so I stopped after speaking and getting confirmation from NC Retirement. My job stopped Ipayments and said I was not doing what was required by this time It's end of October 2022. I had a massive flare up which my doctor stated on medical certification documents this was going to happenoccasionally, I was on hard and strong medications, oxycodone and morphine along with numerous of other medications, mucsle relaxer, lyrica, gabapentin celebrex, 300 mg highest odsage of Trazadone. etc...December of 2022 I found out I was voluntary terminated Sept 16, 2022 and didn't find out until 3 months later. At that time I still had 5 months left on my approval for long term disability. My supervisor fordge my name and I filed grievance 2 weeks later he died from Covid. This whole time I am sending supporting documents to mortgage lender. I was 15 months behind and NC Homeowners Assitance Funds Paid the whole thing except I did not check the box for HOA on the application. but submitted past due notice along with all documets I had to submit. The day I was approve I called regarding HOA not being paid. I spoke with at least 5 supervisors and 9 representative for 3 months. 3 more months went by without any comminication from them. A man called me from out the blue saying this complaint had been assigned to himI I also filed complaints against them too. Now currently about 2 months ago a lady name Christa Holt called me and asked if my problem had been resolve. said no. She was assigned to me also. I was then told policy chango .During my intake. I was told and seen on internet, applicant can gey up to 40k I only used 15k. Because so many people need help. so I could NOt get help a 2nd time. Nfor for the remaining funds or to get the HOA paid. I was told by my intake person that they DO NOT help with utilities during intake process that t assitancehey don't help with utilities I even though I have seen and heard advertisement for mortgage/utilities and other services.I

I feel neglected, overlook, helpless, ignored, targeted etc...

see that Servisolution does not have my best interest at heart.All they see is a money opportunity. Nothing was discussed with me at ALL. No one told or explained to me options I have. through Fannie Mae/Conventional. Or explained what guidelines or steps

you as my mortgage company have to take according to fannie Mae options.

Who is my lender/bank

Name and address

I want a copy of the modification application you submitted

I want to know who is my single point of contact

at this bank

For about a year I have not been able to login online. At first limited access now can't get in period. I have needed mortgage staements for months so I could get some finanacial assitance. I honestly feel like you all see an opportunity for the bank and Servisol to benefit you all not me. I thought you are suppose to be my housing counsleor. You haven't counseled me about anything. Not nothing.

I don't understan how you can submit an appication on my behalf and not even send me copy or let me know. I feel like you can just submit an application an put what you want on it that will benefit you not me. I have looked at an application and there are places on the form that you can't answer or explained in dept. Especially since going through my hardship , problems, issue, and disability we have only talked maybe 3 quick times. There was a few times I did not have a phone and sent Servisol email asking to be contacted by email.

Please send me lender name and phone number and definitely a copy of your application basically

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