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Changi Airport Group

Changi Airport Group review: extremely rude security officers 30

Author of the review
2:38 pm EDT
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I have to transit in singapore twice a month. It's been a very very difficult time. Although the airport facilities are excellent and singapore airlines is truly one of the best in the world. The security officers at the airport are the worst I have ever encountered.

First, we are allowed to carry liquid containers of no more than 100ml. But every time, and I do mean every time, they throw away my liquid containers that are clearly less than 100ml. And this includes my skin medication for which I had a prescription for and even then it was only 100ml! They threw it out! Without consulting me! Not only that! When I told them to give it back to me, they just said that the trash can was locked! And they were extremely rude.

It is an awful awful experience. I had to fly for 15 hours without my medicine!

They always threw out my perfume (Also less than 100ml). They didn't even bother reading the labels on my bottle to check to see if it was more than 100ml. Just like that, they took my property and threw it away. I suspect that they are only seeing things that they like from my belongings and throwing it into the trash can so they can use them!

When I argued with them, they actually tried and forced me by having one of the officers hold down my wrist! If I weren't going for an important meeting, I would have stayed and filed an assault report!

They also forced you to take off your jacket to go through the metal detecting machine. Even after I complaint that I could not take it off because I only had on my underwear underneath, they still insisted until I showed them my underwear!

What kind of airport security is that? If I had the choice, I would never go through singapore airport.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Dec 09, 2009 5:05 pm EST

I had also the same incident . I arrived at ChangiA irpot Terminal 3, There were unprofessional security officer at the checking of "NOTHING TO DELCARE ." near DFS Parfum on 9th Dec 2009 23:30 Hr . I was stopped My plane was late . Although, I had go ahead to let them check with my 4 luggages . I carried my luggage and let them checked and I am a weak and thin lady .I was sick and tired . They didnt helped me to carry the overboard luggage for them to pass through the trolley . I was talking to my mum, the officer (MALAY LADY) eavesdrop my conservation and start to make thing difficult . .She called her officer who is another malay .A malay Police offier named "Hxxx" start to ask me to redo the whole thing again . I AM VERY IRRIRATED BECOZ I was given clear . The plane was late and I was so tired and certified sick by Doctor . I said what are u trying to ask me to do in a frustrated tone . He started to said I raised my voice against him, and he asked his fellow collegues to witness that I had been obstructed a police officer from doing his job . he asked me to show me my passport .I had pass him .My friend aplogised to him . He felt lecturering me how he as a officer can do alot of thing. I feel these unprofessional officer is trying to abusue his work authority.

Seaford, AU
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Feb 01, 2010 11:10 pm EST

i am ur wellwisher singapore changi airport all r good things but one bad thinks lauage group why r not countrol any income coming from the group passanger r very effeting please clear the laguge group in airport all r very waste and impore the singapore changi airport world best thank urs wellwisher

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Feb 04, 2010 10:38 am EST an airport staff as per normal werkin in retail line. Where most of the time passengers tend to giving complaints rather then compliment, i think im also gonna be one of them.
We staffs also have our rights!
Im talking abt the toilet cleaners at Terminal 2 Departure. What is their job? Clean the toilet? Why yes of course!
Thats the main priority..
I encountered an incident arguing with the same indian male toilet cleaner twice! His age was arnd late 40s, with a moustache, body kinda slouch..sorry didnt manage to catch his name!
Reasons? Me using the handicapped toilet.. 1st time i open the handicapped toilet door, the was this wet sign board in there. Suddenly this indian male cleaner which i juz mention quickly approached me in a rude & harsh voice tone & ask me to wait until the floor dries up, only then i can use the cubicle there!
He even tell me off to use the cubicle inside the ladies toilet!
Is he stupid? Why cant he put the wet sign board outside the door rather then inside the toilet so as not to confuse ppl..staffs or even passengers?
My main priority was that he has NO MANNERS in explaining to ppl!
Next few days i went inside dat handicapped toilet agn. While inside the toilet, i noticed sumone was tryin to open the door & i made some sound so as to let them knw sumone was inside.
After im done, i was shocked to see dat same male indian cleaner right in front me when i opened the door to exit!
I was mad & i asked him why he try to open the door knowin sumones was inside & he denied sayin it was a passengers & not him! Again he tried to act tough with me by raising his voice & we exchanged words of terror!
I was totally piss off & mad with his attitude!
Let me tell u guys this..
There is NO RESTRICTIONS for normal airport staffs to use the HANDICAPPED toilet!
..And this indian male cleaner was RUDE, NO MANNERS & UNFRIENDLY!
I juz dont understand why such ppl are hired to such jobs if they didnt use their brain!

Ng Bee Foong
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Feb 05, 2010 10:27 am EST

i was returning to Kuala Lumpur on flight MI340 on 27th January 2010. It was a 8 pm flight from Singapore. When i approached Gate T33 for my above flight, i was asked to removed my jacket. When i folded my jacket and place it in the red tray together with my paper bag, the officer also told me to remove my watch. So i removed my watch and placed it right on top of my folded jacket and walked past the metal detector. My metal bracelet on my right wrist sent off the beeping sound and i was told to step aside for further checks. I was wondering then why the officer told me to remove my rolex watch but not my metal bracelet. Anyway, after that checking, when i walked back to the conveyor belt to retrieve my personal belongings, to my horror, my rolex watch was missing ! I searched through my jacket, and my paper bag (although i dont see how the watch i placed on top of my jacket could end up in the paper bag!), and couldnt find my watch. I asked the officer where was my watch and he looked as if he didnt understand English and ignored me. I raised my voice and asked him again where was my watch. My colleague who was travelling with me turned back and said that it should be on top of my jacket cos she saw me putting it there. Then only the officer told my red tray and said he would put it back in the scanner again. A few ppl were crowding round and by the time the tray came out again, he just put it towards me. I checked through my jacket and still coudlnt find my watch. So i asked the officer again where was my watch. This time he told me to look at the screen and said the watch was INSIDE my paper bag. I opened my paper bag and sure enough my rolex watch was Inside the bag !

I just dont understand how my watch which was on top of my jacket could end up in the paper bag after the tray was put in the scanner for the second time. It was definitely not there when it was came out of the machine ! I hope the airport authorities could review and check out the CCTV at gate T33 on27th Janaury 2010 at about 7 pm to 7.10 pm and investigate how this mystery could take place !

I would appreciate a response to my complaint. I can be reached at

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Aug 14, 2011 9:14 am EDT

Posting this right after the security check at gate F40 (8/14 4pm). The security lady was the most impatient and rudest security officer I have ever seen. She yelled at people and swatted my bag while I was holding it nowhere near her. Wth. If only I could take her pic from where I am now... I travel a lot from US to Indonesia and Changi is my fav airport. So sad and dissapointing.

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Aug 16, 2012 9:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also had a very bad experience at Singapore Changi Airport.
An officer checked my passport before I took my flight for London in Terminal 1.
The officer stayed about 5 minutes looking carefully at my French passport, he seemed to have a doubt about my identity. He asked me since how many years I had that passport, I said since 2007. He then asked my where I was going. I said I was taking the flight to London and that my final destination was Brussels. He asked me if it was my first time in Brussels. I said no, I live there. He said: what do you do there? I said I work in a publishing house. He said: do you have a Belgian work permit? I said: no, I don’t need any, it’s a European country. He said: I know it’s a European country but what proves me you live there? You must have a Belgian resident card. I said: no, I don’t have any document with me proving that I live there. He said but you must have something. I said in Belgium when you’re a foreigner who lives there you go to the town hall, register, and you receive a foreign identification number on a paper, but you don’t systematically have a resident card. I asked the officer if there was a problem with my passport, because I didn’t understand why he was asking me all these questions and why he was making me wait before letting me catch my flight. The officer said: No problem with your passport but I am sending an email to London and you will be further interrogated there. He took a picture of my passport and said: so no other ID card? I said, oh well I thought you were asking for a Belgian resident card before but I do have my French ID card if that can help. Then he yelled and said: I asked you for another ID card before and you said you didn’t have any and now you say you do! I explained I didn’t know he wanted another French ID card, because I had already presented my French passport, and that he asked me for a Belgian resident card. I gave him my French ID card, he looked at it and gave me all my papers back without saying a word. He let me pass through to get my flight.
I have been very unsatisfied with the officer’s way of behaving. He was unclear and very disagreeable. He treated me as if I had done something wrong, when my passport is perfectly in order. I have been travelling for 5 years with that passport and have never had the slightest problem until now. The officer used an inappropriate and rude tone, giving a bad image of Singapore airport to me, a French tourist.
My boyfriend went to check the officer’s name on his shirt, after I explained to my boyfriend what had happened, because I didn’t think to check his name myself, I was so uncomfortable with the way he was treating me. Then the officer asked my boyfriend if there was a problem, and my boyfriend explained to him that there had been a little “problem” with me. The officer tried to explain to my boyfriend that he was just doing his job, that he had a doubt about the picture on my passport really was mine, and that he asked all the questions he thought were necessary to do his job.
I think there was clearly a misunderstanding with the officer because he doesn’t do his job well. He didn’t explain to me what the problem was and didn’t ask clearly what he wanted. He was also very authoritative and disagreeable and I don’t think he should be doing his job anymore since he isn’t capable of being courteous and clear with innocent tourists. He really gave me a very bad image of Singapore Changi airport.

Got stolen at S'pore Boarding Gate
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Feb 21, 2013 4:41 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On the 9th Feb, 2012, I was about to go back to my hometown on the 7:30pm flight to celebrate the Lunar New Year and bad thing happened - I got stolen. The scariest thing is that it occurred right at the pre-screening area, just few more steps to be on board. Actually, I was asked to take off my scarf, boots together with my handbag and carrier to do the checking at 6:30pm. Once I walked through the body-check door at 6:35pm, I collected my things and due to lots of bags and people moving towards, I forgot to take my little black handbag. Then I took the boarding pass and just 1 minute later I realized I lost my handbag, thus I rushed out and informed the 5 staffs but they just told me to check other passengers stuntly. I had to go in and out for more than 3 times but no avail. No one offered me any help during the whole 45 minutes and just 5 minutes before the plane took off, the Jetstar staff came to give me 2 options whether I take this flight or not with an unacceptable attitude. I asked him if I took this flight, could my bag be found and he said shortly "No, uncertainly!". I was left with no option but stay back and make a police report. When the police came, the first thing they told me was "Why did it take them too long to inform us?". I requested to check CCTV/camera and was told that they knew whom stole my bag since it shown quite clear that the culprit purposely took and put my bag into her/his bigger bag. Yet they still can't catch her/him. What upset me are firstly: no one were helpful enough to make immediate reaction, I should have gotten my bag back if they quickly investigated and secondly, their attitudes. I am quite scared of travelling with Jetstar now and already lost my trust in Changi airport. One more point to add in is while I took the other plane to go back the next morning, I chose Tiger Airway and they arranged the customers very neatly, no rushing, one by one so no such lost or stolen things happened. Maybe I am just the budget traveller so I didn't receive much attention. Anyway, I hope you all won't be in my shoes.

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Apr 28, 2013 2:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I totally agree the securtiy officer in Singapore Changi Airport are rude and super impolite.
My destination is Amsterdam. As I take Singapore Airlines, I transit in SIngapore Changi Airport. That mean I don't need to do the immigration security checking. I just do the broading checking in front of and inside the broading gate. I line up for x-ray machine checking. And one female security officer checking if the passport name match with the ticket. When checking my passport, i don''t realize that it take so serious and I replying my boss e-mail. She suddenly shout at me very loudly "Are you gonna to play you phone or you should look at me. You are doing secuirty and you should look at my eyes" and bla bla bla and blame I am not pay attention to her. Okay, maybe my fault to checking e-mail while she checking my passport. But she is really really really rude and make me felt so odd.
Then, I need to put my stuff into red tray for X-ray checking. When I ready to walk through the detector, I aware my cell phone in pocket. So I took out my cell phone and hand to the security with "sorry"(as someone stand between me and the officer so I hand the phone to the officer). But the officer, a female again, different one (I don't mean anything bad about female as I am female also). The female officer make a loud "Jep" sound and threw, yes, she threw my cell phone to the tray that with my shoes.
The experience was really bad and I really don't understand how it become world no.1 airport.

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Jul 16, 2013 10:30 am EDT

I traveled from Switzerland to Hong Kong and changed my flight at the Singapore Changi Airport. I bought a bottle of wine at the Switzerland duty free. At the Changi Airport, security check at gate B4, the security officers were so rude. They threw it away without any eye contact or explanations. If they are selling liquor at the duty free after check in, I would expect them to let me carry it on the plane. They said it should be package with an extra zip bag. Well how would I know. Then they asked me if I am a Chinese. Why would this affect the case? Are they being racist here? I was trying to explain to them that I didn't even leave the Singapore airport. I was there to change my flight. I proved it by showing my boarding passes and duty free receipt. I even asked if they can just provide me the zip bag then. They just dumped it. Well, they actually put the wine bottle carefully into the rubbish bin. i wonder why. The whole trip was just ruined.

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May 14, 2014 10:33 pm EDT

Yesterday I travelled though Changi airport carrying a small bag which I dutifully put through the scanner but after passing through the scanner a young Indian lady(?) officer asked if I had an liquids in the bag. When I replied truthfully No she insisted that I open my bag and then opened my shaving bag and said that I was illegally trying to bring along a half used tube of toothpaste. Without further ado she then threw my toothpaste into a trash bin. I am a frequent traveller and had in fact passed though three other airports that day with no problems and am aware of the restrictions of carrying more than 3 oz of "prohibited Iiquids, gells or aerosols" but was sure that I was not in violation of one of Singapores many regulations as the toothpaste was mostly used. When I protested this high handed action and said I would discard any excess amount she said that regardless of the actual contents her confiscation was based on the marked content of the package. I suppose this means that it would also be prohibited to bring an empty toothpaste tube?

We travellers do need airport security, but real security not nonsensical and nitpicking enforcement such as this. I am now beginning to understand why many are starting to refer to Singapore as SIllypore.

Wake up Changi airport and spend your security dollars in reducing the risks to travellers instead of filling trash bins with empty tooth paste packs You have truly left me with a bad taste of Singpore in my mouth.

Kalamunda, AU
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Jul 03, 2014 8:12 am EDT

Imagine, what US airport officials do to Sikhs. This is no where close to what you have gone threw, stop crying First world problems in Asian countries. Atleast these guys are not racists as TSA is.

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Oct 07, 2014 7:48 am EDT

I had a terrible experience with the immigration officer in Changi Airport. It was my first time going to Singapore and till now, I have not forgotten what the officer told me. It was when I had to pass her my Malaysian passport to be checked, scanned and chopped. She checked and looked at me several times. I'm definitely fine with that. Then, she asked me how old am I. So i said I'm 16 years old. She then further asked me where my birth cert is. I said that it's back in Malaysia and I told her I thought that once you're 12 years old and have obtained a Malaysian identity card, you do not have to bring your birth cert everywhere. She asked me to hand her my identity card. So yes I did as she requested. While she was looking at it, I told her 'oh that's the birth date right there'. To my surprise, her reply was, " Excuse me. You don't have to tell me what to do. I know what I'm doing. So just keep quiet. " In addition, she rolled her eyes at me. And I was like ... what in the world?

So tell me, what kind of a service was that? I was looking forward to being greeted and smiled at by the staffs of Changi Airport. Goodness. So terrible. Whether or not it was because she was having a bad day or personal/ family problems, please you're working. Where is the professionalism? I'm very disappointed, really.

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Jul 02, 2015 6:15 pm EDT

I often travel to singapore with my 2 kids.
This time when we pass through the boarding gate, they ask my 2 kids to take off their jacket. Ridiculous !
And then they asked what is inside my bag when they see something like hook in the xray.
They are treating us like a criminal. So I agree with u all that the security in changi is over reacting. Totally rude. Like paranoid.

Wen Jing
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Jul 20, 2015 3:09 am EDT

I am a Malaysian and I live in Penang. I went to Singapore travel with my family for 4 days 3 night. Yesterday I went to Changi Airport to board Air Asia airline the flight is about 17.30pm. Firstly, we queued up and waited for security checking. Everything goes smoothly but suddenly the Officer : Mrs. Eileen Yap called an Indian officer to opened up my luggage and said inside have many liquids. I pulled over my side and decided to opened by myself. While I was opening my own luggage, my handbag was coming out from the security X-Ray and the woman officer took my handbag over her there and she started searching for liquid items. But the handbag is my privacy items how could she just opened up herself like that?! If unfortunately something was missing in my handbag who would reparation for me? Nextly, she checked my handbag and took out my lotion that had half a bottle. This is the most unreasonable that I could NOT ACCEPT she said my item had over the maximum of (100ML) I asked her how you know this liquid had over your maximum level of 100ML she said I looked it by seeing the label of the bottle. At first, your sign board just wrote about jackets must remove and etc. There doesn't even write about items cannot over 100ML. This is also not the first time I went to Singapore. I always go Singapore as my grandmother is a Singaporean. THIS CASE DOESN'T EVEN HAD HAPPENED BEFORE ON ME. After my handbag had checked done, she checked my luggage and she THREW ALL my hair wax, toner, cleansing facial and my facial cream. Finished "THREW' the Indian officer said okay I can keep my stuff. The woman officer come again and take my luggage away. She said she want to scan my luggage in the X-Ray again. Her attitude was so RUDE! After scanning she said she want to open my luggage again! My flight was 17.30pm and that time already 17.25pm. I still give her cooperation. She checked one more time and yet she THREW my 3 TOOTHPASTE. She said this 3 toothpaste 225g. Conclusion, I could not accept the officer just throw away all my liquid items without any signboard mention or even when we checked in the crew members doesn't tell us. The lotion was a meaningful items to me its my father brought it for me as a birthday gifts and now I am studying university abroad in Taiwan. Secondly, the officer's attitude was bad and RUDE. Thirdly, I am not the first time board airplane in SG and each time goes smooth and fine. Why this time my items had to be thrown?! Fourth, some items I already used and left only about 1/4 in the bottle. How can the officer said by judging the liquid item by looking the bottle label. If the officer use something to measure my liquid really had over the maximum 100ML and she threw away, I would accept it. Singapore is always my favourite place to travel and shopping. This is an unforgettable experience. I think yesterday many people also had shocked about this case cause I also see many people items had been thrown away. I hope Changi Airport give me a good and acceptable answer. Moreover, I want to know that the officer Mrs Eileen Yap would be punished or not as she attitude was bad! Thank You. Hopefully Singapore is still a lovely places to me.

♛SelinaYong™ ❤ ♪♩♬
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Dec 12, 2018 3:07 am EST

Always use too much time waiting for airway clearance. Seriously, can build more airway lane for the used 4 airport terminal?! Tiring for waiting.. Hour flight become like "few hour flight"

Julian Chong
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Feb 25, 2019 7:25 pm EST

Promotion buy liquor get free gift but the cashier didn't include the gift.
When i asked her, she said out of stock.
Details.. Kindly refer to the receipt

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May 18, 2019 7:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Flight Scoot TR274 Singapore to Jakarta on 12 May 2019 at 0815 hrs changing departure gate more than 3 times from E24, E6, E27, and finally to E7. This is so disappointing, not acceptable and not humanly especially for senior people. Finally they come up with delayed departure for 1 hour. This is crazy.

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Jun 15, 2019 7:37 pm EDT

Toilet has not been cleaned for at least 4-6days

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YS Aviation
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Aug 04, 2019 12:57 pm EDT

Hi, I am here to complain about the plane spotting spots in Changi Airport. There are so few plane spotting spots for us, plane spotters to look at planes. Can you please have outdoors plane spotting areas near the runway. Some poorer airports are way better to spot planes than Changi Airport. Really upset with the current plane spotting spots!

Jeifan-Ira Dizon
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Aug 17, 2019 8:34 pm EDT

They have not returned the SGD200 deposit FORTY-SIX days after i have returned the Gadget. They should have returned my money to me at the latest 30 days.

Zi Hao
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Oct 21, 2019 2:31 pm EDT

your terminal 3 certis cisco staff just borrow money from my store he never come to pay back then still blacklist me, his name is jason lee the guy in the picture can you please inform him to pay back the money

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sagar parajiya
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Oct 26, 2019 3:38 pm EDT

Hello, when i go through terminal 3, ambassador lounge at their the staff at the welcome desk was very rude with all

Erwin Ng
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Nov 04, 2019 1:58 am EST

I'm shocked to have experienced an extremely rude Certis security officer at Changi myself. I have lodged 2 complains already but still no reply from the airport. I'm really shocked Changi lets incidents like this get by... a world class airport with sub-standard airport personnel. Such a shame!

Changi Airport Group — rude and disrespectful certis security personnel at airport

Chris Zhu Yu
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May 16, 2020 2:08 pm EDT

the shop stuffd@, the staff was so rude when serving customers, he had green hair.
The staff was very rude and impatient and yelled at us, when we ordered food this guy was Scolding us in Malaysian.

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Sep 20, 2022 5:59 pm EDT

On 13/9/22 around 4pm I went to taimei t1 shop , the lady staff (wear spectacle) Station at cashier counter keep busy on her personal phone not pay attention for what customers ordered.Bad services!

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Feb 11, 2023 5:31 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Totally shocked when I received my almost new luggage at belt 20 T1 from my Scoot flight TT635 fm Hatyai 5.45pm on 02 February 2023. I can see cuts and even a hole on the luggage! Such bad handling! Wonder other airports will have such incidents ? Really cannot believed that. Really spoil my impression of Changi Airport

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Mun Kin
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Feb 22, 2023 7:36 am EST

Flight for TR487 arrived at 1857hrs on 16 feb 2023, due to remote bay and the staff told us just have 3 cobus in operation for service on all arrival n departing flight. It’s more than an hour for reaching to terminal. No staff guide passenger and we had reached at terminal 3. As on my scoot apps showing my flight arriving at terminal 1.

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Nov 19, 2023 11:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

recently when one travels and returned.. there's a long wait at the baggage claim.. previously waited for 45mins yesterday waited for more than an hour!

what's the point of having beautiful airport where the services are hopeless!

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Mar 09, 2024 5:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Went to check in at the immigration counter just asking question then being told back with badly tones by the female immigration officer . So rude

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Nov 27, 2024 7:14 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This Chiang Mai airport passport control staff are this rudest group of security.
They are jealous to foreigners

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