well i bought i a scooter which thought it was a massimomotor turned out it was a sunl which is the same damn company all they did was change company name to avoid all the law suits that were stacking up against i did research afterward all this mess should have done it before hand but i guess you dont think about it just to save a few dollars as well the owner of the company owes alot of back taxes and had everything changed to avoid being penalized and as well there parts dept they send me all used and rusted parts to supposedly take care of my problems on my scooter i had to buy the parts thru another website and pay for them myself which is not the way business is done here but they come here wanting to do everything the china way well were not in china and thats not the way you do business here in the us so i urge you not to even consider buying this crap sunl/massimo brand scooter and the rest of the crap they sell
an very angry consumer...
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I have to agree with everything said in complaint. I purchased a Massimo 700 Alligator UTV 3 months ago in the DFW area. To this day 3 months ago it is still sitting in the shop! It has been in the shop more than it's been out. I have received no help from Massimo or anyone in customer service. If you can even get someone to answer the phone, they will not return a phone call! You cant speak to anyone besides a customer service rep and it does no good at all. My UTV is in the shop for 4 weeks this time waiting on parts! Just waiting. The company obviously doesn't care about their customers . It has been a nightmare from day 1 ! Nothing about this company is positive. Think twice before you make a purchase! Also, if you can find someone to work on them you will be lucky. Most dealers/ mechanics don't want to work on Massimo anymore because of how long it takes to get parts and then they have to deal with the unsatisfied customers!
Well just an update on the last posting. After 7weeks in the shop THIS TIME... I finally was able to take the Alligator out to see if it was repaired. Well, 2 miles out, it overheated yet one more time! now the motor is shot. It's been in the shop more than it's been out. Massimo needs to make good on this but I know they won't. I've been fighting with them since June! Just a warning to anyone thinking of purchasing one, DONT! I'm not the only very unsatisfied customer. They sell junk and won't back it up
Purchased a Massimo UTV 400 been in the shop more than it's been running. Every time we get it out of the shop it does the same thing. Acts like it can not get gas and dies. Been a lemon from the first week we brought it home. The dealer says file a lemon law. He can't help us. It's in and out of our small local shops. No one can figure it out. Warning: I would not purchase one.
I have had my 500 for 2 years now . It has been in & out of shop 4-5 times now. When I get it back it last for 1-2 weeks the same thing is always the problem . The last time in shop, was in for 3 months got back 1 1/2 weeks & quit again . Down again with same problem, no response from company about thier junk equipment.